a quantity of wool and stamped ( prince ttupcrt Dallp ncto Lto. Friday, March 12, 1948 RED MENACE SVBJECT (Continued from Page One) TODAY,'Ul SAT. &t. ,J ' Ht Bin M O M'l HQ, HEW, HAPPY Mtltin. . it ' Social Doings (Contributions to this section will be welcomed) ston, officer commanding the ft) HiIf PiTftl.lD,N., . ... . ,wr . mum s-kI s M M1VW) MRS. HAM IS REGENT U PMtT.tlYN'A QriiW WEDDED IN VANCOUVER Miss Bernice Matheson Becomes Bride of ('prrv Wimdside The marriage took place on T3E sin DEALER CMr .l FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE e 8ce Your GENERAL MOTORS Saturday at St. Mary's Angli- Order, Daughters of the Em-can Church, South Hill, Van- pire, by acclamation at the reg-couver of Bernice Dorothy, only i ular monthly meeting held at daughter of F. Matheson, 435 the Civic Centre. East Fiftieth. Vancouver, to I Mrs. Stanley Saville was Gerald Patrick, only son of Mr. J elected first vice-regent and and Mrs. S. P. Woodside of this Mrs. Bruce Wilson, Treasurer, city. Rev. James E. Whittles of It was reported that five flood All Staints, Vancouver received ! parcels were sent to England Chevrolet Pontiae Buitk Oldsmohile MACHINK wnutr o '"I " " kUALTY Terrace Machine Shop I (J Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, held at the home of Mrs. Bruce Love, Eighth Avenue East. Title of the papot was "The Threat of Communism to the Canadian Way of Life.'' It was read as part of the Empire Study course of the Chapter. The meeting was opened with the prayer of the Order, delivered by Mrs. S. A. Keilback. Chapter Regent, who asked that a letter of condolence be sent to Mis. A. T. Parkin on the loss of her husband. i Initial item of business was the initiation of five new members. Arrangements were completed for the spring sale to be held In the Civic Centre ladies' lounge on Easter Monday under con- vonprshin rif Mrs W J I.lnp. jlanl It als0 was decided to obtain queen's attendants; Ivy Gillespie, Jacqueline Moore and Olive Strand the King's associates were capably done. The Rhythm Band with 32 Instrumentalists under Drum Major Art Nickerson, made a big hit with the rest of the school, who provided the audience for the occasion. A dancing group of 12 from Grade One provided an attractive number. The operetta, which is quite an ambitious achievement, will undoubtedly be counted one ot the most successful entertain ments of the season, and Is sure ; to please the public tonight. I Principal J. S. Wilson, who j trained the choir, and directs ; itne Program has the capable assistance of Mrs. II. Seaman as pianist. Auto Logical! BUSES FOR SALE Steel Bodied, Inter-clty Buses, 10-37 p.,;.,,,,,,,, . 6-32 Dassencer. 4-2B tin km. n .,. i . " ' - , , p,i.s, n(ir . Ideal for schools, fartnrv . v,. ., j I-....,...,, itnui iraiiMkyrt mechanical condition. Immediate delivery ALSO FOR SAI.K-t sets mohair reclining seats for 29 and 37 piMm Apply: Head Office, WESTERN CANADI Calgary, Alia. ANOTHER SHIPMENT 1'OrUI.AK ('O.NM)I! -TIIKHMW WASHERS Jt ST AltHI i n See Them At RUPERT RADIO & Box l:tJI COAL FOOTHILLS SutntW An old car is better than none. But having no car is better than having one unsafe on the road. We are equipped and staffed to check your car point by iwint, and L;; mt - sid BI LK LEY VALLEY - unit, more equipment is expect ed later, thus giving the battery an opportunity to begin its first training program since it was organized almost two years ago. The gun, which was landed at the lumber assembly dock near the elevator, will be set up at the battery garage at the corner of First Avenue and First Street. Its great weight prohibits it from being placed in the armory.- Other equipment, a projector, height-finder and radar, will be sent shortly from Vancouver, Col. Johnston said. "Now that we have the gun we will be able to start training classes, which we were unable to do previously," he declared. "We expect to start an N.C.O. training class which will prepare fhe unit for later expansion." The battery has three officers Capt. L. M. Gordon, Lieut. Pierre LeKoss and Lieut. Frank Parlette whose wartime technical training with ack-ack guns make them competent to train others. Col. Johnston said that it is the desire of the members of the unit to get back the former 102nd designation which was dropped when the battery was re-organized after the war. They feel that the old 102nd was a traditional part of the local background and that it should be continued. Train Schedule 1 For the East Monday, Wednesday. Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday. Sa turday 10:45 p.m You saw It in the Daily News! COTTAGE CHEESE I New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY ' Tour Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICB ! Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions We Specialize in n brjcatim; "7 and OREASixf; Dan's Service Station McBride Street Green G05 The Popular S.S. 1 U!lJVi-f PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT t F"r Information call or write City or Depot Ticket OfXiei PRINCE RCPERI, B.C. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. to make iucessary repairs Drive in r as Coal LumlKT Huildini; Snppf piionks ;:i -;:: RESERVE UNIT RECEIVES GUN Will Now be Able to Get Down to Serious Training Prince Rupert's reserve army unit, which recently received its official designation of 120th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery (Mobile), Wednesday received its first piece of training equipmenta 3.7 inch anti-aircraft gun. The 14-ton weapon was landed here from the freighter Chilliwack this week. According to Col. S. D. John- Valu Plus m m u Z IF IT'S A m SPRING COAT Z WALLACE'S H Of Course CLOVEKLY KENNELS (Regd.) COCKERS Breeding and Personality Blood lines as advertised by many of the large kennels in the East. Booking orders now for Honey Breeze's litter, . three weeks old. Five champions on sire's side, four on dam's side. We have satisfied patrons in Prince Rupert. These pups arc natural hunters and have wonderful dispositions. PRICED REASONABLY Particulars and pedigrees on request. J. C. HUNT BURNS LAKE, B.C. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 IS) TRY OPEN Chop S A.M. TO 2 A M CHINESE gooas in preparation ior worn for the fall bazaar. Reports of various activities of the Chapter were read. Mrs. Keilback was elected delegate to the annual provincial convention to be held at Victoria this spring. The meeting also took the form of a grocery shower to aid the food parcels for Britain drive. Following the business session, refreshments were served by Mrs. H. M. Foote and Mrs. George Howe. Mrs. G. E. Moore was winner of the monthly raffle. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mis. J. U. Boddie. Taste Van (amp's ... you'll want it often I TENDER SPAGHETTI WITH TANGY CHEESE A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Floor Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets Phone 773 327 3rd.ve. reliably. Don't wait now! MIMiL I 2Z P.O. Box 721 Elected Head of Cambrai Chapter I. O. D. E. Airs. C. G. Ham became regent of Cambrai Chapter. Imperial valued at $25.30 during the tuuiiwi ui nuiuaij unu several urwuci u i.uu.ks eie received irom recipients oi previous parcels. The chapter was very fortunate in being presented with a gavel made by D. C. Stuart and given with his best wishes for success In the coming year. REHEARSAL PROMISING Borden Street School Children do Well in Readiness for Operetta Yesterday afternoon's rehearsal of the operetta, "The Pixies' Triumph," being staged at the Civic Centre tonight by the pupils of Borden Street School, was very pleasing The fairy group sing welL their dancing and acting are attractive, and coupled with thei: dresses, the stage takes one tu that fairyland where we like to go to get away from worldly worries. In contrast to these are the very colorful Pixie Army. Their marching and a sword drill were very smartly carried out. They too sing well. j m The singing and acting of the principals are of a high standard. One forgets at times that these are children of eight to 12 years of age. Beverly Comer, as Queen Fatima, and Mary Lou Lunn, as King Jewel Scissors, were outstanding. Other principal parts taken by Nella Mc Kelvie and Agnes Mcintosh, the Gontliiiion: We COOK'S" special for Spring. of cloths since The for itself, in cordially invite WOVEN IN Blackthorn SCOTLAND the WEST OF For clothing, we P.S.: topcoats in the NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 the vows of holy matrimony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a long-sleeved gown of white satin, with a bouffant skirt, tunic effect, flowing into a graceful train, featuring a bateau neck. Her hand - embroidered tulle veil misted from a coronet of orange I blossoms and