.MEN'S FIVE PIN 'IT I.FAGI F 13rfnrc Ruprrt Dnlip nrtus UD. Friday. March 12, 1948 Today in ' ' Mar. 12-C.rotto vs. Oanflsm. Mutts vs. Thornclilff s, Co-op v. Leals. Fish Dock vs. Moose. Stones vs. Scotiians. Armv vs. Thorn's tSheet Metal. Mar. 19 Stones vs. Moose, Fish Dork vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Mutts vs. Grotto. Co-(U) ys Tlwrnclifles. Armv vs. Leais Canfisco vs. Scotland Mar. 26 Armv vs. ro-o. reals vs. Grotto. Thomrliffes vs Fish Dmk. Canfisco vs Thorn fUieet Metal. Moose vs. Scouan. LEGION BILLIARD PLAY RESUMED Four More Matches Run Off Last Nkht Play was resumed last night in the English billiards tournament of the Canadian Legion, four matches In the first round beinsr played with results as follows: Robert Murray (plus 10 1 beat W. Strachan iplus 25 150-112. stones vs. Muiuv Aur 2 Tliornellffes vs. Thorn VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOL HOOP CHAMPS COMING DURING EASTER If plans that are now being initiated come through to fruition, Prince Rupert basketball fan are due for an especial treat during the coming; Eaber holiday reason. Magee High .School, British Columbia chanijvi, have signified their willingness to come north and negotiations to bring tlu.Mii here are being pursued by VS. MOttoe. Sheet Metal. Armv Stones vs. - Co-op vs. ucouuus. Canfisco. Lea is Grotto. Mutls vs vs. Fish Dock. beat . at W. t AnE fait, 1 1' (plus 20) 150-149. J. Fudjjer (sera toll i 1 Paul Centre Civic Good Companions 10 1 beat R. E. 150-123. J. Lawrie iplus ! Benson (plus 3a ! ! Ilih School Principal A. M j Hurst. I The possibility of briniiut ihere at the same time the John DELIVERED FREE PHONE ( w 1 I Geo. J. Dawes (plus 25 1 beat ! J. Campbell, winner of last SHORT SPORT Oliver High School girls, jdso provincial champions, is on the cards as well. per dozen paid ror emptiei PL) TERRACE GIRLS' HOOP TOURNEY have them ready when trie driver q COAST BREWERIES 11 SICKS' CAP1LAK0 EREWERT IT Ask the steady pipe-smoker ... the man who knows good tobacco ... he will tell you there's nothing just like Old Chum for a downright satisfying smoke. A favourite since 1688, Old Chum is so fresh, so cool, so consistently pleasing. HE) SHQ5 The Tobacco of Qualify ; years' tournament who had a , handicap of minus 5U. by a score of 150-133. i One game was played in the ! second round. Jack Frew plav- ing D. C. Stewart on even terms, ! winning 150-134. ; Four games still remain to be played in the first round and ; these will have zo no played Of i ; during the week-end as follows: I Bert Morgan vs. J. Kerrighan. j H.v A. Duncan vs. R. Marshall. i S. A. Bird vs. J. Bremner. ; J A. Tens vs. J. N'icoll Tlie imeomnarable WaUubkvs: from Australia generated exh.tl.1 j latum and exuberant for mote than Eruihsh rugby fans at Vancouver recently includ-, ing Don Carlson of the Vancouver Sun. Watching Uiem play, he writes, revived the age-old debate: Resolved that rhubarbs and bloodshed are not tlie only ; ingredients of sport thrill. Carl- son concludes: "The Wallabies VANCOUVER BREWERIES I TERRACE A basketball team, sponsored by the Terrace Machine Shop and Garage, uefeated by a score of 26 to 23 a team sponsored by the J. H. Smith general ! store in the first pame of a FRIDAY Tonlghti Special KvenU 10:30-4athercraft Group. 