I ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 " prfnre Ruptci DaM Huc3 Tuesday. November 1, IMS Getting Out " ,7 Manitoba Vote .THE PAS, Manitoba (fin,i, " " """ j r""J MISS EBUTT IS TEA HONOREE Prior to hor departure foi Vancouver to make her future St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 8. runers, short wave radio and . planes are to be pressed Into COAL McLeod River Dr. 3. D. Calbralth. medical liperintendent of Miller Bay Sons of Nororay Meeting Wednesday Nov. 2 at 8 p.m. 256 Mrs. Lsaac Martin returned to Hospital, returned to the city on iwoose icmpie v-iiiu raivjr, NOV. S. Civic Centre Bridge November 4. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking November 5tn Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov Rouble luxe; service lor the collection or ballots In the far-flung northern constituencies In Manitoba November 10 general election. Ballot boxes will be dropped by soaring aircraft ir lake ice is not tnick enough for landing. Baturday afternoon'! plan from a business trip to Vancouver. the city on the Catala Sunday night from a trip to Vancouver. ITS HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING ember 9. t'ommuntty Ratepayers Association meeting to be held at East End Community Hall, WSrAmrt Vf.- I Bit n m 111 Presbyterian Fall Baza&r, Not. fine had motored through the central interior .with her husband who is in the service of 17. Order N ow the forestry departmen. Women of the Moose dance, ratepayers corcuany Hmwa to amend. (255) Oddfellows' Hall, November 18. HERE'S women or the jgW) Albert a McCaffery jhome. Miss Dorothy Ebutt was jthe guest or honor Friday afternoon at a delightful informal tea 1 at the home of Mrs. William Os-i borne, Alfred Street, friends oi J Miss Ebutt being Invited to bio her farewell. The tea table was attractively decorated with fall flowers. Feature of the afternoon's : proceedings was the presentation to Miss Ebutt of a matching hano bag and gloves. Present, besides the hostess and the guest of honor, were Mrs. 3 A. Frew, Mrs. J. Siiortill, Mrs. 3. McLeod, Mrs. George Green, Mrs R. MoChesney sr., and Mrs. Donald Nixon. Miss Ebutt sailed on the Cam-ostin Sunday night for Uoa( ; Irons t) Boy Scant Association Annual meeting, Civic Centre, Friday meeting Wednesday Nov. 2nd 8:15 p. m. (2d6 T L I n 1 1 t U PHONE IK COAL Ll-MBER BVILMVG MTPLIES Nov. 4. Civic Centre ladies lountre. All Interested please attend this Important meeting;. (258) Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. I OD E. Chapter's Fall Bu-aar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Satarday. United Church Xmai Bazaar, Dec. 1. Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home-League Sale of fancy work and home cooking at Sons of Norway Hall. Dee. 8 at 2:80 p.m. i There will be no regular, weekly luncheon of the Prince! Rupert Gyro Club tomorrow! but. Instead, a stag party will be held at the home of.W.M. Watt 1 H ia. Ma m, & ihh AERO CLUB HOLDS DANCE Alfred Shrubsa'!' sailed afternoon on th?Catia fur a to Vancouver. City Clerk and M. H D. Thain ' returned to the ciiy on Saturday! preceded by a dinner at the Civic J Prince Rupert Aero Club was night's train from Winnipeg Centre. host ta a group of 108 gwst at where Mr. Thain conferred with sone of its periodical dsnce par- the CN R. tax commissioner's of- Try a Classified Ad tor Result? BLACKHEAD1 head-quart-; nt regarding the assessments on iwt vi.rkw- oiiv. ,kot,. ,m Frs sturday night. Dance mus- local railway-owned waterfront - v k Smart, mJ two minm of neroxin. Itowifcr trwm tM in Wfl nn-wifevri ho Mi f"kiilrA dru iiur. .rat w'r m:ly wit wm. ttnt . , properi WS cloth or btarkHMKii,. Th d. u4 Orchestra. Bobbv Woods, en- 1 dil-r bf this ml imgM awthuii. Tuxtd(i ('a( StK-k Sizes tM4inHu.