Prince Rupert Daily Hews School Hears . ior Canadian National In.'tf- of the suggeniu he iZ'.'ni V.'elfiie,t f; Fmed 5: For . tue :.r ;;:;' '.r.e f"'a H:s talis l4 ce.-.- ce:'" Sitce bis rtsit t the city n trir.gtn? the wsea to the fatten- rio'hr Te at" trcj about . wia.nes IjiSIi prevention the , .... , ... . riVj rr.d ri.-r-a r ... 1 J7. Mr. C-Bt:t ".3. tr.ere haa of rfce Institute. An independent Blind Official : told the students about cne'ba.X -eer- -Ve or s-x n'!r ases 5ust arrived, in ti'y Tht man nu robbed his U-r.- daily cetvspape? devoted to the upbuilding of Prlne lUrpert and northern and central British Columbia Memtver of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation! Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A. "TJHTEE, Managing Editor, a O. PERRY. Managing Dlrectoi aucitonum to near a taik by tion the students gave and boo- p;a-s of luentber of the '.o- returning to Vancouver. , Horace Bene.t. who had jU"t SUBSCRIPTION RATES Harold Guest, regional stiperv:- ... UvUid xo.uw or. s-j-n'j cal branch of the CXIB ar.d the John and Creek before been released from jail after tit. B carrier, rer Week, zoc; Prr Month, 75c; rer Teat. S3 00; By Mail. Per Month 50c: Per Tear S5.00. if? :-3n ' mftmn" y n 3Sr ' a-.LsA -i ".iai rtr 1 Daylight Time '- 3 " . V f SJ - -.iv T : 'u. " . '2.. - ... 4,?, WE SUSPECT that there will be more than a few mothers and fathers to agree with the theory expressed by Dr. Duncan Black, director of the public health unit, that daylight saving is detrimental to the health of the children of his part of the country where summertime days are long enough without Snaking, them any longer. We' have heard a good deal of complaint ourselves from parent who find it difficult to get the children to bed while the sun is still high in thp heavens. It U logical, therefore, for Dr. Black to -ome up and tell ua that daylight saving is detrimental to the health of the children because they are loeing sleep. - In spite of the advice of the good doctor, how-ever, there will, undoubtedly, be those in Prince Rupert an1 British Columbia who will again want daylight saving in another year. We can only hope that, whether or not we have it again, there will, in any case, be some uniform practice established on an all or nothing at all basis. We have experimented with daylight saving off and on for 35 years now and we are still as confused and disagreed as ever. t KCRIPTi'KZ PASSAGE FOR TODAY '"Hie g'xxlr.cas of Ocd leadeth to repentance." Romans 2:4. - '" J 't United Church Meelinns Here Conrad Street PT Instate . Officers Wr.. J' hn Denning, president, and ether new officers oi Conrad S'-reet Parent-Teacher' Aa-soeiation ere installed by the retiring president, Harold Thorn, at the regiilar meeting Wednesday r.i?ht. The meeting conhid-ered plans lor forthcoming ac- : tivities Including eard tournament to be held the third rt-day of each month. The Aw t-l tUm went on record aa opposing the granting of licence ior the opera Hon of pin hall games and concr,s;on3. After the business sexaiun, a social period of games and dancing w ,j enjoyed. Seems Paying Proposition We've all heard the story of the goose that laid the golden eeg, but that was a fairy tale. But here's one that's true. i The other day Tes Cutrcss ; was cleaning a goose he hail ; bought from a local food store- ' Wlien it came to opening the ; gizzard, he cut too far and . 4, atJ-0 X i Prince Rupert Presbytery jf the United Church met here thU week drawing delegate from ai far south as Bella Coola and from 8mlthers in the Interior. Those att'-nding the meeting were fiev. A J. Lawton of Port Simpson, chairman; Re?. P. H. and Mrs. Mallett of Terrace. Rev. J. H Matthews of Hweaon, Rev. L. C. Johnston of Kmiths. W. E. Bowd of Quick. Rev H. S. Forbes and Mrs. M. Founer of 0em falls. Rev. L. Scheutze of BeMa Coola. IU'V. G. K Kin? and T. Harris of Beila Bella, Rev. L, G. Slcber-and Don Forward of this city. ; In reveJwIng the work of the presbytery charges under the Home Missions report it wa noted that the work and influence of the churr:h was growim?; in this central part of BrlU.ih Columbia and in the marine mlsskms. ' In revlewlm; the property of the conirrcgationi It was deplor- ' cd that o much property ha.l ! not bfen kept up in Ccntr;-! i British Columbia The property j ' was itfjt In