she wore the I groom's gift of pearls. Pink roses, carnations and white freesia were In her bouquet. The bride was attended by Miss Irene Fleming, who wore a bouffant gown of mauve brocade, styled with peplum. Little Miss Judy Turnquist, In floor length yellow nylon, made a charming flower girl. Matching Dutch caps completed the costume of the attendants and they carried bouquets of purple iris with daffodil. , Ronald T. Jones of Ladysmith was groomsman and ushers were George "Hanklnson and Gwyn Holtby, both of Prince Rupert. ', , , '. Miss Beverley HU) sang "Because" very sweetly at the signing of the resirtecvv Following the wedding reception at the honwvof the bride's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mathescn, the bride changed to a blue gabardine tauieur, worn with alligator ac cessories, and a corsaee of vpi. low iris, for a trip to Cultui Lake and the Fraser Valley. On their return the couple will reside at 435 East 50th Avenue in Vancouver. Out of town guests included Mrs. T. W. Wiltse, Mrs. R. H Linley, Mr. and Mrs. H. Turnquist of Victoria, Mrs. D. Berge and Walter B. Johnson, formerly of Prince Rupert and now of Seattle, H. C. Purdy, Leovillc, ' Sask., Mrs. H. B. Rochester and I daughter Janet, Gwyn Holtby, George Hankinson, Jack Breen, ' Howard Haugan, John Moore! and Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Wood-side, all of Prince Rupert; Mr. i and Mrs. F. Ostman, Port Ren-i frew, Mr. and Mrs. S. Larson. I Crescent. i Thorn wpro aim ,. I I of former Prince Rmwr1-. 1 residents at the ceremony and reception. The bride is a former physical education teacher at Booth Memorial High School. The groom is a well known Prince Rupert boy and was formerly employed in the office staff of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. He Is now in the costing department of Jantzca Knitting Mills, Vancouver. ! The father of the bride Is the : popuplar and well known chief! engineer of the steamer Camo- I sun atpresent on the Cardena OLIVEGORDON IS HONOREE Mrs. Harry Uoyc and Muss Percy Pierce were Joint hostesses last evening at the home of the latter In honor of. Miss Olive Gordon whose marriage will take place next month. The evening was spent playing gin rummy, the winners bcin ' Mi.ss Evelyn Antilli, Miss Eaii Gordon and Mrs. T. R. Lloyd. Consolation prizes went to Mrs T. B. Black, Mrs. N. S. Brewer and Mrs. Roy Morrison. A presentation of a beautiful coffee table on behalf of the guests was then made to the bride-to-be after which Miss Gordon made the special remarks of appreciation. i-tucious refreshments were then served by the hostesses which included a beautiful bride's cake being duly cut by the bride-elect. Those present incliidoH th guest of honor, Miss Olive Gordon, Miss Evelyn Antilli, Mrs. Robert Gordon, Mrs. Earl Gordon, Mrs. T. B. Black, Mrs. A.M. Martinusen. Mrs. H. Black, Mr. Eugene Pierce, Mrs. T. R. Lloyd, Mrs. T. Johnstone, Mrs. Roy Morrison, Mrs. N. S. K. Brewer, Mrs. Harry Lloyd, Mrs. Percy PiTfe pntf Mrs. R. Fulton. i " -if' , I CIZJ it Priiu't? KuptTt, M.C. March 12, Hi 18. are proud to present "WAMRKN K. measure suit and topcoat samples Featuring the most outstanding range l(j:i9. ...GREETING. CARDS ltP ) . Patrick's Dav f1 name "WAKUKN K. COOK" speaks QUALITY, STYLE and DESIGN. We you to see our samples of Gahardines, ITALY, Loden cloths from AUSTRIA, from IRELAND, Cheviots by Kynoch of and the world's finest worsteds from ENGLAND. IsT ) ? EASTEK A" V wl s Sj L or any occasion V ffy t) We Havc a Oi'U'i'1' and Artistic Srinliuii . VENEt BLINK T.iiloail t li: 'J-incuts (if yuur KS.; ni.i'le and f i n:c-lliet.il UU. estimator .K Hie y.mr an ( '.tinulr McHrldc Sired 1 Two saili'" ""flf Tuesday. Kri.li.vs. 12 mii FOB MA$&1S, Drilirt! " DIBB PRINTING COM the man who appreciates the finest in suggest that yju visit us soon. Sincerely yours, WILLIAM F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" We also have "IN STOCK" suits and above listed cloths. PESNER BLOCK YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE I 608 3rd Ave. W. Phono 200 3C Rex Cafe GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alteration Floor Sanding a Specialty FOR TASTY MEALS Suey Chow Mein DISHES OUR SPECIALTY m i . l... avp. SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE'PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Phone RED 561 PLACE AN AD IN THB DAILY NEf-1