J more had not taken advantage 71 mt. . CIVIC CENTRE Prime Rupert Daflv fSrtos Sarnrday. November 27, 1948 i I 111' cfviccsiClmrc An 1depi:drnt ristij newspaper devritS to the upbuilding of Princ Rupart mh -.--ml tl Knmr'inf nrr-ttrn nn central British Columbia "Authorlaed aa Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) TT1 A. m-iiwi irt nriiooii errept Biinnav bv ilTrtnoe Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. U. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. tlEMEEK OF CANADIAN PffFSS APDH BTTFFAH OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION oi uiem to siuny tne Culbertson system. She hoped Mr. Huli would see his way clear to continue the classes after the New Year. Mr. Huii. in reply, expressei his pleasure In hearing that hit el forts had been appreciated Whether or not classes would resume in the. snxine. would depend upon the demand. Enrolment entries would be received up to January 4. ZL'R!CH TV,. ... Internationa, eration world champion. e o in il: o 20. VPnt,,r of the SUBSCRIPTION FATRa City Carrier. Per Week. 30c; Per Month. 75c: Per Year. 8 00. I3a By Mall. Per Month. 50c. Per Year, ta 00 r Problem of Ruh Smith, for XT S. S. PRINCE ceo To VANCOUVER and WAY I DECEMBER i6t' DECEMBER 23r I.AKI.Y KESFRVATIONS NECESSARY. CITY OR DEPOT TICKET OF PHONE 2C0 OK 338 PROBLEM OF THE RUHR is in the foreground THE of the diplomatic scene arain. Ownership of the collieries and steel works is being vested in German "trustees" appointed by the British and American Military Governors. A Six-' Power meeting in London is setting up the "Inter-, national Authority for the Ruhr." In Frankfurt, the "Occupation Statute," which will define the relations of the future West German government with the occupying Powers, is being drafted ; .and this, -too. will deal among other things with the control of Ruhr industries. The basic difficulty of the whole question is its dual character. Many people think of "the Ruhr" as simnly a vast arsenal devoted primarily and mainly to the production of instruments of war ; and of the Ruhr problem simply as one of "security" ' acainst a future re-arming of Germany for purposes of new aggression. If it were so. the remedy would be comparatively simple. But the Ruhr is. in fact, the greatest single area of coal and metallurgical production in all Europe 'ind, indeed, in the world whether for peaceful or ,for warlike purposes. All Western Europe has need of Ruhr coal and of Ruhr steel, as well as of many of the manufactured goods produced in the area. The economic revival of the Ruhr is essential for the economic recovery of Western Euroje. Yet its uncontrolled revival would involve military dangers, both for the West and for the East. The problem is the need for reviving Ruhr production, at the same time ensuring that it shall not be used for German re-armaments The Anglo-American thesis is that the Ruhd industries will only function efficiently if they are -wned and managed by Germans and the territory administered as an integral part of Germanv. Allied CANADIAN NATIONAL STEA For nuprr-nirrngin. r lexiDility, Weather E and IjBht Weight, the New i.uuinou mcAiuED cord All SUniU Out and Stands I n The Salvation Army Major and Mrs. W. Yurgenaen. Very Special Services will be conducted by the Divisional Commander Senior Major and Mrs. Warranter, Saturday evening at 8 p.m. SUNDAY. NOV. 28 11:00 a.m. Hliness Meeting. 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting. We extend a hearty welcome to all. $ ' '" I fci. 1 Jm First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue Ejist Minister: Rev. G. E. Sendall B.A., B.D. -Director i ol Music: Mrs. E. J. Smith 11:00 Distorted Religion." Junior Choir: ; "In Our Dear Lord's I Garden." : 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 "Decisive Faith." " Guest Soloist: Mr. R. Miles. "Come, Ye Blessed." 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC New? 8: 15-Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News St Comty. :I5 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time ti 4.T8ronriinr.vian Melodies 11:00 Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of Yesterday i M Wea crier Forecast 11 :1 Message Period 11:33 Recorded lnter'ude 11 :45 Famous Voices 12:00 Mid-day Mfclodies. 12: 15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Beri,ie Braden Tells a Story . 1:45 Commentary and Talk 2:00 B.C. School Bac. 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer and His . Islanders 3:00 Ethel and Albert 3:15 A Woman's View. Point 3 :30 Di vertiments Bill Spratling, the Interna- j tionally known design director ; for the Alaska Native Arts and. Crafts program, who was in Prince Rupert recently, flying : from Juneau to Mexico, expects to spend much of the winter In the north supervising his Alaskan students in the' making of about 200 models utilizing native designs and AUiska materials. TRY A CtAriiJfltt AD GOODYEAR B -tier Built HOSE is Setting New fc Permanence on the Job lor all yuur HOSE and TRANSMISSION IHXTI consult: , PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY 512 Second Avenue REGULAR BArTIST CHURCH (Fundameiuailsii 626 6th E.. Near High School Phone 309 i SUNDAY, NOV. 28, 1948 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. .Classes for All Come! I 7:30 p m. Gospel Service. Speaker: C K. S. Blaekaby Subject: "HELP IN THE NICK OF 1 TIME." Thurs., 3:30 p.m. Mission ; Band. j 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7:30 p.m Young People's Society HE BELUVE AND PREACH THE FI LL GOSPEL PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO Twenty-Five Years Ago Definite assurance was given that the Prince Rupert Sulphite and Fibre Co. Ltd. would build within the next year a bleached ! sulphite pulp plant at Seal Covi ! of 90 tons daily capacity. Cost i of the project was estimated at ! between $800,000 and $1,000,000. W. J. Alder, who acted as dele gate for Prince Rupert at th Associated Boards of Tiade convention in Vancouver, deliverer; a written report to the Board of Trade here. Hubert Ward's gasolir. boat "Eva." tied up at the Ye.