i CIVIC CENTRF IIVFIY WOT DURING 6 Ptfnrc Kupfrt Daflp Hetos . Saturdriy, May 2!. 1)43 . KING EDWARD INDOOR TRACK MEETi , . . I P w w Centre gymnasium into racing, screaming life Friday f is aiieniuim wuen iou pupils VL u& ftriuui tuiu- peted or vocally supported competitors in the school's second annual indoor track meet. All the 'razzle-dazzle of more mature scholastic athletic events was. colorfully present. Including cheering sec-' Boys, 11 years David Lowe; 8 tions for the Black and Go'd Alfred Strand; Greig Forbes. 5 houses which competed aeair.si Girls. 11 venrs Arlene Cam-! I each other throughout the meet, eron; Patsy Willson; Janice f U'dlu satisfm ' refreshment ot a tutlij 1, V Winner on the basis of points Davies. j was the Gold House, whose avid j Boys, 12 years-Oordon Mar-! supporters ran up 120 points,' shall; Arthur Helin; Bert Tip-! against 105 for the Black House, ton. j in the 40 events which made up I Girls, 12 years-Mary Moraes; the competition. S Laura Eirikson; Sylvia Beilis. Highest individual scorer, and, Boys, 13 years Everett Jef-winner of the Variety Stor ' feries: Joe Amstutz; Rov Mac- matured Drew in duttonjAk was nine-year-old Marilyn Far-'lntosh. y tner, of Black House, who claim-1 Obstacle Race l ! j d"mc wis' tf " i !- - - ed four first prizes for 12 points, j Boys, 8 years-Teddy Martin, While the 180 DUOils Of flraHa -Allian Rt-Mt- I,hn T nmHo "HAVE A CASE II AS DY AT ALL TIMET (Three to Six were holding their j Girls, 8 years Beverley Cal-jmeet at the Civic Centre, 110 deroni; Shirra Halliday; Louise Lrraaes one and Two pupils held Anderson. their own competitions at the! Buvs. 9 veurs-BuUv Kti.-uv - v - f ! school grounds. Under super- Jerry Bowes; Verne GaUke. vision of Mrs. M. O. Kullander, Girls, S years Marilyn Far-Miss Fetherstone and Miss mer: Gail Harvev: Svlvia Clav- V to CCD e 7 7 1 8 8 8 B 8 10 1U 10 in 11 8 i fi 9 10 in i 'i 11 11 11 12 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 a 8 6 7 8 6 9 9 in Sweeny of the teaching staff, ering. I the juniors took part in dashes, Boys. 10 years Jimmy Ai-reiays, sack races and three- seneau; Francis Rowe; Gordon legged races. Winners were given Lugrin. ribbons, as were those in the. Girls, 10 years Sonja Hansen; ' older group. j jacqUeane Johnson; M a r d e 1 1 Officials of the senior meet' Soiland. ) were Principal R. G. Moore, Boys. 11 years ponald Me-! starter; Roland Miles, Joe Gus- Leod; John Newton; Alfred'' IN HEADLINE SQUIRM George Pavich,238-pound Vancouver wrestler, to meet Glenn Stone, Los Angeles. 220 pounds, In headline wrestnnir event next Saturday at Civic Centre. ID? ITTI f CM 1 V V tin tff coe and John Jenkins, Judges; Strand. Mrs. E. Piehe, Mrs. F. M. Gul- Girls 11 venr.jn.ii., LIMITED land and Miss Georgina Mlt- Moorehouse; Annette Win tile; chell. recorders: and Mico r cii o..i,... 1 OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafle Chinese- -Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7MF tfP? OF i .... uuiij t?v iiuiiia Jiri . Arnett and House CapUins Roy Boys, 12 years-Lance Thet-Mclntosh and Gordon Marshall, bald; Leon Wright; Bert Tipton supervisors. , Glrls 12 years-Dorothy Tay- Wmners of events at the Civic lor; Joan Pearson; Mary Moraes Centre meet were: Boys, 13 years-Joe Amstutz; Dashes Herbert Quast; Larry Linklater. Boys, 8 years 1st, Terry Mar-' Crab Race tin; 2nd. Barry Mark; 3rd. Joe Boys, 8 years-Joe Arseneau; Arseneau. Ronald Strand; Alan Brett. Girls, 8 years-Beverley Cal-' Bovs. 9 vears Frank Killvirn- THE PACFW 1 i- Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 tor Outside Orders 1 1 - deroni; Louise Anderson; Shirra ' Wolf red Erickson; James Chris- li( Halliday. !, .1)1 .