3 17" I5rtrice Bupeci Jpaiip tut'ait Saturday, May 21, 1949 Local News items '.'.I a NEW ROOh UK KLrAIKS TO E THt. ULU ViStL. Insist on Moose Whist Drive ' Lb : , ..lK,.u;i,i.,.,:;ii..u ;u,....::-.,n:.i ... T ' Announcements All advertl!ientu ecu column will ba charged for a t ill montb at M eenta a wunl Mav 24 is Kinsmen Day every Cash tor old gold. Bulger's Regular meeting of Moose May 24, postponed to May 25. U20 ) Saturday 8:30. night (It) Square Butt Shingles Harvey Wood's Queens, Parade, Sports, Dance, j Grand Prizes. Attention all I.O.D.E. mem Horticultural Society annual meeting, Monday, May 23, 8 p.m., Civic Centre Club Lounge. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26 bers, church parade, Sunday, Summer Weight May 22, United Church, 10:45 a.m. sharp. (lt' (120) Special Invitation to all C.N. Underwear nj. A 1 rlnrUnrlrnl erA. es and Black, per 100 sq. ft. $10.73 SfRT & McCAFFERY LTD. Mrs. W. S. Kergin. I Sonja Ladles Tea May 28. i United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickerso.i, Borden Street. Catholic Hall, June 9 Afternoon ,tea and home cooking sale; R. workers to Knowles. C.C.F. for WinnlneeJ h ,ni t? tt finrf frpv Bird EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 Sunday, Civic Centre. 9 p.m. of Telegraph Creek. (It) , C.N.R.A. Lawn Bowling Green Football executive meeting ed on May 24, 1:30 2:30 Sunday, May 22, Canadian; ,nrt nrns- pros Jockey Shorts and Vests $1.00 and $1.25 Garment evening, final card party ana distribution of tournament AMTM4I hum rP pill., all lllCIUUl.1 J tit. ti t :AL streamer j Alaskan indlang erect tolem irgiuu rvuuius. Ail team entries Lutheran Tea and Home and registration forms to be in Rayon Shorts $1.50 , comet is neriveu yun-s t, uuie animal irom wnich r , rt i ntin words they believe their trihp Hp. Cooking, June 11. hands of secretary by May 21. Pair pective members please attend. (It) Mrs. Lloyd George has returned to the city following a honeymoon trie to Vancouver Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. Rayon Vests .. $1.25 a fancied resem-; acenueu. ',n the tails oil . streaming I hair :,,., AdvfcrUse ln lhe VMy I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Baz No football game Sunday. General practice, on Sunday. (119) Mrs. J. T. Harvey and family left last evening for Lake Kath-lyn where they will open their Each and Victoria, and has taken up aar, Nov. 24. residence In the Angus Apart Balbriggan Gar ttmliTW Mmm Kmm. Im. (lhe ments. Her husband expects to Combinations Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian Church, June 16. H.M.C.S. Haida I.O.D.E. Tea, June 25. nuiiiiiiTTi iiunic iui nic acd.iuii. I back ater- Mrs" Geor6e Mr. Harvey is at present on a',be w", "Emerson na3 been acting so peculiar since we bought that $2,000 Oriental rug!" Hatchway Style, Short the former Donna Mctwen business trip to Vancouver and j -Miss will be returning to Lake Kath- recording secretary. You Saw It In The News. Advertise in tne Dally News! ACT" "GOVKKNMKNT I.Hjl OR lyn next week wheiice the fam J Plant committees will call a meeting to elect shop stewards Sleeves and bhort LC. $2.75 Suit Sleeveless Combinations is imyable lo advance. Please refrain from ti.nhnnin. (Section 27) Notice of Applli alliin fur consent to Transfer of etrraiiH' C lub Licence to other premise. Notice Is hereby given that on the eleventh day of June next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to truns- L r wurd P insertion, minimum harcc, Uc. Birth ftoUow Li uf Ihunlv iealh Notlnea. Funeral Notice. atarrUtn I ...a I. . . u 11 if i . t A ,i nc. i ri I. mui. la . '1 and trustees. The meeting endorsed the recent stand of the Prince Rupert "(iOVKKVMKNT I.ICJIOK ACT" Ndtk-r nf Application for a Club Notice lis hereby