Prince Gunctt Dailp rcto 3 Saturday, November 27, 1948 '""U LITTLE THEATRE Local News Items... HOTEL ARRIVALS ;ow lng RADIAN LEGION (B.E.S.L.) jyjMUAL CHRISTMAS TREE ',., Sunday, Dec. 19, Navy Drill Hall PRESENTS BEST PS 3 i Moose Whist Drive and Dance Announcement All advertumfMiai -i tms column wul be charged for a full montn at 26 cenu a word Prince Rupert 8. Thomas, Vancouver; W OF ITS SERIES Cash for old gold. Bulger's Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rowe of every Saturday night, 8:30 (It) Tesluck, Cumshcwa Inlet. Lildren 01 piu-up i mumuers 01 me an- K'1 i joobpH vptirans rnciHnnt tn DvinM Jack Cobb, well known pio As entertaining a show, with Kitwanga have moved to Prince Rupert. Thev expect to. re aijcs and addresses of children (12 years 3j.., should be advised Dromotlv tn- thp neer, has been indisDosed of DON'T FORGET . . Buy Him a late. and his group have every right in Its classifications, as Prince Rupert has had the opportunity to witness since the wartime locate here. XMAS is just around the to be proud. St. Andrew's Cathedral bazaar, November 27. range Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. United Church Bazaar, December 2. ' : Just arrived New samulcs k - Aux y, Canadian Legion, Box 473 or Secr'y. Region. (Branch 27) P.O. Box 628, City. rscs Midnight Saturday, December 4th. As frr "Hot Water those who oi urapcry and slip cover mat days of "top talent" appearances, arrived on the Civic Cen CORNER so is the TOTEM POLE GIFT SHOP with a wide range of gifts for all. 211 Sixth took part in it did as good a Job as a burgeoning Little Theatre could do on a standard comedy erials See them at Mattson's, 330 2nd Ave. (281) tre stage last night fo rthe ap It k-IP "r ir h o It V c Street. (It) preciations ot those hardy theme. for Christmas ' Edward Wahl and II. Wahl of enough to brave a spell of pre Bridge, V-:iisx. wiG Ciib, Due. 2, Catholic School Hall. Social Service W.O.T.M. Tea, Mr .and Mrs. Wilfrid Hanson "Sleepy Time Down South," however, placed, before the mature winter weather. uigDy island returned to the city by air yesterday afternoon returned on lust evening's train December 3. Prince Rupert's Little Theatre to their borne at Smithcrs after has advanced to a position where a brief visit here with Mrs. Hanson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. the city can expect in Its spring CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway Hall, December 4. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refresh The Ideal Solution to .Your Chrisamas Problem . . . Buy a audience, the somewhat starting spectacle of "Porgy and Bess," "Showboat" and other below the Mason and Dixon classics which, ordinarily, have never penetrated Prince Rupert T. Elder, Biggar Place. '.. performances, practically noth ing of the amateur status which irom a brief trip to Vancouver. TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT! A very fine assortment of Cruiser Jackets are available at Acme Clothing. (tf) M. O. Kullandcr of the local Forest Branch is sailing tomor ments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. The offices of Central Mort per lnaartion, minimum eh-i. MM. Blrtb HoOooo; Tiia' Ueth Notloea, Funeral Motloof, Marriage nrf tnnaijement Announcement : S3. -PECIA- DIBPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE te payable In advance. Pleaae refrain from telephoulnf . its players now cloak themselves. gage and Housing Corp. (War Stetson Hat Certificate time Housing Ltd), at 603 Hay: From , its performance last night in a two-act comedy and by any other medium than the radio or phonograph. Elspeth FOR SALE Cove Circle, will be closed be St, Peter's Fan Bazaar, December 9. J St. Peter's Y.P.A. show "Fantasy," St. Peter's Hall. Dec. 10 and 11, 8 p.m. Concert at Lutheran Church, a cleverly conceived musical MacKenzie, Joanne Langridge, tween 12 and 1:30 daily. (281 row night on the Coquitlam for