FOFFY DAT (Continued from Page One) I V ( l?rlnce IXupctt Dailp ftrtof Tuesday, November 1, 1949 QpiTo cy NORWEGIANS 'HOLD BAZAAR i Affairs on Friday Afternoon I nd Fvrnins Are Well I Attended TERMINUS MINE SHIPPING ORE STEWART Finishing a successful season's work on the Terminus Mine on American Creek, about twenty-one miles from Stewart, Owen McFaddcn shipped to Trail smelter, over nineteen tons of ore averaging better than $205 dollars to the ton. WALLACE'S Department Store For More Sleeping Comfort blankets bedspreads SHEETS PILLOW SLIPS v , - - - V ft M BARPi "-PioBram n, M-BC. Farmr, 12:05- Herorded Ii, Attor,,,,nf M'' V, n-'l C 2:M-Urrr,rds al ,. 2 Aj- Novelty Tu, 3 ( ti,p Mllslr'; 3;lj Don Mesner,, Islanucrj At WALLACE'S Of bourse 10:30 -Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Air Kindergarten 11: 15-Melody Time 11:30 Weather FuiecBst 11:31 Messa? PnH 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Mid Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News Staff Sergeant Johnson, now I Coupe to which point Staff visiting in Vancouver, Victoria 0.,t ti... 1 , . 'Sergeant Johnson was transfer-and j fc. ,.i ii i. v. u Seattle, will be here short-j Theyred a Iew months ago in the ly to join Mrs. Johnson. are on vacation from Pouce t provincial police service. fSfeafe Cfarphp's 8 reek WITH THE NEW I rr. y si n ii 1 1 i i rw ii is wrx BLADE DiSPEUSER of the display is the handsome stand bearing the Legion Standard and the Union Jack. Both exhibits were designed and ex ecutod by Mr. A. J. Croxford, a veteran of World War I. On Wednesday night from 6 to 6:15 pjn. a speech will be broadcast over the local radio station C.F.P.R. by Bob Mac- nicol, B. C. Representative on, the Domnlon Executive Council of the Canadian Legion of British Empire Service League reminding listeners of the signifeance of "Poppy Day" and outlining briefly the work of the Canadian Legion's two thousand branches which stretch across the entire Do minion. Arrangements have also been made with the CBC. ana ocner oroaacasung companies to feature short announcements concerning Poppy Day in various programmes across Canada. A new version of the poppy movie-trailer has been prepar ed and will be released through 188 first-run theatres across Canada this week and will follow the ncwsreel. On Sunday next, members, of the local branch of the Canadian Legion and its Ladies Auxiliary will attend the annual Remembrance Sunday service ! at the First United church 1 F 9 few "his advertisement is not published or lisplayed by the Liquor Control Board or ft the Government of British Columbia. Prince Rupert Florists! Flowers for All Occasions L300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 77' CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo? Taken at Home I ' Phone Green 389 216 4th 8'. PRINCB RUPERT, B.C. ' I NEW ROYAL . - - - HOTEL A Home Away Fiom Home 50 Rooms-Hot and Cold water ) PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. k'no.iel p.n. Rmr 1Q 9m Thtri'i a new Gillett Blue Blode unwrapped and ready for your Gillette Razor. Men, you get the cleanest, most comfortable ihavet ever when you u uper keen Gillette Blue Bla'Jcs. Yes, end you enjoy top convenitnrc when you buy them in the handy Gillette Remembrance Day, Nov. 11th Toppios on Sale as Usual Give Generously aptone Favored by a large attendance, the annual bazaar of the Sonja Ladles and the Sons of Norway Lodge on Friday afternoon in the Sons of Norway Hall "was a completely success ful affair. In the evening there was an enoyable whist drive and dance to round out the pra-cedings. Fall ";oweis attractively ad orned ' ne tea tables. Mrs. Johnj Pcdersen received and was in t general charge. Serving were