given that on the eleventh day of June next, the undersigned Branch Number twenty-seven ily will motor back to the city. Mrs. Jens Munthe will sail next Tuesday afternoon on the Chil-cotin for Victoria where, in her capacity as municipal regent here, she will attend a national NAME OFFICERS With Short Leg. P.D.Q. SI'KCIAl, Dlal'LAY. DOUBLE PK.CB , , Trades and Labor Council Montgomery was elected Th. . , ,, 4Wo UI UJT liaiUtUI.il UIKIUI1. AiiiuMi , " i fur vtprnn Style. $2.50 Suit Club Licence Number SCHOOLS AND C OlTl.EGtS klll.UJ.I. II II. UIHVblVL l V II II J 'JIJU FOK .I E plre Service league intenag ra a" " T i . . ; , . r. . . n S. I 1 iRiiprl ln resnect of certain ..i Dre . hfilno' ViolH of nnA tiwta nt timrlr presiueiid ui uiir uiiitcu riaucr gathering of Imperial Order, Diy to tne Liquor control tsoara lor - - - ; . , v i riuh t.l.n in resneet of ore- I mines situate at 314 3rd Avenue West CIVIL SERVICE Prince Runert. British Columbia, Rayon Combinations men s ana Ainea worKers union mg during paid holidays Daughters of the Empire. ! mlses formerly kiown as No. 3 PREPARE NOW for Rummer I Officers' Quarters, a two storey at a general meeting in the Met- REAL ESTATE upon lands described as Lot 16, Block 20, Seciton 1. Map 923, and being numbered three and four, and seven and eiKht respectively, Prince Ru- examinations. Write M.C.C George Hanklnson left today fme nsct" apPxiatelI . . . 19S' x 36' with addition 80' x 6' and Kf n frt vr fiirn ti 1 r n rl ileal Rchonl ropole Hall headquarters. D. A Ml Enderton Rlriir SiOfl takes all if sold A-l Miaue 3-piece a oi.vertun radio, i bands: 3-way Tri-iu lamp; standard ,K ami chair; oceas-r ;tail bov; kitchen a iw small items lite 7. Washington je entrance Winnipeg, Man. (hi nert Pert tend Hand Registration Registranon District District, to to MacPhee MacPhee was was elected- elected' vice-presl uji an w niu.ii m ,anvuuii.,llwat( upon certain lands descrio-after ftfter Spending spendlng Thursday Thursday in in the the ed ed as as (l) (l, Part Part of of Waterfront Waterfront Block Block E E FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. (tl) Sleeveless ana bhort $2.25 Suit Harvey Wood's Fine Quality T Shirts FOB HEM7 Vlce-presl- ! dent; R. L. Gardiner, financial rites for his father, the subdivision oI pam of Lots ZTJZX sriy ucn,, v. u. ci uiiili , .aiiu.,!. tlvj city IUI for final liiltll l lliCa 1U1 Ilia labl j f No. 3, Ol fleers' Quarters, a to two storey . . ! 2S1 and Range a, toast lis- approximately ,;,.,,,, frame construction, secretary, and Angus MacPhee, the late Dr. C. H. Hankinson FOR SALE At Copper City, 4 trict. Map 1965; and (2) Lot 1, auo-dlvlsion of Block 3 of Waterfront HN.T-Frni.shed Rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. (124) 196' X 36' wlthi addition 80' X 6' and situate upon certain lands described as (1) Part of Waterfront Block E of FOR RENT Two sieeping rooms lock E as shown on Map 2028. con-'talning approximately 2 903 acrea. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British tne BUDdivision oi par u wj -w. , In White, Sand, Ligni Blue and Yellow. $2.25 UllU 133, tVllRC tl, VUUOI i.w . Mn D23. eontainine anDroximately Ford Model A Tudor :; kIv and mechanical oijuii, best cash iiwUiate delivery. (119) U Fjrst Ave. East. (119) WANTED 0 518 of an acre, as shown on Map Columbia, to entitle each member nf thm RiiiH r.liih to keeD on the Dre- miles east of Terrace, V2 acres of land, with house and olher buildings and young orchard. Adjoins road and railroad. Five minutes walk to train stop, school and post office. Ideal for family with small children or retired couple. Will sell with or without furniture. Apply John Smaha. Copper City, B. C. (119) AU'TION MAI.K Timber hale M" 1.1:1 THnra will he nfferorl for ulp at misea