CROSSING v. .' United States without passport 5 Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, June 7, 1950 i:,,(1ti! im unit iilu m i iji vind. nil m mtiv mum t-.nin u fittDJt i tiwii jjriiun m Birthday 01 Boston Fori Richardson Menaced by Fire 'j Francois Lake News j LARGEST PLANET ' Jupiter? the largest planet, has AFRICAN CITY Morocco was founded by the . , , , 1 aw PRE-CrED potato ANCHORAGE Three hun-! Arabs at the close of the seventh j a volume over 1,000 times that of dred airmen and soldiers, armed century. i the Earth, with shovels, sand and bull- " ) BOSTON . Staid old Boston I has celebrated Us first jubilee since 18C9 here. Two proud Canadian ladies of the sea played prominent roles in the observ-j anee, which brought thousands ; of visitors from all over the Mrg. Millot W.C.A President New Ferry Captain W.I. Delegates Leave The May meeting of the j .The June Women's Institute Women's Christian Association ; meeting was held at Mrs. Part-was 1 home Thursday Mrs. held at Mrs. Calder's home i in flavor and food value! For Summer Wear, Tropical Spun No washing! No peeling! United States and neighboring dozers, waged a tiring war yesterday as a semi-circular forest fire advanced slowly toward nearby Fort Richardson. Build-j ings are not yet in danger. The blaze, one of 33 reported in thei surrounding area in recent j weeks, is the result of dry weather. No cooking! No mashing! LADIES WwwlNfi1Mwn'Hiflm , , 1 ,1 Tf lV r e oaluruay-f0f tne Round-Lake conference The p . h fll h, I resulled ta Mr9- MilIar toelng Pce of Mrs. Cassidy who liner, .i l l . Steamships 1 naw)e(j president .and Jean aat-jnas left to attend the Confer. Zm.- Vancouver. Tentative $4J9 each- DRESSES j I ' ' pians were maae ior an even- P. M. Matthews of Salmon jnBg entertainment. n he held the invitation of the Boston portj Authority, the two Canadian 16 -- 20 ships dressed for the occasion""1 nas rCT:enuy arnveo "u some Friday in July in aid of the vith bright flags and colorrul wl" be tne new e"T captain ln.Pl00d Rellef ln Manitoba. Host-! bunting. On their regular, CaPtain Stretch's place, -j esses Mrs. Partington and Mrs. ' cruises between Canadian ports1 - (C. Snyder served the lunch at and the British West Indies, ihe ! Mrs. Cassidy of Colleymount.j the close of the meeting. The two "Lady" ships Boston Mrs- R- Sundin of. Uncha Lake j membership has now risen to 23 just long enough to lake part' and Mrs. Harold Neave left last members. Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Port, ' with the U.S. Navy and other Saturday morning for h the Alice, has become an associate! Eraser IPaync vessels in the preview maritime Women's Institute.Convenuon in member. SUMMER BOWLING TOURNAMENT j i Team Events Singles and Doubles Entries must be in June 15th 'to Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys ceremonies ushering in Boston's Vancouver. mid century jubilee. Mrs. Evan Nobles is now the - -1 . Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Weldon . Southbank Postmaster. Fred In jutt I iwfcwwt Boil 1 :IL .ml li'i.llM tt'm J returned lor the summer. Tney , Wiggins, who has been postmas-have lived in Vancouver for ter for a long time, does not feel some time. that he can carry on any longer. FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PIIONE 24 . 222 Second Ave. LOW " TOPOGRAPHY Todt Staten Island, 409.18 fee, is the highest polni on the Atlantic , Coast between Maine and Florida. Stulftd rronlrfurfwt-Season two ' cup nuwtied potato with paraU'y, onion. Split 8 cook.'d frankfurlcra, rinmd with French'. Miwlanl. Stuff with potato. Brusli with butter and broil 10 minutes. ft, oa m Potato according to !. S'irbrkkly .tat ionii until thicinmed. likt magic I French's Instant poWto gives you top-quality potato prv-cooke4 by a spttial Salt Lake Ferry Celebration Af Greenville GREENVILLE Visitors from Aiyansh, Canyon City and Kin-colith crowded this native village during a three-day celebration proftsa tnai preKrve nuiri-tional values and flavor. Use it to make delicious mushed Arms Dump Blows Up BARCELONA if-A military ammunition dump at Nampino, about , 20 miles north of here, blew up yesterday, blasting in doors and windows of buildings SCHEDULE potato m just one minute, to prepare potato quickly id other etciting ways. Look fbr it in the canned feetaltte or baby foods, ertion at your grocer's. that featured dedication of Greenville Concert Bond's new for idles around Five soldiers uniforms. Each village fielded ( puaram me dump were injured trafk tfnms In t.h hia Qnnrtu Slightly. WtxioWM for-. Shophard't Pi Topping While Souc Gravy, ttcw or to up t thickener Itonomical there's no waste! festival. -, The tola.t partly wrecked factories ln the area and shook The large gold three year chal Leave Cow Bay Floats Sat. 1:00 p.m. . 