PROVINCIAL LISHART, PROVINCIAL ""- VICTORIA, 3, C, k'AY 3155 I ohlies chugs Daily Delivery , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL. Published XXXIX, at Canada's Most Strotegic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to tha Great Northwest' PH0!!E 81 iLiiivc ivurLm, d. w cue n&UAY, JUNE 7, 1950 PRICE "FIVE CENTS r Jl b Reported Sigh feed n nsouiry 3yw Calls vote In B.C. Apartment House Work To Mr. (alder On, Session Start Within Three Construction men and Toward Citizenship ng the franchise for natives in B.C." said der, M.L.A. for Atlin, in an interview yes- Story Told Sitka Editor Secondhand By Captain SITKA, Alaska (CP) The Sitka Sentinel reported today a fisherman sighted a submarine periscope in Salisbury Sound north" of here June 1. Harold Veatch, publisher of the Sentinel, said the report came in a round about way from Mac O'Malley of the troller Molly 0., who told him Al Sailers of the , j troller Seablrd was the man who Prince Rupert within the next two weeks to start ruction inside of threeweeks of the former United States Army administration building on First Avenue which is to be converted into an 85-unit ; such a big step that we now look forward e when we have full enfranchisement." alder said that having a legal voice in pro-fairs was the first step. He hoped Bill 79, j government en-:i produce some re-:h It was Dominion vented natives from ! At the regular c.c.F. club' ZlnL?7e;:TclS. for Atlin. who reported on me last session of the British vu.uiuwia AgiaiabUi C Alt V IV," I toria, and the recent cdnvenUon i of the CCJ. in Penticton In opening his address, the fpeaker said he was not long In Victoria before he realized many good speechesand ideas) debated on the floor of the House were given very Uttle space in the newspapers bec-ause, In the views of the various reporters, they did not constitute "news. This, he felt, was to be deplored. This being his first session, Mr. Calder had been able to bring before the Government only a few of the more psesilng j needs of the North and his own riding in particular. Lack of' medical service was apparent in I , 1 i "V" - 1 ullelH "wlk. Arter the comj?!et!on oi tne apartment blocK, the same organization will turn to construction of the new Charles M. Hays Hotel on Second Avenue, it is expected. The apartment building will proceed in four sections, the first of which is expected to be rady by the end of July with three months for the whole Power Failure Strikes 500,000 Canadians & . . Lvv V ' 1 Z! :LZ s'.aacaJ VANCOUVER (CP)-Power failure struck the of roads, he had done his best Fraser Valley, Greater Vancouver, New Westmin-to have the Government remedy j ster ' geattle, Tacoma and Spokane last night, with as soon as possible. ! Art Art . u some uw,uuu vaiiauicins diunc iccung uiv yiiitu. The rush hour black out came at 555 p.m. with thousand's stranded in street cars and elevators. The He explained at some length the Provincial Health insurance fng to S??SSt;: but felt what the people wantJd , was full 'medical and hospital ' overage. Bill 79. brought In by the Government at the last session.' dealt with the rights of the i Fate of Auto Still Mystery Swift Water of Skeena River Baffles Search "We will attempt to find a way of beating the current," said Cpl. E. A. Wales today In Commenting on the suspected plunge of an automobile over week-end into the rushing waters of the Ekeena River, 55 miles east of Prince Rupert. Three men are believed to nave perished. ' Cpl. Wales and Cor.?t. E. D. Anderson yesterday morning motored to the scene where tire tracks and shattered glass were visible, and dropped a lead line. A the current was too rapid, the Corporal stated, they found nothing On . Mondav morning Const. Anderson and Const. Fred Oiboon investigated reports of a plumre and found evidence of a vehid" going