Prince Uupctt Dailp jftcto Lto. Thursday, April 22, 1348 ORANGE LADIES' TEA AND SALE Local News Items LUME1EES. D Well Known Naval Officer To Marry A.H. Sllvt;rsides of Prince Ru Tomorrow DIARY SETTLED IT After considerable dispute by historians, Napoleon Bonaparte'3 birthday was establshed from Is Guide Cookie (It) WE NOW HAVE STOCKS OF Day. pert, is arriving in Vancouver Announcement is made of the Carnations and iris decorated the tea and pourers' tables at the Orange Ladies tea and sale held Wednesday afternoon In the Oddfellows' hall. The room was made colorful wih mauve, yellow and green streamers hanging in bright profusion from the roef to Pillow slips, Mrs. S. Jurmain, ticket No. 204. , Towels, Mrs. W. C. Nixon, ticket No. 577. Satin cushion. Miss Dorothy Evans, ticket No. 134. The raffle tickets were drawn by Miss Joanne Way. an actual quotation from his . .,..,. h Cedar and Planks, lengths to 20 and 22 feet. i guest at Sylvia Hotel. Baseball Annual Meeting, .J 2x6.2x8... father's diary as August 15, 1769. t engagement of Lieut. - Commander N. S. Eula Ledingham R.R.C., director of naval nursing officers of the Royal Can Friday, April 23, 8 p.m. Civic "TaH widths to 10 inches. Robert Parker Is leaving by air 'on Saturday for a business trip to Vancouver. Meeting of Int. Union Operating Engineers. Carpenters' Centre. Election of officers. Im the walls. adian Navy,- and Lieut.-Com portant business. 96) Receiving the guests was Mrs. mander John Wolfenden, R.C.N. PRICES ON APPLICATION Hall, Fri. April 23, 8 p.m. (96) John L. Johansen,' lodge presi Neil Macdonald and Charles dent, while general convener was Mrs. J. R. Carr. The latter was, until recently, commander of H.M.C.S. Anti-gonish, which called at Prince Rupert during the week-end. Formerly he was on H.M.C.S. Charlotte town. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Ray Hunston, Vancouver; R. Postuk returned this morning on the Princess Louise from Pourers were Mrs. M. Viereck Promoted to the post of Canadian National Railways passenger traffic representative in Vancouver, Joseph Wickett has returned to the coast from Winnipeg to which city he had been transferred about a year ago. Previous to this, he had been and Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse. IBERT AND McCAFFERY LTD. II Vancouver where they spent a few days after attending the The tea room was supervised S. McCorkell, Vancouver; E. C. To Clear Odd Lines at SALE PRICES PHONE 116 Building Supplies Lumber Mapson, Vancouver; Mr .and provincial basketball playoffs by Mrs. B. A. Way, Mrs. J. F. Feasby, Mrs. A. Lund and Mrs. Mrs. J. Jawsey, Vernon; Mr. and between Prince Rupert and Port AIR PASSENGERS Outbound To Sandspit: Thorn, Henry Helin, M. Hor- occupying passenger depart Andrew. Alberni at Port Alberni. Mrs. W. Campbell, North Pa ment positions in Prince Rupert in charge of the ktchen wascific; Mr. and Mrs. J. Herverg, key, J. Wilson. To Vancouver: and Vancouver. Fastball general organlz- Mrs. Harry Paulson assisted by city; N. Thompson, Vancouver; K. F. Harding R. C. McCorkall, MOOSE LADIES' FASHION SHOW r Mrs. William Field, Mrs. Henry p. iverson. Vancouver: C. F. Special Announcement Ray Hunston, A. Manson, B Smith jr., and Mrs. Fred Chand- Cook, Vancouver; Lieut. Corn rgaret McLeod tional Meeting, Civic Centre, 2 p.m. Sunday, April 25. All team managers and sponsors please attend. ' (ws) Thomlinson, J. Johnson. Domenlc Elio, owner of Elio's Furniture Store on Third Av ier. Mrs. Frank Ellison and Mrs. i mander George Manson. Van- W. H. Hill were in charge of the.couver; W. A. Evans, Vancouver; Principal feature of a social OPTOMETRIST (JEW OFFICES enue, Prince Rupert, wishes to Inbound From Vancouver: G. Montgomery, C. Buns. From Sandspit: Mrs. Rumley and child. home .cooking booth. The plant; Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Thompson, evening which was staged by announce Closing Out Sale Miss Jean Thompson, of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew stall was directed by Mrs. R. Den- West Vancouver; E. B. Baker, the Home Making Committee commencing Friday April 23 to 30 PAIRS OP Reg Prices $7.50 to $15.00 BOOTS AND OXFORDS TO CLEAR fJJ PAIR n JC x ton and the white elephant t Vancouver: J. Mathle. Aberdeen. lollowlng a business session of April 30. Everything must be Thompson of this city, who gra booth by Mrs. J. Connery andSask; R. Coburn, Prince George; the local Women of the Moose sold. (tf) Mrs. A. Guyan. S. G. Davis, Vancouver; R. Wat "Build B. C