prince nuuett DaHg jSetof tVeJiTestlay, March 2, 1949 TODAY TO SATURDAY J3? SHIPS and more cable could be purchased if required. Another point that favors the 'Installation of the cables as I suj'.Kcstcd, all would be so located as to mesh in with any new plant which, no doubt, would XlMVltIIith3ft '. be located around MeBride I disagreed with the statement Stnvt In Sections 5 or 6. and wired the maniir.irinrir ..r I in nmeliision. the citv is tak- $100,000 WOULD DO Editor, Daily News: M WATERFRONT Carrying CO passengers lor southeastern Alaska points. C. P.R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. Graham Hughes, was in port this morning. She also carried 220 tons of freight, mostly lor Skagway. a heavy burden under the equipment if it was possible ! inn on nrevailinc hi"h nrlccs but, if SAVE- i xxciernng to xne repon in your edition of February 15 on the action of your city council l on the proposed new telephone WALLACE'S Spring Material For The Whole Family By all inean.s see Wallace's large new stock of materials for, Spring. Time to sew for Mother, Daughter, Baby, Father and Son . . . YES, materials for the entire due caution, and a very close of the .situation is to add to the plant, receiving a reply advising a 200 line addition could be provided for $0000. Since that time one more section was added. This actiou rn. nn:ivlKis plant for your city, I feel it my duty to offer my comments and made, I am firmly of the opinion the situation can be met very satisfactorily along the lines I -DAVID BUTLER S.: correct statements made at the i suited in the savin" of smnn i council meeting which I know i $140.(10(1 and the equipment has have suggested above, if tn? were made in Rood faith. Never- operated for 30 years since th;it. ! tin-sent nolicv is carried out. I NKWS CARTOON ineicss, i must ciraw certain ,, . , Ille $"5,000 mentioned as , i pur- facts more plainly is,.., to the atten-I . , ,, , w" ..,,, , . .. . i chase c price for the manual sys- tion of all concerned n the arg I ., . . .. , y fenr your utility Is not going to meet with the success we ail hope for it. ERNEST LOVE Stewart. 5 WALLACE'S of Course CNR. steamer Prince Rupert had a new Chief Engineer when she docked here northbound on her weekly sailing. He was Robert Baldrey, who is replacing Reg Williams, currently holidaying in California. Mr. Baldrey was formerly second engineer on the Prince George. Master of the Prince RujKTt Is Capt. Reg Sparkcs who is replacing Capt. Ernest Caldwell who 'also is on holidays. .njiuuuui. Ul pJJl,tV Ult Hilt; fiiiw.llt.f j i . , Dower proposed plant. CLOSE PLAY R.I . f . 1 JILL'S J (GRADUaI OTTAWA IN BILLIARDS The opening games in the first round of the fourth handicap English billiards tournament which commenced at th It Tays to Advertise! Advertise in the Dally News! plant, storage batteries, distil-1 buting frame, , harmonic ring- j ing machines and test desk ' which are already installed.! This would reduce the above figure by some 10,000, bearing out my statement that the automatic would cost double the ' amount of the manual equip Admitting the present plant, l.s in pretty bad shape, caused primarily by war conditions making it impossible to procure the necessary repair parts, however, conditions are such today that the necessary parts should now be available and a couple of thousand dollars expended for this purpose would put the pres """'J' B Snar Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections """'y-iiitth , Canadian Legion Hull last STEWART NEWS hilvst from Portland Gnuil Mining (a-iiIic ment. As thp man who liisi.niwi ent switchboard in first-class Winnipeg registered 25 below litely solved. The tall mountain last Monday night. But the face, hard by the river, has long shape. By the addition of 2-300 j telephone plant in 1910 and en- seasoned , Winnipcgger never been a source of more or less admits to feeling chilly. He refers you to the glorious sunshine Carson and L. A. Behnsen tied for the mens first prize, the former winning on the cut of the cards. The consolation prize went to Don Norton. were marked by extremely dose Mace m !C' play which kept the outcomes w,ls a j ?r in doubt until the winning shots' was a J 1 had been -played. 'publH,? J. Campbell C-30. won a 10 iial ilim,.u' 11 point victory over Dave ' Owens' two ..''