a reasonable quantity of liquor WANTED TO RENT House or 1965; and (2) Lot 1, subdivision of Block 3 of Waterfront Block E at shown on Map 2028, containing approximately 2.903 acres, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In tho Province of British Columbia. buiiic, i rooms or more, lor family. P.O. Box 1000. (124i lor personal consumption on me premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glase the liquor ao pur Practicallv new Kill rum oimulete with i shaftimj. chain ,0 00 : 6 h.p. heavy r,De nuine. $11)0.00 .nice. Court House. (H) WANTELV-2 first class motor! chased: to its memuera ana tjuesui iui consumption on the Club premises iiici iiniiic.i, ion wagc.i. tjUp- nrln. 4,,,.. U. r...J.. ri Public Auction, at 11 a.m., on Thura- ! in accoraauce witn tne provision w the "Government Liquor Act" and rnui nuuj at nuuy oeivice. (124) r, WANTFnP'irt tiirio umrlr ouo. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. tnu 10th day of May, 1949. CANADIAN LEGION. B E S L. Branch Number 27. (Philip M. Ray) Secretary-Manager. (133) Put Cnamel kit the regulations promulgated there- nnlp. day. June Dth, 11)49, In the office of the Forest Ranker, Terrace. B. C. the Licence X47133. to cut 1.705.000 f.b.m of Spruce. Hemlock, Cedar. nines and week-ends. Box 52i immmmr Irt ii -vm- e with imperial oil niulcte with tann. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. this To Masset jp.y 720 7ih Ave. W. 1 121 uanj news. tl)-, WANTED Bicycle for an eight' year old boy. Phone Black T92. , . U20)j XJ A MTrn Hn,i tn ronf In tVio! 10th day of May, 1949. CANADIAN LEGION. B E S L., Branch Number 27. (Philip M. Ray) Secretary-Miuiager. (132) Balaam .and 38.000 lineal feet of Cedar polea and Piling .on part of Lot 1408. Kalum River .north of Lean-to-Creek, Range 5 Coast Land District. Five years will be allowed for re- inniln 1 nf tlmllPf . "Beaver" Wood c ncii' with acces : tuuis. Phone 855 ,C(i. (tft city. .mis. i-iasway, ureen 983. ( 119)1 Provided anyone unable to attend th niiftinn in nRrsna mav BUbmit WANTED OCA. pilot requires Well Keep Your Tires Rolling . . Vniir safety often deDends on VOU1 tender to be opened at the hour of -1930 Model A in iilluil. New paint, uulmlsttTT. 1338 t'j , - (12Qi Single Fare $12 RETURN $21.60 V Three Regular Return Flights Per Week to All Queen Charlotte Island Points FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS rilONE 795 C.F.R. OFFICE aiiotiin anrt -frenterf na nne ola. room ii' ni.se or hihii unn.., to rent .Phone C.Pn of fiea 795. (121) ! Restless -Nights Often mid-life brings on troublesome Irregularities ln kidney functioning, an affliction which responds well to magnesian treatment. (MAG- ' Furthet - partlculaxa-jivaji b-.ob- tiilned from the Urputy Minister oi If -1937 Ford Panel, WANTED July or later, small Forests. Victoria. B. is., or me uisi rir-t. Vnreater. Prince RuDert. B. C. . chcau for cah. i 701 or call 1319 (It) St. evenings. (120) sen -) coniainea apni tmeti!,. Mail replies to G. S. Bruce, co Box 1000, Prince Ruprt,. B C. (119)1 3(1 ft nillnet boat U. in iiood condition. WANTED Sewinsr. Phone Bluej KOhlLUS). Burning ti. painful twitches are relieved, and the bladder returns to normal. Thd tient feels an almost Immediate :hange for the better ln his whole jeing. . MagnopiUs are for sale at all Jrug Stores. oats. Bux 517, Daily tires Let our low cost repairs keep your tires ln shape. TIRE REPAIRS VULCANIZING TIRES and TUBUS SERVICE HOURS: Weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 midnight Sundays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. BOB PARKER'S (UU) 413 or call at 531) tan w.jnai WANTED TO RENT Furnished , - Larue McClary inec suitable lor or pamv lurniMieu uuunc; ui suite. Call Black 900. (1211 1) Rix IK'22 Citv. (119) UPTOWN SERVICE STATION HELP KAtf'itD Rupert Motors PHONE 791 TENDERS addressed to the SEALED undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Wharf, Balmoral, B. C," will, be received until 3 00 p.m. I Eastern Daylight Saving Time), Wednesday. June 8. 