Payrolls" Cashier was Mrs. A. Murray last night was a fashion show which was much enjoyed by all and of which pictures were tak duated as a nurse last week from St. Paul's Hospital training school in Vancouver, was among successful candidates in the recent provincial Registered son, Vancouver; R. O. Kitchiu Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. and Mrs. A. Morell was in charge ADVANCE PLANS en by boys of the Civic Centre of the raffles. Raffle winners were: Nurses' examination, results of H. Cruickshank and son, West Vancouver; R. E. Barnett, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Falconer, Toronto. :oxk I J K J! 93 .1 x- ' Camera Club. Delicious refreshments were served and consid FOR MAY 24 Blankets, Mrs. E. Slatta, ticket which are Just announced.. No. 529. erable interest was taken in the opening of parcels containing 10 DOZEN Reg. Price $1.15 and $1.00 JOCKEY SHORTS AND SHIRTS TO CLEAR EACH "JQq Pure Wool Sweaters, Dress The public of Prince Rupert Pacific ! t"-f'ADlTtOn Boots and Oxfords, Jockey - ONE QUART PER DAY will have a chance on Saturday Shorts and Shirts, at prices you to see the Ford car which the cups and saucers and cream and ' sugar sets which were brought by the members for presenta cannot afford to overlook Watch our ad. WATTS & NICK Kinsmen are giving as a door prize at their May 24 dance ERSON. (mth) which will climax the day's cele tion to the lodge. During the lodge meeting the presentation was made to Mrs. J. T. Kasper, Associate Dean, of bratlon. A party of eight prominent members of the Loyal Order of Doctors claim growing children Following his report on the sale of May 24 tickets, Stan Savllle Moose from American west a lovely cameo pin as a mark of recognition for her work on asked and was granted the au coast cities were passengers on thority to organize a special cam IIICESS LINE Soiling- the Princess Louise this morning bound for Juneau to take Is I . . . . (T5&-r-5Ss M palgn during the time the car on display. During the business meeting part in a lodge ceremonial at the Alaska capital. They plan to return south on the next trip require a quart of milk a day. One cup of Pacific Milk is the equivalent to two cups of whole milk In food value . . in your cooking and as a beverate use irradiated and vacuum packed Pacific. Nothing is taken out of the pure whole milk but part of the natural water. PACIFIC MILK Harry Seaman gave a report on the progress of the Music and ' worth remembering afcTiaimN M kv theee day "Royal lyUt M I City" Pork and Beans fiVijWSJ M for a thrifty dinner or I J.-fflWf m a hot luncheon dish. M Get t hi in at your )S&m?j a of the Princess Louise. VANCOUVER and way ports Reg. $5.75 to $7.50 Cotton Gabardine SQUALL SHIRTS AND WINDBREAKERS TO CLEAR 3.95 and $4.95 Reg. $4.95 to $6.50 PURE WOOL .SWEATERS. Full-Over Styles with Sleeves and Sleeveless TO CLEAR $2.95 - $3.95 and 4.45 Drama Festival and asked the try Monday 10 p.m. memBers to give full support to behalf of the lodge. Mrs. Bond, senior regent, was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members. TABYT UPSET STOMACH QUICKLY CORRECTED BABY'S little -"Tummy" il often easily urwt. It It easily riahttd again, too, if yml know lint how to do it. Lh Mr. M. S. Alwav. of London. Onl.. irll you: "Babv'a Own TMei this effort which was designed Veteran Edmonton to benefit both the children and A L A S K A itchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Porter Is Retired After 38 years service as a porter, E. C. Anderson of Edmonton has been retired. His portrait appears in the Canadian Nationaf Magazine, with a sketch of his experiences. One of the twelve C.N.R. nortera the community as a whole. Ray MacLean reported that plans for the stag party were In order and that he hoped every member would be among those present. James Thompson was Initiated and welcomed into the club with and Skasway May 2 and IS ALERT BAY md Vancouver April 27 and May 7 are a great help at the first aim of uovt stomach, dunni teething time or when a cold M coming: on. They work quickly yet gently to carry away poisons and promote quiet sleep. Walking floors at night is unknown In our home." And Mrs. W. R. Sharp says: "1 nursed my baby ahortlv after berno alarmed nv.r . accident and that upset her almost to the point of convulsions. 