( ..... 1 vaiiniini ijiHiiinnn, whs hi H. J0HAN5EN charge of arrangements. - ..-!. ,11111113 I Single ftrea 1 ifiQ"3W THE iW With Silk Vi Made to Mt Classified Advertising Is H00lR Z t"7' "-ruon, minimum ,h,. cn n , ,r' btct,BirlNice s- c,rd 01 Tlurnk. Death Nonces. Funeral Notices, Marriape and Engagement Announcements: $2 ' SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE We have a II of Tuxedos if we do n. CALLED BY DEATH Hagbart Jtansen, a former Prince Rupert fisherman ol 1058 Ambrose Avenue, died In hospital Sunday afternoon after a brief illness. He had been suddenly stricken Saturday night. Beventy-one years old and bom In Norway, Mr. Johansen had lived in the city since 1928 having come from x Tacoma where he was married. Before that he had been In Michigan. He is survived by his wife Martha at home and a son Ivar, now fishing in the south and due here Tuesday. Two brothers Conrad and Soren, live in Tromsoe, Norway. Deceased was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. lost axu rorxn size we can .M'fJ) WANTED -Board & Roombv fooer gentlman. Box 609 Dai- ly News. 256 LOST At Aero Club Dance-Saturday Oct. 29. Blue Bur-beiry Raincoat. Will finder (ifliverv fn, i JuA one roal of t II "Frwrnirtle' cover unwghtlv VtVMKiiis Uj.(x-r , . . f ir you say oalla oilh i taliny kttwlic mrfjc. Drira to llic ii.uch ia a cuuj,lc of hour, kindly phone 795 (257 WANTED To rent v t- ill, small ftlliail pt.i 1 ! 7M tr hoilSP lint mmicV.M4 t n?r . V Instantly converted for cteanlna " ..rU.- a 1. a , . - -.. - iAo i rwiiiiuiw ixxr nin Klin.- W ,r"S...c2SP,e- ?? Sd bjA-herV on - cmv) Hrs iioors 6 th East. Phone Red 633 and linoleum.' (255) PERSONAL v toiy to use from floor to celling. 9 PARTNERS Wanted with $.-000 to finance a business that will give a substantial Income and security. Box ;02, Daily News. tJ59 WANTED Housekeeping room cabin or Apt. furnished for PERSONAL Will person who saw small black Cocker Spaniel killed at noon Monday at Dimjimuir and 5t4, plea. Aa.'V in Mi fMde -Street Clean rugs fast and thoroughly. Keeps rug colors fresh. pnone Blue ws. t25ii) HELP Vi'.riTHI HOTEL ARRIVALS Are You HELP WANTED Indian Agency AssistaniA, $1620 to $2528,' depending on respoosibilitv I'Hipir, no cniiaren. lhone Blue 923. t25ii WANTED TO "RENT Your "apartment, suite or small house, furnished or otherwise, will receive care by this couple Occupancy Nov. 15tli. Apply Box 6U7 Daily News t256, ttcks up stubborn dog halrl, . thread and lint. Prince Rupert T. Rosslanc! Queen Phnrlnti 10 I ai vanous centres m Bnnsii JOHN H. BULGER JPTOMrmifiT John Bulffer Ltd. Third Arenas Loiiimoa. iu parUculars on citv y' A C Calder camer- Terrnre- Terrace, L. I r B. posters dispiaved at Offices . ,7' of the Civil Service Commis- Stacey, Vancouver; V. S. Murray, sion. National Emplonnent Toronto; 3. 