6:45 Community Calendar CFPRi. I 8:00 Borden Street School Operetta. 8:00 Little Theatre Camera Club Rotary Rehearsal Typographical Union Dominion Day Sports Committee. SATURDAY Sports p.m. 2iO0-BartuiinUm. Basketball J'raUves JlUia-Uigh BcJwol junior boys. J2:00-Wih 6chol Junior and juvenile girls. Basketball Ganu'K 0:3065 Taxi vs. Stones. 7:15-Peopies vs. High School. 8:30Brownworx!s vs Co-op. 9:45Bo-Me-Hi vs. Morgans. Sperial Kvent 8:30 -Sports broadcast iCFPRi. jare uif Kind of auueu-s no WfJ.TimiMlliH ..liJ'I.Mfi.:) irTi-rr f.ii:i Ti.ii !'. Cor.'.r;. .-rtiiTent i not p r u.l or by tf.i I series of six games to be played; 'at the Civic Centre by girls'! aggregations. j Individual scoring was as fol maKe you think of artists of sportdom App.s. DiMasRio. Gehrinur' who have thrilled you with their skill rather than their boistcnm.-aiss." i TERRACE JUNIOR BOXERS PLAN TO HURL CHALLENGE K.i:.sni"';i ... p,; ("GRATEFUL" FOR J.C. TROPHY , Appreciation of the gesture of j TERRACE JUNIOR ! HOOP RESULTS me P. TERRACE Civic Centre- !..!!::. lows : Machine Shop Marie Linds-trom 13. Valerie Craig 11, Vera' franks 2, Fay iJeierson, Rose Marie Tetrault, Jean Atwood. ; '; Smith's Store Irene Haugland' J 13. Doliy Hauglar.d 4, Collce l ; Whalen 2. Pear- Haugland 2, Norma Perry 2. Joyce Perry.' , Lvnne Tetrault. trained junior boxers from ler- the iunior chamber of Corn- Everybody has rupees to a.er at Bombay and Calcutta racetracks. And you could lose fabuious San Anita inside either of them. i Tanned and talkative Peter' MacRitchie trundled uito Van-; ' TERRACE Kin.i.r.cn's Junior. ' oaskctball team (icu-atcJ t'.n- fikeena Mercant'.ie team by i ; score of 30 to 'G in a hard-foinsir. . I..!'n-:c! .1 V. . . b C..i Cr.;; race may hurl a challenge at nierce in donating a trophy for TEKKACfc UE-H.N' W)WL STANDINGS j K'ouinierciaJ League ! Terrace Electric 3 0 j Johnstone and Michiel . 2 11 Copper River 2' I Sande's Mill 1 2 Terrace Machine Shop .1 2 little, Haugland. Kerr ... 1 2 Empire Meat Market . 1 2 Lambley's Snack Bar .03 Community league D. O. T 10 2 Oddfellows 9 3 A. Y. P. A 5 7 Legion W. A 4 S ; Women's Institute 4 8 ' Teen Town 4 8 ; x 4 co:ds: '1 I (same recen'lv. Scorii: , the Northern B.C. Native bas-' ketoall association was voiced last night by Indian Agent F. E. ,Anfield who described it as a i "generous thing which will pay dividends in friendliness between the city's young business men and the native people." Prince Rupert following a tournament to be held here Saturday night. Twenty-two young boxing enthusiasts are in the midst of training for a card to be held at the Civic Centre which will decide the championship for the Terrace distric couvv-r recently and unfolded ; ; weird and wonderful tales of the j turf in Palestine. India, China jaiid Japan. He didn't mention; 'Salomf." Enroute Jionie, the MonUeal Gazette city editor told IKi-n McConnell of the Vancou SCHEDULE OF MIXED BOWLS flee uarci "TteiuuA of They are thinK.ng seriously Mr. Anfield was a guest speaker at the Junior Chamber monthly dinner meeting, held ilarch 14 Couyim vs B.C. P.wk-crs. ldf-iU I -Lcriifjus vs. Mi.s