.town became curious. The steam- Princess Norah had been thor- 'OM.RLONOiE-VOU KNOW Me, er was on ner way south. The "URniy searched and there wis .skipper, Capt. Graham Hughes not tne slightest sign of him. knew why he was sailing back 6o- having hunted through the S and- wp SlifcE TWS GETS TO Prince Eupftt DaflV f9ett3 Lttt. ' 5 Friday,- March 12, 1949 -- Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Blrtn Notices, 50c: Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notlres. MarrtaR and EnRtifcement Announcements. M. to Wranpell and the knowledge ' sn,P' a posse went ashore to do irritated him. He knew the ba.s som? hunting there. Among the THE RED CROSS. EVERYONE IRFRONT Wrangcll were still open and Partv we're the Wrangell C.p.R. LEGION GAINS SIXTY MEMBERS During the past year sixty new members were enrolled in Prince Rupert branch" of the Canadian Legion and 33 members were transferred' to- the Prince Rupert branch from 6tnef branches Nine members were transferred from Princ Rupert elsewhere. SHOULD 61VE ALL'mEy CAN tttt1t'ww ,ir ,,uu n'l1 ' ."Mini liiul ui " iitiy aiiu a pruvm- pnnress Norah one Of them might be found cial police ofriecr. 'It was a fcsS f ' u;r i v'cll recently someone who Khmtld have been thorough search but the missing BUSINESS OfPORTrNITttS FOR SAtR cd a !r nniiis on rjiiaru ti ir? rrmcfss WOran. """'s'" m iiui mere, tie was .r sail the Alaskan For a passenger was missing. ThP 111,1 m a 0:ir "or was he any nlP 111 GIVE where else within the. town limits. And about that time, came: a messenger from the WHY ALWAYS ;vork for others? Manufacture plastic objects in your own private home. The demand is big. Capital required 55. Write us. R. Mer-cier, 3362 St. Andre Street, Montreal 24, Que. d2i FOR SALE Electric sewing machine; Frigidairs, big size; Ironer; 5 piece bedroom suite. These are all in best working condition, less than half price. Come and look them over. B.C. FURNITURR CO. Black 324. During the year, eight members' died. The total membership is now 620. (A V" .fi OUGHT A COKE RfU CROSS A sieamstnp. He had been found -simply resting in the back seat of an automobile lashed on deck and all fovr red with tarpaulin, lie was five comfortable. , tir.i t YATr.f MAX r FOR SALE -Jo: .303 ROsS Sporting rifl?s In best condition. Price $64.50. B.C. FURNTTfJRS CO. Black 324. . PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT Now available for man with car to handle sale and dis tribution of best-known line President V. O. Houston, In a review of the year1, has asked that the younger members maintain ah active Interest in the affairs of the Legion. As for the new building, it was still somewhat early to say how soon construction will start although there Is a possibility it will begin duTing the summer. In the course of a general dis--ussion relative to various matters of Legion interest at the FOR of household products, serving -Piano". Phon4 Green 62) Union .steamer Cardena, Cap', truest Sheppard, is due in port at 1: 30- tomorrow from Vancouver and waypoihts and will be .sailing goon thereafter on hr return south. and selling many hundreds of 1886HN 1948 . fil Ann Wl V It Mill it satisfied customers, Real op portunity to get into paying business of one's own. For foil Hi. GUIC FOR SALE--Simplex Engines Hi to 31 H P. air co61ed; 30 io 135 H.P. Marine Straight' or Reduction Drive; afso Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. U Watch the Classified Ads! Y6U saw ii in tne Daily News! information repiy Box 320 Daily News. 62 WANTED Logger with outfit to cut four million feet water eggs FOR SALE Fresh 7th Ave. West. at 30.i (70 1 JRadio Dial 1240 Kilocycle CFPR tiwki.k txi.t. x-mrc SM1i;l tenders will be rfcolved by thff DlRtrtct Koretor. Prlnr Di.nr.ri front timber, Wassett Inlet. Contract per thousand or percentage with crown grant owner. Address P. C. Clock, 15 Westview Road, Worcester, Masssachutsetts. (62) DC. not luti r than noon on the 1st t flay of April. 