12rinrc Rupert Dattp retost Tuesday, November 1, 1549 quite rif;ht In putting his foot There may be attempt -at this, down. but if the rank and file is intel- ; lient snci Independent la brucellosis. In the ring, in the great CrlU-fum, the pride of the Be. cji'i. world will jje paraded before the experts or all North America u 811 Victoria Report cors were interested in what Mrs. away with rigging and dictation. Eugenie Anderson, the new U.o. Mrg AndeMon puts this whole Ambassador to Denmark, said' hj j nutshell when she1 An independent dsilr ru warmer devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and itii oomir.imities compiling northern end central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except SundRjr bv Prince Rupert Dniiy News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. G A HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O PFRRY. Manaelng Director MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES nmr Otty Carrier, Per Week. 20e; Per iou. 75c: Per Tear, MOO. tfe:i-:tD - By Mall. Per Month, 60c; Per Tear. 8 00 -asmf- by J. K. Nesbitt o a 6i..iu viwi vuuiiy ior publicity for British Columoia and will still further prove that this province is a natural home for bluebloods of the barn and ras. s in nl.i. I the other day about political par- fays. .. lhe participation of! t.i.o .li-irl tl.i.ir t-iine in nnhiir life, ' t average ctizens'iri :.. . -. political . par- linb fi'lH toon 'rtumftprol'U Cflfo 11 ' n-iun . lit O V. 11. 1 Vl H1WV...1.. J ,11.1V. ture. She said every citizen should be a member of some political party. She is. in this, of course, quite Pair ... MENS K.mi . PREMIER GETS TOUGH WITH CIVIL SERVANTS JOHN CITIZEN AND POLITICS Premier Johnson who prefers the clubman's handshake greeting, got tough when he announced a new rifiht. There is too much grumb-! B. C. agriculture department line that political parties run the ! officials in the Legislative Build- special trom MEN S WOltST, country. But every citizen can , ings have been busy in recent be a member of a political party, days making sure 50 aristocrats vote for delegates who chose of the B.C. cattle world have federal and provincial leaders at every comfort on their long trek conventions and set the party ' r.cross. the country to the Royal Style, ,rom j, J cost-of-living bonus for B. C.'s 7,000 civil servants. The Premier doesn't like being tough. He much-prefers that everything go so smoothly he can keep smiling and talk pleasantries. This time, however, his nlatforms which, to some extent . Winter Fair in Toronto. MWS Dltrss A SOX Sun patience was at an end. He told MEN S SPlmt s, I .1UW MEN S WOR J " vaiua mm ne was oiuni . merit, sick leave, pensions They about it-that there'll be no more ' have sepurif few m ,n cost-of-living bonu.es. In future. vate ,nUust have T, he sa.d, increases in pay will be 'yu m,veI. ,ose thejr b Some of these animals are worth $10,000 each. They must, be pampered and petted, have their every whim catered to. There will be five carloads in all and each car will have two top herdsmen to look after the occupants. Special cars are fitted up; wooden ceilings are put Into all-steel cars so that the cattle won't drown from moisture. Every animal has been vaccinated against shipping fever and guy-ant eed free of tuberculosis ana lat?r become government policy. In this way every citizen can h;ive a part in government. The members of political pnr-ties, the rank and file, are tiie ones, in the long run, who nave the final say-so. True, the b !y;: in the smoke-filled back bedrooms of big hotels have a lot ol say, but even they must depend on the rank and file for support. There is too much unfounded !. ingestion that political conventions are rigged trom the top. ;ow MEN'S I EATS KRtAKF.RS jm Rpertai MEN'S AM... he said, in effect They're not overworked. They often get three clay holiday week that's that; ends. civil servants can put it in then-pipes and smoke it. Back in 1947, before Mr. Johnson was Premier, the cabinet told Enjoy the ciccllent eppolntmenls, ilicioin food, and the imencclltd CRl'ISI R (y)T; Special Time was when civil servants were scanuoii.iiy underpaid. Hiat MEN S DRESS Sll civil servants they could have.has been rectified -now., .Most, another bonus every time the j people feel Premier Johnson Vas i irom cost-of-living; index went up 12.5 ' MEN'S l NDF.Ri nations, nx&m 7 f- special i New Housing Welcome THE SALE of the former United States WITH Army administration building to Frank Kaf-tel, Toronto financier, satisfactory culmination, it would seem, has been reached in connection with the disposition of at least one of the important war installations in Prince Rupert. Mr. Kaftel has become otherwise interested in Prince Rupert through the purchase of valuable property on Second Avenue where he plans the erection of a million dollar hotel. ' Conversion of the First Avenue building into apartments cannot come too soon to relieve a housing shortage in Prince Rupert which is already proving acute and which is in fact holding back the growth of the city through unwillingness of people to come here because of the inadequacy of accommodation. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, the city itself and E. T. Applewhaite M. P., are among those that can be thanked that the administration building was held up from demolition on several occasions. Now it is to be hoped some useful purpose can be found for the big waterfront warehouse building which, of course, should be held intact any way for possible use in connection with a defence program. - HOPE-PRINCETON HIGHWAY THE HOPE-PRINCETON HIGHWAY, an integ-I ral link in the trans-provincial highway system in the southern part of British Columbia, is to be formally opened tomorrow with considerable acclaim and ceremony. There is no question that the new road will fill a valuable function and there would be no point in disputing the fact even though it will be of no direct benefit to this particular part of the country.' MEN'S RAlNfo.H service of ens cl (het fine thipt. Prince Rupert Sailings Southbound . Monday, Nv. 7 Saturday, Nov. 19 Wednesday, Nov. 30 For Information and reservations contact II. II. Davies General Agent IlltlD5 MEN'S (iAKAIUH Full lined I. points. This has happened three times and has cost the treasury $3,000,000. In addition to saying there'll be no more bonuses on the 1947 agreement, the Premier told the civil servants that every time the cost-of-living index goes down 12.5 points a bonus will be lopped off until, the government hopes, the civil servants will be back to their basic wages. The latest bonus, as the others. MEN'S COVERT (J it 1 1 rt - ; I'OATS-Tops in I lit I ! MEN'S DRESS P) assortment, peri, i nm i KNITTING Wdoi; ; ity. Regular 45c I Now, per ball . ; BOYS' I AC El) I 11O0TS-AII sites j ! Special f gives every civil servant receiving up to $160 a month a straight m m 'i mmvmfrmnmi.tir: -M A- -v s ..si . a 10 per cent increase and those getting more than $160 get $10 a month, which Is the maximum. r I 3 ,ssrj'?!- . i BOYS' SCHOOL I JKtVuvuU There's no doubt the public is a little burned up about the latest bonus. Many people consider civil servants better off than the average person. They get three weeks' vacation a year with pay after 10 years emp'.uy- "ANTS It BOYS' RAICO,lS fitlinir. From i BOYS' AI.L-WonS 1ACKFTS ) ,11'- 'Zum' " i, JiT- itAf J fit f' : - I - , .-. ' . "V - Hm "'WW We can hope, however, that, with that road now COOKER i '1 ll Pay.' lu ' I BURNER Vmm mn t up U ('. mt fvH bMlf (lh IhH nnsaxtntr hrni-r mt turn. Uaef In Kor llmier r Warm Alt rurnir nHMltlk to huntr if hi t nwini . finished, the day will be considerably closer when more and quicker attention will be paid to the highways of this rapidly developing central and northern part of the country; including the northern trans-provincial highway out of Prince Rupert, especially the unfinished gap east of Prince George between Sinclair Mills and McBride. PERSONAL burns the From yuur o'i: I Come In and S-.'e i lflc EA.-25 I t WRATH.d PHOTO FIMi - in. j V1CKERS' IS 0ISTIUED IN CANADA a no is DisTmtuTto ivCatvrrt for some time, thur, living in A brother Ar-Toronto, s u r- cheapest small Lipnite Coals with Wi'fc efficiency. Cut your fuel bills in half! OVER 22.000 SATISFIED USERS IN WESTERN This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by die Government of British Columbia. wmmwuifi n I m ri,)iiiiniiinn i . tr-lt : WIS AN IMPERIAL WAR VETERAN . George Bradbury, who died SAYOj mm vives. An Imperial veteran of the first world war.Mr. Bradbury suffered frail health following Nothing transforms a room as quickly and at t E X T one-room telfrTJ . CANADA I!l!iilil!lill!i!!!i!;!iii!!ll!!!!!!fi little expense as a smart Conaoleum in tne city yesterday, In his his army service. After working HOI W. L. WOOI'i heaven: Rug ! Bright, pretty, easy-fo-care-for ... it stays beautiful and new looking an amazingly long LVXtRJ STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE seventy-third year, was born injat the Big Bay Lumber Co. at Gloucester, England. He had j Georgetown, he later took tip lived in Prince Rupert for some j residence In the city, doing odd 30 years and in that length of j J(s and janitor work until he ST """iJ mn4 rnmm IHM UN Kl.lll tn Ask four 4nUrr w write I p o.l PHONE 3' nine oecame quite well known, i entered tne Pioneer Home. He SAILS FOR He had also been located 1 n never married " ISLAND CITY BIII.DERS' SITPEIES 505 McBride St. Clue 821 FRASER STf i PRINCE Rtrt time! For Congoleum has a wear-layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel equal in thickness to 8 coats of the besf floor paint applied by hand. And it's the only enamel surface floor covering with Georgetown where he was in the employ of Weldon McAfee You 5?.w it hi The News the famous money-back guarantee. and Intermedial Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations PHONE 79 CONGOLEUI Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs . . . product of Congoleum Canada Limited, Montreal. iOallarti ny siRUG I V H MIA MWttttrY JR Why tutfer head ache misery whew you can set last, ale relief this easy way... with VANASPOA! At all drug Store. Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPKR1 B.C. iliiarntrJ Local Representatives for Conjfoleum Rugs Gordon and Anderson Ltd. Agents for Congoleum Rugs A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Slindays 12 Noon to 2 p.m- 7 p.m. to 9 p.m 1:A SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVI IT'S A HIT PARADER IT'S THE New AL JOLSON1 SINGS AGAIN' FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 21 222 Second Ave. Our Complete .Si Display of AI.BIM FROM HIS LATEST ' PICTl'RE THERE'S A RING FOR EVERY PURPOSE FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS BOUDOIR LAMPS Priced from INCLUDING SUCH. FAMOUS NUMBERS AS "I m Looking Over a 4 Leaf Clover "After You've Gone" "Give My Regards To Broadway" Babv F l "I Only Have Eyes for You" "Chinatown my Chinatown" "Is It True What They Say About Dixie" "I'm Just Wild About Harry" Per Album.: $4.75 OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CIIOP SUEY prTION'o P ore jui ..lJ.Uilii iNCjiv orji-",v" j $3.80 to $25.00 enow MEIN ii Latest Diamond Styles Complete' stork of Sipnate, Birthstones and H.i kiAkicnN'S NORTHERN 8. C. POWER CO. LTD. Rei.1T1ff at ATt tT A imea&fak fflsrfeia. M . I vrariw aiMV UUCH 7:00 aja. to.J:S0 J&. mone 173 tor OoUlde prdera BESNER BLOCK miXCE PHONE 210 YOUR FRIENDLY JEJfJ . ' i Rl PERT, B.C. STEWART, B.C.