r lilts, Brownwoorts vs. 1'riple XXX. Ishiml-rs. vs. C Y O. asking for a meeting with Prince Rupert junior boxers later. in the Civic Centre. He spoke : ' on - sidelights'' of more than a quarter of a centry of work I ver Province that in the Far ; East there are sad conditions evrywhere but at tire races. The Bombay and Calcutta tracks ; each have a capacity of 125.000 ians. And at Honn Kong races or "rices" they have a S147.OO0 sweep three times annually . which makes it the bie.t; 'stake" in the world tixiay. j among the coast native popuia-: i tion. I CITY HOOP STAR MAY TRY OUT WITH VANCOUVER PROFESSIONALS i The Junior Chamber of Com- merce trophy v as posted earlier i this month for the winner of i the consolation round in the na- ! fivo H-i ;Lprh:. 11 Jnnrnnmpr.t hphl MIXED 4A' FIVE 1 PIN SCHEDULE ! Schedule for the Uiird part 01 at the Civic Centre. It will come up for annual competition. Rupert Holkestad, Savoy's star forward in the senior basketball league, may wind up as a professional hoopster if he decides to take up an offer extended by a Vancouver pro team. Clem McDonald, owner of the Vancouver Horneto professional team, has expressed an interest in civin.i; For clean, comfortable, good-looking shaves use MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low price 4 for 1 Op you tliat they grateful." Mr. "I can assure are profoundly ithe Mixed "A" Bowling League I is as ioilows: i , March 17 Dodgers vs. Maine i Leais. Kinupmners vs. Atomics. Anfield declared. "Such gestures lieadpinners vs. Pushovers. Rupert a try-out next .season in, ; ., position in the league scoring ! Vu-yrY. vs. Kilowatts. Midxets Seals, McMeekins vs. 12 for 25 race with 3G5 points against March 24 Midaets vs. Kilo after learning of the record hs has made in the city's top-dra-wcr amateur hoop soci?ty. Rupert, 21 years old and not particularly impressed with his watts. Thistles vs. Pioneers. King Dinners vs. Doduers. Head-pinneis vs. Atomics. McMeekins Bn;iii(tvi:'H unii ... Rrrthairn . . . tlir man uli frrrd mniV, 'la hit fifth ntihntty mittitmi hut liitrnrri rnthrnlliui. lur thf uiiftrvciatiir, ihrre i no mitre reunrtlm g etprrienr in mumic iluin shim frmtir vf Jluulfttfily m'utptumi htnutv. Tine specific qualities ch:iracterl7in Ilarwood's as a superior Rye Whisky are inherent in its making. It is a product p( Jieartwarming mellowness ... of superbly balanced body, of adequately aged goodness. Truly, are wortn while." Mr. Anfield concluded from his experience with Canada's Indians that their logical destiny is "complete integration ' into the population of the country. He appealed for tolerance and understanding for them while the process is developing. Junior Chamber President A. P. Crawley thanked Mr. Anfield v i held by his cloest competitor, ' Jack Lindsay, of Co-op. McDonald's interest in Holkestad was aroused when Civic Centre director Don Forward wrote the professional team owner naming Rupert as likely material for his team. McDonald .replied that he would be interested in giving him a try-out for next season. ' Rupert is at present employed vs. Pushovers. Maule Leafs vs Gold Seals. March 31 McMeekins vs lieadpinners Pushovers vs. Dodgers. Atomic vs. Thistles. Maple