194H. lor the purchase i general meeting Wednesday night, it was mentioned tluit throughout the year, there had beert 104 calls made at the hospital. J. a Wilson suggested that the Legion dcr its part in Reviving in -terest In football and this matter wiil have attention. Votes of thanks were passed the secretary-manager, P. M. Ray, the Legion staff, and all others who, in any way, had eiven of their time and effort. Refreshments were served and FOR SALE 39 horsepower h.d. Frisco Standard absolutely complete, $500. Apply McLean's SMpyafd. (62) or Llrcncc to Cut 6SS.0OO It of upruce. cedar and hemlock Kiiwloifs on an area situated at Sew- j ( II. MnKsett Inlet. Q C. I I Three jream will b allowed for the removal ot tlmrwr. , rurthcr particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or the Uis-1 FOR RENT rf$: f4 7 FOR RENT Three room house, bath, central. Red 183. (63) FOR SAL ft 22' open speedboat, newly overhauled; Terraplane engine. For particulars Phone 643, between t a.m. and 6 p.m. (63 irict rorester. prime Rupert or Kan-(er Srott. Queen truirlotte City lit) 8:30 Morning- Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9: CO Lord Caoiesser 9:15 Records at Random 9:30 Melodies fir Juniors 9:59 - Time Signal 10:00 Bund Stand . 10:15 World Cnurcli News 10:30 Tunes For Olir Times 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 Music for Dancing 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded 11:45 Personal Album i-.:a. -12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 Recorded Interlude 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 Polka Time 12:45 Serenade for Strings 1 :00 Announcer's Choice 1:30 -Hit Songs of Yesterday 2:00 -Tea and Crumpets 2:30 Musical Program, Mont. FOR RENT Furnished 2-room suite with shower. 1235 Park Avenue. (62) the meeting adjourned around midnight. VOTIf K Jame M. kav, Ixh-pjim-iI NOTICK IS HERFIiY CilVKN that (Subject to change FRIDAY PJM. 4:00 Eu McCuTCty sms 4:15 Stock Quotation? 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:0() String Stylings 5:30 Music by Sammy Kaye 5:45 community Calendar 8:00 Beat the Champs 8:30 -Three Suns and a Starlet d : 40 According to Record 6: 45- Plantation House Party 7:U0 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Tlie.se Engli.sh 8:C0-Bunkhou.se Serenaders 8:30 Boston Pops , 9:00 Dream Time 9:30 Prairie Schooner. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News II persons having; claims atrainst tile FRANCOIS LAKE FOR SALE J f6om frame house front room1 ZDXTO, all furnished. Large garden, garden tools, . plenty dry firewood. Very reasonable. 161 Wantage Road. . (63) FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite, 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (61) estate of James McKay, of Stewart DC. who died on the 3rd dav o! January. 1948. arc required on or be fore the aist day of April. 1040. to deliver or send by prepaid letter fill; Mrs. John Gilgan is teaching school again. She is at Brids Lake", near 95 Mile House. There are nine pupils at the school. Her children are with her. particulars of their rlnims duly veri FOR RENT 3 room flat, private bath. Unfurnished or partly furnished. Red 441. (62) FOR SALE Ada II. 45 ft., 12 ft. fied, to the ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, the Executor of the Will of the said deceased nt Its otlice a'. 6fl West Pender Street. Vancouver. beam, 45 Atlas" Imperial full diesel. $6,000. Post Office Box; 54$ or" phdne Black 17 or Green 975. (62) FOR RENT Large furnished apartment, harbor view. 4th Ave. East. Phone 844. (60) Wartime Taxes and Orders PLUS v. Dorothy and Elmer Mills ar.d Colleen left on Tuesday morning by train for Chilliwack where they expect to stay until the BC I AND TAKE NOTICE that nfter th -I last mentioned date the said txec i-tors wilt proceed to distribute the 'assets of the said deceased amona 3:00 Clearing Up the Weather FOR RENT 4 room apartment with bath. Blue fi68. (63 1 F'OR RENT 5 rooms and bath, 3:15--C3C News 3:25 Recorded Interlude 3:30- NBC Symphony Orch. reqard only to the elims