-VANCOUVER . NEW WESTMINSTER VICTORIA . TKi idvertljement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boart! or bv iht Government ol British Columbia LING the TAILOR Boys, 9 years-Bobby Kelsey. ! Boys. 10 years-Jimmy Llndok-Jerry Bowes; Frank Kilborn. iken: Francis Rowe: Jerrv rhri.. Girls. 9 years Marilyn Far- toff mer; Gall Harvey;. Sylvia Clav-j Wheelbarrow Race "B- ! Boys, 12 years Herbie Quast. Boys ln 10 years-Jerry Chris- Earl Denton; Arthur Ilelin. Milton ; Jimmy Lindokken; James ford Wetek; Donald McLeo.1, A"en,eau- JV Leonard Smith., I Gtrls 10 years-Judy Felsen- Skipping Races hai MjTna crossley; Elsie Girls, 8 years-Shirra Halli-una. i ,-, . ... NOTICE! Clothes remaining in this shop and unclaimed after one year are to be put on sale unless customer advises us to hold longer. I 'lease give number. LING, THE TAILOR 220 Sixth Street P.O. Box 388 daughter, George Dawes left today bj left this jir on a business tiip to Vancou-a trip to ?er. Police Radio .Operator Joe Ralph Morin and Ward re.u..ieu by a;r Friday Miss Yvonne Morin, 4ternoon from a brief trip to afternoon by air on Vancouver. Vancouver. 'uminueu on rage it BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL JOHN H. BULGER 0PTOMETR 1ST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty .Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 65: ? GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied 'Besner Block Phone 387 ;ken's radio clinic For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 713 Second Avenue West HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOLLOW the CROWDS TO THE Terrace CIVIC CENTRE GROUNDS FOR i!i!:!i!ilii:i!!i;iliiii:Jh;!;!!'; - V Building and repairs of all kind Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners t : A. HUNDEIDE ; WATKIN'S DEALER H7 Seventh Avenue West Phone BLACK 800 Box 20G j PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evening? ! P.O. Box 1670 i ; ARROW CARS 24-Hour Service PHONE 040 Prompt and Courteous Service ! DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 P.O. Box 1401 THE For Building Supplies PHONE 363 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs ' MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 759 972 10th East MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 523 330 Second Avenue MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors DRY KINDLING WOOD - Gaines Sports - Iiofrcslmieiils !!!!iiil!l!II!!i!!!Siii;!!!!!!!!i!!B IllllllillSIf .V.V.V.V BROADWAY CAFE 'ft -! 50c Sack Delivered Prince RuDert. B.C. , Chain Saw and Operator . . PHONEVRANSFER A P- GARDNER & CO. Green 186 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ".MARGARET McLEOD HIS Melville Street : 1 OPTOMETRIST VANCOUVER, B.C. ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS - PHONE Apents for SIMPLEX GAS OJ CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES - P.O. Box 1184 Sales, Service and Parts ? FOR YOUR Boat Owners and users of In-fiOCK AND CONCRETE WORK dustrial Engines are invited to ; CALL BLUE 3w jur showroom to view our vari-; M; J. SAUNDERS ,us engines and talk over equip-New, Modsrn Equipment ment problems. ' ' All Work Guaianteed . QUALITY REPAIRS , ; For Downtrodden Heels ; Weill Cartage Ltd. and Worn Soles Complete Movlnf Service MAC SHOE HOSPITAL i!cu-,-FteUr-cuJ -Box -774 Second Av. BLUE 780 red 516 j WdWW- TUG-OF-WAR FOR ANNUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY ! OPEN TO THE WORLD. 6 "MAY POLE DANCING AND CROWNING OF TER-! RACE'S THIRD MAY QUEEN. 5 GRAND DANCE AT NITE-MUSIC BY FRANK GAVAN AND HIS 'RHYTHM AIRES.' Help the Kinsmen - Help the Kiddies THE , O KINSMEN CLUB OF TERRACE r' BEST FOOD BEST COOKING CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY FOR TAKE HOME ORDERS 608 West Third Avenue