Prinrc rtuprrt DaNp Jlctos ttD. Thursday, April 22, J948 LETTERBOX t 'Civic Centre AROUND WHd i PORT rnr.r,. T An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa) PHbilshed every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. Srd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION DISCUSSION OF POTLATCH Indian Agent F. E. Anfield Interesting Speaker Before Gyro Club Ramifications of the vexatious section of the Indian Act which outlaws the ancient native Dot- Frtt 15 and Jsu ' su f l drlvlns. ... P. M. 2:30 Annunciation Gym Class SPECIAL EVENTS P. M. 2:30 Leathrrcraft Group 5:45 Community Calendar (CFPR I 7:00 Leathercraft Group 7:30 Little Theatre 8:00 Rotary Minstrel Show 8:00 Baseball Association Meeting , , . 10:00 Rotary Dinner FRIDAY Sports A. M. 9:00 Bo Me Hi Gym Class 10:30-Rup-Rec Tiny Tots ST arming "1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per wee. 15c; Per Month. 65c: Per Year, 7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 14.00. ,u a gin. pm t ,W had her arm ' : Either wa Was d.moorn... W was still a feeling of Indignation" among the natives at the continued existence of such legislation and the Native Brotherhood, for instance, stood vocally opposed to the offending section. The address gave Mr. Anfield the opportunity to delve interestingly, if Incidentally ,into certain items of early native history and customs. He disclosed, for example, that such villages as Metlakatla, Kincolith and Port Simpson were not aboriginal but had been established either after the introduction of Christianity or, as in the case of Port Simpson, around the Hudson Bay establishment. Mr. Anfield paid tribute to the work of the church in pioneerr ing the civilization of the native population. The church had assumed a useful and beneficial responsibilfty even before the government. tl'-'UUJ. "If the girl had around her escort" magistrate, "that wU ua nOCB nnl 14, '"HENRY V Editor, Daily News: After reading a letter recently published in your paper, I would like to offer a student's opinion about the matinee prices of "Henry V." Obviously, the person who wrote the letter did not appreciate Laurence Olivier" mastery of the Shakespearian play. To some students who really are glad to see such art, the showing of the film was worth even more than 50c. To those students who saw the film only to be excused from school, I feel that 50c is a fair price to pay for an afternoon off school. A STUDENT. St. Georges Day aim il fortoi-i. rfere With BOON DISCOVERED Sir Walter Scott wrote hU first novels, "Waverly," "Guy Mannering" and others, anonymously. . latch custom, specifically the making of gifts and the mutilation of bodies in mass ceremonies, were frankly discussed before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club yesterday by Indian Agent F. E. Anfield. It proved a highly interesting discourse. With the potlatch, Mr. Anfield stated, had gone what the natives considered a fundamental institution in their ethical, economic and social structure. There ) Robert Parker thanked the j speaker. t President O. G. Stuart occupied the chair. In addition to Gyros, j there was one guest in the person of Fred Crack of Prince George. . Grant Stewart, transferred from Burnaby, and Duncan McRae were welcomed hs new members. Clasiiita Aavertlsi Kit 7 t. KK BUYS WHYS n SH A wnkly lAoppuif nrf in(otmtin Mrrict for tdf,; I -1 MONTREAL, April 22nl rm .1 u morning-ana at' noon auj thatiK.nderful H,l,x CoftcoMZ be convince,,, top-once you've i,(l u Reminiscences By w.l. d Reflections ii .. . u,c upprr oowi. Turn t ic waff ho,l un.1 rw , IW nf?$ mixture in the i,rr 10. 'J min" turn t ,o licat off and the coffoc will r of ceived his first impressions life on the rolling deep. W Til, ConVe M3e ' 'o ask Inr Hip " nin, ,m,l " til t.