1949. for the construction of a wharf at Balmoral. B. C. Plans, form of contract and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the chief Fnuinwr DeDartment of Pub HELP WANTED Competent . ...- -I.. l X SALE Trolling Second and McBride Ltd. awd with Rurdies :i 31'. Price reason-;".iv cash. Address r, Bux 1801. City. (119) omce cierii, iuum, ue uic m use typewriter and have knowledge of general office routine. Apuly ln writing wilh qualifications to Box 515 Daily News. (tf) ..W.W.V.W.-.W. J For i Construction lic Works. Ottawa, at the office of Alterations Repairs X SALE 1941 Ford the District Engineer. Post Office Building, New Westminster, B. C. ! and at the Post Offices at Port 1 Essington. Prince Rupert,' Vancou- ! ver, and Victoria. B.C. I Note: Upon application to the See t'lijune 194(5, ran DUO miles. Phone or call at 704 5th Uf) HELP WANTED Pin Setters for the Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys Applv Moose Hall, Third Ave., or phone 709 or Black 735. tf) WANTED Young man as partner in local old established business. Some capital required. Box 523, Daily Nes. 1 IV ' NOW OPERATING FROM NEW GARAGE BUILDING, FORMERLY LINDSAY MOTORS, SECOND AVENUE AND FIRST STREET. PHONES 566 and 866 GREER &-BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 1942 Chevrolet 8e- 'fvy Rood condition, wntd. Can be seen Motors. (tf) T S.S. PRINCE. RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.tri For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT undersigned, the Department ' will supply blue-prints and specification of the work on deposit oi a sum of S10 00 ln the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The deposit will be released on return of the blue-prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit "Yulan" 30' troller. Floor Sanding a Specialty FOIt SALE P.O. Box 721 Red 561 " ,V.V.V.V.VA,.V.W.W.V.W.V.V 1 New Floats, or ;e It of P.K.F. Credit (119) -Trulllng boat El-ioiis, 14 h.p. enRino, Ml trolling gear in Sh:ine Pun nlcn lin FOR SALE 1947 - '48 Ford Coupe. Low mileage. Phone Redj;92afterG p.m. UP FOR SALE 1 bedroom suite, sewing machine .dining i pom table and chairs. Phone B!a una CD We Deliver it 7 0U Buy it - 5 will be forfeited. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth there- '"kach tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered i..nir m cnnnria Davable to the into inllnettei-. Can it Uodse Cove, Box (119) For Reserevations Write or Call CITY OU DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUFERT, B.C. nt (h. w,iuirAhle the Minis NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Link-belt Speeder Shovels Cranes. Draglines; Adams Road Graders; Littleford Bros Black Top Road Maintenance Equipment: Owen Clamshell jLJin.ru-1 Buckets and Rock Grapples r,,rt.p Mixers. -3-ton. Fargo dump ' model This truck class condition, onlv ''OHO miles. Phone ! 5 I , AT THE B-Y MARKET YOU CAN BUY THE FINEST OF FRESH MEAT, FRESH VEGETABLES AND FOR ALL YOUR ENQITRIES ARE INVITED FROM SENIOR MATRICULANTS OR UNIVERSITY GRADUATES RESIDING IN PRINCE RUPERT OR TERRACE FOR THE POSITION OF ARTICLED STUDENT or ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT with prospect of working from a proposed Branch Office in Rupert at least six months a year. Living allowance payable when working from our Vancouver Office. Applicants need not be available until August or September. Reply giving full partculars of educational qualifications, experience, age and references to A. P.' GARDNER & CO., 1118 MELVILLE STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. ter of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and Its constituent companies, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and Interest by the Dominion of Canada, or nrnm.,itinnpri hnnds and a Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson Bucket Loaders pr Stockpile and Snow Re moyah Ri iVoi t- r contact Wasend : ,s Havs Cove Avenue, Prince Rupert, BC (119) j K 1 ri...i. o l1 I PRINTING 1 ts f 1 1 QUALITY GROCERIES. JUST CALL RED 411 able ueiiiriuinai r u.