r come from Knimaat and othtr Prince Rupert Daily News Native Villages ri : illages and Mr. Kenney Los Angeles Party Coming sured the delegation that the Wednesday, June 7, 1S50 Seekina Power federal member was doing For Slimr he could to havr post offices THE WORLD'S GREATEST I See It The party numbering some J KISPIOX Good nopes are 250 persons, members of the Los held here for the extension to Anee!es Chamber of Commerce j ne vUiages ot itispioX smfl Glen will be here aboard the steamer AOTfl! of the British Columbia Prince George Friday of thU I Powtr -Commission's services fo-week on their third annual good- lowing a meeting In Hazekon be-will tour of British Columbia ' t ween Chief Councillor Silas HERE ARE Just OFTHEGC0D JUKETW j In Independent daily newspaper it vote d to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia O. A. HUXTER, Vnnaeing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Nerrspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES opened in these places. t j The Kisplox delegation also tsked for Public Works employ-; ment. At present no" Klspiox men are employed on this work, theyi pointed oul. Tbey were giver.! assurance by the Minister that-in improvement could be expected in this regard. -5 i'j m. Now and Alaska. The group Includes j jonnson and otners and the many of the California metrop- j Hon. E. T. Kenney wens Bnn oj By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; rer Teai. 3 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. ' By ELMORE PHILPOTT Newspaperman Cured I THERE IS A FASCIN- ATIXG article in Collier's olis' most important business svbai ji;, ja-iujj j. Special Nw Mens RlNUBRi Yaunv i , men. , Leading the party is A. 3. Goek, president of the Los Angeles Mr- Kenney agreed that this' and ah adequate village water I Mr- and Mrs C- McRae. who f ystem ouid do much for im- have been visiUng here for the proving the health of native past tw0 wm saU by the reople. For some months he has ' . . . ... L .. Prince Rupert tomorrow n ght on 1 r.. - to been urging Ottawa provide t post office for Kbspiox. Re- their Teturn U their home at i-ently similar requests have Duncan, Vancouver Island. : magazine about a Chicago chamber of Commerce and C II g PANTS-ptrf . r ' newspaperman, J a c prominent banker of California's nrinivna! rirv Shanahan, who cured was Again managijlg the tour u News - Peace Instrument SOME encouraging words were heard from Hon. Letter B. Pearson. Minister of External Affairs, in the House of Commons the other day. He looked beyond the current stage of democratic unity of sovereign states to an Atlantic commonwealth of fixe states and ultimately to one world. The one dark snot in his observations was the possibility that it night have to come about by war. rrum j Men's l-t!t.Hl M needle n-e jjo.'! .Now Only Boys' HIVdkriI showenwouf, a M 00 Now Boys' and O'-vf hat, ;: i of arthritis. Charles P. Bayer, assistant to the . The remedy was the gland ex-' president of the Los Angeles , tract ACTH. This gland extract Chamber of Commerce. ; ccmes from th? base of the The group, to be met and wel-fcrain. It seems to be like the corned here by . C. Gilker, act- triit-iaJ afro gUes nts orders to ir.g president of the Prince Ru-; the soldiers underneath him pert Chamber of Commerce, will : The soldier who apparently arrjTe at 19 o'clock Friday morn- ! 