Prince Kupeit Daily New Friday, October 27, 1950 HOUSEKEEPING Don't Gai1 in;; r;i tr. Sprinkle susar over beaten yolks, and then beat, a!! of the above ingredients together. Cook in double boiler until thick i Cool. Beat whites of three cg,' add 2 cup sugar and gently, fold Into the lemon custard mix-! SHIPS and WATERFRONT Insist on lUCHANAN'S on What YcJ Hallowe'en Tricks Appease Hunger of Season's Visitors tun. Pour into baked crust and brown quickly in a hot oven. .'BLACK&VJHITH' EAT!! "The gobllns'U get you If. you don't watch out!" It may be that the particular goblins that visit our homes on this Hallowe'en come on foot, ringing the front doorbell, instead of floating over the rooftops. They may have a very familiar appearance in SCOTCH WKtftl WHISKY CALL RED Equipment for the new Canadian Fishing Company cannery on the ocean dock has begun to 1 arrive here. Wednesday the Nor-' them ' Express, Capt. Sorenson. ! delivered a seven-ton boiler and ! 50 tons of machinery from Tall-heo cannery In Rivers Inlet for j the Prince Rupert Cannery. In addition she delivered 30 tons of ' nanaral fvofrrVit anH Q 1 2trm lftff paper encircles the ooltom of the pot. Marshmallows, with faces outlined In chocolate, may be floated on the cocoa and one served in each cup for additional effect. Cream soup, hot and appetizing, may be preferred to cocoa. Small round crackers with a cheese spread may have faces created from cloves and sweet red peppers and have exotic hair of chopped parsley. These should be served with the soup as they will soften If floated on It. The children of the household will love decorating the marshmallows or crackers as spite of their masquerade but at Trie Secret is in the Blendin . any rate for this one night of the year, It is a mandate of the CALCIUM IN CHEESE Health experts regard cheese as a good source of calcium protein, vitamin A and riboflavin. It should be included In the diet at least three times a week by itself or in a combination with other foods. Incidentally when planning the day's meals be sure to Include foods from every group in Canada's food rules. These groups Include milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals, bread and meat A balanced diet which is, necessary for good health requires some' of each of these foods every day. ond you know Vu 'C getting THE BEST 3 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 3,4 cup grated medium Cheddar cheese Melt butter, add sliced onions and cook over direct heat, stirring constantly, until clear, about 9 minutes. Place over hot water, -sift in flour and blend well. Add milk gradually and continue cooking, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add salt, pepper and grated cheese, stirring until cheese is melted. Garnish with chopped parsley before serving: Yield: six servings. . MOLASSES CUP CAKES 2 cups sifted pastry flour Or li cups sifted all-purpose Hour ' teaspoon soda Vi teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder lVj teaspoons cinnamon U cup shortening V'j cup molasses ,1 egg Vi cup milk This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. roller for transshipment by rail evil spirits that we appease ths hunger of any goblins . which descend on our homes. A crisp ripe apple or a piece of taffy will always please the callers who demand "shell out" but sometimes it 1s a good Idea to Columbia Cellulose Company D to C S RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR at. Watson Island. From here she proceeded to Watson Island to unload equipment and from there she is going to Alice Arm with general cargo after discharging which she will load 120 I GROCERY If I A7at-if A o... t- ... ! tons of ore and go to North Pa-Jcific cannery to pick up 3,000 their share In the preparations for the party. ! No party Is complete without a cake and for Hallowe'en It should be dark and have a rich lusclousness- A chocolate cake Is usually perfect but a spice cake will meet with approval, espec-j lally if the batter Is baked as Individual cup cakes. An eyecatching frosting may be made by adding a few drops of orange i 10: 30 Riverside Rancho j 10:55 Interlude 1 11:00 Weathei 1 11:06 Sign otf: ! SATURDAY AM. j j:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News j 8:10 Here's Bill Good 3:15 Hits and Encores i 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty. j 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club S: 5 The Answer Man to invite a number of the pseudo-spooks In for a while. I Hallowe'en always makes a good excuse for a party whether It be for youngsters or adults-! Even the most dignified person will unbend and enjoy the fun. The homemaker usually wants to plan a menu suitable to the occasion, but without too much time or trouble In preparation. Home economists have some excellent suggestions. machinery for Vancouver. uo, ouic XVtSUIUi! ) I . wwwWWWWwj C 1 The Island King. Capt. McCartney, came in Thursday noon Mix and sift flour, soda, salt, with 60 tons of cargo, six auto coloring to a