Jacky Gustavson, Marie Lavigne FOR SALE Lot on 2nd Ave. Also miscellaneous lumber. Cheap. Phone Red 165. (284) a trip to Victoria on official and others of the cast of 20 . offer over troller "Pitt. 1 office of the t- Fishermen's (279) duties. Steamship Movements should do it again. Friday, December 17, 8 p.m. the group is towards near professional quality advancing quickly. quickly. It has demonstrated its ability to deliver a close reproduction of such quality now. "Sleepy Time Down South" For Vancouver II. D. Fornian, manager of the FOR SALE Oood Timothy Hay $50 per ton. F.O.B. Kitwanca. B.C. Write Box 495. Prince Rupert. (284) TOU KENT Torbrit mine at Alice Arm, who Sunday ss. Coquitlam, 11 p.m. Moose Christmas Tree, Saturday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. Oddfellows' and Rebekah is bicvele $15; t'O 00: Coleman I $1)00. Phone ! (279; True love triumphed, as It properly shouid, despite a lack of "Hot Water" In the opener. Its principals, who did not yield to the involutions-of its plot, Tuesday ss. Cardena, 1 :30 is in the ctyy on mine business, will sail tomorrow night on the The Stetson Hat Certificate is suitably worded for Christmas presentation and is accompanied by a miniature Hat and Gift Box. p.m. Hot Water" are definitely Cardena on his return north Thursday ss. Prince George, I and due for repeat performances. FOR RENT Slecpinc room, close to town. 221 oth Ave. East. Red 807. . (282) T. A. V. Tremoiay and R. Pet- Xmas Tree, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2 p.m. Queen Mary Chapter, l.O.D. E., Bridge and Cribbage, Civic Centre, January 10. 11:15 p.m. Nov. 28 ss. Princess Louise, p.m. December 8 and 19 ss. Prin were Helen Marchildon, Kathe-line Kerr, Harley Lewis, John Jenkins, Mel Skalmerud and Ninaman. Mrs. J. S. Black, Miss For atmosphere and spontaneity, "Sleepy Time Down South' 'commandeered a large FOR RENT ADartmcnt. four rick of the logging department of Columbia Cellulose Co. are rooms and bath. Rand BIock. (2791 cess Norah. Eileen McClintock and Rev. Basil health f orchid I industrial site and Cow Bay I: 15 h.p. Elec-hular saws and I witn the sale. erson Ltd. (279) New Cups and ( desimv ReRu-or 4 for $1.75. :ias Gift. B.C. 0. tt) sailing tomorrow night on the Coquitlam for a trip to Vancouver on company business. FOR RENT 844 Third W., store From Vancouver S. Prockter. measure of genuine approva', and it was not merely because home talent filled every quarter of the stage. The show was sunaoie ior warenouse or Advertise in the Daily News! work shop, front will be fixed. (279) Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. Wednesday ss Prince George, 10 a.m. I COTTAGE CHEESE SALESMEN WANTED 31-MAN POWER SALES PRO Acme Clothing Store. To our Customers wc have just received a complete range of Ladies' Croydon Coats. (279) Priced from $7.50 to $16.50. The Stetson Hat is smart, practical and New Creamed Fresh Made REED INSTRUMENT The oboe, a wood wind instrument played with a double POSITION New Patented New and Used' tool multiplies man's strength sometimes bad but it was generally good and it contained something vital. That "something" was a lusty enjoyment of its own antics which wiped oui amateur self- 41 limes. 2-minuic demon . VALENTIN DAIRY j 1 Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Friday ss. Coquitlam, 1 p.m December 4 and 15 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. ' For Alice Arm and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Cardena, 11 p.m. From Alice Arm and titration sells 1 to dozen to G. S. Reade, V. Levelton and reed, has been used in its present form for 200 years and was once called the hautboy. rclware. eic. Portable Gra-lien Sets, Va-small fancy Boots. I 'JE- railroads, transports, public works, shops, factories, police J. Hitchcock of the local Fisheries office are sailing tomor ana highway dents., farmers consciousness and shared with the audience a