Mrs Aniidiid Lund, Mrs. Walter Ballinger, Miss Ellen Waslng. In charge o,f the kitchen we.e Mrs. Reg Webber, Mrs. Julius Johnson, Mrs Leon Sandvar, Mrs. Carl Strand, Mrs. Frank Srtiroeder, Mrs. Gunnar Selvl, and Mrs. Herman Rensvold. Acting us cashier was Mrs. Reg. Webber. Other ladles in charge were: Fancy Work Mrs. Leon Sandvar, Mrs. James Taylor and Mrs. Jens Husvik. Home Cooking ivlrs. Ilarold Holland and Mrs. Knut Slatta. Gunnar Selvig was master of ceremonies for the whist drive and dance. PrLse-winners at whist wercj Miss Lena Lockhart, Miss Ellen j Wasing, Frank Schrocder and' John Fredheim. i.iusic for dancing was by Mike Colussl. Interest was taken In a number of raffles which were In charge of Mrs. Hendriksen and the winners of which were: Lamp, Gunnar Sclvlg, No 533 Chenille Spread, J. E. Over- gard, No. 124. Electric Clock, J.Mowat, No. 7G. Box of Apples, donated by Al Jensen, Edith Sornes, No.U Crocheted doilies, donated by Mrs. A. Hendriksen. Ted Ror-vik, No. 31. Mirror, Mrs. Ray Benson Box of chocolates, H. Patri-quis. "Chicken, Mrs. Carr. Ladies' Purse, Erllng Grin-strand. Pounds of Coffee, Oscar Gis-kc and Carl Strand Erling Wick was the winner or a cushion which was. the prize' in a bean guessing contest. Mr. Wick's guess was 825 The actual number was 832. A VICKERS' If OISTIIUO IN CANADA m ii diitiiiutid irCalvrrt This advertisement is not published or Jij-rlaved by the Liquor Control Board ol by the Governmenl of British Colurubia. Movin. Pack in?, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd ana Park Avenuof Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 THAT MAN IS HERE AGAIN STEWART PEOPLE ARE ENTERTAINED STEWART Members of the Stewart Board of Trade were guests of the Union Steamship Company on the arrival of the ship recently. Those represented were Stewart Board of Trade, W R. Tooth, Ernest Love. Gordon Rothnie. and William J. Craw ford. Union Steamships, O. A. Rushton, traffic manager; A. W. Newman, general freight agent The cordial relations and the excellent co-operation of the Steamship Company were stressed by the Stewart delegation. i A suggestion was mads that, if, possible ,the company make Stewart the first call northbound Instead of at Alice Ann. Tnis would enable tourists to see Alaska in daylight Instead of in the ' dark as at present. The possibility of redticiKK the freight on ore shipments to Trail, was discussed. It was thought that group shipments might be made and the freight a?'n Mr. Newman promised to loo'.: into the matter. In thankng the company representatives Mr. Tooth said the unbroken seivce durli'; the le-cent period of inaciu'.iy in tins district, was much appreciated PRINCESS TO VISIT CANADA LONDON Princess Ma-.sarct. Rose may visit Cana'in and the United States next summer. She would attend an annlve-sa.v celebration at Preston, Ontario, of the Highland Lirrht li.ia.Htiv Regiment of which she is honor ary colonel-in-chief. How 1 Subdued Wild Fiery Itch- Dr, Drnnts' rriBxingly fait relief - L. P D Prescription did tfc trick World poi Ulur, Ihn pur, cooling, liquid mli-tion peare mi eurn'ort from cnwl itrhnu tanaed by eeiemo. pimple, nuiie athlfte frwjt anH other tuh trouble. Trial bottle. Ae Fin application clicks evpn the mot intaaae Itch or money bad Ak druKSm 'or O O U. Prescription i urU"ry or extra trenf th i no Tan unips 0gf sfik if $9.95 and $10.50 THE FAMILY SHOE STORK LIMITKI) MA Ave. Phone 357 BEST FOOD k,m:s FINEST COOKING FOR TAKE-HOME OROER3 PnONE too Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a m ' Blade Dispenser. CIIUTTE IIUI BIADIS IN DISPENSER 10 (lodes 20 Shaving Wyei S0t 30 Blodef 40 Sfcavej Wgei $1.00 IN REGULAR PACKAGE -5 for 25c Radio .Dial CFPR 1240Kl:cyele (Subject to Change) uaaaaaaMaM TUE6DAK r.M. 4: 15 --Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:3a-Life Jn the Open 4:45 Piano Recital 4:55CBC News 5:30 Musical Program 0:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Perry Como fl:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Science Reporter 8:15 Points of View 8:30 Record Album ' 9:00Radio Cartoons 915 Musical Program 9:30 Current Hits' 1 10:00-CBC News 10:10-CBC News 10:15 Stanley Park Anniversary fb:30-A Song in the Air U:00-Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY -A M. 7:00-MusIcal Clock 8:00 CBC New 8: 10 - Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 0:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15-Slnging Sam USin i " Tkii ttufUMmtirt Ii eaVlnatti at 4HcUrl k A liquet Contra! Bstfd W t Cwitw el Ifttii Celvxikl. BALAGNO Florist. Phone Green 78T Bos 1193 VANCOUVER - VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Catala Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT S'MPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOL'Tn QUEEN CHARLOTTB ISLANDH ss. Camosun, November .4 and 1R 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, Oct. 28, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Third Avenue Phone 5(18 imiimiiiiimii'... liiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiii'iiliiiiii iwin BE WISE! Be Comfortable NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE STORM SASHES INSTALLED FOR THE WINTER. For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Dries Quickly with a beautiful flat finish. Paint today move in tomorrow. $1.40 qt. $4.50 eal. AVOID DISAITOINTMENT . . . ORDER .YOUR THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. vso Xmas (6at FT SENSATIONAL GABARDINE & HOXH) ASSOKTMI NTS RANGING FROM 50c IT See thorn today at SUITS BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED NEW WORSTED NEW! GABARDINE TOP COATS in 4 colors DIRECT FROM Fashion Centre $70.00 Men's&Tl.adics CROYDON Today BVRBARY COATS STORE PHONE 3.-i9 FILL COLOR RANGE Priced From hKSNFR BLOCK, SKI) AVE. 1 17.50 to See Them rHtif its BEST PURE SOAP BUY ON ACME erar MARKET TOM J4, CLOTHING THIRD AVE. the NE1 APLE LE BROADWAY CAFE . . . PURE SOAP FUKB VIAL ECONOMY Ask ;uur f,n,;ci' lor WHX VALUE & ECONOMY Another Product of Canada rarkrr Mmilftl 1 .A- A SPECIALTY WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO DO? We try to have what people want. We want our soods as good as you expect them to be according to the price you pay. We try to sell well known goods at the prices adverjised all over Canada. Community silver. Bulova and Gruen watches Parker and Waterman pens are examples. We sell Big Ben clocks at the same price as the jeweller In Peterborough where they are made. We try to be earliest with the latest new goods. We are trying to build a reputation for reliability and service.' No high pressure: no marking up goods to give a discount off. Just plain reasonable profit. lip Fargo Trucks! ' . x fir - fK AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERf I I" A1KMM.S QUEEN CHARLOTTE AWOITNCK A change In fares Between Prince Rupert and tive Oct 13, 1949 by authority of the Air I1'11' '' of Canada. - aSSlS with reinforced . 3-Ton Chassis with reinforced and Cab- 152" Wieelbaw frame & 2-speed rear axl and Cab, 170" frame & 2-speed rear axle New Fares Will Be ... . Single Fare Return Fare Frciirlvt. ner lb To Give Your Furnace Its Annual Check-up from - THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Phone Black 884 .$11.01' $2.").2D ".07c Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop I ,MlTEl AIRLINES QUEEN CHARLOTTE 4"6 Builders and Contractors i..... oo .. . m r. Plionc 1 .ffffr ri rrrsi-tS