over the 15-foot steep and rough embankment at one of the more dangerous points on the ' ' highway. Yesterday If was reported that William Gibb of this city. Don Fraser sr. and Den Fraser jr. of Terrace may have been passen gers In the car They left Prince Rupert Sunday afternoon in a 1949 Chevrolet and failed to reach Terrace. ' ' Cpl. Wales and Constable Anderson measured the depth of the river at the point of the sup-nosed tragedy and found It to b e from 30 to 35 feet. The cur rent Is swift and swirling al- VlTUUgU itUUUu 'SlAt.y It-'t.'l' uut there is an eddy. The lost cur. 4t is thought, may be on the bottom of the river somewhere in that area. Operating jf a boat there would be difficult and dangerous and it would be hard to hold dragging gear A tragedy was first suspected Sunday when George Hamer. travelling from Prince Rupert, reported at Terrace that car tracks and broken gless on the edge of the , river looked as though a car had gone over the edge. Upon inquiries being made. It was learned that Donald Fraser, who had left Terrace at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning with his niece, Colleen Sites, and three other students Lorna Melvln, Ivy Gillespie, Marilyn de Kergommeaux who were taking music exams in Prince Rupert on Tuesday, had started on the return Journey about 4 p.m. and had not arrived home. Donald Fraser, 48, an electri cian, was accompanied by his father. Donald, senior, 73, a re- j tired street car conductor from Edmonton who makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. Sites, and William Glbb, 62, a painter at the Infirmary who had been visiting his . family in Prince Rupert. Several years ago, dur ing the road t instruction, a donkey engine went over there and was located by a diver on a ledfre 70 feet down. ADD MISSING CAR .... ... LEFT DEATH CAR It has been reported to citv police that two men, John and Charles Bunn of Vancouver, were passengers with William Gibb, Don Fraser sr. and Don Fraser Jr. in the car on leaving the city but they decided to naUve people. A C.CF. amend-' participant m tne. Nortnwev ment making It mandatory for;Pwer P'- J1" u"e om JL reports and findings on this seated a huge demand for hicn aU other matter to be tabled in the house, Power saPPed was accepted by the Govern-1 points, ment. I " GETTING BETTER SAN FRANCISCO Mary Mclntyre, young Va.-it:ouver woman, who was bludgeoned in her apartment here Sunday, is showing signs of regaining consciousness and her cc.-.iition is better. She has been removed from an oxygen tent. FOOD FOR DAWSON DAWSON The food shortage here was relieved today with the arrival of two river steamers the first of the sea- -son from Whitchorse after having been delayed for a week at Lake Lebarge. NAMED TO U.N. OTTAWA R. G. Riddell has been named head of the Canadian delegation to the Un'ted Nations. He succeeds General A. G. L. McNaughton who has twen named t9,,the.s,Iutern Uonal Joint Commission. EDITORS PURGED ' TOKYO General MacAr-thur tonight, ordered 17 more Japa.-ose Communists purged. Banned were those responsible for the editorial policies of the party newspaper in Japan. MORE PRICE SUPPORT WASHINGTON The Senate passed a bill today authorizing an additional $2,000,000,000 for government support of United States farm prices. If finally approved, the government could use up to $6,750,000,000 in bolstering price props on basic crops. THE WEATHLR Forecast North Coast Region A few clouds today. Extensive fog banks over the sea. Increasing cloudiness tonight, becoming overcast with occasional light rain Thursday morning. Little change in temperature. Winds light becoming southerly (15 m.p.h) tomorrow morning. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy 45 and 60, Sandspit 45 and 55, Prince Rupert 45 and W. Weeks eauinmenr. nro Hup in jmpleUon- H ; W. Llversidge, director of I Charles M. Hays Hotel and as sociate of Frank Kaftel the organizer, left today by plane on his return to Vancouver after spending a couple of days in the city on business in connection with the apartment and hotel projects. jv - l..l:iUl llfll M UnVIIUlll 3 AAA IhfiH NotC S Ml lllt.ll UVU yvwww VANCOUVER Ot A brazen bandit ' snatched "more than $5,Q(X)'.Vln cash yesterday from a gritty restaurant cashier in'Van- couver's biggest robbery In years. The bandit carried off -the daylight rtibbery while dozens watched. He snatched the money from the 22-year-old cashier of a drive-In restaurant while the girl was carrying it to the bank, The restaurant proprietpi1 strug gled with the .man' ; but was shaken off as he- fled in a stolen " ' cai- -ffi - ; : Pen BoauLDrops; Injures Worker Johnson Gordon, a native fisherihan off the "Shuchona," was injured at the B.C. Packers dock at about 3:40 p.m. yesterday afternoon when a pen board, used In holds of vessels, dropped out of a sling and struck the victim on the head. He received concussion and bruises' to the head, his physician announced this morning. His condition Is "quite satisfactory." Gordon was unloading gear by means of a winch when the ac-ldent occurred. He was attended by Tom Elliott, first aid attendent at the plant, and then taken to General Hospital by city ambulance. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) Will-lam Campbell, H. Trim, C. Falter, R. W. Liversldge, P. Meuse, Mr. Nelsfloe, Mr. Mangnall, D. M. Crawford, Mrs. J. Filling, Chris Julian, Mr. Coutts, L. H. Phillips, P. F. Thordeson, Mr. Gibbs. To Sandspit (today) N. Tar-buck. E. Murchie, L. Power, R. Vinblod. From Vancouver (Tuesday) J. S. Lindsay, Inspector F. Woods Johnson, O. Jenson, H. Hansen, E. Schoder, Mr. Wicks, O. Mos-crlp, Mr. and Mrs, Keene, R. Johnson, A. Antoson, Mr. Casper-sen, C. Peterson. F. O. Ayllng. From Sandspit (Tuesday) A, Piper, J. Mooney, J. Wilkerson. I sighted the periscope. Sailers re-! portedly saw the periscope stick-I ing four or five feet out of the water from 150 feet away. He did not have long to look at it At Seattle, the Navy said it had no report of a submarine o.i that area at that time. Bill Amends Boat Laws OTTAWA XP A bulky bill making national and international amendments to Canada's jShpRlng Act contains a special provision to allow Pacific coast halibut boats to go beyond the limits of a "home trade" voyage i vith third class engineers that is, to go into foreign ports. The section is a neW one pro-" yidlng a vessel requires only a third class engineer if she is "foreign going" but employed ii fishing only. But her engines must be not more than 20 horsepower, If steam propelled, and more than 10, but under 75 Ordinarily regulations concerning engineers are more stringent for foreign going ves sels, but the concessions were made to allow B.C. halibut boats to go into Alaskan or other U.S. ports to market their fish under the International halibut treaty. The bill was approved in principle yesterday by the Senate. Baseball Scores Pacific Coast Seattle 3, San Francisco 1 Oakland 6, Sacramento 2 Hollywood 3, San Diego 2 Los Angeles - Portland postponed. - Western International Tacoma 7, Wena tehee 3. (Only game played; others ralned-out). Thursday, June 8, 1950 High 7:50 15.8 feet 20:36 17.8 feet Low 2:00 8.3 feet 14:00 7.1 feet and ugliest fish off dock or boat by hand line during the hours of the port day program. Incidentally, arrangements ere being made to stage the harbor events snapp.'ly between the hours of 12 and 3 o'clock. " Negotiations have been opened with Ketchikan and Juneau with a view to having boats come from those Alaskan cities for speed ! boat races. Sale Is about to commence of raffle tickets for an outboard engine and rowboat as a means of assisting in the financing of Port Day. A meeting of the general enm-mitt'e of Port Day will be held In about a week's time to finalize the program. 