Leafs vs. Pioneers. Kilowatts vs. Gold Seals. Midgets vs. KiO'iiuners. Aoril 7 Atomies vs. Pioneers. McMeekins vs. Kilowatts. Head- i own virtuosity, does not know i whether or not he would ac-' cept a bid from a proiessional team but he is giying the matter some thought. "They haven't asked me, personally, yet," he commented. F1225tt for his address and welcomed G. A. Hunter as representative from the Senior Chamber of Commerce at the meeting. Treanurrn of AU Time Vi One of tin' Currently, Rupert holds top by the Imperial Oil Co. here. pinneis vs. Gold Seals, Midaets ivs. Dod'Utrx. KiiiKOUiners vs. Maple Leafs. l'uslioveis vs Thistles. i Aoril 14-Pushovers vs. Maule Leafs. Dodgers vs. Gold Seals. Midgets vs. Thistles. MeMeek-: ins vs. Kiniminners. Atomics vs. urrTC'DVCAR SHADES o r i t a i t 07S r C9 Q7warwcca& (0 Kilowatts. Heatioinners vs. Pio- i i neer.s. ! Aoril 21 Atomics vs. Gold I Seals. Kiugpnuiers vs. Thistles. I McMeekins vs. Maole Leaf. I iHeadninners vs. KilovnUs. Uod- I iters vs. Pioneers. Midgets vs.T 1 Pii hovers j i Aoril 28 - McMeekins vs !Thl'i?cs HendDinner-s vs Manle jTeafs. KiiU'Dinners vs. Plouefrs. i Pushovers vs. Gold Senls. Mid-I "ps vs Atomics. Dodgers vs. ! Kilowatts. I ; M'.y Kinoninners vs. Gold; ! Peals. Pusho"ers jrx ' Kitowots. i i Atomics v.s Manle ifs M'd-"ots vs. Pio"onrj McMnekins' ' Pagers, li'adi)inners vs. I Thiol lou Control ( I- Tfi:$ ajvcrtise?mt i& ft published w drr Mi" 12 - - T'"ldlllnne'', v. nr)f4'Fp.-c ' MidupK 1,(1 Kfinle JoQfu Thistles v "told fiols. "Ui'tiiiimei'.s vs f i I n a I ' s, Pushover vc i'ieer?!. Mc-M'vpjynis vs. Atomics. Announcement OPENING OF In thoe Jy, e!9inc was the' keynote ... the parttol n accepted part o( milady's ensemble ... the sntleman flourished (tick ... . gracious in manner, thought and action. A period of elegance, indcedl Bowling League Time-Tahle for Mm "A" I'ive I'in League Mar. 15 Malkins vs. North Star, Home Oil v.s. Continentals, Kilowatts vs. Brownwoods. Morgans vs. Revellers. Bums vs. I Mansons, McMeekins v.s. Am M Lind otors sav Today, as over the years, Royal Export finds high favour with good people . . . those folk to whom a palatable beer is an accepted part of friendly hospitality. As in the days gone by, the unchanging character of Royal Export mark it as a "must" for the thoughtful host. THE PRINCETON BREWING CO.,. LTD. PRINCETON, B.C., LIMITED Modem New Service Station and Guragf Second Avenue and First Street bassadors Mar. 22 Burns vs. Morgans. Mansons vs. Brownwoods. Revellers v.s. Home Oil, McMeekins vs. Continentals, North Star v.s. Ambassadors, Malkins vs. Kilowatts. Mar. 29 Revellers vs. Continentals, Borns vs. North Star, Morgans v.s. Ambassadors, Malkins v.s. Brownwoods. Kilowatts vs. McMeekins. Mansons vs, Apr. 5 MariKon vs McMeekins, Brownwoods vs. Ambassadors. Malkins vs. Hoine Oil, Burns vs. Kilowatts. Revellers v.s. North Star, Morgans vs. Continentals. Aor. 12 Revellers v.s. Ambassadors. Kilowatts vs. Home Oil, v.s. North Star. Brownwoods vs. Burns n. McMeekins, Morttaus Continentals. Malkins vs. Showing of Dodge - DeSolo Cars ana I'tiNic Inspection of Promises lnvlU'(I Triis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Britiih Columbia.