2:00 p.m. v 4:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Sunday Continuous -4 Barcelona. Doors were blown off lenge trophy donated by. Charles Sot dlifribotoa In Conadai Mutt k Cotanm (C anode) Ltd., Montreal their hinges in . Sabadell, sik miles away. 0y Seagrams Sure Seagrams "V. Q." Seagram'' "83" Scaojam's Croum Rtn'al Staa.ram's Kings Plote Seagram's Special Old 300 guests. . The official welcome to guests was extended by Chief CounclI- for Complete Range Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Leeson was easily won by the home club with a total of 214 points. Other standings were Aiyansh, 123; Canyon City, 80; Kincollth, 70. Competitions in 61 tided field and track, soccef, men's softball, ladies' softball an (I baseball. Kincolith had nd entry ln ladies' softball or baseball. Canyon City had none in Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 9:30 p.m. lor Johnson Russ. Leonard Douglas, president of the band, welcomed the guests on behalf of of Infant & Baby Wear This advettisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ; Phc.-i-: Green 391 Black 926 that organization . noccer. The 'ceremony of dedicating ( I yr- and Baby Gifts r?ABY BOOTIES DIAPERS ROMPERS DRESSES the new band uniforms was per-1 Variety is the formed on the village playground : i by W. B. Bailey or tiie Indian j Department in the absence of P.,i BOULTER & WELTER (Formerly B & W Transfer) Concrete, Gravel and Cement ry.J!''f 111 f M III I IIM Earl An field,, who-was unable ttft"-''-' Everything for the Baby ""' " ot DOM'S DEP'T STORE be present. Mr. Bailey read a i message of congratulations from 1 I I llilail Phone Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue j un Mr. Anfield. Assisting in the dedication were Frank Tait, Aiy- j ansh council; William Moore,' and you will find a lot of variety in baby things for that lively baby at ... . I Canyon City council; Arthur! V LJUUUUJ Nelson' and Francis Watts, Kin- eolith founcil, and Johnson Russ, -t Greenville council. After; tlie j service the band, paraded to .the I village. . ', ; j . , In the evening the band played at, a banquet, which seated over learn to Dance Expert Instruction in Fox Trot, Waltz . Jive, Rhumba, Tanfro PRIVATE LESSONS Hours: Mon. Thru Fri. 4:30-10 p.m. Saturdays 2:30 8 p.m. For appointments GREEN 491 ' ! tmi: nrrfTiiTi iiL 66 09 654 WE PAINT (0)(0) Show Yotir Confidence in Prince Rupert and DECORATE I iixterior or Interior , forttverly of Arthur Murray DANCE STUDIO Mary MacDonald, Director: PRINCE RUPERT SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper hanging Miit trMNM It Ml eublnktd' oc d.,plyd fc lk Iqirn Conlal Bhi4 m W m OmwniM Invest in a sound pcal project. Join in your city's progress. THE LATEST PAINT i Bt'RNlNG METHODS SHARES IN SPENCE and MATUIK! BROADWAY CAFE Phone Blue 215 233 11th St Charles f.l Hays Hotel fa SIDNEY, GONICK mm AVAILABLE AT Optometrist . hinest Cooking ' Hourl 7 m. to I a m Armstrong Agencies ' For Take-Home Orders PHone 200 . 307 3rd Ave. W. Phone 342 Now Located - Mezzanine GEORGE COOK' JEWELLERS For appointment Phone 212 ' 527 3rd Ave. NO MINIMUM LIMIT LAMPS! I i i i . K"','l'.. 1 yBtKtKBSMBMKtWBSSSSOKy Distinctive By CHIC YOUNG ELnMIMr' di j:- Ki!crec kA 'Buss'. " Kill 1111 IV - 9f V ? ' FURNITURE DESIGNING For Just the RIGHT thing for your home. Come to see us MADE-TO-ORDER HOME ACCESSORIES HOBBY SUPPLIES , Toys' Novelties, Children's Furniture . Plastics, Venetian Blinds, Signs BOUDOIR SHADES L .98 v BED LAMPS 1 1.95 TABLE LAMP! .... . 4.95 TABLE LAMP :. 6.95 TRI LIGHT SHADES, SILK 4.95 TRILITE LAMPS, COMPLETE 17.95 TORCHIERE LAMPS ...; 18.95 :' - at KORTHERIt B. C. POWER CO. PRINCE RUPERT STEWART, B. C. Blue 210 PEIIGUIII HOBBY SHOP ; "3 S . -fe?J mLr " Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street Phone Blue 446 or Green 232 Box 744