of which 10 : 1:-Mainiy AoOUt MUMC 'end of the month. Captain Laing left on Thursday morning '.i Authorized ftottler of ("ooo-fola under j nintrart with Coca-Cola I,td. I NORTH STAK BOTTI.INO WOKKS frre Itupfrt . I'hone Ul FOR SALE Two choice hilltop lots with a commanding harbor view. Directly opposite Gyro Playground, Atlln Ave. Reasonably priced. Cash. It wilt then have had notice for Victoria to spend his vacant March 15. Please apply Mrs. J. Linney, Summit Apts., Black 277. (61) 10:30 al Pachards orcn. 11:00 -Weather and Sign Ofl SAiUHUAY A M 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits Steamship bailings Kiir Vaneoiiver IJATFU the 17i h day of February. THE ROYAI, TKt'S'f COMPANY, EXECUTOR By: Re id. Wallnridne f Co. S2S Hcymour .Street. Vancouver, BC Its solicitors. There are several areas on the Phone Red 738. (tf) FOR SALE Set of Grey-Bon- Single room. 650 (66) lake where th?re Is no ice and FOR RENT it will only take a good wind to 7th East. drive sockets. Phone ney Monday ss Prineess Louise It i p.m. 7 4 Tuesday ss Catala 1 :30 p.m smess and Professional 537 or call 324 5th St. (61) Thursday ss Prince Rnpert FOR SALE- Piano. .Phone (178. - - (tf) I ELKINS LTD. M and Heating clear the ice right out. ' : ROOM AND BOARD District Agriculturalist John -1 son showed films at the hall ROOM AND BOARD $43 each here last Wednesday evening j double; $48 single. Sleeping and there was a good attend-1 rooms for rent. Table meals ance. Lunch was served by the j Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street members of the Women's In-' (tf) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GF.NERAL CONTRACTORS FOR SALE 300 Savage model 99 and shells. Good as new. $85. Apply 349 Taxi. (63) rngineers P O. Box 271 IS followed by a dance, stitute, 1 1 : is p.m. From Vancouvei Sunday --S-! Catala 4 p.m. ( Monday ss Princess Louise 1 p.m. Wednesday -ss Prince Rupert 1 10:00 a m. , Friday ssCardena p.m. Friday ss Cardena. midnight. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 12 midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss Prinre Rupert, i i.m. PERSONAL Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners. K MOST AD until midnight. The orchestra donated its services and the dancrs had a good time. A collection was taken which amount- I NTER AND FOR SALE) One new . Gray marine engine, model 6-121 with 3 to l reduction gear. New spare parts Include 30" propellor, 1 cylinder head block, 1 exhaust manifold, gaskets, electric temperature guage, etc. Phone Blue 963. (63) little more than five PT MAKER PHONES: Green 48 Red 894 Don't Fail to See Our Smart New Shorty Coats BEAUTIFUL SPRING DRESSES akimvim; daily IKosn-Lce "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" 345 West Third Ave. Phone Green 774 ed to a dollars. E RED 752 BUYERS OF U.S.A. products. We act as your personal purchasing agent, for any item, you may wish to purchase. For home, office, factory, mine or mill. Address all inquiries to JOHN F. BRADY FOREIGN BUYER'S AGENT, 9717 Denl-son Ave., Cleveland 2, Ohio, U.S.A. (80) 4 . in l. RORIE The Women's Institute monthly meeting was held at Mrs. Noble's home on Thursday afternoon. There was a small attendance as it is hard for the DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Maternity Wear a Specialty Advertise !n ir.t Uaily News FOR SALE 31-ft. trolling boat "Eider." Apply Knox- Hotel, Room 18. (64) Be smartly dressed with hidden launtant, Auditor, etc. ""at Returns Compiled. oSc-i; Phcne 387 4 women to get to meetings the-ie'. lost antj rorND expansion features PHONE BLACK C87 -84 FOR SALE Scrap wood, random lengths. 