., -15) after a keenly contested . Small match In which Owens made a piiyfitiiin' break of 24 and the winner 22. I In the second game, Bob Mux-j WICK cilfrt ley (-5 spotU?d his opponent,! EDMOTON Les r-arkes, an additional 40 , not put wh.' points and, in a whirlwind fin- Ecinioiu,,,, ish after he had regained his! to make th'1" heavy handicap points, just loslj official annl hv th nnrrniv f 1 .. . "ufi line auctions oi BwncuDoara, " " i auu navo your exchange would be in a j a feeling for municipal owner-position to provide service for ; ship and am very much interest-100 individual subscribers and;ed in its welfare and success 2000 4-party lines, making a i and. feel no large expansion Is total of 2100 new subscribers, j justified at this time. , Every These sections would not be hem required for new plant is bcamincr on the spotless snow How lovely it all must be! difficulty, yet one of these days it must and shall cease from troubling. But for the present, and chiefly in winter, it will continue to be regarded with misgivings, for its that sort of an annoyance spot not at all uncommon on all lines that pierce the great ranges. The ladies of the Canadian Legion and the members of Stewart Blanch staged a crib-bage tournament on Friday in the Legion Club Rooms, the ladies winning by a score of 7848 to 7774. Individual winners were Mrs. Norma Lewis and Mrs. A. Lawrence for the ladies. W. J. Crawford was first in the men's section with Louis Behn-sen taking the consolation prize. Miss J. Crawford won the raffle. the present obtainable only at staggering nrtptp IP,,.- i t n .-. 11 4 1. connected with switchboard, as switchboard has the addition of Miss Shirley Lawrence was hostess at her thirteenth birthday party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Lawrence, on Fridav. The euests the present no room for the necessary Word from Ottawa says an Investigation into building regulations Is to commence at once. 'Any Impedimenta that delays construction progress will be knocked out. If it takes as long as it docs to floor Joe Louis we may as well purchase tents. .... . i iiv new tln.c ..,1. were Misses Miriam Huahtt. I points, the final scores beini , ... ' , ; multiples for Inter-connection between them. This would be overcome by adding 10 trunk Seven Mounties guarded Izor Gouzenko, former Soviet cipher Joan McKay, Betty Behnsen,1 Parkes 150-Moxley 148 1 arp scraping u clerk, when he appeared as a ,i;eks on each of the new sec tions, whl h provide the facili witness at the opening of Sam Carr's trial. In Izor's case. Mos wvjovo. i ui jnotaiici:, -an leiepiionu cables are manufactured from copper and1 lead .these two metals are quoted today at 17 and 24 cenis respectively per pound for crude ore at the smelter. When refined and made into cables the cost would be tripled, making the cost of these cables out of all reason, whereas, If only sufficient cable were purchased at present to relieve the present shortage of lines, and provide for all demands for telephone service for a year or two. it will be reasonable to exnect ties for connecting all subscrib Mary Manojlovieh, Masters Johnny llecimovlc, Johnny Kustas, Kenny Thompson and George Nelson. Between cake, pop, and games they all had a most enjoyable evening. cow has a memory that forgets I ers. The method of making this The regular whist drive held by He Stewart Branh of the Canadian Legion on Saturday was well attended and the competition was very keen, Mrs. uuuwig anu ine rc.o.iu.r. evi- connection will not slow nu n dently realise it. the service. Each onerator has There seems reason o think that, at last, pirates' loot worth about five hundred million and secreted centuries ago on Cocos Island off Central America, has been found. Wjth typical self-effacement, the Vancouver press points out that all of those klentificd with the prodigious find belong to Vancouver. a push button provided to make direct connection to the headset of the operator on the new W. J. Crawford won the ladies' first prize and Mrs. T. Kirk-1 Rev. C. L. Lomas. Anglican Patrick and Mrs. S. Kirkpatrick J minister, arrived last Mondav switchboard. Tills operator as Natural enough for Scandinavia to look westward. Long before Christopher Columbus was heard of Norway's helmeted sea-kings were' roaming the tied for the consolation prize. number I that these metal prices Will Mrs. Klrknatrirk winninrr on ti and will stay here tvo weeks conducting prc-Lcnten services In St. Mark's Church. signs the trunk jack which completes the connec have dropped considerably an'i ! cut of the cards. J. 1 Shorty j tion in the same manner as if It : does not follow, because northern wpans nnH vimrinn traffic has resumed between the coasts of what are today here and Terrace that the prob- known as Canada and the Uni-tem of Kwinitsa has been defin- ted States. the multiples were used. This installation would cost approximately $21,500. This is the method used in all large offices. When the switchboard be- jromcs to loivj for the operators 1 to reach all numbers, what Is ! known