PROVINCIAL LI3.1A.1I, PROVINCIAL" 113 VICTORIA, E. C. HAY 31S" onriES-DauGS Dafj Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KIWSPAFIH Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PH0IIE81 VOL, XXXVIII. poiwp rttdfut xx n TfTFinAv Mn7Vmim i kmo t3tt,tp tstttp rirwTSi feather; Little Damage FBFTY-TTO EE IPEKDSIHl allowe en Observance csasm dm whit lo) osl-full harvest moon in a cloudless sky, dan almost complete lack of vandalism on the city's small fry, gave Prince Rupert !ost pleasant Hallowe'en celebratons in ' ;ht. , ' . .n Club bonfires in three widely separated New Highway Opening Wednesday t 1 , i - " ' k A ST r:A -TT T:x u Transport and Fighter Hit In Making Landing At Washington eral sllng-shots. The vouths fPre focal points '.jo'ingstPi-s whose were among th? r tiui the nigm cars and auto- l9 lO dUHIWI amerce volun- were later released on ball. Display windows In the downtown area were liberally marked with soap, many of the decora-Uons bcUig highly Impertinent comments. , Winners of the Kinsmen shell -jut prizes, which Include a grand prize of a bicycle for the youngster who turned In the greatest number of shell-out tickets. aort any Incipient wping a watch fully unguaraeu J- mpiuiiii-i ana no jio report at city throughout the city, were not available early this morning but iters this morning. w shllt was aug- A. O. Boas, In charge of shell-out tickets, said that the mass ... of tickets would be sorted later to One Dive Into Potomac; Other Wrecks On Shore WASHINGTON, Die. (CP) A big air liner, ir -bound from New York, and a small military plane collided in the air near the national airport today with heavy loss of life. At least fifty-three are believed to have been killed. Fourteen bodies were removed from an air liner within the first half hour of rescue efforts. The only' survivor Is believed to be the ppot of the military plane a little trran other .shifts WILD HALLOWE'EN VANCOUVER Vancouver had its wildest Hallowe'en since the war years. Seven persons are in hospital and there were two fires. Two youths' were locked in a shed which was set afire. - They are in hospital with burarj. Another youth was stabbed. Fifty street lights were stoned out in the Dunbar area. Water mains were tampered with. Ties were put across street car tracks. Fire crackers were dropped in mail boxes. BIO HERRING CATCH VANCOUVER The Western Ranger has arrived here with the second largest herring catch ever landed in the port. Capt. Stnrland and his crew of the Nelson Bros, vessel had 1165 tons in a skrijle set. FDMONTON HURRICANE EDMONTON Edmonton had a virtual hurricane last night. Damage includes the blowing down of 25 electric light and nstrirt police olflw n vandal-tbeen expected. day and the prize winners made known. In addition to the grand prize, there are prizes of $10, $5 and ins, uhicli were drew hordes ol slot them In cos- io'clock and 7:30. ire drew the blg- in were well at-t of tin ciuck -it :t.vv : ; -' . ..W-.i-f ,i:.,m-,-,i i iii.i.i , ,, ,.M tmr ftO'.j, mm J JI -J ' , books of theatre tickets for those from each of the three regional bonfires who sold the highest numbers. . . - ' Kinsman who attended the various fires were. Totem Park, Harry Swaf field. Oeorge D!bb, Jim Thompson, Jim Sneddon,! Stan Savllle. Gyro Park, Bill1 Long. Bud Timmermeister, Bit. Noble, Harry Sheardown Russell : wh ot Roman lighter which was being tested after having been sold to the rimif'us while tht 4 cance In the Bolivian government. The fighter piunged into , the Potomac River after hitting the air liner on the tall while following it in for a landing. The wrecked air liner Is resting partly on the shore and partly In the nt l he senlo telephone poles. i ........ r . 1 n, . mi. X immediate jraa- vniiwiuii. uuw dbto, oiu C.l.O. Trouble water of the Potomac. " Fudger, Charles Collins, R. E. Bchiinren, who WunUdor, Ed. Garner. , , -ti thpir usual1 'un'or Chamber of Commerce w'lor Hallowe'en members who offered their' tirs iwhcinllres n-o- fof Patro1 ork wer President Civil Aeronautics Administration said it understood there wers 1U' JLP-.f -4-foiy-ntee pcrsone on ti-i- WW nf Cni tvr. iwimu iwuiijHjH, uu oamnlp doled ""n "aegara ana jc mwusiu Vmtt In addition to the crew of four. All jt is believed perlsncd. The smaller plane was a P-33 1 II '-'. ' lIEl -v .. .';"; ' lem. Mr. Mussallem's, car was taken on patrol by Tony Crawley. Two wooden Indians which have stood guard at the entrance to Hanson's Jewellers for Uic last United Electrical Workers Withhold Dues To Be Ousted 1 tt fard-working f li children sail 9:311 when il!rir,gj began to irmt which nor-' for the Bolivian air force. . 'The liner was a DC-4.1 The two planes struck while in air. Those who saw the collision CLEVELAND ffi The United Electrical Workers, spearhead of year, were removed irom meir guard positions and placed at the said there was so explosion. o,i silockxk. was de portals to the Bank of Montreal. tour to allow the the C.I.O.'s rebelltous left wing, announced today it was withholding ny further du'es to the CIO. a certain first step to the air liner. P. Clifford of Washhigton vho W the complete 'ffci. witnessed the collision, estimated the planes were about 300 feet, in the air. He said the smaller wards its being ousted. .