confident feeling ' . w and useti Port Simpson rs tor wooa. Kitchen Chairs. MORE PEOPLE WEAR. STETSON THAN ANY row night on the Coquitlam for Vancouver. Mr. Reade is supervisor of fisheries here. Mr. Levelton and Mr. Hitchcock are inspectors. Tuesday ss Cardena, a.m. IT GROWS HAIR of good things to come. Neither audience nor performers registered any noticeable Every auto. bus. truck or street car should carry one. Lluht. compact, low priced. Look at earnings one month Maurice $450: Ruffo $1880: McElhaney. $450; $556 spare time. Grab vour territory now or wish you had. Palcoxcal Co. Limited. Cornwall 3. Out. Snow Time OTHER BRAND. V I V A X I" O M A II K the AMAZING ..writer in Desi ,,k and Chairs, st of Drawers, -itish India or vour furnt-'. FURNITURE (tf) IS Larry Eckroyd, field service representative of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce from NEW DISCOVERY of the Vlvax Co. (trows hair and checks dtnidrulf. Let-! ters from satisfied users, sciill) specialists and doctors praise It for fulling hair, baldness and dunttruli, Remember, you can't lose. It grows hair WANTED spruce and Montreal, in the course of a 14" long. 5()o "Sleepy Time Down South Is given prominent notice, not because its predecessor, "Hot Water" was less acceptable bur, because it was one of the few examples of locally - conceived works that has achieved produc-. I lion. Producer Mel Skalmcrud or money refunded In full with no WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; pavinc eood prices See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. lied 4!)5. (279) I'r.irtirallv new questions asked. Complete treatment 3 postpaid. (C.O.D '8 postage extra I . KAl'KX I'HOIM'CTS (Drpt. 70) Box 22. Station B. Montreal, Que ! n riume wun ncr. bii I auow tour of this district on official1 duties, is due in Prince Rupert today after visiting various central interior points. During the week-end he will go into session with the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. (283) WANTED Experienced seamstress will take in sewing. Phone Black 990. 140 9th E. (306) WORK WANTED l 1381 Ij ' PVjP I Jforyour (l VVt I ) 'CHICKEN IN ( jJgV. I ) THE ROUGH f u K -JtjH i CIVIC CENTRE ) H!JW) , DINING ROOM J 1....... T TTninme FOR BOY OR GIRL, BIG OR LITTLE . . . YOU'LL FIND A SLEIGH TO SUIT THEIR NEEDS AT THE VARIETY. I.I HI MIDULE-Aged Woman will look location In after children evenings. Phone James S. Burns left on lust evening's train for Lloydmin- Green 088. (tf) M VtWAI i. aiul Grocer equipped, on st,er, Saskatchewan, where nc PERSONAL e warehouses will attend the funeral of his k, one capable ol flour and ! PERSONAL Skin Sufferers! Thousands coast to coast have r 75 ton bale Morris, Box 81. (285) benefitted from Kleercx s Quick healing of Eczema, Psoriasis. Itch. Pimples, etc. Whv not vou? "Kleercx" medium, strons. -Two sizes 5Uc. $1.99. All drugeists. (It) mother, Mrs. H. M. Burns, who passed away recently. Beskles the local son, Mrs. Burns is survived by her motrler, Mrs. W. L. Ramsay of Cavalier, North Dakota .and two brothers, Henry Ramsay of Cavalier and Gordon Ramsay of Melrose, Mass. nilie Bedspreads OF GOOD STURDY CONSTRUCTION, SLEIGHS ARE AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES. wholesale price, eautiful Chen-d, in all colors. Will you, too, look back on your many years of work and soy "If only I had bought a GOVERNMENT ANNUITY to provide for my old age."? Or will you decide NOW to be independent and free from worry when that time comes? SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES iiiKlc beds $1.99 CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS .00 spreads with f 1 MS. IF IT IS TOYS YOU ARE SEEKING DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR WIDE ASSORT PREPARE NOW for Winter ex ts design, com- WA'.WAVAVW.V.'