WGod's Word Prince SnpKf Daflf YBttai maf SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1948 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) THIS AND THAT Only Hope That only through a return to the worship and the teachings of God can the ever present possibility of an outbreak of 7 iVelcoine Saturday p.M. 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Marsons 8:30 Good Music by Goodman atomic war be avoided, was one of the chief points emphasized at the showing of the sound-color film "God of the Atom" in 1 TO THE 6:45 Perry Como 7:00 Harold Green's Orchestra 7:30 Radio City Play House 8:00 This Week 8:13 John Emerson at Home 8:30 Dance Time in London 9:00 Pacific Pianoforte 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News the Armory, last evening. All the available seating capacity was occupied, and the proceedings, presided over by Cecil Carter, who spoke, lasted about an hour and a half. An address was given by Fraser 10:15 Fish, Flesh and Fowl McRae. He spoke of the trend, 10:30E1 orchestra ui me umes in me worm today, u :00Wesither Koreciurt. and the significance of what is known of atomic might. SUNDAY A.M. The scenes on the screen were , , . , . . . w 1 30-Mus.c and Worship vivid. These included Umted 11:03 CBC News States naval activities in the 11:01 Capitol Reports Ott. j South Pacific durng the sum- FOOID MARKET (Formerly FAIRWAY) n:30-Religious Pediod. Tor. mer of 1945 and later, expert- I2:0o-Hollywood Bowl ments with the use of the atom- Sym phony Orch, 11 "I'm going to raid the ice-box. I got hungry counting sheep!' 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Music In Nature 2.30 CBC Sevt 2:33 Home Again- by G. Grant 2:45 Week-end Review 3:00 Alan and Me 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 Musical Program 4:00 Songs From the Movies ic bomb on targets and the ter-j rifying sights that depicted the limitless force it possesses. Pictures of natural science, scientific discoveries and developments, the study and application of, principles and J theories, were all found inter-I esting. ,Mr. McRae emphasized jthe fact that, if the gain in' i knowledge is misused, the ffect IE BUSY BEE WILL OPEN MONDAY,' AUGUST 23, TO SERVE THE IC OF PRINCE RUPERT ON A CASH AND CARRY BASIS. HAROLD ,ERSON AND RONNIE JONES. PARTNERS IN PRINCE RUPERTS Carnival Week ! 4:15 Movie Critic on mankind can eventually be 4:30 Concert Recordings ksT FOOD MARKET. INVITE RESIDENTS AND VISITORS TO INSPECT 5:00 Record Album disastrous indeed. M You are bound to win if you sail down the dock on Port Day ringed ' in Trim Slacks combined with T w i n - S e t Sweaters or Blouse and Jacket. f MODERN LITTLE STORE AT 209 THIRD AVENUE WEST. Five years hence, it had been asserted, could see commencement of a war that might well witness the destruction of civilization as now known. In a war fought with atomic 5:30 Ici L'on Chante, Oue 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00 Open Air Theatre 7:30 Little Symphonies, Tor. 8 rJO British Authors THE JrTiV 8:15 World's Greatest Authors bombs, there could be no resistance. No side could conquer. It would be suicide on the colossal scale. Nothing re 8:30 Music by Eric Wild 9:00 Summertime 9:30 Vesper Hour mained for the salvation on the world today, in the midst of V IBuhu lee will specialize in FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES fierce rivalries, intrigue, and jq-io BC News thoughts and efforts directed . Snort storles to war, but a return to the God lu.30Prelade t0 j, that so many had abandoned, U:00Weather and Sign Off and the fostering and building , up, of the ways of true peace' LADIES: READ THIS! UnwuiOed removed Instantly Mrs Mrs. J J. Archibald ArcniDaia 01 of North norm ! from tace, arms, legs with Flash Hair Vancouver, arrived in the City Remover. Actually destroys the en- Friday afternoon on the Catala tire, hair bov betow ,KI , ., . , surface. Harmless leaves skin Bolt to Spend the next few Weeks and smooth. You can't lose. Monej Visiting her son and daughter- promptly refunded If hair grows I 1 lf. i A i aV- Tuf-o tj r oacK alter tmru ajjpiutuuu wim w For dancing and the pursuit of romance choose a full-skirted formal with grace in every sweeping line. Use Sweet 16 in-law, Mr. and Archibald. pald (COD's Postage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 79) Box 22, Station B., Montreal, Que. A FULL LINE OF QUALITY GROCERIES Personalized Budget Plan 1 Residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. ! E. Martin on Eighth Avenue j East has been purchased by J. R. W. Murray of the Edward Lipsett Ltd. staff. Mrs. Mar-j tin and family sailed last eve-! ning on the Catala for Port Coquitlam where they will make their future home. CANNED MEATS BUTTER and EGGS No Interest No Carrying Charges -'-un v ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE That's what you can have when you ask us to do a job. Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating (Old Post. Office Bldg.) SATIN-GLO ; Beautifies the home and increases the value of the things you own. Many attractive pastel tints from which to choose, i THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY Phone 108 Bud Schuman ?TIIllK$IlsQCI3IEj SOFT DRINKS carry home 'Coke' cartons Two sailings per week for VANCOUVFR VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupeil Antm Third Ave. Phone 568 IRON FIREMAN ( riW ... IN TERRACE . . . M ir.j n . . r , STOKERS OIT 30 MOII NIAT a lriouern ueparimem store .V t . ; l ,. matiuimiiy-Kiiown lines in ! SMITH & ELKINS Box 274 Phone 174 Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Cigarettes and Tobacco Kaien Co-op Zi Service. THE SKEENA MERCANTILE . JUST ARRIVED . . . A SMALL SHIPMENT OF COLD SEAL RUGS AND FLOOR MATS. CHECK OUR STOCK OF MOIRE AND JASPE INLAID LINOLEUM, BY THE YARD. See the New Patterns in Table Oilcloth. IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane 5 ICE CREAM Bricks and Bars Y Non-Schedu'e Charter Service Commercial Hunting DROP IN 251 3rd West WRITE Box 1127 PHONE Phone 179 Fishing -- Sightseeing SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 ML Through use of the Cash and Carry System, the management of the Busy Bee pla to pass the saving in operation along to their customers. Kitchen Accessories Get yours at the VARIETY STORE Our assortment ranges from Salt and Pepper Shakers to Curtain Rods Visit us; you are sure to find many items you have been looking for. w STORE HOURS 8:30 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. Open Evenings from i:0 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and Thursday afternoons. FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER CARNIVAL VISITORS Put Variety Store on your calls-to-make list. You will find an interesting display of merchandise here. Chev. Truck G.M.C. Truck Bulck Oldsmobile Chevrolet Ponliae No Staple Products will be sold after regular hours. THIRD AVE. W. PH0I1E 434 MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. Phone Red 400 , w. S18 3rd Ave.