prince Riipm Safl2eto8 Saturday, November 27, 1948 EVERYWHERE IT CONDITION A FACTOR ' Physical condition of the cow Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE . Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers ly Recipe ture into two pans 8- x 8" x 2' CHRISTMAS CAKE TIME HERE; PLENTY OF FRUIT, PEELS, NUTS Cream butter and granulated sugar together thoroughiv Beat In; egg. stir in salt crumbs, flour and flavoring. Spread in well-greased 8-Inch square pan, and sprinkle with spice. Blend confectioners' sugar, almonds and cream and spread over batter. Bake in hot oven 4Q0 degrees F.) about 18 minutes. Cut into squares an remove, from pan with spatula Serve warm or cold with custard sauce. Serves six. LARGER STEEL EXPORTS Britain in normal times exports a larger precentage of her total steel production than does the United States. r Ltter ound dry w31 x,ns all-purPse . ovt rapt fectioners sugar 0pprd blanehea ai I bie cream or rich nitK Q. When a woman has-' been unable, to secure a lower bf-rth on a train, and some man offers f, t . , " A. Yes, andsu-:h, a couitesv deserves sincere . aopreciatlon, Q. What should the host do while the hostes ff receiving? . A. The principal duty of the host is. to be alert, and see that every one of the gnawi being entertained. i Classified - advertising always brings results. - ... ... . Take your run cake is a treat for spe Clal occasion OCP.asirma ... mriU(-M.. .. . .1 -x Mfcjtuinji CdKC may be dark and heavy with assorted fruits, nuts and peel or Ught and beautiful with colored fruits intiet like Jewels. In any fruit Cae u rich and 140 is a luxury food. It will be a pleasure to bake Ihe Christmas cake this, year for the choice of dried fruits, peels and nuts is. wide. The home-maker will be able to choose what she prefers. Any fruit cake improves on standing and therefor? should 1 be made well In advance and allowed time to "ripen' so that the flavors will be well blended. Here are recipes for both dark and light cakes. Dark Christmas Cake .' 3 eups sifted pastry flour, or 2 2-3 cups sifted all- purpose flour , 1 teaspoon baking powder 'a teaspoon cloves., a teaspoon cinnamon 4 teaspoon mace 1 cup shortening. Hi cups brown sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla Vs teaspoon almond flavoring 1. cup sliced, candied cherries 2 eups chopped figs 2 cups seeded raisins 1 cup candied citron peel 1 cup orange peel 1 cup lemon peel 34 cup blanched, slivered almonds Vz cup molasses . 'icup cider or orange juice M and sift flour, baking powder, and - spices together three times. Cream shortening until fluffy. GraduaUy add sugar, creaming until light and Huffy, Add - well-bea,ten eggs, flavoring, fruits, peel, honey, molasses and cider or orange juke. Add sifted dry ingredients gradually. Turn the mix 1on dDwiias 2a I TI2 Tl TT 71 . . .of our lovely merchandise and make a small deposit. When it Is convenient you may pick up your splection and arrange for payments through our PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN. No Interest No Carrying Charges. Among our many lines of. todies' wear you may be especially interested in: :' r , . BLOUSES, SLACKS, TWIN-SET '"" SWEATERS V SKIRTS, plain r fancy u EVENING GOWNS, DRESSES, HOUSECOATS. SUITS; TOPCOATS and HATS If you are Gift Buying, examine our displays .Of. UMBRELLAS, 'HANDBAGS. GLOVES, ' STOCK-INGS and LINGERIE. is a major factor In producing Man. oualltv milk. : notice: ' The Daily "News wishes : to draw attention to itb'erul that classified and, transient advertising is payable in a vance at the office a time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this, jmarmer 'to the. Daily News are asked ta assist , the, cf f lee and respeet this rule by refraining from telephoning classified - advesh Using.' . choice .' ; .4 SO It COVEQHNG Just received a large shipment of excellent patterns in- lino-Ifum by the yard and rugs. I Drop in and see the display In our basement department. a Reminiscences ByWj. dReflect;ons It is not necessary to shovel hour. There was no