0 citizenship. The ;jht up on the floor jission of the legls- r thought it was ihree per-cent tax ;ti on reserves, as said no taxes would on Income derived srve. He was even it that Indians must acome tax. yet were .ore of the Dominion i mentioned a few sions, family allow- .3 say in the Dominion opeful that the Fed- i rights act, which iii! month, combined z'lti page 6) ed To d Board minrnt i'cople Sids to Meeting George ar.inent persons are 'i to attend the an- T.'.ion of Associated 'rade of Central Brlt- a to be held August 25 in Prince George. sisters, government industrialists, news- ire among those on it special Invitation compiled: s, Industrial Agt, 5ional Railways; W. field Representative, Bureau, Pr. Oeorge; Supt. Canadian Na- ys; P .J. Martin. ' Agt., Can. National -nice George; Reg. T. 'e Secretary, Board ir.couver; W. A. Run-y .Transportation wcouver Board of Bird, Sec'v B. C. Ass'n., Vancouver; " President, Vancou- f Trade; Senator n; R. S. O'Meara, 'mlssioner, Victoria: ' President, Canadian ' Commerce, Mon-Eroyd, Represent-Chamber of Comber; Senator War- ;r"Json, Seattle; Union Ll LW.; Canadian hip Co.; Canadian "mshlp Co.; O.W. O. President P. P. R May, Research u P- Airlines; E. L. of Representation; Q. x. Oaw-;,rlal Bureau, Dept. Industry; A. E. Fore- B. C PrnrtMa Wer Board of Allen. B.C. Man- ."Mional Railways; ""Won, Mayor, Van-WBRuddcrham, Mav-, Hert; Mayor of HUied, n page 6) W For won ,'PPitaiiuns at City . h's morning for In-l ding the pro- - nousing scheme. ,,. wuutuu 11113 ; Plications were " last week wJ-m :,ltvprti.seci In the FRANK CALDER, M.L.A. Full enfranchisement of natives Is the hope of Mr. Calder. '' CITY BASEBALL STANDING W. L. Pet. Abel Si Odowcj 2 0 1.000 Commercials ...... 1 1 .500 Watson Island 0 2 .000 Is Returning To Winnipeg ,7 Don Taper, University Professor, Tells of Floods Donald Taper, professor In the Department Of Plant Science at the University of Manitoba In Winnipeg,, returns to his home in the Fort Garry district Thursday and hopes that damage is not too extensive. Speaking to the Dally News today, Mr. Taper, who is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Taper, 420 Eighth Avenue East, stated that when he evacuated his family, his garage was under about nine to ten feet of water and the muddy liquid was lap ping at the second storey of his home. One of the first districts to be evacuated was Wlldwood, a new residential area in Fort Garry. His family was evacuated May 6 by boat and Mr. Taper sent them immediately to Montreal. Then for the next two weeks, he and hundreds of others built dikes at Fort Garry. The Uni versity was completely flooded and the Army communicated with the campus by boat from !he Municipal hall at Fort Garry, a distance of about two miles. Another two feet of water would have Hooded the centre of the city, Portage and Main Mr. Taper said. The well known corner was onlv three blocks away from danger. Jap Reds Are Purged TOKYO t The Japanese gov ernment yesterday purged from public life the brains of Japan's Communist party with General MacAithur, Allied occupation commander, calling the signals. The reds took the banning of 24 politobureau members quietly. There was no call for strike action .apparently due to fear that further violence would speed , the threatened outlawing of the Communist party, a move the government threatened Sunday in view of attacks on five American soldiers at a red rally. service, wnrcn d an" I" supplies was outj oeiween minutes aim an nm The trouble occurred when a Pwer Une al yn yomee wasn. weni oul- aec""3 B" I Dim Unmn Mm UJU JIUIIIll VII II fi Wall trppt I NEW YORK B The New i York stock market headed down- wara .at nign speea yesieraay. Key issues plunged from $1 