1 gave her baby's Own Tablets and she soon stopped crying went to sleep." Eaually effective for teething tmiihUa -,,. President R. G. Moore administering the oath. Mr. Moore was assisted in the installation cere-lmony by Vice President George Dibb, past president R. E. Mont-ador, Sergeant-at-arms William C I I I El F0 0BS I r I stipaiion, simple fever and diarrhoea. Sweet' working out of Edmonton, he also worked runs from Edmonton to Prince Rupert, and Winnipeg to Toronto, He says looking after women and children has long been one of the most Important parts of his job. tasting, easily crushed to a powder, if desired prompt inaction. No "sleepy" stuff no dulling ellect. Buy bog today lor sickness so often strikes in the mUt. 24 Oetita, Money back if not satisfied. Compliment Your SUIT wmtdt&mmwmtu&ptWM JW"ii Maaaygsssw annual Vr- Mothers Day MAY 9 CARDS Bremner, Stan Saville, Charles Collins and Harry Sheardown. Out of town guest at the dinner meeting was Arne Paulson of Stewart. After the business meeting, Roy Van der Sluys, gave an entertaining and educational talk about his return trip by air to Australia. With a soft and frilly BLOUSE a Gibson Girl or a Tailored Style 1 NOW... 5 I ' SV 19 YOU'VE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD! Asphalt or Cedar Shingles will solve your roofing problem. ORDER THEM FROM Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors Here's Njieetly Relief fur Tender, Aching, Burning Feet We have lovely crfeations in Pique, Lawn, Sheer, Crepe, and Rayon Jer VHsakaaaaHsaBHsW .FOR Your feet may be so swollen and Inflamed that you think you can't go another step. Your shoes may feel as if they are cutting rlRht Into the flesh. Ytu feel sick all over with the pain and torture; you'd give anything to tret relief. ''Chicken in the Rough' Two or three applications of m TO TAKE HOME ..Call the i CIVIC CENTRE ? DINING ROOM i PHONE 231 sey. All Sizes from 1)5 up sk about Our Personalized BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Besner Block Third Ave. Moone's Emerald Oil and In a few minutes the pain and soreness disappears. No matter how discouraged you have been, if you have not tried Emerald Oil then you , have something to learn. Get a bottle today at Ormes Drugs and all druggists. Announcements rwwwywyvbw Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, e'.e-nlnes April, 22 and 23. Chil JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 dren's matinee April 24. Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter Devonshire Tea, Civic Centre, April 24. I CLOSING OUT SALE Commencing Friday, April 23 EVERYTHING MUST KE SOLI) BY APRIL 30 Card Party, Catholic School Hall, April 29. United Church Spring Sale, April 29, " Mother's Day Tea, Salvation Army Native Girl's Home, May 4, 3-6 p.m. Prince Ruin-rt District Music and Drama Festival, Civic Cen HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES Here is the NEW PLREX, the belttr bathroom tistue. Soft? Ye, ilky-oft. Refined? Yei, at kind to your skin os the most delicate tissue handkerchief. Yti, this new wonder tissue Is so strong , , . so absorbent. tre, May 5 and 6, afternoons and evenings. ,St. Ppter's spring sale, May 6. Gyro Klondyke Nite, May 7. Mother's Day Tea, Home Cooking, Sonja Ladies, May 8, Sons of Norway Hall (I.O.D.E.) 5th Ave. East, 2 p.m. Shrine Club Band Concert May 10. Typewriters (Portables and Standard) Staplers 'Box Files Led iters Dlank Hooks Favorite Files File Folders Carbon Paper FOR YOUR OFFICE REQUIREMENTS SEE Baby Carriages $29.65 to $32.65 Tricycles $13.20 - $14.80 - $15.60 Trailers .... $6.50, Junior Trikes .... $6.95 Roller Skates .... $3.80, Saniboy .... $6.00 Electric Heaters $7,95; Doll Carriages $5.50 - $10.00; Electric Rangette $57.50; Kitchen Ranges $109.25, $129.90 and $139.90; 6 pc Dinette Suite $69.50 and $82.50; Doll Cribs $1.00, $1.35, $1.50; Child Rockers $3.50 and many other articles too numerous to mention GOOD USED LUMBER FOR SALE Shiplap, 2x4, 2x6, 4x4, and Donaconna ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE' 3rd Avenue ElK SKATING Registered Nurses' Ass'n Tea.H - "uvnrii Pt-Proof Floor i.i,.., . DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING SUPERPAN PRESS KOUACHROME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill i '! 11 Evpru WifrUi Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. Piano Concert by John Joseph Franky, sponsored by Job's Daughters, Civic Centre, May 19. 1-4:30 p.m. Saturday 'Hi., 1-ain - .... St. Andrew's Anglican tea at BOX 645 Fourth St. the home of Mrs. W. S. Kergin 324 4th Ave. West, May 27. Eastern Star Tea, June 3. fert Roller Rink PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 1 J H.iMMMif, T v WAHrff -V i Y U.