Wednesday rain. No one ever saw rain drift half holidax and Saturdays It does not form into ridges or stayed open till nine or later. A hard hummocks. It is not good suit cost $15, shoes $3.50 rounded into balls and throwi; and a dollar for a shirt. The in. your eye. It never has to be I average' store would not accept scraped off the sidewalk. We a cent and nearly every parlor have not the slightest affection ' had red plush upholstery. But-ior snow. However, one is bound ter cost 25c and bread 5c. If a In theory at least, we all do. Wt are the owners, ' shareholders and customers of a nationalised industry. But, as owners, shareholders and customers, would wt ' control or benefit from this industry? - If, for instance, as customers, we didn't approve of th industry's products or services, could we withdraw oiu upport? No. Not unless free enterprise , products or service were available to which we could turn. Would we, as customers, benefit from lower-cost goods or services? No. The general record of f.ociali:ed industry show that as soon as control passes into the hands of unfamiliar and usually untrained government administrators costs rise steeply and so do prices. Could we, as owners and shareholders change the management, improve the working conditions, or lower the prices of the goods or services? No. These matters would be left to government boards, deafto criticism, unsympathetic to suggestion, bound hand, head and foot by red tape, over whom we would have no control. . ' "T Would we, as owners and shareholders and customers, have to meet any losses incurred by inept administration and management? Yes! Every time. In extra taxes and higher prices subsidies tc keep every failing socialized industry alive, In fact if not in theory we would not "own," control, or benefit from our socialized industry at all. We would just be asked to pay for it! ' BRITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATION OF TRADE A INDUSTRY which have been lined with three thicknesses of heavy, paper, urease inside layer ol paper. BaKe in a. very slow oven 250 degrees F.. for.3 hours. Yield: two 2y2 pound cakes. White Fruit Cake 4 cup. shortening 1 cup fine granulated or fruit sugar 'a teaspoon vanilla va teaspoon aimond extract 3 eggs 1 cup bleached sultana raisins 1 cup mixed peel 1 cup sliced candied or maraaschina cherries V2 cup blancnea, silvered almonds i cups sifted all-purpose flour, or 2Vi cups sifted pastry flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt ,4 cup fruit juice Cream fat, add sugar, vanilla ind almond extract and cream well together. Add eggs, on at a time, beating after each addi- j tion. " Dredge fruit and nuts with part of the- flour. Mix and sift remaining flour, salt and baking powder,, and add alternately with the liquid. Mix in the floured fruit and nuts, Line a, deep pan with greased paper and fill two-thirds full with the batter. Bake in a slow oven,. 300 degrees F., for about 1 hours. Makes 2'4 pounds, 7"x" cake. home had no pihao there would probably be a gramophone. Snag, located in Yukon and justly reputed to be the coldest spot in the north .reported. 57 below zero yesterday. To begin with, the name has1 an un pleasant sound. Whoever picked it, must have been inspired. A thousand strangers, self propelled and without a care In .the world, passed over Prince Rupert about 2:30 yesterday af ternoon. There must have been that many. Against the gray, wintry sky the immense flocks of wild geese, scattered roughly in three V-shaped groups with smaller flights .on the fringes were flying bravely south. The with Us THE -r IS The same storv aDDears to come from ail quarters! Galas and storms along the coast and in the interior, There, were snow flurries this morning in Prince Rupert with a hint of melting snows, later. on. It looks like slush and a season of wet feet. Across the mountains, la provinces and states it is wintry weather. Away below zero reports come from Yukon 60 below at Snag and similar bulletins from the prairies. From as far south as Kansas and