1if tl I 1 1 till IT ors. Sfla $2 xi tu inl. j c'oes the work against arthritis lng and Wll sail at noon for Al- B"-s' PAVrCfor s3 giana, wnicn is Southbound they will be There is just one way that the possibility of war is the adrenal nay be minimized. That is bv free exchange of ideas I ,pp of the w aney. nai ins strong. Frm I here again next Tuesday evening . ; 1 Jtiui irJormatiun between nations. It is ouite uos- now i t svnthes:ze this kidnev, iraji A Good Place u Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL ' I Telkwa, B.C. Just a Nice Day's Drive sii-le thr.t. had there been a barrier of censorship extract. They are well between the United States of America and Canada, I xtS. (J,S. TraininQ ' the peaceful relations between those two countries sults so far obtained from the , , the envy of other nations of the world-would not ! f'iand ex;ract b? fari 3D DS COITI flO - I , -it, . from conclusive. There are tncicv' ''C vviiimy riave survived as they have. , ' ?:de effects" in the use of these , . . Two U.S. TT5 v. Naval 1D Reserve tram- rjti-i.i- , , . , . , i j k Probably the greatest voluntary co-operative ; fwerful e!and extracts in n rf atxoer escorts w-u vii. lnS , ,f .i-i n. i . Heast some cases no benefits ti.Mlt Of the world IS the network of great inter- ; hsve n obtained. j Prince Rupert June 25 and June national news services and newspapers that reaches i But on the whole the du- 27. it was announced by h m cs. into even- nook and crannv in free countries, gathers wveries mde rora e cnl-: Chatham today. The vessels . . , . sone and ACTH injections have , . , news of those and "y" a implement of 33 places retransmits important teen the most hopefui in the r.ews from all over the world back to those nook ' whoIe nr of arthritis. For liters and 4o0 enlisted per-fnj iL . , . , , ; row at long last science seems ronneL aiTive here at 1:30 pra. rtnd crannies so that people there stack can local.. up t0 be getting an insight into th? June 25. happenings against those of the world at large. ! real nature of arthritis, it now "ACTIVATED"' Shell Premiom U the most powerful gasoline your car ran ase! "Flying Guejr RonehJ IJJlJiK. tjfe-.jr.g, I dar:cir. ard i Princ Rupert Flomrt Writ. W-e that Hmi wwm tnr All Orcastaw ITO0 3rd Are. Box 516 Tel. T77i Eliminate Defrosting Nuisance Kecent history Shows ...imv that tb.P UiClUM firt u-aminm, I'l ,t iteemS C ear "lai. nllS a tzr from a hopeless diseas- HaillllliTS r-Uoo V,i,.H -o,,!. from . . . - SH1HG0 The ideal f 1 -t f,-i , The vast majomy 01 armruic a sufficiency of a kidney giana- vi;tims overcome it weU enough -in.:'jLi aic iicajicu wiitu a counir' or iuui.i ui t-uuiiines closes aown on flow of news. Shingles, Feni rough lumber intemation?1 ' extract. Once that is firml7 t0 enj0y happy and useful lives. and finally established science recover completely with ' will be able to move on to the the nelp of remetiies so different i next stage in the conquest of ( ,hat it airaost laughable, i the disease. j know one Calcary woman I FAR FROM MAKING TH(5'who was completely crippled ,wprk of the Canadian Arthrlcisf who recovered completely after Und Rheumatism Society super-' livine for one month on M a variety of i colors. LITTLE FOR NEWSPAPERS Thompson H Automatic Defroster. Just plug it in the wall, ad-' just the defrosting cycle and your worries are over. For free demonstration see Co. Lrd nuous, the new discoveries make i oranges per day. I know of ILLIONb are spent bv the Federal Govern- u more necessary than ever. otnm who cured themselves by ment for "Dublicitv. advertising ' and " informa- """i"" n th,e l?1?1, kV CA Rs-! drinking young -pork k.dnjy promotes and helps finance re- K,up ,and that was 15 years bt- Uon ;,r," ;n m .v the course of t a year. Bv this the reading (search. On the local level it fore cortisone and ACTB But Muring, Parkin;; Shipping and $ Cartas and I public mis'ht Silt1 assume that the newspapers find in ; suPPierne-nts the work of the Up m. aow it has aa. been a hit-, . . r i fiinulv DhvsJciad and the local- r tarir FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL ' & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contrator Ottawa a substantial source of revenue. ,f 1""" r? ,r x.