Prince Unpen Daflp Bfcos LtU. " Thursday, April 22, 1&48 '' NEWS 0 IkiC amp's PorksB eans FRANCOIS LAKE EDWARD EARL OF and Mrs- C- R' deKergommeaux ,ang as a solo "RoCk of ASes" frrnn A IJI TDim 1 tKKALL DUKILU i Mrs. Barr played the .funeral and Ti-RRAPFFnnprai servirp music. Legion comrades r-,1 urn Wore if tfoa OftH f P II nW.-i' for the late Edward Earl was(Lodge were attendance. ta. conducted at the. Knox United ; terment ook place at the Kalum Church on Tuesday aftei noo.i,1 cemetery with Harry King, chap- are bad ! TEA District Agriculturist Johnson showed several films in the hall last Wednesday evening. The films were followed by a delightful program including piano duet by Miss Margaret Reed; humorous reading, Gordon Funneil; recitation, George Corliss; humorous reading, Mrs. Partington and song, Hilary and Pat Partington. Neil Kelly was chairman. After the program Mrs. Reg Partington was called to the. platform and was presented with Rev. J.- McAllister officiating. I fain of the Oddfellows, reading The church was filled with the service. Pallbearers werp mourners and the flag-draped ' Emil Haugland, Brock Norberg, casket was covered with beauti- Sam Kirkaldy, W. Stevens, 3 . H. ful wreathes and flowers, testi-l Smith and Tom Walsh. mony of the respect in which I . i deceased was held by all who! After a month's use of opium, knew him. Hymns were "Hiding the user becomes a confirmed Two delicious varieties! EVERY PLUMP, TENDER BEAN A MOUTH-WATERING TREAT! Once again the whole family can enjoy Van Chirp's famous Pork and Beans with T.miato Sauce, and the distinctively different flavor cf Van Camp's New F.ngland Sty'e Fork and Beans with Molasses and Tomato Sauce. Next time you shop ask for both kinds. Now is the time to stock up with Van Camp's. A CLASSIFIED AD W THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULT' In Thee" and "Abide With Me," addict. ' - . . I I handbag. She has been secretary treasurer of the Farmers' Institute and the Fair Board and of the Women's Institute. The members of all three organizations wished to show Mrs. Part ington that her work was appreciated. The Women's Institute then served lunch, proceeds of which were given to the Farmers' Institute. The hall was then cleared for dancing, with music provided toy v a f-r .FLOWER SOCIAL I, Mi Kim-' ' " , nil,.;. I "" .N"; l ......iiii nil. r ii !--. , SMITHERS The road vote for Skeena' riding this year is $145,000 as compared with $120,000 last year, according to advice received Uliml (H.I. ''"" an electric gramaphone lent by Clarence Snyder. Ail enjoyed , l,i or " ""': ASSISTS CHURCH salK.liicuiry ihj... . the evening's entertainment j CiTUln'ate in J mi ni Cecil H. Fltz- which was over at mianignt. i tr,' , 1 ilrcl in tins on ice. KITWANG A Ladies of St. from Hon. E. T. Kenney, minis-Paul's Anglican Church here ter of lands and member for raised $ toward the repair of Skeena. ; ,r..)V Riven that I shall. miration Micntion here- ol the Iirst u ai ortwicate of I the church foundation with a . Drn'. 1X11)11 lifU of wild lost ccriuicHie, flower social and auction which Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fletcher of was attended by a large section the Driftwood district lost 150 Uit' meantime vuuu uuj- tad.' u. me in '"" On Friday afternoon the school children held a sale of their work in the hall. The stall was prettily decorated with colored paper and the articles offered for sale were useful and ornamental. The girls had made various needlework articles under the supervision of Mrs. Evan 111 UlP "''(.iNiiy uu" of the oemmunity. Church baby chicks as a result of an ex-Army Captain Mrs. Edward plo.sion and fire in a brooder at Benson was In charge of the their farm home. uperi. B.C.. tins itn cmy oi AD M ANDREW inumrn...., Tv-imty l(eistrur of Titles. affair. i I Nines to f v - ; Now on sale in your tietghhourJxod, this entirely P a t new type of resin-oil finish opens the way to I - jr L modern waU decoration -right over your present j j A - ' wallpaper, paint or plaster. One quick coat doe ,i . fjj the trick no fuss, no muss, no bother. 'fx' , J Cost ? You can transform the "tired" walls ""J!, , l-HE ?i.TRW.'. envtt 1 ur Nobles and the boys made woodwork articles. Those present were surprised at the number of articles displayed and the clever work on them. JRtTISH ("OH'MI'IA IK PHOKATE Miss Butty Putzlocker, whose marriage to Walter Watson, will take place today, has been much entertained at pre-nuptial affairs. Among shower hostesses in her honor have been Mrs. A. E. Zorn, Mrs. William Bovill and Miss Sally Middleton. IviiHiT ut (lii- ' Adinliilfinuion Auctioneer Harold Sinclair received top prices for a large suitcase which was bought by Roy V. Harris and for assorted embroidery work that went to various bidders. Assisting Mrs. Benson were Church Army Captain Mrs. Sinclair and Rev. and Mrs. J. Hay hurst. Field Captains Tait and Bry- AIT" And Mutter ill the Fitalf of llni-l'.v, lti. linriiHod. Mr. and Mrs- Abe Peters are visiting with relatives in Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Calder NOTICE thnt by Order of ir J'.kIiic W O. Fulton. Local i ihc supreme Court of Ilrl- 1 WHS 11" . ""' , .1,,,H o n,.W Af Wit. wood and Mrs. George Heffer-nan left last week for Vancouver where Mrs. Calderwood will receive treatment at the hands of that larce bedroom, living room or dining V ' J v" 1 Sixty-three swans have been in the district for a week, some AD IMS. appointed Acimin- " i""'i" oi tin- Estate of Thomas waneool residents who had tra- , Bos, lute of Terrace tiri- veiled bringing dona- 15 miles, times flying high and sometimes n.l. fl.wi ntl T litlOUt of specialists. and ana room for only $4.95! JMK in the open parts of the lake. i my of November. i47, n lions assisting wiui ms . tr, Britisn Columbia. All worfc mrie.rted tn the said entate . ' .. , . him! to pay the amount of j A $5 donation was received .anjifdness to me forthwitn frorn Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ry- jctsoiis hiiviiiK claims against f . P, , H f?tate are required to lite ". -..