Try. "rrw ' vsvd AM i minimi Ll 1 1 r n irrir n tt -hiiii i pii , .- M . ,. . ...,. f.,.y..., n ,mittmmmnti''' . "! " . " T5 r i' i OF ROMANCE, tke ,tory of liicli goei back to our verybeginning$ as BOAD 1 an infant crown colony, when gold wai found in the boundary country and in the r . 1 then barely-known Koc: .u; -. o .If' II 1' J!? e"tt Grandly scenic, splendidly constructed, broad smooth ribbon laid down for the traffii not of today or tomorrow but for the vastly , gf eater volume of years to come, it shortens the distance from the teeming cities oLthe .coi it to the Okanagan Valley by one hundred miles and the time by several hours. h, !i rtif M J UtJ V4 A SI -I SI iuir da: T(l i I)!- I. It ! Ul$ I i x -4-i!J it u !Al Mi i. 1 iut ti v.4 1 1 I'll f ' 'Tv ; --.L- Z . - f .if s - -.-.v .... -i I . ' w V' 1 : Lw,.,, I , .. i ,5 , ' a); .3 ; HON. BYRON L JOHNSON, ' , fjCCV 2 vt V ( ' H! - A v HON. HERBERT ANSCOMB, Minister of finance WW ' ' . ' MiniiUt of Public Wotkt, i Vyy It will bring the produce of that richly fertile area to the city markets freshly picked and with alJ its fragrance and flavour unimpaired ... it will throw open and make familiar playground of all the spectacular country to which Hope is the gateway, and which until now has been as remote to he city-dweller as the wilderness of the Cassiar. . ' , . - I'. - ..s - ..'.3 1 tl Manning Park, one of the most scenic of all our provincial parks, will reveal itself in all its impressive grandeur to the thousands upon thousands of residents and visitors who will use thia new highway. ' The Hope-Princeton Highway is a pledge of things to come, a promise that in a very few years British Columbia will have a highway system equal to the best on this whole Pacific coast. ,. ; 8 i l. $ i x jt wm7 ar jt 3 asm asassi b --m bsh a& 'v n at aasi ul. iviiiiititr LTntir - iiui rijriiio r'i mm mw smbtsip at am ar . at m bbbbbbi bbbv bbbi wabs-? -iuj b " V tTSrT r7VANC0UVER'isMEW4i JSO 1 CSSJ rgtf'-l HOPE J v- WESTMINSTER' 1 VniLLIWIeHVIA 1 1 LtH 1 fiDDXl?5 ""-W. P VANCOUVER TO KALEDEN 246 MILES Wmmmmmmmammmmm T H E GO V E R NM E N T OF t H E PR 0 V I.M C E 01 0 IB OS ESS H-P-l