3. Vogvill Vancou-Serviee and Post Offices. An- Dlication forms nhtjimiSl wr- wr. H- w Holt- DiSby rnh To.n. Island; S. o ron. SALE Then I buildrr know h. H. Simpson, thereat, should be filed 1m- oung, Hazelto;:, medijtely. with the Civil Ser-I Hazelton. U0K VOOm FOXTHt MOSiy 7HM tVOt ttTORL C0M IN tOD AY fOX tmitS ON THE vice cximmisson, u tsej-mour St.. Vancouver. lt) FOB RFAT tioa. (J Nil PL hut ?i FOR SALE Fawcett kitchen range good condition. Phone 665' ,260 .FOR SALE-New Smith-Corona portable t-pewriter Snap for cash 30-40 Krag in perfect condition, good for bi game $o0. 1345 Pigott Place (25.it FOR SALE 1932 Chev7CouDe 'i!tB,v,hrateJ Sr5 00 APP'' 16-1 &h East after 6 p.m. (2601 FOR SALEMediimTColeman Oil Heater tnewi and iron octard .newt. To sell as soon as possible. 1136 Havs Cove Ave- (2561 rrt bot FOR RENT Sleeping room, re-, spectnble young lady. Box 605 Daily News. 255) FOR RENT Large hmiseiceeo-ing room for gentleman, to share. Close in. Phone Green 448, between 1 p.m. to 8 p m. ISMITH&EIKINS A Polke, Vancouver; J. A. Danish, Bridge River; W. H. Campbell, Terrace; N. O. Carpenter, Victoria; D. Graham, Butedale; R. Reid, Vancouver; R. H. Dun-lop, City; TA.V. Tremblay. Victoria; L. H. Blair, Vancouver; J. E. Nix? Edmonton; H. F. Gilbert, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. T. Berg, City; Mrs. J. D. Hauchen. Terrace; W. S. Dale, Vancouver; D. Muir, Vancouver, H. D. Gould City; E. Sutties, Hope; W. For-sythe, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs GRE (258) FOR RENT Sleeping room In BRIO, fLt'.WBlN'G AND HEATING Phono 171 P '. Box 274 private home. 418 Green St. 1255) REAL ESTATE covntAri Bllli FOR SALE 3 piece sectional eaesterlield and easy chairs. i'LT CneaP- Mittens er 5 p. m. ,250) FOR SAIX-Wanime four fejc. W Minaker, Masset; Mrs. W. Rf.D 51( B Itaft , , , o H sweeps ... a ft tU British calibre. recia.Uv eor.verttd Mar 3 ir.-.Bht 10-shot Sporting Pe eicn ov.lv $4! of r r-'artci amr.-.r.i-.ion $3 00 Ave. East. Prince Rupert A- Brn. and daughter, Port Realty Oo. Phone Green 667 Essington; Mrs. A. Birss, Port 258) ; Essington ; Mrs. Thorlakson FOR SALE 8 room house. 4! Port Essington; C.C. McKenzie, bedrooms, dining room and' Vancouver; H B Thmomnson front room. Full concrete, ph n,a. George, Miss .,,. D R. basement, heating svSttn hot1Pn,3c FarreL wter. On two lots, fenced in,! Vancouver. ffrirri ffrap Anrlv 1 1 R Am-i f 1 1 - COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY AT Gordon & Anderson Ltd. : y. Wrfte ror'"" ecr.puon. Manev refutided not fatu-factorT sale :3 brose Ave. or phone Blue 441. J t26o. WINNER OF FOR SALE Six room Wartime NJFWS CI TP house with paraae. fine view,. r newlv decorated, with range i-: ' and heater Full price $2 "00. -rrz SATIO.NALLY KSO'K NAME Ulr.-Df.i Sc.Qfr ghavei-Craves. DrwUtes: Adam gua- Oracers; Lif.ltford Bro B.att Tod Road itxintenanc-3u:w.eat; Oien Canuhe' Biiccevs and Rck Graemes I. L Fmrri r.mwi. t .BH Terms R E. Mmlmer, 324 Winner nf ih nn,. Stars Slylcwcar- When IKk Your tjfi (247)1 2nd Ave. Phone 88. ( Cup for the best box of i.nlM And a thousand other TOYS in our larjf Ml hirh has jnst arrirrd for C'.ark Po.