Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, June 7, 11)50 RE-ROOFING? 1 I i Announcement ... unu build or remodel, choose B.P. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (Tuesday) Howard Brown, R. W. Burton, Miss T. Braun, Mrs. K. Lindquist, K. E. Harris, T. H. Sorer.son, Mrs. P. Anderson, L. Peterson, Mrs. Fjordbotten, C. Aide, T. Byrne, D. F. Wittenburg, Const. H. D. m Cambrat Tea, June 7 Mrs. J. McRae. 4th Ave. West LiLT SHINGLES the overwhelming leisure begins with C.WX. Tea and Sale of home Mrs. H. Best left the city yesterday for Vancouver aboard the Coqultlam. cooking 2:30. Card Tournament j final 8 pm. Thursday, June 8, DA sJ Id in Catholic Hall. r ' u-tpcts from coast to coast. Sore made by BUILDING PRODUCTS Tp the largest manufacturer of asphalt 'L in Canada. - devour roof with care- specify "B.P." "nrt " : TlinOl GH VOLR LOCAL CONTRACTOR ' OR DIRECT FROM I Mrs. Ray Wicks and her two j children sailed aboard the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon Regular meeting of Women of the Moose, Wednesday, June 7 at 8:15 p.m. Election of officers. (132) Arthur Silversides, who has been on a tour around the world, relumed home today . Mr. Silversides, who Is one of the city's pioneer business men sailed United Church Men's Tea,! Thursday, June 8. - I ior a visa to Vancouver. Hyslop, P. Meuse. To Sandspit (Tuesday) T. J. Volp, Miss T. Jones. To Vancouver (Monday) Wong Sing, J. F. Goolde, S. Far-rar, C. R. Jacobson. Bob McGiveron, W. H. Willoughby, Mrs. Eckstein. . From Vancouver (Monday) Girl Guide Tea, Conrad School Mrs. W. D. McAra ma om June 10. Presbyterian Tea, June 15. Albert & McCaffery Limited those assisting in the home cooking sale at the Job's Daughters jamboree at the week-end. Superb comfort with supreme good-looks. Belf-supportlng nobelt or pressure round the waist. Rubber pads concealed In the waist-band to hold down the shirt. In a wide variety of fine English fabrics. 118.50 to $25.00 Wee Oaks Suits am' Jackets Prince Rupert, B. C. P.O. Box 160 tin . United Church home cooking sale, Thompson's . Hardware, Special cabaret fianr-P Raf.. urday night at Legion Hall- In June 17. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. MA 7 vitations at Legion or from Entertainment committee num ROTARY Skeena River L.O.B.A. tea and sale of home -II ' rf the famous English - comfort-in-action trousers... bers. iil; from San Francisco early last spring, proceeding from there across thePacific, through the East Indies and finally on to New York. He was met in New York by Mrs. Silversides who is accompanying him home. Low priced wrist watches, $7.50, with comic animated colored dials. A nice boy's watch. Pulger's. (H) cooking and sewing at home of R. Ramsdell, Mrs. Antonson, B. Josephson, Mr. and Mrs. D. F.' Doswell, L. Boyes, G. Pike, G. F. Breimo, H. D. Thain, H. V. Cliff. A. J. Werlck, D. S. Heaslop, P. Allen,' R. W. Liversldgee, Mrs. C. Wilson, H. Blake, Mrs. J. Filling. From Sandspit (Monday) N. Nelson, N. Tarburck, A. Kroft, M. Jeffries, W. Pearson, S. Crosby. Bob McGiveron. Vanrmivpr Mrs. W. Faught, 701 Fifth Avenue West, June 23. : 4 Sun Golden Gloves champion, who fought In a main event bout In the Civic Centre Saturday 13 S I i Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar ARREL DERBY November 8. nignt, returned south by plane Monday. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16.. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. nnminnrn IO.D.E. fall bazaar November v Kemember to tome to the! lea v tm-,,, t 23. c.wx. Tea and sale of home ' j tend Gyro International and cooking beginning 2:30 P-m- district conventions. Mr. Dnmin- July 1st from Terrace Bridge to E. Kwinitsa sponsored by Prince Rupert Rotary Club card party distribution of I Advertise in :fce Daily Newr "fcAmETVORKCJ- Repairs, Alterations, Quick Service, Reasonable Prices Estimates Free QfA UrUl ha nffliinl .4 .1! l - prizes ta tournament winners . . , . . ,u i i u nnH .,.. . ",: ;the local dub of which he Is CERTIFIED PIPE AND wuu grocery rarile in eveninsr president. !A Proceeds to Build CI (10 III Community Tennis Courts yw" The Mercantile Men's Fivei Call Tom Sedgwick ' Commencing 8 p.m., Thursday, I June 8, in Catholic Hall. (It; Mr. and Mrs. G. Pettipiec,e left I for Vancouver aboard the Coq Black 819 (136o) I Kn Bowling League will hold a meeting in the Bowling Alleys Thursday, June 8th" at 8 p.m. f (133) ultlam yesterday afternoon for a visit. . PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Manufacturers Agent Mrs. R. C. Webber sailed aboard the Coqultlam yesterday DOn t 2 P.O. Box 772 for a trip to Van- afternoon couver. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full Library of Color Reels - Developing, Printing , - Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone EBY & sons LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 Mrs. J. S. Black and Mrs. W. j Murdoch sailed aboard the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon for Vancouver en route to Trail to attend a convention of the Women's Auxiliary of the Cana dian Legion, June 10 to i. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. .Weiss, on BOILER WELDERS AND PIPE FABRICATING, We build dump boxest steel stacks, fire escapes, storage ' tanks, trailers General welding and repairs All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. !25 1st Ave. East Green 884 All Work Guaranteed IW ST leaving' Prince Rupert, wish to say good-bye and express best wlfhes to the many good friends they have made in Prince Rupert. (It) Black is provincial delegate To Tell You What's Wrong with your RadioJust Take arry a representative stock of DUSTBANE Products tonvenlence ril dust and germs, protect your merchandise, your ;indyour health with Genuine DUSTBAN.E Sweep- jouncis. Use It dally. Dustbane ' Sisal for Linoleum Tile etc. x 5.45 70 lbs ; 5.45 x- :.. 9.05 200 lbs 11.75 st 15.60 300 lbs 16.50 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY fall your cleaning & Janitor supplies Floor Soaps, Mops, special type waxes, Disinfectants, Deodorants, Cleaning Crystals, Powdered Soap, etc. , Restaurant Supplies a Specialty while Mrs. Murdoch is acting as standard bearer. it to Mrs. E. Adlem, who has been RADIO CLINIC KEN'S Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Weiss left visiting her son and daughter -this morning by car for White in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rock where they plan on making! Adlem here, 'returned to Van-thelr future home. Mr. and Mrs couver enroute to her home in 90 Day Guarantee We pick up and deliver Phone Blue 992 wetss nave been residents of ; New Westminster aboard the Prince Rupert, for over seven coqultlam yesterday afternoon years. They "have sold their j- PLAYING RECORDS Are You Buying a Hew Car? Taking a Holiday? Here is How it Can be Done! Order your new FORD or MONARCH for factory delivery through your local FORD DEALER ' The freight, cost saved will pay for your entire trip Piv via Pnnadian Pacific Air Lines and Northwest Air Lines residence at Fifth Avenue and McBride Street., Two Sunday School picnics' were cancelled Saturday due to Popular, and Classical The latest and the bestot , ert Radio Electric WAve. Phone 644 bad weather. The First Baptist Churcn weather permitting will hold the event this coming Saturday. No definite word has been received regarding the holding next Saturday of the cancelled St. Andrew's Cathedral picnic. One of tht b?st Ball point pens is the Waterman's Ball Pointer at $1.50. Lasts a long time with one filler Fillers always In stock. Bulger's. (U) Miss I. Schultz R.N. and Miss M. Lindsay R.N., nurses at the General Hospital , here, sailed I Breakfast ChoiceLofr-iQT' : L V of Millions WRiffL direct to Detroit, U.S.A., and pick up your car at the factory Average automobile freight charges from (factory to Prince Rupert, B.C.) $275.00 CUSTOMER'S EXPENSES Mr Travel C.P.A. -single fare one way, Prince Rupert t6 - Seattle, Wash ....: $53.15 . Air Travel N.W.A.L. single fare one way, Seattle, Wash., to . Detroit (coach) , $77.00 stop over allowed in all principal American cities . , Approximate cost to drive from factory to Princa-Jtiipert, B.C. """""tnctuding gas, oil, meals .hotel aeeonmiodation (9 to 10 clays) : $125.00 Total .' $255 15 Your Holiday is Free-rSaving $19.05 aboard the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon for Vancouver. Baby Clinic, Conrad School, will be cancelled Thursday, June 8. Prince Rupert Health Unit. (It) mm. as u com Don't spoil your day through a hasty breakfast. . That skimped breakfast encourages later fatigue and lowered efficiency. Eat a good breakfast every day and Start Right, Stay Right all day. . An able food expert . 1" planned a food specially ?1 made for breakfast Grape- Nuts the favorite of millions ! Millions enjoy these golden, " ' XX crunchy kernels of whole wheat and ' v malted barley. Makes any breakfast more tempting and enjoyable. Serve with milk or cream. ' Good As Iher look ...They L 1 Tse ae A fts M IUa 1Mf WW PHONE 79 PHONE 79 V THE GftAlO Delicious 1 There's no other flavor ' like Grape-Nuts ! In only two tablespoons of this highly concentrated cereal you'll get useful amounts of carbohydrates, minerals and proteins. -Grape-Nuts can be served in many delicious ways. For cooking, different recipes are on the package. Your grocer has Grape-Nuts. Today get a package. Try the recipe shown here. Wific fomuffs 1 me an Greater Coverage '.'VOWS t I I I I IHiarumrij I I I i Tbsf's VARNISHES ENAMELS '-Sl- 1 J ,oMpoon. " 8 SOLD BY ;"EN CONSUMERS' CO-6P HDWE. I . U REGISTERED ECISTE TRADE -MARK BRAND Ave.W. Phone 17V t other " - HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE ,-Nutl , tupGrop mm , measure, "eSne a' Put Grape-Nuts on your shopping list. It costs so little goes so far. A serving is just two tablespoon-fuls costing less than a cent. A Product of General Foods , sift flour once, eBft enough to .nd .MdGTape.N"". dampen all w oven (425 ) I WEDDING CAKES To guarantee the perfect finishing touch to the wedding, ordre your wedding cake from G-30 muffin pa"5 12 muflma. Mm fillip Made to Order (mm SUPPLIES Rupert Bakery Ltd. ' J Hood i CAFE $5.00 $5.00 Ear Piercing Let's be modern the trend is now toward pierced earrings , Expertly Done At 5 "jL Mamon's China Shop GARDEN TOOLS SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS FENCING AND NETTING 1 UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CIT SUNDAY JUNE 18TH Give Him LOAFERS FOR SUMMER COMFORT Tops in Mer's Shoes :30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. !ta Chinese Dish.. Wj 13 SI McBride Street. Thone 311 Order. PHONE 13S