12rincc Uuprrt Dailp rectos DD. Friday. March 12, 1948 Just because he was born The Daily News Boys LETTERBOX PRICES ARE FANTASTIC Y7& ... ."Tf WOt LP RAISE CAPITAL Editor, Daily News: With reference to a letter which appeared in your paper, regarding lack of employment Kn Independent dally nowspap- devoted to the upbulldms ' Prince Rupert and all communities com. K northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second -.-s Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published everv afternoon except Sunday by Prior? Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. G. A. FVNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER X- CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION" CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Ren Sampson Tells of Conditions in California "Prices are fantastic" re- SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. ISc; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 7.00; By Mail. Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4.00. SANDY HAMILTON KEEN FOR PHOTOGRAPHY AND 1JASKETUALL TO IiE DRAFTSMAN Sandford Hamilton, who never gets anything but "Sandy" from his friends, has delivered papers four out of the five years he has been in Prince Rupert. The first ten years ol his life was spent east of the Rockies where he was born in the little town of Mick- opportunities for school gradu- marked Ben Sampson, speaking ates and local residents, the fol- 0I conditions in Southern Cali-lowing remedial measure, which, fornia when he returned to the with the co-operation of the re- clty this week. "And the way quired number of interested per- 1 people are streaming toward A New Champion sons, would develop a progressive community. The writer is anxious to contact energetic persons with RINCE RTjrERT welcomes George Murray, that part of the west does not help the situation any. I was toM that on an average, about 20,000 persons from the middle west and east, move to Los An-, geles and other California cities each month." morn, Saskatchewan. I urr i cfum. P IILJ n OUIULMK- Does that mean he can' publisher of the Alaska Highway News, Fort vision and enterpri.se who wouid i ... be interested in forwarding a St. John s weekly newspaper, as a new and out- program, ram on on a a oontriDiitary tributary basis, Sandy is in uracie 9 this yi'ii:'. A keen amateur photographer, lir is a nwniiwr of tiie Booth s spoken champion of this port as the Pacific Coast apply for a job with to raise sufficient capital, with a view toward establishing an industry which would supply work on a year-around basis. JOE FELLER. Mr. Sampson- left here last Momrial Schinil photo club Far January 1, and arrived back , luin.hies he divides his interests Wednesday aboard the steamer , btnwP( n stamp collecting and Prince Rupe rt. He is staying : miilcl-mg flying models of planes, for the present at the St. Elmo. - B.,skPtball, acei,?miv, to Sandy. railway outlet lor trie reace tuver country, tvir. Murray's article on this important matter, reprinted in the Daily News yesterday, was read with n-vpnt. intprpst and appreciation here. It should His birth certificate is dated 1J)7 he's 50 does that mean, Mr. EmplCy theft he's "too old lor ihe job"? yL While awav Mr. Sampson liv- I ; a is .'1 Iirsi raie soon aim, it give us new heart and enthusiasm for our own cam- j paign which has been dormant for some time after i years of disappointment because of apathy and indifference of the authorities in the matter of the M JACEES URGE BETTER RADIO member of Booth Memorial Hitrh Schools junior hasketeers, he got-; plenty of action in the game he enjoys above all others. Sandy is a member of the Civic Centre i ed at Burbank, which has a J population of about 70,000. Los Angeles is near. There, the people number about a million ! and a Quarter. Burbank is nam- I ed ed for for Luther Luther Burbank, Burbank, the the i . famous famous botanist botanist and and naturalist, naturalist, ! ! tj years oiu, una women over 2y Consider carefully when vou W. vacancy whether it could not be t'L as c'apably by an older mem or woiri Newspawmoy The cause of improved radio an(1 this co1lpid with all hisi broadcasting from Prince Ru- rtn,,r activities fairly well uk.s ' pert is to be taken up by the who settled there many years ca).e 0j nis sparf unie but, when Junior Chamber of Commerce , ago, and when the city of today ne nas a few minutes