1 cord, $6.00: 3 cord $19.00. Phone Green 977. (86) If It's Rock Work LOST Black puppy, 4 white feet and white tip on tail. Scar under one eye. In vicinity of 7th East. Phone Red 418. (63) 'STOMA'S l DELIVERY IENGER "mpt Service ERUPTIONS ll"i a irmm fjtrl nrw U -kfU' litli rrmmr skin lilniilit' . . . Iirlps iur !.kiu lo Imtiimh' MNiMrilter. New i Kl I l ul IODIM. in lite llMlstrt'iiiit ive nu oihrr ihn-m. Riiry inini'r,iU. lii-t ,U -KKI.I' (mIh it in.i w imr aiwMtT to piMxi ht'iilili: iiiiiruvi'il iiiK'iiir; a lfar, liraithv iiMiiili-iiui. l lirni; titriret rrMlnTc. MiiiH t -liiii li "iiuraiiifr. FOR SALE 5 rooms and bath, 8lh Avenue East. $1,000 cash or terms. Immediate occupancy. Apply or phone H. a Helgerson Ltd., for appoint ments. (62) days. Miss Preston, matron of the Burns Lake Hospital, spent the week-end at the Reg Partington home. Pat Partington is helping in the hospital in Burns Lake. Janet Wade, who has just learned to ski, travelled on her skis from Pelfetier's Store at Ootsa Lake to Grassy Plains on Saturday, a distance of. nineteen miles. Janet has recently come out from London. England, METAL WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS f Freisht Express f '9 - 322 Sixth St falls Green 882 FOR SALE 1 Quebec circulating heater, good condition; cheap. Phone Red 191. (621) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestrougftmg una uuck R McWHINNEY your house and yoursell fully Insured while I do the work. work. Letourneau & Sons, 62'J!FOR SALE-Tenders will be feL sixtn west, rnone mj. iu ITING AND ATTENTION FUTURE PATRONS! We Are Glad to Announce That We Can Now Supply You With SPLIT SPRUCE and HEMLOCK (C MDW ID) (IT TO LENGTH Clean Handpicked 'Surefire' Kindling "WE GUARANTEE QUALITY AND QUANTITY" B & W TRANSFER r.rwn 18(1 PHONES Rod 1S2 & HANGING aid In the hos- and is nurses' pital. Mnvin;, Parkinsf Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Purk Avenues Established 1910 Phones liO and 68 JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers. Swedish-American Tribune NOW AVAILABLE Sixth Street B 808 t Box 1426 Pi- Phone Green 394 ERICKSON TECHNICIAN f AND REPAIRS '! J 41 I U7n.. Bii. . . On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Les. jTaft and Paul Piche of the I Southbank Forestry Service and (.Janet. Wade came around the (lake, via Nadina by road. Th? ! road Is narrow but good for I travelling. "r.i, iin Ave. By Chic You i Insult to Injury. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Avenue ERIC RPEERS, Mgr. 701 East 8th Avenue RLONDIE ceived by the undersigned for the purchase of Lot 21, Block 1. S.D. of D.t. 361, Plfn Terrace . Townsite, - Range-5, Coast District, together with Improvements situated thereon, up to noon of Monday, April 5. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. F. G. Forbes. Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Winslow Ross, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert. B.C. (68) WORE WANTED vriDDLE-aged woman will louk after children evenings. Phone Green 5RR. (tn MACmNtKY f-OR SALE . , ' i i !,,,., FO SAW better lumber more wonomlcatly use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery tPERlOR f ORATORS PRINCE Rl'PERT REALTY 1 ' ' CO. HOl'SES FOR SALE Building occupied by Full Gospel Tabernacle. 6 rooms on upper floor. Assembly room could be made into suite. Cash sale. 6 Rooms and bath, wired for range. Oil heater. 7th Ave. E. Near school. 6 Rooms and bath, Oth Ave. West. 'inc. larpe workshop and apartment. Good general store property and business, inc. Post Office. This is a money maker. Situated in the interior. Desirable residence on 2 lots comprising 8 rooms and bath. Good construction. Situate JIIIP IT WAS THE 1 ''if Eighteen oouuars --TTHAT HURTr' - PAPERHANOINO Wie 952 or Rlmi, ne HE 1 ii ' 111 ''g'P'iE I rsJ-s WAKE UP 4 I ANYBOOy J . ( EIGHTEEN DOLLARS DUE ) AT T-f r$ ONI THIS DRESSr-- . HOME J is U', y"W"7f r" "1Jlh MIND Bill Thornton HAT HAV -.IVv VS- KICKED 1 m V- CHENEY : PENTIST HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches. !08 4th Street Phone 655 -1 f SMITH BLOCK p O. Box 1401 - .. . on 11th Ave. Price 4000.00 fisheries Industry (P.R.) Ltd. Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Avd terms. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) lheuinf( Welshlnr' Advertise in the Daily News! - BUTE "ve, 980 gpu ..3URANCE i mRTIMer ff ATT TT (o o o EVERYBODY LSE DOE S!