-kiJt Truets: ' Seder MAKE VOm SELECTION NOW fui -aaers lor Stockoili PRE-XMAS SALE STARTS NOV. 1 osju omw .ira?Tsi ; Kice Fort able Centrifugal Pumps; Xa t)onal Drae-hne Si-rarwr in FOR SALE For Cash Four j In the recent Terrace ai-1 Dist-roomed nouse. partly furrusn-j ... ,, . ed on Park Avenue, lots 7, 8. nct Fal1 Fau" was Kc.ine'.h and S. Biock 2. Bubd. DL 361 j Kerr who is noted for h fine barney gTZJSt fruU I" n hU ,U dressed to . H. Smith and R. "oss the railway traf k ::om M Cory, ExecuNrs of Escat! the town. Mr. Kerr also . --ived of late R. W. Rilev. Highest ,, ...... ; " a s subscription c ti the or anv bid Rot necessarily ac-i cepted. (17. t25s)i paper with the crp. Buckets: National All Kree waoiir.e aoi.ts; Nations KNOCKED OUT Take It " ..... . Rotary r, Screens and Convtvort r un iniormiuon trom Na tional Machinery Co. Ltd ni 618 3rd Ae. W, Box 1118 -TO Vancouver. B. C. ufi 12 Only Wool Slacks (Reg. $8.95) Sizes 14-16-18 $3.95 20 Only Asst'd Skirts $3.95 & $4.95 12 Only House Frocks (Size 14) .... $1.49 FOR SALE 5 room house; " large utiiitv room; furnished! A. C. Calder of Xrace, sailed or unfurnished; basement; this afternoon by 1 the Catala on close in; concrete founda-i , . , tions. Also a 4 room house WP to Vancouver. j FOR SALE New i Used Fumi ture. Hardware i Office Fix Ken's ,R,A,?,!? tures. Electric Hot Plates. just off McBride; basement! fress irons. Cribs, Diss ton Kaien Co-op " "K"r It 18 tnd Ave. nana baws, Ne-v Logging Jacks, Heavy 3-oty Roofing Paper. New Tei, wrom Phone i rmai cottage av rear oniys $1000 down. For these and, others. See Armstrong Aeen-( cies. 307. 3rd W. Ph. 342 or j Green 27 teves.i 257)i 25 Only Uniforms, Smocks Asst'd Sizes & Colours $1.95 Bedroom Rups, Typewriter KiiiK noons. Battleship FOR SALE See this Value DON'T LET "BLUE MO Tow oiinuy nsea Radios etc. at the lowest prices B. C. Furniture Co., Black 824 EBY&SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help yon plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Bex 588 FOR SALE! Modern Oil Range 6 room house on Ambrose; 3 lots; view; basement; plastered; Immediate occupancy; priced low for quick sale; includes oil stove and other furniture. See Armstrong. Agencies Ph. 342 or Green 297 (eves.) (257) WASHERS oee our SPECIAL Rayon Briefs 49 Slips & Half-Slips .... $ L.49 hi ueneci conaition Practically new. Apply Box 808 Daily "rws- (258) GAS MODELS 51 FOR SALE McClary kitchen range. Complete with oil FOR SALE Newly, painted 4 uunier. rnone tiiacK 910 ELECTRIC MODELS (258) UNION MEETING There will be a meeting of the Construction & General Labourers' Union Local No. 1427, in the Carpenters' Union Hall, Fraser St., Prince Rupert, on Tuesday, November 1st, at 8 p!m. All newly signed-on members are urged to attend, so that thev maj-be " initiated. Business General. C. L. Moe (Sec'v.) 255 FOR RAT.FTTeprt room wartime, wim Daek porch, bunk-beds for children. Fully furnUhed in excellent condition and on large lot. $2,000 down. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. (256); AND MANY OTHER BARGAINS AT BARGAIN PRICES Baby's Flannelette Nighties Si dows, lumber, Plione 543, Call MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED with water pump ELECTRIC MODEL ELECTRIC MODEL 5 PAYMENT PLAN CAN BE AKBANOf1' TI1ROI GH OI R CKFMT lMl)S PHONE 179 BOX 1127 T"""! CLEANER CUTTING AWS " a n 001 4-piy - l oz.) W, Off All Cash Sales on Coats, Suits, Kaincoats and Dresses. otv dm Are. w. (tf) FOR SALE -Furnished 3 room trallor, accmodation for 4 A snap. Blue 508. (255) FOR SALEl-WIck Oil burning range In -good condition. Ail cream enamej with warming oven. Phone Red 894 eves. 1 (255) Your saws will cut cleaner, truer, faster, if they are filed by machine. Mechanical precision, quick service. Bring your saws to us. Saw Service 100 3rd Ave, E. (255) R. E. MORTIMER 824 2nd Ave. (Near CFFR) Come and lie "Star's W ise