to an extreme of $6 or so per share before the market found bottom. Business was so heavy thai high " i J. kPsea UCKer taPe wasunaoie to , keep up. Wall Street sources) raid there was nothing in the news , aP,0iinf. for t.hp si.imn Halibut Sales AMERICAN Sanak, 50,000, 26.7c, 26.3c, 23.5: CANADIAN Storage. v Western Spirit, 40,000, 28c., 27.5c, 23c, Storage. , , STOCKS : Juliiislmi Co. Lid.) BPdttie v .68 Bevcourt .47 Bobjo .14 Buffalo Canadian .27 Vi Consol. Smelters 104.00 Con west 1.48 Donalda .69 Eldona 34- East Sullivan 7.05 Giant Yellowknife 8.70 God's Lake 332 Hardrock 57 Harricana 10 Heva 09 Hosco 084 Jacknife -....i 08 , Joliet Quebec 70 Lake Rowan .18 Lapaska 05 Vi Little Long Lac 46 Lynx 32 Madsen Red Lake ..." 2.78 Moneta 34 '2 Negus ... 1 52 , Noranda 70.00 Louvlcourt 21 Pickle Crow 2.56 Regcourt 07 San Antonio .. 3.30 Senator Rouyn 31 Sherrit Gordon 2.27 Steep "Rock 3.30 Silver Miller 98 Upper Canada 3.15 On labor matters he stated keen disappointment was felt by organized labor at the refusal of the government to open the j I.C.A.I Act for amendments. . , I POLICE HARD HIT I Answering a question regard- in the R.C.M.P. taklne over i the Police duties in the Province, Mr Calder said It was a fast t many of the Provincial Police, J who had given valued service t3 TMsvfln ttTAi 1 1 r hn nam T 1 1 T Mle r. u. Iri the transfer. Mr. Calder leaves in a few ! days for Prince George where he will meet Arthur Turner, M.L.A. and return with him to i . .. . nnnUnHn mnef most in-I in the coast contacting terlor points on the way and finishing with a meeting in Prince Rupert In the last week of June. W. H. Brett, Club president, I v,as in the chair and a good I turnout of members listened with interest to Mr. Calder's address. : TODAY'S I . . , (Courtesy 8. 1). Vancouver Bayonne . .03 Bralorne 8.20 B. R. Con 04 a t V .05'A I Cariboo Quartz 1.16 Congress u .25 Hedley Mascot 30 Pend Oreille 6.00 Pioneer 325 Premier Border 03 Vi Privateer 15 Reeves McDonald 3.00 Reno Sheep Creek I-20 Sllbak Premier -34 Vananda 16 Silver Standard I-70 Oils 1 Anglo Canadian 5 .15 54 A. P. Con Atlantic 200 61 Calmont 8 50 C. ir E. Central Leduc 163 'Vnnu nil 1855 .16 Mercury 1.75 Okalta Pacific Pete 5.95 .56 Princess Royal Canadian 10 1400 Royallte , Toronto .11 Athona .31 Aumaque -.. Events By Fishing Industry To Feature Port Day Here Organization is proceeding of races and demonstrations by vessels of the fishing industry which will feature Prince Rupert's rejuvenated Port Day celebration to be staged on July 1, it is announced by' Aid. Douglas Frizzell, chairman of the general leave the automobile at Oliver committee in charge. Lake, about five miles east of j. WItt Rudolph Olsen as chair-Prince Rupert, and returned to man, Prince Rupert Fishermen's the city by taxi, At present they are fishing. Jack 8. Lindsay returned So the city by plane yesterday after i a business trip to Vancouver. Co-operative Association, -Cana dian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Eons cf Norway and Valhalla Lcdae are joining forces in connection with the promotion of events by the halibut fishing is-dustry .which will Include boat races, gear setting, bait rigging and dory racing. Salmon Industry events, to be staged with the co-operation of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd., Native Brotherhood of British Columbia and B.C. Packers, will include gillnet boat racing and gillnet setting demonstrations. Something -new In the way of competitionIn which everybody can participate, will be the catch ing of the largest, the smallest KIANEi THE YODELLIiiG ' SNOW RANGER In Person CIVIC CENTRE JUNE 8TH Two Shows 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. . Tickets Reserved $125; , Adult $1.00; Students 50c At Cl U, Centre & McRae Bros. (Hi - wa;gJwwrawwc lift., mi iiWiji'iM Jiiiiiiu. . u