- to- 'ocii t reported ) the h vi est ot In a defiant statement charg Ready For Poppy Day w iw were Inter 'JK'h'ftof a ilotii ing the CIO. leadership of following a program of "raiding, union-busting and red-baiting hypocrisy," the president of Unit plane plunged into Uie Fotomaa and disappeared. "I was driving soutU when I suddenly looked up," Clifford macanaata:. Na- Ji storehouse In- ed Electrical Workers, Preside.! ' said. "I saw a ball of fire and a Pr, o! which the Officials of the locul Branch With the official opening tomorrow of the new all-weather 83-mlle paved Hope-Princeton Highway another link will be forged in the network of highways which stretch across British Col-umhla Scenic and well constructed, it will shorten the distance Albert J. Fitzgerald, said the traU of smoke about JOO feet above i them, weru i,.v- cluding E. C. Manning Park. The route covered on the highway winds through the mountain scenery of the Cascade range, up the valleys of the Sumallo and Skagit Rivers, through Allison Pass, and follows the headwaters of the Similkameen River until it emerges on the 'benches toward Princeton. of the Canadian Legion arc busy today delivering wreaths next step Is up to the C.l.O. the ground and one plane falling. decorations' from the lower mainland coast to the Okanagan by 100 miles. It Eastern Air Lines, the owntrs, ; and other poppy IE ON said United States Represents th-? will throw open the country to wnicn nope is me gateway in There is little doubt but that President Philip Murray of th C.l.O. would accept the challenge quickly. Groundwork for removing ,ne George J. Bates, Republican, Eal- 4 em, Oregon, was a passenger RAPIO HEAD MISREPORTED RESEARCH It.':... .. aboard the plane. which will adorn the windows of stores and other premises throughout the week In advance of the annual "Poppy Day" Bales which will be held on Saturday next with the Ladles Auxiliary of the iosal ONE VOTER EACH HOUR AT WEEKEND Report On "Incidents" United Electrical Workers, with its 375,000 members, was laid by "n me upprov- Steel Strike Settlement ' Rt. Hun. C. D constitutional changes approved ot trade ami branch In charge. last night for action by the con vention today or tomorrow. , A voter-an-hoiu was the Friday evening and Satur- Fine display of poppy wreaths VANCOUVER Kenneth Caple, regional director of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, said yesterday that A. D. Dunton, chairman of the Corporation, had been mis-reported when he was purported to have said that there had Bethlehem Conies to Terms Some Justification Found for Dissatisfaction in Canadian Only person believed to have come through crash alive -was an unidentified man wno babbled deliriously in Spanish and is, be-lleved to be the Bolivian pilot, Eric Rlos Brldoux, aged 28. si , The DC-4 was inbound .from Boston and New York when it collided with th? fighter. Bodies of the passengers were flung over an area of 150 yards. Many were .apparently, lost Ju With Workers U.S. Steel Next will be on display In Gordon day afternoon for acting Reglst-and Anderson's tills week.'rar 0f voters Audrey Wrathnll These wreat'lis and popples are ouring the special hours which the product of disabled veter- tne rjnv Hall was open for reg THL WLA'i HER night Introducing for the house committee ' arch. n of the com-wicomed by oldwell, c. C F Social Credit.' teel stike Navy : OTTAWA tr A three-man CLEVELAND The Is eiuhns. in the United Stales Forecast ain and those too old for the lslraUon uf voters at the week- Prcsident Philip Green highly competitive labor mar-;, nd North Coast Region Overcas" been only one application In commission today reported "evid- Canada lor Installation of a . , . . , , . . . ... .... . ence of 6 general Inexperience 4 of . television transmitter. What that '"any officers, chiefs and petty Mr. Dunton had Said was 1 in Hie v.l.v. un,v " " lr r:0 C.-vo-n oca QccoTiihlpH 111 with occasional light ram oi Kix-liour period- - ment between the Bethlrhpn - fv . Hi V. iV Jl. uiuiv- v . cdv'DuritlE the a, . ... 4 ' " 1 "" the river. night and four steel corporation, employing CO, disabTec! "to get it to wori,1 two hour, Friday drizzle today. Cloudy with a few rhowers Wednesday. Little change there had been only one appli-. off leers" aboard Canadian war -1,llo Ho m.l,,rav oro mami- llOlirS eaiuiua , "u - cation in British Columbia. - J" . ,i.J,l.l,n.mMll1 The new agreement provide new voters auueu mvu im.n-. - factured In the Vetcraft work Stat or three lor company payment of $100 e.l shops hi Victoria, B. C. and pro- the civic list. Two ships" where mutinous incidents; hi temperature. Winds southeast occurred early this year."' j (20 mph) hi the exposed areas ' elsewhere. Lows loin and light In a 27,000-word report tabled the House of Commons by Hon. '; night and highs Wednesdaya' Brooke Claxton, the commission ! Port Hardy, Sandsplt and Frint- who turnen ouu w citizens vide a year-round occupation frM- ih... .irino