as a "B" Board is in if I SCAMPERS (Tr.d. Mart K.J.) Your favourite tlnw is bark ... niorr sllrarlivr, more romforfiiMc limn rvrr brforr in a nrw hum imin tlcin. Krr joiir fcrt ronl ml roniiWlflhlr nil wiiiiiiiirr lung tthfi a pir of SiMnaii -JV T X lial'j (he amount of the 1 chcuc for mmiic 2.2W.IKXI (..iiuiluns. the V)iS-4i Rcfurul.ihlc SjMiigs jrt m this nionlli. Siiiic nill gi 1 los, Simmi stalled, the original board bcins known as the "A" Board. All incoming signals are received by the "A" Board, then transferred t) the "B" Board by trunks, in' the same manner as I explained above. The final connection to complete the call rests with the operator on "B" Board which is the outgoing board. As well, all' supervision signals remain unchanged, that the operator knows when the call has been answered ar.d also when to disconnect. All offices in Vancouver or any other lare plants operate 011 this principle on manual switchboards, as Ihcre is no other '-vav , - -fl- 'teri's r---? Zu Mi1 at Srm(rr on ilii-plny our More. more. Hut. if vou h.ivc a rilimd mr. --iSwsa ' 1 j FASHION FOOTWEAR 1; of handling the traffic. you, it will he monty vm duw:' . . . money you've ill re, til sauil . . .feu kind of money to keep on sawng. It fcrl giMid to hac a nest (;:g in It tncans a ready fund you lan dia t case of emergency or opportunity. Why not put jour refund di(iuca a savings account at the HufM? To provide for outside lines to take care of this addition, ,2-1 200 pair cables should be added j to take care of Sections 5-6 and j COLORFUL PLACES Newfoundland has one nf Hi.- rintt n(i . ..j CHIROPRACTOR John F, I,. Hughes, D.C., I'h.C. . - 21-22 Besner Block Tlione BLUE 442 for . Appointment " " norns 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a to 5 p.m. Monday anil Friday, 7:30 p m. Im Miotic unnhlo to ciinr Uurlin the dy. BKCKPTIONI8T lu attend wutuiuiu 01 uuu places names one i i!hiD t flj . . ,11 , anytwhcre m the world. Joe Batts Arm. Heart's Desire, and Horse Chops are acksoAn ' "Ta P "ere 18 thC SS- Northcrn Ra?" unloading freight at a flace callrd (f pmTQ I& Your Radio Sick? DR1NO YOUR RADIO RADIOPHONE SET TO Ken's Radio Clinic for SATISFACTORY SLRVZCE Dealers for CLNF.KAL DRY BATTERY AND WKSTINtillOCSE 718 Second Ave. Phone 53 all sections of the city located on the higher ground, also one J00 pair should be installed from I the exchange to lane between Bank or Montr ance afternoons. second and Third Avenue on Fulton Street, breaking at this , point. 100 pair extended toward Section Two, to take care of I that area, the other 100 pair W j be extended to cover the area I from Fulton Street to Court j House, Cow Bay, etc. This would j take care of all new demands I for service for many years to FOR ALL' TYl'ES OF PRINTING up CRLLTING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS A CIRCULATION suiwi:y whidi tlu: Daily News is conducting is surprising even us as to the den-sity of our circulation. OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY urprising come, and would relieve the congestion at least one year earlier than the proposed new plant could possibly start to op SEE I'l illi (' linr.. .1 It, I, . 1. it v, r,A(K Mn Stewart llratHh: ,. j. S. ANI" NM'N-' Dihk Printing Co. Itesncr Block Phone 231 WOMIN6 WITH CANADIANS IN EVtfWAlKOFl !III!!!I!!!I!'M erate. This addition would cost approximately $56,900, making a total expenditure of $78,400 and, by providing $21,600 more for repairs to present office equipment, purchase of additional telephones etc.. $100,000 would be ample. The telephone situation is in very much the same position as it was in 1919 when the equipment -was t:ec;ared worn out and impossible to add to and a bylaw for $150,000 was voted to build a new plant.'At that time' rirMII Iff I NOH7 is ihe Time... to make changes in your refrigeration system. We will be glad to assist you in any improvements contemplated. .7 IF THE BUSINESS PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT WANT THEIR NEWS TO GET AROUND, THEIR SURE WAY OF DOING SO IS TO ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS WHICH REALLY GETS AROUND! ! NU-WAY Delivery Service Call IJLACK fi8G For ALL Your Delivery Needs Have your machine checked to see if it is in condition for the heavy work season which is ahead. SEE US FOR YOUR REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS Walk-in or Reach-in Coolers Frozen Food Cabinets Ice Cream Cabinets and Domestic Refrigerators Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd O PHONE 210 or 209 Q Just Call 98 or 86 - (Lip - . iailu NiHiti. FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Philpott, Evi and Co. Ud- Your Salesman in Every Home nnAT f.M