-v , . 1 " .... .,v . , . renumber rnJ mils arc cnei v oblBirm 10 nl. vn,, ,i.,i.'. 1 rti'L or double your money bade r Voy Out Of rfc Woma who rpr-mfc Pprinr un h-r knut, (rniMirjK nmi Heaping? Here's a iy (o get back on your fuel again! Take lime off, morning and afternoon, for a Vi-Tone pick-up. hfl n.ix i-Tone witli hot or cold milk ip, and tip! you're It's a fact that Admiral von Spee's ships were in the Pacific when Wilhelm von Hohenzollem spilled the international beans and coast cities began feeling uncomfortable. It is believed a German raider, hovering off British Columbia, sighted far, far away a British warship with cruiser stern, three funnels and a willingness toNfight any old time. That's what Fritz thought. What he saw was the peacefully plying S.S. Prince George. So he steered no nearer to the mainland. The tale has been heard rea.iy lor anytlim! i-Jonc has a drhnouj, tlio.c J,i' laiy flavor-and i-Tone is an energy iooi rich in nniunil.4, vitamin nod oilier elinirnlg essential (or f-'-niaiiilaiiunir vitnlily. Everyone in Ihe iamilv Invea vi-lono auy time, with a fire, trial tin of VI-TOMC write to mc-Barl.ara Brent. D, U 1111 Cr.xrut St., Montreal, P.Q; Wdooiif Away before and may be true. England, where policemen eo g'lOll. ( Itmiuiw ... tiling ll:iiiy li i I p NT EVERY CONTINENT of the world perhaps I in every country there are English-speaking people who will honor tomorrow for the memory of St. George. It may seem odd, at first thought, that a young Roman officer, born in Cappadocia in the third century when England was little but barbaric wilderness, should have come to symbolize the England that later led the world as a champion of freedom. But it takes only a glance at St. George's life to tell that England could have no fitter symbol. Born a Greek Christian in the year 270, St. George rose to a high command under the Emperor Diocletian. The young officer opnosed Diocletian's persecution of Christians, resigning his commission and demanding liberty for his fellow worshippers. His reward was arrest, torture, and on April 23, 303, death at the hands of the Roman authorities in Nicomedia, in Asia Minor. But reverance for his gallantry spread out the East, churches were built in his honor and centuries later the Crusaders adopted him as their soldier saint. In 1222 the Council of Oxford decreed that St. George's Day commemorating his death be observed as a national holiday. St. George has another link with England, a link that may have been one of the small turning points in the destiny of nations. History records that while on a mission to Britain during his military service he converted to Christianity the Roman ruler of Britain, Constantius, and his consort, Helena. It was Helena's son who afterwards became Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor of Rome. Besides its association with St. George, April 23 is famous in British history as the anniversary of Shakespeare's birth and death, and of the celebrated British blockading of the Belgian harbors at Zeebrugge and Ostende in the First World War. This attempt to bottle up tj;o vital, German-held bases jn the spring of 1918 when German submarine flotillas were strangling Britain's sea lifelines remains one of the most daring enterprises in the history of naval warfare. Though o:Iy partly successful, thf exploit in which, 637 men were killed, wounded or missing, and nine heroes earned V.C.'s sent a breath of inspiration throughout the hard-pressed Allied Forces. : Englishmen and sons of England everywhere may well recall these lines by England's imperial poet: "This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise; This fortress, built by Nature for herself, Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands. This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, This England ." unarmed, abolishes capital pun fori that nrea." M"t in a jtliy . . . BD'l your (ipiUiR wnt ih as rlean and neat tut it fi thw inorning wiua yim put it on. K)iini hLe tnagic Joe.