worse condition than other -churoheii in the area, but1 improvement was urgent. Nev.' ' property Included three nevj church houses and one newj church. ' K $ . ". ,-4 ,;- .l - . . t t split it wide open. Inside, he found you guessed it a gold nugget. I' , 1r' . NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 l-'-flle Kowell llellhrufier. firmerly i of 1'rline HiiM-rt, B. f. - Itereated NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that f; Two Ktudents rtaining for the ministry did summer work under the Mainland Marine Mission at Klemlu and by means of the Thomas Crosby boat. Their 'i work -was outstanding in all ponlU toijched for influence and I effectiveness. The students wore' B. J. fSmlley of Toronto and W. L. Bimiham of Vancouver. A highlight in the two-day presbytery meeting was an af creditors and otherB having claims j amitnst the estate of the above de' censed are hereby required t,o send i them to the uiiderslKned admlnn-1 trator at 820 West Pendr Ktreet, Vancouver, B. C, before the 21st i day of November 1050. after which , dale the adnunlHtrator will dlatrlbutt ! the said estate amimK the purtle 1 entitled thereto havtnti regard only to the claims of which It then has notice. ' THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY,; , ADMINISTRATOR. I By DOUOI.A8 6YMKH Ac BRIHHKNntH 1 its BOLicrroRa. (8 30,0-7,14.21 ('! v'-r-.-,-' r r t r if , ' ' k . ,'' 'i ' " ': I . ' 'j :t"t ''" 7 1 ' ' j ,4t4.tU( "r . : .... A ' ., :. , 1 V that people do not directly deny j God but they deny the image oil God in man- I The next meeting of presoy- j Wy is called to meet In Vancouver early in May 1951. j , -my ternoon report and discussion on ! the World Convention of Chris-i tlan Education and the report of the chairman on the adult convention at the United Church Training School at Naramata. Speaking on "The Secular Confronts the fiacred," A. J. Lawton defined the secular as the philosophy confining life to things and seeing man as things and hot persons. Thl means IN Kit WI'ATK OK JOHN IJANUCV, TAKK NUTIOi: that a AdmlnUtra-Vir, ilujy ),impl by the mrt iA th -tat of John Hunlcy, lnfil. tMi rt)i a itt ijviT l''nt. Hrltl'ih Co-liiml)i. ou th. Kiith ouy j( tN'cein-Ix-r. 14!), I rcijiilre all crrdlt'it Hnrl ottiirnT huvttiK tliilrtiH aciilrwt the .aid MUM! 'tj wud the Mvmr tii me. prup-rly vrlfl-d. at tiw wum m.n-tlout-d b'Uw on or bi-forr the Iftth dny of rx-wmtwr, 1060, fur whlrh dnUi lMiaM rwd to dutrlbute tlia itatt those entitled by law, hav-regard only to auc:i claim of which ! Bhnll thi-n huvt; b'Kii notified, ' And further take not'oe viit n!l prrwuui liidebtiid I) aulti uMaie ar requlrod to piiy their Indebu-finem to 1 me forthwith. Duticl at Prlne Mntert UC , tht em 0y U Oi Uli)'i'. IQM. , - - - , r r - , I If '"' .i ''''iff;' I T .a I ACCTIOI HAI.E I Timber Kile Ui::. i here will be offered for ale at Public AwtUm at I0:0 am, on Thumday. NoverntH-r Soth, IU50, In the office of the foreat Ranker at wn 'Ol BC, the Lire rue XI022S. to cut 5 24OOO0 fb.m. of Hemlock, Knlsain. Cedar, anil Hpruee on an area comprlMng or vacant CJrown land situated oh the north westerly portion of Lake Island, Rang 3 , Coast Land District. Three year will be Allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the miction In person may aubmlt tender to be opened at the hour ol 7 'Jj t . 4 . . . . "? ! .,,".:: v .'::ftv.. -4 i V'.'. V auction and treated aa one bid." i ' Further partlculari may be ob- tnljied from the Deputy Minister of ' Forests. Victoria, B. C or the Dlst- rlrt Fnntter, Prince Rupert. B. C. H) ! jj Canada Sovmgt Bond may ba bought for cosh ouInQht. ; ?,LZV J or in instalments, up to the amount ot $1,000., in the name of ,t . ;." ,4 i ; j ; 5 Vvi'': n ! 1 1; . u ; ; i-A SUiit WAY ach or any member of tho family. They come in denommo- i I ' ' TlTi ' ' " ' n F f' TV r r' -Htirt Otl"Hll nkir" " ,on 50, $'00., $500, and $l,000 ond can b , , ; 4ljj '1 f ' P !' AfeJn r lli?' I Payroll edhrcughlnvetmeMd.ale,i,bank.oryoUrCornpanyt , ?'('; Savings plan. CREDIT IS A SACRED TRUST Guard it as a matter of personal honor, Kecjj your credit record "PROMPT" by paying earh charge account in full Uy the 10th of the month, arid contract purchases on each diie date, CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT 5 Wo5Ml fciiriatii fall -hirriii.itirtirfl-Jiliift-'