-h". ---Uonal Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All b eel certified cheque If required to make REQUIREMENTS SEE -umir Sedan, can be J at Rupert Motors up an odd amount. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE. Secretary. Gasoline Hoists. Portable Sawmills: NatJnal Rotary Screens and Cwvcynn, Full information from National Machinery Co. Ltci Vancouver, B. C. Hu REGAL PRINTERS !U-New and Used Fur-Hardware and Office Underwood Tvne- nonart.ment of Public Works, V (Formerly O. D. Haugen Grocery) - 869 Sixth Ave. E. Ottawa, May 14, 1949. PHONE 24 ,,,R.adios. Bedroom Box 423 FOR- sALE-Gray baby buggy. ; 222 Second Ave. i mmrA " m MU ""uk. now Floor Cov e.SK I,.,in T-, t-i: 4 BEDROOM house on cnnuou iii.i rtugs, uni- in gooa coiiuiw"". 121) I airU'Jf Cups and hill Excellent iamu.v iiu"-iv,t hocampnt and furnace. U i?V,rf ul KlM, prices ONE MAN FOR SALE-30 foot oy 9 foot boat gooa 1IulllV acht "v,t r CluD lub Apply caretaker, WANTED MS (wooaBoss) Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions pEl6-foot row boat. 0. Boy Sid ni a n q7p cribs POWER CHAIN SAW 1 mnOrHSSM. hall PlK-e. ,y the underslfrnerl nn o oVi ana (H In rilUUC t-tlU-n- ; Friday, June 3rd Durcha.se of District Large living and dining rooms through hall, to kitchen. Plumbing and roof in A-l condition. Situated on two lots with well drained lawn. Also has lara;e green house built on cement foundation at rear ol house. Priced to sell at $7500. $1 000 DOWN. $2,150 full price four Wartime buys Cottage style at 1507 8th Ave. East Situated on the hieh side of the road .It Is readily adaptable for basement. Immediate A 'hOUSE0 v'ou have often ad-mired on the corner of 6th and ' " q lorcjp herirooms. WILL CUT MORE WOOD, MORE EFFICIENTLY CHECK MEL AL WOrlS i-Vtr, KC ' oast Dist' Vh"f with Imnrole SAVOY PLUMBING - I"sJliatASST A1? RepHirs. S H E E T M E T A ! .i i ,ij . is C u hereon ana , VRlng to the K-rl Z (Carl) Johan .'A deceased. This WORK. Tar anu ui "Xoq b Sons, lng. Letournpau & AGENT OR COMPANY TO ACT AS AGENT AND DISTRIBUTOR FOR OIL COMPANY MARKETING PENNSYLVANIA LUBRICATING OILS COVERING MARINE, AUTOMOTIVE AND INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNTS BOX NUMBER 525 DAILY NEWS (120) tunor 'iitiiit- iiiu. OIALU v r.itv. - R Miuated on the wiarj abnnt A mii. THE EXTRA FEATURES Or THIS fM. Recoil Starter Weighs only 35 to 37 lbs. Swivel Carburetor Parts and Service Readily Easy to file teeth on the job Available Made in Canada. Price 26" cutter bar size $295.00 Price 32" cutter bar size .$315.00 (plus sales tax If applicable) - FROM PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Avenue P.O. Box 773 PERSONAL a inrraice- i tLhe Property HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT cabinet kitchen 2 bathrooms, with nook, large living room with fireplace, dining room clrripp ta r cash ,"K- enu. not n' "'Rhest or rock ed (ruDoer goou - for 50c postpaid In Plain i sealed' included. wrapper, catalwue General Novelty Cc Dent. 'PR,'. 71 Major St., Toronto ont: rrii MOORE'S Ladles Wear Sale will continue until May 31. UU auto-oil neat. on,u - FMnfomationr inspection-Fprhone or call Robert E. Mont-ador Limited. . t1"' u, Juhan EJ;tate Osterlund. of Karl