-n't il" Well, l.nrr-eine C I r a n i n e ishment for a period of five years Mf Km! as an experiment. Gilbert & Sullivan, when they declared that taking one consideration with another, a policeman's life Is not a happy one, could make What All the Ladies Have Been Asking For . . . Are Here At Lastl , NIGHT GOWNS SATIN-STRIPED AND RAYON SPECIAL P. 9$ While They Last FOR THE.LARGER WOMEN NIGHT GOWNS in Printed and Plain Silk , - 42, 44 and 40 vegetable rtinrtage! HmV have one o( Ihe IjeM dalal-ei nr t-Ud . . . Iiicrnlitni" raUmgp up. m i'li'Hil. I'n-aiml ainii iin . . . and MAZOI.A .Vi for the FRENCH DRESSING . 1 cup Mdtila 1 bpn dr cup CKier rmi.t.:!. vinegur Dasli t-pn. nuear Frw o: t l-jn. wit Wurceii i bpn. puprika time . Plnce stl inpredients in i cirtered jar und shak Wfi also tieh time belute sen:: predictions as well as write music. Fluid work like niagie! Ami 1 n-einine h no eay to iisel Just follow the direeiuina and it lUann willioiil leaving tell-tale rirnin. Keep ilre-ses hntn liandliaxs "-upliolslery . . . looking like new with Knerginel In laet. I've (here's aino-L no rnd to lite things Mnergine will keep clean. A-k for KNERCINE to-morrow at your drug or di'ixirtrnenl atori l If i Hfiir Mention was made at a recent dinner in Victoria of the fever "Want a primer in Communist ideas?" asked the Old Timer. Here it is: "In the event of the imperialist states declaring war upon and attacking the USSR., the international proletariat must retaliate by organizing bold and determined mass action and struggling for the overthrow of the. imperialist governments with the slogan of: Dictatorship of the proletariat and alliance with the U.S.S.R." "That is from the 'Program of e Cmmun'st Inter' lOVdlV 7z' national,' which is djs- ish autumn back in 1914, when the S.6. Prince George served as a war hospital ship along; the B. C. coast. There were no patients because there wps o At Your ' fumetimes ihf- making news j" .1... ... .1 V li. lilt at hrcnk- "jBli'f-. SLIPS fJ shooting. Yet so trim and tidy V-i r ,jnri an , ,VJ r j . f a b r i e called C- fh j nvlon ! Head to ' I rvJfo too . . . ifa i ! fur-i l,ii led . i.-e- V ) i-i J and handsome a craft was sue that some of the boys said they would not mind being shot at if it meant being restored to health on such a peach of a boat. There are many still In Prince Rupert who well remember how she looked fresh paint, general smartness and all. 00NTf? tr,huted by the Com- Choose rayon crepe, choose satin . . choose a slip cut straight or on the bias . . . with a slim or flare skirt, tailored or lace trimmed. You're sure of quality because these slips are proudly made in Canada. Sizes 32 to 50. ANNETTE mansell WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING "You need to k-nnur l.n, wniiiiruui Way to chao I bone lirraH,.-... to m ike hri akijsl a meal! To-iiiiitruw innriiiiK a nady-tfc-eat cereal thai -and amusing Kcliuiw'.-11 pie.! Children love u " Snap ( 'rack lc-I'iii" oi Kri-pics lnn you prmr o1 pr w ain. Hu e Kii-piw pt-chirrup Willi ei ipiU "-. Sm pert golden bubble ol'm' i wlmle family. Tluyrc P rai ! Ak vour gnif for J.OCfi'S RICi: KI!ISI1I drliciou". nver-iKippi-il rw by tin- Kellocg t'uinpany t ada l.innti dt A, just one more thing to Ky understand Communism fa'iiinn- perfect ' ". jeai!li(iil-lo-hok-at and oh-fo-ea-y-to-w'iir. Nylon lingerie, for instun'-c. Have you wen Ihe lowly tiv Ion undies iu store for you?. fCigiitirs !if pnnlies or bran... fa.