-h.ki.. , D nr0cess- " 1. Complete Reliable ient Servire. ais Canadian Liquid tor 0yen. Arct; woMl.- supplies. Several clinics are already C-AR.S. in Vancouver is try-! operating in Canada, completely jng to raise enough money to ; equipped and mostly financed finance a really scientific ne-j by CARS. The only complaint tional attack on the greatest of that I hear about these is that au cripplers. j they can't yet serve all the pec- ' pie who need their services. , The travelling physio-ther-! ! apists, in their little Bluebird mis is an entirely wrong belief, despite the recent announcement that the 1950 estimates for publicity would amount to $6,064,775. Df this, the proportion going to the newspapers will be 'only ?224,460. Most of the six million goes to operate the information branch of the various administrative departments, much of the effort of which is to chisel free publicity- from the newspapers. . Lindsay's CaJ Storage Lk Cor. 2nd and P; Est 1916 Phmf i cars, are perhaps even more ; necessary. It cannot be too T.S.S. STF.AMI Data is offered the press " and if 1 puuuntru, published is it ;deaiily underst0dt.th no e , . ' magic remedy no Cortisone, no on a ii-ee basis. The attitude of the government is ;acth no injecuon of any kind -that Slich action could bp rpraivW : -is going to repair damage al- it's easy to mg pmm of PRINCE service the plums, if any, going elsewhere than to the newspapers. ; ready done to bones, muscles ' tnd joints. Such damage, how-j ! ever, can be corrected to an j amazing degree by the physical' I healing arts and sciences. There j ; are several varieties of these! healing schools And the best o! i them do work wort.vr with lons-j crippled victims of arthritis, ; and other such ailments. EVEH BEFORE THE DIS . SAILS Vance Intrrn Thuri .till U FOR KET II For !l j C1TV hi vm: COVERIES re the brain and kidney gland extracts, arthritis dot tyatort Art Electric Water II eater is the most efficient water heating system you can buy ... no waste heat goe up. the flue, for there isn't ny flue . . . BUSlUtSS is BAD for Cars In AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE os in anything else, you get exactly what you pay for . '. . That's the reason why you're wise to bring your Chrysler Built car to a man who knows it best . . . Our trained mechanics have the "Know How" to .make repairs quickly saving you time and money. They use only factory engineeied ond inspected parts and special factory approved equipment. Rupert Mof ors Ltd. Phones 566 Service Dept. 866 Parts Depr- l and its cool, gleaming white jacket conceals heavy 1 (tj ss& I Calvert dPWNjrJ ; v Canabiantthiskij Ay m insulation . . . It's fully automatic, too . . . and it costs only a few cents a day . $ Just install it, forget it, and enjoy a plentiful supply of hot water for bathroom, kitchen and washing clothes, VA.NCOl i I Sunday, V'"1 Tuesday, 1:30 p.ir- . . ur STi: ENGINES & EQtlPMENT We Wink anl have fnr rwmmlna dlcvl. MmrH'T Can fciutncn. rirllilr Ainri rxhniist piiilnc l-tettM fnl HtH. TVBltlna Ynr Kwttrl. fillrhriot 4mks ami Purt. ftmm and Iron tU.w Hirflecs. Pttnn Rlnrt Pliw anil lin Flttlnri. HsMitfi-rt Box llcnrlnc. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.' PORT SPIIJ Sunday, Coq"-L wrno KftRTIl THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCHUMAN 'Old Post Office Bld.) TRAVELLING? CHARLOTTE lj For the very finest in LUGGAGE ss. camosun, FOR SOITB CHARLOTTE 1- s.i. camosun, Ju'-' 10 pro Rirrt and Rn. Rhnrilng. ttnti. Sat, Htuiln and Tap 'ni ws. HallMit SWf Rnllrr Rtwavrs. AmlHir (iirrtlr MgniThrartn. f lat Mild Ntrvl, Varln artli lm of marine harfl-war and eulpnwnt, too to mrnlliin. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Cook, Jeweller George FRANK J- f"J 527 3rd W. BOX 1188 Prince i Phone 264 Tblrd Avenue