ih in. nrnnertv owners and therefore LORD'S WINGS Projipwive- " f'verunicnt re-jfJt of Leeds In a called to Kill III. II IV 1 1 iiioauiQ V u I' " I tie red tributes to tliose wno already registered world check on their quuittirauono. said it found too " a prevalent KUPer 43 ana 00-opinion that there is an artificial j , BEING CLIPPED gave their lives In two wars. -wtion month pensions to employees with 25 years service at the ngt i of 65 or 0"er, Bua b contributory j health insurance program. ; The Beuncnchi settlement leaves other plants in the industry Idle but It was announced last night that United States Steei CONCILIATION IN RAILWAY DISPUTE OTTAWA The railways oC Canada and 146,000 of their employees have failed to reach " an agreer nt in the dispute over wages and hours of work and.j accordingly, two federal conciliation boards are being appointed, Hon.. Humphrey Mitchell, min yesterday .s n over Km lh( Liberal Th, The new registrations at the week-end brought to 2,655 th.! number of names on the voters' list. This figure does not take into !',h,JW 53 out of distance between officers and men a very real nd almost universal opinion among the men that the Canadian Navy is net sufficiently Canadian." Included In Klie display Is a memorial plaque bearing the naraes of local veterans of the Navy, Army and Air Force who gave their lives in the last CUTTING DOWN NAVAL SHIPS "ntarto LegisUi- r.ccrwnt names of voters who have lost their qualifications (Unto sale of property or other World War. This plaque will LONDON By a vote of 333 to 196, the House of Commons gave its approval last night to a bill which will clip the power of the House of Lords to delay legislation from two to one year. This will clear the way for enactment of a hotly controversial measure to effect the nationalization of the iron and steel industry next bear a prominent position in ister of labor, announced. Conciliation offices found the two had offered to resume neycr'-t-tions with the United Steel Workers In Washington, government authorities are optimistic about an early settlement of the whole strike. Mr. Murray said he hoped the The report found no justification for the incidents tut said there was justification f:.r tome of the complaints on vhich part of the dissatisfaction was tid&L, Only twenty-five persons too!; the lobby of the new premises of the local branch. At the rear iContlnued i page 6) WASHINGTON D. C 3 ;venty-reven ships of the Un":eu States-Navy will be taker, out of servica ae a result of the cut in nava. estimates under lae budget as approved at the end of th? week by President &:eral oi sides to the dispute differed on all points. The requests ol the employees would involve $74,000,-000 a year. ' advantage of the opportunity tc qualify for votng a' householders f.Ni year instead of the year after. The vote caused the biggest "'ember 2 mn and twelve as Jicencenomeis. This Is an exceptionally .''H signing of the agreement with Bethlehefn would hasten Uie end The Incidents Involved some 100 men aboard the aircraft carrier Magnificent and the destroyers Athabaskan and Crescent. 19.6 f-et number, indicating lack ol in ; ') of the month-long Industry-wide 18.4 1 et p...t in nettlr.R voters registered :25 23:17 i:10 17:45 U.S. STILL TO GET URANIUM OTTAWA- Canada will i the vessels which w;:ll take part in Atlantic manoeuvres this week will bo decommiss ,.ned immediately after those ir.anoeuvres. shutdown. and failure of many poll tax pay change In Britain's unwritten constitution, since women were given the vote 31 years ago. With the Lords in future able to block legislation only for one The walk-out left 500,000 basic 7.0 feet 6.1 Jeet ers to get on the list by the for steel workers Idle. Captain Barney Johnson D.i S. O.. formerly In the OTP' BUG-EAT-BuG Following their marriage tomorrow morning. Mis Dorothy Peachy, popular local girl, and Ronald Stewart will sill on the Princess Louise for a honeymoon trip to Skagwty. Miss Peachy for some time has been stewardess on the Canadian Pacific Airlines run between, Prince Rupert and Sandspit on which Mr. Stewart Is air engineer. tinue shipment of atomic bcinb year instead of two, it means mality of registering. The voters list oilicially closed at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. It ITRAI l i materials to the United Gtates VALUABLE WHALE Steamships service and well Many California citrus grow-knrmm tn the coast service ers are importing lady-bugs to that the iron and steel Industry could be nationalized by law be regardless of whether or not uni i The bones of a narwhale will be subject to change by a new agreement on the exchange fore the Labor governments five-year mandate ends next July. court of revision which will sit prior to It being finally drafted since the early 'days has been ! exterminate aphids called mea-named commodore of the Roy-1 ly bugs which destroy fruit al Yacht Club. jtrees- ....... were highly prized in ancient times and were more precious than gold. of atomic Information is made, Rt. Hon. C, D. Howe, minister of trade and commerce sUIl'S. Cowxwoo-js; for printing.