-bunl to fit unit to wear and wear! You fee, Ihe beauty of nylon is its touting beauty. And what a-mure . . . it'a no ray to wa.sli ill im so quickly and doesn't need to be iroiuvt ut all. A-k to sec the lovely nylon hngerie fashion in your favoiiiue sior ind do n un iiiIht to lMk for lital ini-jiorunl C-l-L Nylon l.ingerio Naturally, Alberta being an agricultural province, cannot see any sense in daylight saving. It all boils down to "what'U you have, Fad or lood? And the voice of Alberta was clear and XU), 1 in oanaua. wnat is an 'imperialist' government? By Communist definition it is any govern-ment that is non-Communist in its makeup. Britain'? socialist government and the United States democratic government ate equally 'imperialist' in Communist eyes. "That is the explanation of the constant effort of Communists t work into key positions in trade unions in Canada." (Tin vitws of the Old Tmurr ere presorted in this newspaper wutily unjer the jpoVuorship of the British Cduir.hia frdfraiios of Trtit and Industry). More local waterfront land Hit Sprint Oert are ideal iur leMirehr wl and a nuchborly visit wlien Imin' wan bun-be prepared these days fur "i-pur of m' citertaining when frieiulu dmp in. nh a "' of lillle kes or eoukie;', and the "makim winellting to di in!;, hoi or ruol a dion. Cocoa perhapf. m:nie til HAKF.ll'S COC'OA. I've liarne.1 that 1 can rimnt. on rich, true cho.olute flavor-Children partienliirly love cocoa me H IT'S SAFE FOR US TO GUARANTEE OUR : WATCHES : marks are fading out of the picture. There will be fewer wea-therbeaten looking places one could point at and say: "I remember when etc. etc." Until just recently, the machine shop liot or fiosly cold. Made the Waters way, it hriiniti oi w nouri-hraentl The recipe for its muking is on Ihe label, tt' grand Cocoa Pvnip to keep in the refrigerator to u a variety of delicious drinks. An for the cookics-whenevcr ji ' reeipe calls for encoa, you can't do better than enjoy tlic rrrrr HI ammmmmKmm I I V M rim rirt i t L n I all ,1 1. 1 f Vini rl it 11 i I I liakers i.ocoa in them, tool Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions Everybody knows that the makes we handle are superior. I ... .. . .. ... ., .. ...... . IL. L. a f .v. nil t 1 I -.. 1. n ; built and equipped by H. D. Robinson in 1909 near the Armour i Salvage was standing. "Robbie" made a go of it until business began to decline, as it sometimes will. So he decided to move and away went he to North Vancouver. For many a long year the vacated shop remained precisely that. And now It's gone and a close neighbor is going. It was I there many a Navy juvenile re- ClMM Spring the l1" il' ' v" vour f"1 Clioose y: l. f ' CLEAN-UP SEASON NOW THAT THE DAYS are getting definitely warmer and longer so that winter can be spoken of in the past tense onc more, that old urge to get busy outdoors with a paint brush is becoming evident again across the country. Herald of the desire to obliterate the marks of winter and pave the way for a clean, fresh summer is the growing talk about Clean-Up, Paint-Up Campaigns in every part of the Dominion. - This yearly-recurring ambition that seems to infect us all in the spring is a good thing all around. It's good for the property to get a clean-up and another coat of protection. It's good for us physically and mentally to get busy at something just a little different from the normal routine. It's good for business too. rearon lV V'"l eniovedl Tlt-ll i i. ( '..Ir, 111 W 1 ' . we have tested them by long experience. "l i i 'l's sa'e 'or our customers because we guar- I I I ' I I 111 an tee satisfaction. UYfTTrnvtlM Only Bulger's Have the UiSSS535 WATCHMASTER to Tell How VgL . Watches Run Before Selling raiiotiii - Iff Jt It s HI ' Nwi'l Meeliim Ma for youl ... an easy, - -ft easy dish to -'. "i prepare and Ml V AA . drbcioin your TC't Xi?) family will C-j ',, ' eh out for it v ' again and I menu IIEIN25 COOK10U ei'ACUlC'ITl . . . Iteurty, wholc-Mimii ami full of taste appeal. Try this r" ipp some evening sounl . . SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS Sviften i up dry brait cubes in W cup nolk. AliX lislitly wiU t lb. ground beef. I tbsvni. nina;d omon, I Kif. beaten. 