.' SB with Chenille amination. Write Mr C. C. School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg. Manitoba. . A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy BED MATTRESSES Ask for them by name. Beautyrest, Deepsiecp, Slumber King, Lady Beaty and many others for your Fall requirement. Habitant hand- MENT. lANNE'S 18'x3G," well LOST AND FOUND 5400. These ar- Home-Made Candy j at double the FOUND Keys on 2nd Ave. Owner may have same by calling D. plus postage. 210 Phone Fourth Street Blue 389 at the Daily News and payinj ing c2 tfi tor this advertisement. ( lately refunded 1 It i m m I 1 I V t .Ml. Handicraft Phone 775 METAL WORK 327 3rd Avenue mi i0..O'O 254 Shcrbrooke run 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Ited 400 trcal, Que. (S) PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof- Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping: and General Cartage and Storage Inc. Letourneau & Sons, 629 SALE Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) estate wc offer Enjoy Iine Radio-Record Reproduction sealed tender MACinNLKY FOK SALE f'd to us on or ft moor 4. 1948, TO SAW better lumber more z properties: economically use the modern with FLEETWOOD ol at 8th Av- and up-to-date tvpe National For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 rhones 60 and 68 Portable Sawmills manufac A low-cost Canadian Government Annuity guarantees you as much as $1200 a year for life. No Medical Examination is required; Your Annuity cannot be seiied under i.,.- law. You connol lose your i. ,iey even if your poymtnti fall into arrears; Anyone, from 5 o 85, is ligibl,: Lot 20. Block i' Clear Title. tured bv National Machinery rnmnanv Limited. Vancouver I nmise and two U'uimg St. (Lots B.C. (tf) 'lock 6. Section itle. subject to auev of N. R. CANADIAN MADE Seven out of every 10 yards ' 50 per month. dp bid nn sen- Mhest or any of woollen cloth used in Canada were made in Canadian mills. necessarily ac- Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR flR CO. LTD. e Kupcrt, B.C. (284) Exclusive Features: Shock-Proof Pick-Up. Scratchless Record Reproduction. English Speakers. Twclve-Hccord Automatic Changer at Amazing Low Price $149.95 , ft1 Prince Kupcrt Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions t V,t "' ' f i .... v,,.. . J, VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM AND PORT SIMPSON (Stewart Fortnihtly) Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Deci 3, 17 and 31, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. , ) i H iH . FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Ruuert Aent Third Ave. Phone 588 ore Cafe 3 J oH JlJI M I -I If II Mull lhi Coupon today fOSTAOi ml s AwiwHm Iranch, . . CXpartmnl of labour, Ortawo. f .k.irt Cil O.wril-0.1 A-.ri.trl... INFORMATION IN... ..nd .o COHmiTi ' " NAME (MINT CIMIV) " ADDRESS T tDADDCDXT AtPtPlDAfcjC-rJr D3E(C(pg?DjrJ PETER PAN GUT SHOl'l'E NOVELTIES and GUTS Greeting Cards HANDICRAFTS LENDING LIBRARY Phyllis Pullen 229 Third Avenue West PHONE 100 201 THIRD AVENUE WEST NOW AVAILABLE Men's Worsted Suits Single and deublc-brcasled; perfect fit and style. Special ..$3750 Men's All - Wool Gabardine Coats Tailor-made. Reg. $45. Now 30 Men's Dark Brow.m Topcoats-Good fitting. Special $22 Men's Dwss and Work Pants All kinds to choose from. Special from $2.95 to $13 Men's Wlndbrcakcrs New. fancy designs; all-wool, perfect fit. From .: $ Boys' Pants All-wool, good fit; all siaes. Regular $5. Now S3-r" Boys' All -Wool Pullover Sweaters All siies. From $1.30 Boys' Shirts For dress and school. All siics. From S1.25 Knitting Wool 3-ply, best quality. Beg. 40c. Now ... 30c 5-Piecc Luncheon Setii Make beautiful gifts. Regular $3.95. Special $2.2.) 'UIBFi By CHICK YOUNG And She Did! BLONDIE I UENOVATED 1'ian Ever" Service In City ' iid-out Orders Vid Chow, Mgr. 't f '"Lt g Moulding for home-craft use. Simple l(1 easy to instal. Supplied in eight I Capo's to suit every home need. No t"'s required. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE r GOLD SEAL LABEL PSON H.DWARE CO. LTD.