Colorado there are stories telling of drifts from three to 20 feet deep. . DIVIDED YEARS LONDON (Pi Special research-1 is being made into the effect of automobile radios on road safety. Dr. W. H. Glanville, director of Britain's Road Research Laboratory, said there were two views: one that radios relieved' driving strain; the other thai they were a distraction. I birds gave no thought to the worries and restrictions of the little creatures down below who sometimes seemed to "fear they might lose their freedom. . In a moment 1 6f leisure, to watch the play of expression in the post office lobby is a diverting study of human nature. Many a letter, is read, the moment it is drawn from the box. Plainly, there must be anxiety or eager Interest, Different faces, different reflections and what a variety! Surprise, obvious pleasure, amusement, , discouragement, disappointment .wonder or dismay. And, quite often just dead pan or poker map but always in- terestnig. , petmmmmimimmamm Wm " '' '" a I Christmas carries fragrance! crisp wintry air, spicy scent of pine. Add Blue Grass Flower Mist, famed fragrance by Elizabeth Arden. It's a wonderful gift,' in a gay gift-wrapping, whh o Kentucky-caught scent, to take the Christmas air! ChflttiMS wrappad llu Or Fltwtr Ml.l, 1.75. 1 J J, 3 30 with WmliM, 37S IF IT IS Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ; to admit it has its purpose and usefulness. It's not so long ago right here! in British Columbia wages were lower and. life's necessities a lot cheaper. IIow - would , this have struck you? A. good room and board cost $6 a week. Fairly good meals set one back 20 cents. Housekeepers worked for $15 a month and board. Ten dollar! rents were common. Chocolates! were around 25c a pound. Moyiasj cast 10c hi the afternoon and two bits at night. Millwood went at $2 a cord. Coal was $7.50 a, ton. Sawdust was either burned t or given away. Cars had no self- .starters. Gasoline cost 19c a gallon, Oil was 20c a quart. La- borers were paid 40 cents an AUTOMATIC L r if mi , Lin. iMJgi ' I McBride St. Phone 311 XMAS PHOTOS ' . i Order. Early Chandler & Cowgill j . For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 NITEl BLACk 615 216 4th Street V This is one of a ktks of oiliwtisr mtnlj desenhmg irJustrf at wori under the syrtcm which fc.u pnxWeJ sUmiiarjA 0 living in B C. cornfuroblt to the highest in tltt world. DeLuxe DELIVERY PHONE 422 IBeimdlnii LDirycir f. Handles all fabrics. ' 2. Easty on the clothes. , 3. Automatic controls for .heat ; ' and time damp or bone dry ' within an hour. 4. Handles 1 8 lbs. wash in one - operation. , 5. Can be used with any washer. "DONT DEPEND ON THE WEATHERMAN FOR DRY CLOTHES." urlains, Drapes, It's the LleiiCafie ' .' v. . for Tasty Meals Chop Suey Ghow Mein Chinese Dishes a Specialty Chesterfield and Chair Covers, Rugs, Mate P qU OFF Second Avenue opposite Pnflce Rupert Hotel f u 7:00 a.m. to 3:30. a.m. , .'Phone 173 for Outside Orders , Lushum, Phone 858 WE PICK UP AND DELIVER ID ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLD GOODS IF SENT IN WITH ANY OTHER DRY CLEANING O ASK THE MAN WHO BUYS ONE QUALITY COUNTS IN TANKS . . . AND QUALITY YOU GET WHEV : ' f WHEN. YOUR TANK IS MADE by ; t Please bear 1 0 11 Fe Is Your Chance THOM SHEET 253 East First Ave. . a Thorough Pre- METAL LTD. Phone Black 884 f L m Hons ri TERRACE at Substantially Skeena Restaurant fd Cost. Commercial Hotel . is undergoing extensive renovation and improvements which will make it the smartest establishment of its kind in Prince Rupert. Meanwhile, all departments are carrying on business as usual and we ask our patrons to continue their favor and be patient with us until the job is finished-December 18. TERRACE -v ; V LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR j . GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE t Open 6:30 a.m. , till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundayjs EAL GLEANERS and LAUNDRY 'THE HOUSE OF BETTER CLEANING' DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL, & j (284),