1 , tm. salt. Uh pepper. Jcrm Into 1J balls. Brown in 1 uispn. fat. Dialn. Mix with spaclietti In cassetole. Bake in tmxlerate oven (.ISO dc. r-. 20 minute. Serves 4 to o.. Frerrene'i smum Talking tout ii :ifi f t) INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SE1 R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave.- (Near CFPR) ieslfut flavour .IcttP"" vacuiiiii-IK11"1 1 ivistl U then w enjoy it ' fun to ilfim f Two sailings per week for of fiimmer .i..,.a uhca tha ...Hooked -i i 1 , " Hugs I li's a QiJJ'td warm Spring .Line IkCIIIS. gay those Ml 'if'1' b o b b v that's COAL H 1 t 1 FOOTHILLS BOOTLESS LUMP EGG NUT STOKER BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP can ' . r laken f'atl.Kla dreauis into real- VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam Saturday, 9 am., Calata STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS April 16 and 30 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS April 18 by elorint I've run into it at women's elubn in friends' homei Finest PHILPOTT, EVITI & CO. LTD. Coal dumber Building Supplies PnONES 651-652 it v ny ' particlarly 1- You I1 fin-1 t,,; j of your y M d0,.sw,n,lfOlklW. coi. i' -Miniiiiers -bcn you fU1 . vaiai'O" QUALITY &m V frfXtSL rr . . . everyone busily booking Hceir very own version of how they like a hooked rug to look! It'a a ww hobby from an old crait that' not only 'fascinating but exceptionally uwful. J'lasy inexpensive . . a" you need: a act of wooden frames burlap bits of rloth or worked a steel nig book and colorful, All-fnbrie Tmtex Dyes. Vrito to nie Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent Bt, Montreal, FX.- for your copy of " Uookfd Hugs A New Hobby from an Old Craft" costs you jiiFi 10c to cover postage . . . gives you complete information on bow FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert A.ent Third Ave. Phone 568 Best gardening eauinment. enrich ing fertilizers, Insec- liaV: !.,' - ( lOf i ii br " r I SAVOY von iiciaesi we nave em all to assure you of a fine productive garden. ... .i. II ut M ' Upholstering FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK AND AUTO CUSHIONS RECOVERED Ask for PLASTAHIDE available NOW! Out-of town orders given special attention LOVI N'S (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 , at, ! jr i to book a rug. ' II of m r v. , . I For your gardening supplies phone or call at HOTEL your liusbami'e I'e W.y about the ilile aft c.g.u-1 . . . line's how ' "0, bit by t h. w l bothered one room: I'ncap ft bottle of "' KAIEN CO OP JUST ARRIVED! (lew Presto Meatmastcr $19.95 NATIONAL AND BURPEE COOKERS . COPPER BOTTOM STAINLESS STEEL WARE WEAREVER ALUMINUM CO-OP VACUUM CLEANERS Phone 179 Box 1127 251 3rd West eujoy it and not not n smellv sitlioe ,g I 0 .1 . - i -i , :.i,ni!v insUut.v c emai-i1 igai turn me wuk aud aim suroort nuo.-o u.n..-.-- . 1 , , i. . . ... l-uinr:lUt U vanuiui ror iiv aino n,i miielr In loitis. nM, and ODIOD od'llll It""' - Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box W FRASER STREET iUS!Mg).pKWAWl ..,,tnnj,.mi m.,ll (,nu eisr to dog or - than a rent each time ta we! So wry - J A'S ; it Mtt vv,. I,nmu ,,lu.".,lMtr tYP Mv ir:'n:"-' - ,.,. ,.,,1116 u" i rnnce itupert y McBride Street . Phone 311 in thi big-value, ten-ounce bottle-at jom ment aloie.