plain icing-sugar baking powder and cinnamon. I mobiles, three boilers and Witches' brew, .served from a jhonvy lift to be unloaded at the (dry dock. She went from here icing ana aecoraung wun cnoc- Cream shortening and molasses, olate icing or chocolate shot. a(ja beaten egg and beat well. Sometimes cookies are best Add milk alternately with dry hollowed out pumpkin, makes a In Watson Island to unload 350 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet good beginning for the refresh- (Subject to Change) FRIDAY P.M. 4:i5 Stock Quotations and ' Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories 4:45 Lyrical Lady 4:55--CBC News 5:00 Bond Show 5:30 Prelude to Dusk 5:15 Bill Good, Sports Review 6:00 Supper Serenade tt : 1 5 Henri Rene Orch. 0:30 Musical Varieties t:45 Saddle Rockin' Rhythm i:nOCBC News 7:15CBC News Roundup 7:30 Easy Rhythm - R:OC,-Musical Program 0:00 ' Burns Chuckwagon" P:3uUCanadian Short Stories 9:45 Canadian Forum i mi' hi; Ne 1M-10 CBC News 3 0' IE-Club Date for the children and the busy lneredicnts to first mixture. Fill 5LBy. tPrPiCHJlC,H 'homemaker will like the kinds greased, muffin pans two-thirds plain, and served cold spiced or i 10: 30 "Melody Time" ! 10:45 CBC News that are made all In one pan full and bake In a moderately and cut In bars ' after baking, hot oven; 375F , for 30 minutes This means quite a saving of Yield: one dozen cakes, time and energy. It is Just as BUTTERSCOTCH t"ns of cement, general freight and equipment. At Casslar can-. nery she will pick up 1,500 cases ; of salmon and canning machinery before going on to Carlisle ' for 10,000 cases of salmon and canning machinery. She "will pick up another 5,000 Cases of salmon at Inverness cannery and complete her salmon load at Butedale. At Klembu she will pick up 4,000 gallons of; salmon, oil and proceed to Vancouver. or hot. . ''.'' A more substantial brew that Is more suitable for the children would be steaming hot cocoa or cream soup, it cannot be served from the holjowed pumpkin but a large preserving kettle, well wrapped In black crepe paper, makes an ."excellent cauldron. The Illusion may be carried fur- The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phono 81 10:55 Wemnei and Interlude 11 :0 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 CBC New3 12:03 Saturday Magazine well for they will disappear very quickly. CHEESK AND ONION ' CREAM SOVP 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup thinly sliced onions IVi tablespoons flour OAT SQUARES 2 cups quick cooking rolled pats 1 teaspoon baking powder Pinch salt 1 cup brown sugar, firmly . , packed i cup' butter .melted Vt cup shortening, melted Vi teaspoon vanilla ther if a "flame' of orange Combine rolled oats, baking powder and salt. Add brown sugar and mix thoroughly. Add melted butter, melted shorten-Ine. und, vnnlllP. h'entlitiB thoroughly. Spread thinly in two 8''x V Ungreased cake pans. Bake in a moderately hot oven. FUR SALE SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK AND SELECT YOUR WINTER COAT AT 375'F.. until golden brown, about 10 minutes. Remove from oven. Let stand five minutes. Cut In squares or bars with a sharp knife.. Allow to cool thoroughly before" removing bars from the pan- Yield: four dozen cookies. LEMON CHIFFON PIE If a baked pie crust Is on hand, Sunday work could be cut down even more, by whipping up a lemon chiffan pie. Ingredients: . Vi cup sugar; 3 egg yolks; 1 lemon (grated rini and iut(e)t 4 "tablespoons boil- BILL SCUBY FUR I'll one 971 r.ox W. Prince Ruprrt ? ate &rki( & ffjtfwstee z && ?tfr?04z fffafo rjf unmt . . , I I I , I Ij 9 I CALL L- THE OFFICE AND ft 9 ""N. I I 1 THEM 1 WONT BE INTOCWV-- OH BO' 1 I B L - I HAVE EVEW ACHE AnO PA , . '" K3fcl 1 iKflCR ' 1 Jl am i sleepy? J i -Tknown to medical scienccj ' " ' it i V - . ( U ' rf CONGRATULATE ME IT WORKED ) I if WE (?t SORf?V) - .. PAPA A 9ICK ' U B WfVE TREO THAT SAG A HUNDRED KvOU'RE NOT ( ANC ALC MAM ) , U ' SrtTNrfES AND TVHS IS THE i f WELL, t T . -; . U I i Mf? VMOODLEV K H6 SAYS IT'S "V f " I I ( HEPBE2T WOOlXE; ) ,;, . ALL II v SKS ( rs doWncta1rs- j jUwiamiMr) - tell h.m , m ) . DONTWjwffey -" ' 7S H X WANTST0 1 r. C TOO SICK TO J ( GO UP TWEfc'E X, ' I I ! XjTi ' . - 0 I ivOLI IC5IOT--THIS ISNT I , , -"Srfil 1 I I C HOW COULD 1 MAKE i X ' A WOBK DAV THIS IS I ' 1 OU MV J-SlEJ ' 7 A TEPPlBLE MIOTAKSJ fpJt. s., V, SUNPAV AMD VOU rr- , rnwFCcIa I i LIKE THAT? WHAr Sffcft l " ' - I' HI Vlooic, i'm well 35u I I ? ' I THAT LITTLE BITTy ) Vfiitf? ST" jSKA TVV I'M HERE V j 1 " s'. 17 Mil I )1M 0 mm tX" t 1 HI h IH I I IT''tfL I A imall additional supply of this famous Canadian Rye Whisky has reached the mature perfection for which this brand has traditionally been noted ... a perfection recognized by the people of B.C. who appreciate the full-bodied flavour and mellow y": I )N,.','tlrill0t'i'''.,VlV richness of B.C. Double Distilled. rn nn BRmSHMUJM DISH IK! UU. LID NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Contro Government of British Columbia. .