91 these pictures pertaining to the fishing Industry were taken personally by Mr. rullerton. TTlu oeir In .....l.i .. Prince ttupert Daiffttt Satmday, August 21, 1948 ' " vlfdgement J ve,s is tadebteti WAS GREAT PORT' DURING WAR DAYSi I . !, New Industrial Project To Give Prince Rupert 20,000. People In Two Years Columbia J""- , .j nc prit- i erce an - . liia uui uo; i limiting inPtn available is appreciated. . FAITH OF OBEDIENCE ! Mohammedans call their faith I 1 Islam, meaning obedience to the will of Allah (God). iJoJ a struggling fishing town of six j Port Edward was established i ' as a shipping centre- of major., ! importance by the United States ; Army during the war with Japan. I At times as many as six ocean- i j going freighters were seen along- j I side the 3600-foot great horse-; thpfM 1 , ' 1LS f ""aiegic position in the racmc VmZf ".""fnown own but still unrecognized, Prince iwuperi, wnicn became an nrml no,, ,Vo,.Vat;nn centre nrl , i tau e'T1MUU" !. A: "?Lm ips and merchant ye with population bounding There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Next Week! GET INTO THE SWING . . . HELP MAKE Prince Rupert's Carnival AND PORT DAY A SUCCESS TO SHOUT ABOUT GOOD TIME ASSURED ATTEND THE AL CARNIVAL and PORT DAY pulp and paper mills on the i coast have started from rela- j I tively small beginnings ahd built up. This Is also the first pulp mill in British Columbia which will concentrate on pulp for fabrics. The others have been straight paper pulp lants. The annual value of fish exports from the port of Prince Rupert has been placed at $8,-000,000 including halibut and salmon. , urm war li "P to 25,000, looks to the establishment by the Celanese Corporation of America of a 250-ton acetate cellulose pulp mill plant at nearby Port Edward as the factor which within two years will make it a thriving industrial and shipping metropolis of at least 20,00ft persons shoe dock, now the property of the Celanese Corporation. s many as 3500 troops were housed there as they moved to the Pa- j cific theatre of war. Thous- ands of tons of high explosive ammunition were shipped through there. steel it already on order. The construction work itself is ex-proportions at Prince Rupert during the coining fall and winter. While construction workers at Port Edward are exected to there, Celanese Corporation, or ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Ineral Insurance and Real Estate PHONE 312 t 'Sl I "1ST or a population about double what it now boasts. In short, the advent of the Celanese Corporation and its McCUTCHEOH PHARMACY Limited VNCE RUPERT'S ANNUAL K - PRONE 19 THIRD AVENUE AT SIXTH STREET CARNIVAL . . . Success Mi ..fife A JUf't-.JB $25,000,000 plant In Prince Rupert will mark a turning point in the economic career of this northern British Columbia toast city and the immediate district for which it is the administrative and business centre. Of double-barrelled benefit, the celanese mill will provide a direct payroll of upwards of SOU persons at the Port Edward plant, eight miles along the Canadian National Railway line from Prince Rupert while it will provide employment for well over another live hundred Best Wishes for a Successful CARNIVAL AMD PORT DAY hRT DAY CONTESTANTS Smith Ik Elki US Good Luck . . . THE H. HANSEN GROCERY Store and Tort Office PHONE 401 Limited Plumbing and Heating Engineers C. H. ELKINS H. A. BREEN in the fore.su around Terrace, 90 miles further along the line in the interior, where the company is already taking steps to organize logging of spruce, hem more properly Columbia Cellulose Co., has let It be known that lock ami balsam on a forest management - sustained yield I it exects Its permanent em- CELLULOSE MILL Drawing of the Celanese Corporation of America (Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd.) $25,000,000 mill at Port Edward, eight miles from Prince Rupert, which will produce acerate cellulose pulp for export to the United States where it will be converted into fabrics. The plant, giving employment to upwards of 1.000 persons, is expected to be In operation within two years. Construction of buildings is scheduled to start this rii. XTEND OUR BEST WISHES ployees will find residence in Prince Rupert. There is no intention of establishing a com for a SUCCESSFUL PORT DAY basis for which contracts have been signed with the provincial government. j At the Watson Island (Port Edward i mill site an excavation contract, which cost over half a million dollars,, has been completed. Diamond drilling is now proceeding for a great water line from Prudhomme pany town at Port Edward. As for the possible impact of th new industry on Prince Rupert, there is reason to believe that it will be instrumental in MAY THIS YEAR'S CARNIVAL AND PORT DAY BE THE BIGGEST AND BEST Dan's Service Station D. J. LIPPETT; Prop. "Still" the Best Service In Town" STOP AT THE FItlENDLT BA SIGN the sparking of secondary in I liavnM-lanson dustries at the port which, in turn, will increase its importance as a shipping centre. A unique feature of the Lake, about six miles distant, by means of which the water requirements of the plant will be Midvav Grocery AND Meat Market we deliveu PHONE 650 . LIMITED Rupert celanese mill supplied. Recently it was an- Prince nounced that contracts would be let and construction work Blurted by October on the mill REST ROOMS undertaking is that it is the first time that a major industry of such a kind has started in such a large way. All other Insurance and Travel Agency AYI.XVE WEST I'HONE 384 rtume Green 605 McBride Street buildings including a coal steam The1 be given camp accomodation I. ' " ' I electric generating plant. o o o ,8 TKr.ri TO THE CITY AND PORT OF PRINCE RUPERT ON THE OCCASION OF ITS ANNUAL CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL, AND CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ON ITS ENERGY AND ENTERPRISE IN SPONSORING THE ANNUAL PORT DAY AND REGATTA. BOTH HIGHLY APPROPRIATE EXPRESSIONS OF THE SPIRIT WHICH ANIMATES OUR RAPIDLY EXPANDING NORTHERN WHICH IT HAS GAINED PROMINENCE CITY AND OF THE INDUSTRIAL FOR ITSELF BY CONSTANT AND INTELLIGENT EFFORT. It is the centre and distributing point of British Columbia') newest and richest hinterland of mineral, fishery, timber and agricultural resources. In Prince Rupert, British Columbia has a city and strategic significance. Terminus of a port of great transcontinental railway, with its magnificent ice-free harbour and sln.did terminal facilities, .its highly developed industries, its dry dock, huge grain elevator and cold storage plant, its spacious ware-, houses, railway yards and wharves, it occupies a place in the economic picture of great and growing importance. British Columbia is keenly alive to the value of overseas markets and is constantly active in fostering her foreign trade. The fate of nations hinges upon outlets to. the sea, and British Columbia's splendid harbours are vital factors in establishing her abroad. THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AMD INDUSTRY HON. LESLIE H. ETItES, Minister. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS Victoria, B.C. E. G. ROW EBOTTOM, Deputy Minister.