free, he which will urge the Canadian j was a comparatively small com- enjoys reading. I Broadcasting Corporation to re-: rmmity. j sandy, who ueeniiy returned due to tne experience and stablh they bring with them. lease its better network pro- ; Mr. Sampson says he found a tn th SrrVice of the Daily News V? Peace River railway outlet in general. Mr. Murray's outright assertion that "a Grande Prairie-P''nce Rupert line would involve less capital expenditure than the extension of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway north" was of particular interest and in complete accord "with views which have been long held by the champions of the direct outlet to Prince Rupert. It is 'also something to have the former M.L.A-suggest that the trading possibilities of Alaska through Prince Rupert with the Middle West of the United States might he extended as far west as Montana. decided difference in the people after an absence of' several Make full use of your local officH dwelling in the south, and those the National Employment Servfe months, has a newly formed route number 22. It is a very straightforward beat taking in the stretch of Sixth Avenue East between Ambrose and Second Overlook. When it comes to naming his life work Sandy doesn't hesitate. He is going to be a up north. This is explained, business, Little's News Agency, doubtless by the fact that where to Noel Jones, no- ung before the former are concerned, the he made his California visit, cities are iarge and busy. was asked if he had. as yet. Everyone appears hurried and made plans for the future. He intent on his own affairs ex- said this was u matter nut yet clusively. : decided but he would remain Mr. Sampson, who sold hi.i north UtIMPHRrV MTTrMTIt Lf;.;j.,. grams through the local station. According to a decision made at the monthly meeting of the Junior Chamber last night, a survey will be made among city radio listeners to determine the type of programs favored. A committee will convey the information to the nationally-owned broadcasting corporation with a request that the desires of the public be considered. Heading the committee will be J. H. Jefferies who will supervise the survey. He told the Junior Chamber that "if we get the whole of Prince Rupert behind us, we can'Tqrce the Dominion government to- Kive some con A. MacNAMARA, Depu(y M.r.s-; FOR YOUR St. Patrick's Dance sideration to Prince Report." c oASTOt Ann, life SAVING. MERCY FLIGHTS INCREASED TRAIN SERVICE TWO YEARS or so ago the Canadian WHEN National Railway discontinued the daily or six-times-a-week train service between Jasper and Prince Rupert we protested loudly. It is fitting, therefore, that, now it is being restored, we should acknowledge the decision with appreciation. It is to be realized, of course, that the increasing of the service by regular trains is to some extent a substitution for' special express trains which would, otherwise, have to be operated during the fish shipment season. However, it will provide the facility for handling more tourist and general passenger traffic and will be a boon to those travelling through the central interior. ' It is to be hoped that conditions may be such that the daily train service will be for all the year around instead of only in the summer. TO BE DEMANDED The Junior Cnamber also will submit a resolution to the Association Boards of Trade of . 0, : Wsjk i .r I ;U I S -V", Central B.C. urging support of member Chambers of Commerce to support better radio programs for the district. Some type of coastguard ser BALLERINA AND DRAPED SKlim IN C'RErE AND ALPINE NIGHT DRESSES and SLIPS IN OUT SIZES JIST what Tin: i.AiU.rn woMnn BI.EN V.ITIN(. KOU Elaborate SHEER BLOUSES Luce Trimmed Sics from 12 l 20.35V LADIES' RIBBED VESTS vice which will make provision for mercy flights to remote communities also will be demanded by the organization in a resolution submitted to the regional convention of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The resolution will ask that, in the interests of public safety, the Canadian government make some provision for a coastguard ETHICS IN BUSINESS ANNETTE m lECAUSE IT GOES to the very heart of human nature, the question of right and wrong is not WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE and rescue service, or el.se eliminate barriers to American aircraft entering Canada so that such services can be rendered by U.S. aircraft without customs barriers. The regional Junior Chamber convention is to be held in Vic- a simple subject. But since it is so important to the well-being of individuals, social communities, and the nation, it is well worth a little thought, says " the Royal Bank of Canada monthly letter. From the very beginning of things, there have been obligations arising out of social contacts. The "COMIJ ALL n ST. PATRICK'S DAY fourth chapter of the Bible's first book puts on Itoria at the middle of May record & momentous question: "Am I my brother's j ...... 