-.,..iev flouts sank during a storm. The sunken huli was towed to Cow Bay for repairs. TJiirty-Kive Years la connection with an interview with Mayor. Puttullo, the Vancouver Province said he was "brimful of optimism" for Princu, ' Rupert's future. The Mayor was in Victoria on city business . 1 J. P. Graves resigned from the position of general manager of : the Granby Consolidated Mhi- j ing and Smelting Co. and was succeeded by F. M. Sylvester of 'Vancouver. To prevent overflowing and Mitchell & Currie LIMITED Phone 3l3 BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS P.O. Rox 721 Control there must be. But its nurnose should bp limited to two essentials to ensuring that an adequate proportion of Ruhr production of coal and steel is made availably for other EuroDean coun- BRIDGE PARTY Knioyame A. lair Lust Night Appreciation Expressed at Final Session Final fortnightly party of the tea.soii hi connection, with the bridge classes which. Garnet Hull has been conducting at the Civic Centre during the fail was Held last night. Seven tables were in play and it was a 'highly enjoyable session. Prize- winner was Mrs. G. E. Hill. En-i thusiasm was such that it was decided to have a special pre-1 Christmas -party on December 10 when there will be special j prizes, refreshments and other: ' leatures. Tuesday evening of this week . caw the Close of the bridge ' classes until after New Year when it is possible a new series will commence. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Hull on motion of H. Woodside. Mr. Wood-i-icle said he believed he was voicing the feelings of all who had attended when he said there had been general enjoyment through the classes. They had been well conducted and he had learned much about the game. Mrs. R. E. Moore, who has been asaisiing in giving instruction. al.so spoke well of the cuisaC.-, saying that it w as unfortunate tearing out or the river banks during freshets, the provincial : government was building a wing 1 dam on the Bear River near Stewart. The bridge also was ' being improved. j t Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than 0$ amms V aiiu tm m ww Don't let yourself In for a disappointnient. Order cards now have them in time fm Christmas mailing. lUKIt Printing BESNER BLOCK N i: W I. U X i; i. 7 S T K AMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND) INTERMEDIATE POUTS EACH THURSDAY . at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. K7nrprreu! REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER , 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi BUSINESS AND PROFESSION - tries and to ensure that there is no production, -nnd no preparation for production, of munitions of war. It is agreed in principle that even after the end of occupation. Allied supervision and control will ftill be essential for an indefinite period. How and by what body is it to be exercised? What authority shall that body have? How shall its authority be enforced in case of need ? That is the residual problem of the Ruhr. It is 1)y no means an easy one. And the preliminary discussions of it which are expected during the London talks are likely to lie far more important than the mere setting-up of an organization to allocate West German production of coal, coke and steel as between export and home consumption. DIRECTORY SerUre hi nil rhiirrlie at II a.m. mimI ::i i.iu.: Suiitlay M'IiihiI ut ev-eil a kIiiiuu. .4 Mil. ir AN CATIIKIIIMI. 4th Are. W at Dimsmnir St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil S Prockter. B A.. B D (Blur Tiii HKT BWTIST 6th Ave. E at Young St Minister: Rev. Fred Anirohus (Green 61) must I'ri:kbvti:ria , 4th Avenue East Minister: Rev. George E. Sendall (Greeu Mttt riKT rMTF.ll 63B 6th Ave. West i Minister: R. A. Wilson. MA. (Green 618 ri I.I. .M'H, TVHI KNAt l.K 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Green 6201 SALVATION AKMY Fraser Street CO.: Major W. Yurgensen Directory Class 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 3:00 p m. (Black 268) ST. PM I I I THI'R 5th Ave. at McBride St. Pastor: 5. Soiland (Black 6101 st. 1"x:ti:r's anci.k an Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hodson Sunday School 1 1 :0O a.m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. (Blue 027) 1! CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocyc,s (subject to Change) SATURDAY F.M. 4:45 Lake Success . 