- :.a me properly verified on Bonnie Hayhurot, daughter of ( the 15th dav of May. 1648. p A M Havhurst. drew ihich distribution will be - - Cn Sunday evening Albert Stone and Henry Bergen crossed the lake in a small boat with an outboard engine from Southbank to the Landing. They had to push the boat out from the south shore on the ice for' about fifteen feet and slip it Into the water. The ferry is still frozen solidly in. VAMJERHOOF Mr. and Mrs. rrnest Micks and Miss Blahche Weber had a narrow escape at Isle Pierre when their boat sprang a leak and left them stranded in a swift place in the river just above the rapids. Their bout almost filled with water, it was some time beXore they were able to reach shore safely. Inirtne regurd only to strcb tne Winning llCKeis m uic mi ll which I shall have been fip j Master of ceremonies was ut Prince nupert. B.C. this a Apni ad i4B Capt. Harold Sinclair while Mrs. TILZT, Mary Williams was treasurer prince uport. bc. and Mrs. Kahtleen Matthews (H6I (secretary. I Dorothy and Elmer Mills and Blackie Martin and J. Edward !smaji colleen, returned on Fri- Calper, well kno,wn prospectors. Busmess and Professional day morning from Chilliwack where they have been visiting relatives for several weeks. They came in their Austin car which have headed out for the latter's placer property at Manson Creek to spend the season. Water conditions will soon, it is ex was able to travel on roads where l P. J- CHENEY pected, be such that sluicing cwd larger cars cou,d nQt get through. DENTIST uc Mill ttiu. ivcouua oi last, ClU o work were very encouraging. '-'fTE 5, SMITH BLOCK "65 P.O. Box 1401 aM - qON 3& h jTmm m pie's Association is putting on a campaign for equipment. A fashion show to be held on May 7 is expected to be an event of outstanding interest. PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 13G1 Overlook Street JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 The Red Cross campaign In the Vanderhoof district exceeded the objective of $300 by $145.25. D. L. Morton was campaign manager. TH & ELK INS LTD. plumbing and Heating Covert all surfaces wallpaper, painted walls, ', plywood, brick interiors, etc. ' j Engineers The Vanderhoof Young Peo- Advertise tr. the Dally News! 174 P.O. Box. 274 One coat really covers. Dries hard in one hour. , FOR YOUR 1 K'AND CONCRETE r v ; lit WORK CALL BLUE 939 J.SAUNDERS . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Wavig Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 ''. Modern Equipment Even in Leap Year gals don't propose to guys with cars that won't go. Bo let us rid your car of winter ailments nd put it in shape for summer driving at a minimum cost t you. Estimates gladly given. One gallon does a large room. No disagreeable paint odour use room the same day. A hard, durable, washable surface. A pleasure to put on no primer spreads like a charm. n lf.",J I ill Work Guaranteed ' HX F. T,. HITHTTF.S 'fob Chiropractor III HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS ;-22 BESNER BLOCK IB0X 894 Phono Blue 442 Nge l. rorie Building and Repairs of all kinds Bob Parker Ltd. FORD-MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" Prince Rupert, B.C. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners ' Accountant, Auditor, etc. fle Tax Returns Compiled. her Bluck - Phone 387 PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 ROROE McWHINNEY IXTING AND TRY Rex CaHe FOR TASTY MEALS f'APER HANGING ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER p 0. Box 1426 Patt,n St. Phone f1r.n 504 Chop Suey " Chow Mein open TO 2 A.M. CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY EPHEN ERICKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN Prompt Service Baggage - Freight - Express Phone Blue 269 - 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 6 A.M OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL UNG AND REPAIRS SECOND AVENUE, : 195 411 West 7th Ave. i?if its V The modern fM 1 1 ' lafsl ROU H I TRIM IT! ;1 )ON C0A1C0WB5 f aV RUPERT MARINE REALTY) SUPERIOR DECORATORS JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Red 808 Sixth Street RIO : padpd I :,irv,nllNUinJI Blue or,o , Hitching "in inurnion (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We'Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Ltpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 975 Vinir n.. ... . .c rishenes Iiolusirv ell (P.R.) Ltd. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. P". labelling, Weighing til IS HU