'MANY VISIT RECORDS NEW GARAGE Lindsay Motors Service with chances for progress 1 Station and Siiowritom Centre of Attractions keeper? Today s viewpoint is that every man has a certain responsibility toward others. When we narrow this down to the morals of business, we find that the spirit finds expression through fair play, honorable pealing, and keeping one's word. Most business men have a solemn feeling of their obligations to maintain honor in the business world. They are men who recognize the importance of the square deal as part of creative industry. In recent years a new sense of community obligation has been added to old ideas of personal goodness. Twas Ony An Irishman s lrfJ' -How Are Thins In Ml,m "My Willi Irish l',s'' Til Takf You llonit , Kallilf"" "l N.iinara's Uaml" "Hear Old Nones'" "(ialawav l:i" "My filrl's An Iri'i ''''' ALSO ALBUMS OF Shamrock Melodic k. tnu iiv mul Bins Cr) There was a steady flow of I interested callers throughout yesterday afternoon and inio evening ' for the opening of the fine modern new garage and service station of Lindsay Motors Ltd. on Second Avenue at First Street. President J. S. Lindsay, Manager S. J. Hunter and other courteous guides proudly showed the guests around the splendidly DAV CAf imv-T ouoi-T RT PATRICK'S Here's a life with a career! It's open to every man who joins the Active Army! You will be trained under expert instructors to provide you with a trade ..ia real skill.. That's the first important step toward security because that trade is yours all through your life. You start from your first day in uniform to qualify for a lifetime pension which starts when your service days are over. ' There are many other important features that make this an outstandingcareer for young Canadians seventeen and over ! Opportunity for advancement . . . including promotion to officer rank for those wfth initiative and ability, who meet the age and educational requirements. Fopd, clothing and housing are all provided. Free medical and dental care. Comradeship . . . adventure . . . lasting friendships. A healthy life with plenty of sports and recreation. McRAE BROS. LP GASOLINE AVAILABLE AT Tor Prompt Service Call ' DCDT'C TDAMFFP & I LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. .iuiit and admirably equipped establishment. Particularly interesting was the showing of new DeSoto and Dodge cars and trucks, most of which it was learned had already been sold and would be soon moving off the showroom floor. The premises continue open for public inspection. MESSENGER SERVICE W 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. WEEK DATS 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE Prince Uupert Unfile Collector fOO LATK TO CLASSIFY Phon': l'l 303 3rd Ave. West Office Phone: Blue 810 - lo"' FOR SALE V.COO feet 2x6 fir flooring, 4,000 feel corrugated galvanized roofing, doors, windows and timbers. Apply R. C. Mutch. (60) REA and more! The Army offers more than these essential things! If you want to feci that you arc a really good citizen, doing omething important for Canada, if you want the "lift" that comes with doing out-of-the-ordiuary things, working in a great organization . . . then you belong in Canada's New Army! yon art Over seventeen and planning your future, . tall at your local recruiting centre or nearby armoury and learn what the army offers yon. RUPERT MARINE (J. C'liAt'SKN & Ladies!! You Must See These piNE TOWELS, FACE CLOTHS, TEA TOWELS AND CLOTHS, TABLE CLOTHS, RUNNERS, PLASTIC TABLE COVERS, PILLOW SLIPS, APRONS. W Tnlrn I.lsflni'H of . . . -.liCu BOATS FOR SALE OLA ! oil to rf. . w ; f sim u mm Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than BROKERS IN BOATS. MARINE ANl bai.kh OK CV.. run, uii aaterir""" rA Wat (Ju.it East of Llpsett". (C Bo 54 folate FOB P.O. Box 1118 518 Third West RED 400 ADVERTISE IN tTIB DAILf NT-WS 1 V y BEST I