5:00 Singing Strings 5:15 Announcer's Choice 5:30 Top Bands 5:45 Sports College 6.00 CBC NEWS 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Latin American Rhythm 6:30 Good Music by Goiianan 6:45 Perry Como 7:00 Saturday Night Serenade 7:30 Organ Music 7:45 Let's Argue j 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Dancing Time 9:00 Sega de Kresz and Nora Drewett 10:00 CBC NEWS 10:15 Bill Crawford's Orch. 10:30 Dal Richard s Orch. 11:00 WeaUier Forecast. " SUNDAY AJ. 8 :3U Sunday Recital 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Morning Song 9:30 Harmony Harbour, Hlfx. 9:59 Time Signal .0:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary, Tor. 10:30 Way ol the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Period, Tor. 12:00 N.Y. Philharmonic Orch. 1:30 -Church of the Air 2:00 Musical Program 2:30 Winnipeg Sunday Concert 3:25 CBC News 3:27 Weather Forecast 3:30 Songs and Singers 4:00Week-end Review 4:15 John Fisher 4:30 Strings for Sunday 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Musical Program 5:45 Musical Program 6:00 CBC News b:i0 The Old Songs, Tor. 6:3U Familiar Music 7:00 Stage 49 8:00 Musical Program 8:30 Critically Speaking 9:00 Classics lor Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Canadian Sea Captains 10:30 Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather and Sign Off MONDAY- - A M-7:00 Musical Clock PILES Mrs. J. D. Mclver. Retina, writ j us: "Four of my club members I have taken your PYLTONE treatment on my recommendation. In each case it worked as well as mine. I've had one year ol perfect health. Thanks again loi your wonderful remedy " The new PYLTONE treatment gets results that last because it oes direct to the root ol the internal trouble, removing the cause. Plant extracts that help nature rebuild broken Inflamed tissue. Ciet one"" "Cottle of PYLTONE ia liquid taken by mouth I you'll get the same results or money refunded at once Your drugplst has it or can order It. CHIROPRACTOR ! John F. L, Hughes. D.C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block j Phone BLl'E 442 for Appointment Horn. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to 8 p ro. EVr.MMiK Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. loi those unable to come riiu-ilifi tin day. RECEPTIONIST in attendance afternoons. MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Plastic Materials Dunl(i)lllo Mattresses Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushions, etc j Second-Hand Furniture Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 521 330 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT. B C. ! GEORGE L. RORIE i Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. ! Income Tax Returns Compile: Besner Block Phone 387 PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHINO latest Shades, Styles Rnd Colors J. P. MOLLER. Phone BLUE 155 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 P.O. Box 1401 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East PRINCE RUPERT IrOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 Wells Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage II BLl'E 7U BLl'E 980 HELE IiEAl'TV Permanent J Beauty Ca!' all its b: 204 4th Street HANDY HOME SE! GENERAL CON Building and repu' Routs. Chimneys - PHON Black CS7 He.: P 0. Box FOR Y ROCK and CO WOK' CAU BLl M. J. SAIi Now. Modern All Work Gil. MARGARET OPTOMETf ROOM 10, STONS PIIOM I5LUE ! T.O. Bnx i 9 O.LAUT For Downtrodi and Worn MAC SHOE I Box 774 j TRANSCANADA HIGHWAY UNUSUAL INTEREST is being shown in the conference on a TransCanada highway which has been called to meet in the capital on December " 14. Every provincial premier in Canada has announced his intention of attending or sending a representative. The conference will le under the -chairmanship of Hon. .lames A. MacKinnon, Min--ILter of Mines and Resources, l":: The concern shown in this national project trshows the deep feeling for Canadian unitv and Understanding. Canada is a nation of vast' terri--tory, of regions separated by national barriers of -people differing in religions, racial origins and temperament. The establishment of a federation "among the Canadian provinces was an act of great political courage. It was made possible only be-; . .cause the Fathers gf Confederation believed that unitv could be achieved in diversity. This i nity has already been achieved in an al-most surprising measure and a modern Trans-Canada highway, will be an important factor in ; completing it. Without doubt it is appreciation of ; this that explains the interest shown in the pro-' ject. GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction i Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty Phone RED 561 ; -PLIGHT OF BIRDS THESE. ARE DEEP SNOWS Prince Rupert is I having. It has been a great time for the ; . , youngsters. Pedestrians have been having to do ; -some heavy slogging. It has been anything but good ; g.dng for the car drivers. But no one has Ira suf-; fering any more than a little inconvenience. However, our birds, who have been flitting about ; in their large numbers even within the last few : days finding plenty to eat in the mild late fall, have ; been caught suddenly. One of our good old friends ; reminded us yesterday of the birds. "How about ' putting in a line about feeding the birds?" he sug-; gested a suggestion to which we gladly and svm-; pathetically accede. Yes, how about a thought" for the birds and a few crumbs or so in the bargain for ; our feathered friends? SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. Bex 541 FRASER STREET , PRINCE 'RUJERT I IBROVMOODS j ADVERTISING IN THE DAH.Y NEWS BRINGS RESULTS.