rtrfnte nuncit Daflp JTScto Toe.ay. November 1, 1949 AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver .(Today) H. Rindal, A. F. Srniin, O. Quast, H.' Fairweather, R, Roberts, Miss D lltwxt QuaCitlfTea "nf COMING! Aa "-1 fVTn Be Wise. Be Ready. When I !WT ana te warm ana Comfortable This Winter. Conrad P.-T.X. Hallowe'en Party Members of Conrad Street Parent-Teachers' Association en-Joyed cards and dancing at a Hallowe'en party held Friday evening In the school basement. About. 100 attended the Tunction. Under direction of Principal T. O. Bateman, fourteen tables of cribbage, whist and bridge were In play during the early part of the evening. Later, dancing was enjoyed, with mafic by Barney Christiansen on the accordion. Card winners were: Cribbage, Miss Jean Thompson; whist, Mrs. J. Wilkinson; bridge, Mrs. t. Murdoch. A waltz contest was won by Mr. and Mrs. D. BertrarC. T. G i Bateman acted as Jude. Mrs.; Helen Marchlldoii who acted as cashier, also was' in charge of the program of old-time dancing. STUDENT DANCE OH HALLOWE'EN The students of Bo-Me-Hl took time out last nigtit to celebrate October 31 with a grand Hallowe'en Party and Dance at the Civic Centre. The affair which attracted more than 200 of the students and their guest was arranged by the School Council chairman Arnold Ol-sen. The more popular games of the evening included the old favorites of apple dunking and apple on the string contests which produced many a good laugh, even for the well washed winners. The highlight of the evening, however was -was the old time dance numbers which were en-Joyed by everyone present. Number.! included f renca minuet, LADIES LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES Bertha Dunbar of Lucky Strikes and B. Windle of Annettes divided Individual honors In the latest session of the Ladies'. Five Pin League at Prince Rupert Alleys. Mrs. Dunbar bowled 245-239-229 for a total of 713 and an f verage of 238, While B. Windle rolled the highest score of the evening a 828. Variety 3, Stars 0 Wrathalls 3, Se-il Ccve 9 Lyons I, Uniteers 0 Rosa Lees S, Wallace Pharmacy fl Bcuby's 3, Pin Heads 6 Noble & Wick 3, Belmont 0 Gordon & Anderson 3, Boosters 0 Black Cats 2, Lucky Strikes 1 Brownwoods 2, Commercials 1 Rupert Radio 2 Savoys 1 Plungers 2, Tollers 1 Annettes 2, Big Sisters 1 ORDER TODAY FROM COMPANIES ARE BLAMED WASHINGTON D. C M:trlc-9 Peter Tessem and Harold Strand, the former a fisherman and the latter a imtbulkier, ' arrived in the city on Sunday from Queen Charlotte Islandsl and are sailing Thursday night on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to New York -here they will embark Novent ber 30 for a visit to their native Norway. Mrj Tessem goes to Tronrtheim and Mr. Strand to Helgeland. They expect to return to tills ciistrlct in March. L JTou Saw It in The Newgl BUI DING SITPUES Virginia Reel, called by J. Evans, ! 7 td ZT - ries of 7 Dance.lf""1 the Schottlscne, Kaomt flnd Hlimo Walt? TVio formal dress for the r-vpnin nh.Ud by A DeaauteU, were wn m Call 651 BOP IS HEW U.S. MUSIC HOLLYWOOD V-Oneof the genuine artists at work in the field of advanced beboppery is a 29-year-old blind British plnn-,tet, tieorge Shearing. J Bop to most folks Is gent?!!;-too frewtlc and frantic to nhk much musical sense. EspeeirMy In big-band scoring. Whatever I future bop may have would ise-sn to test with the smaller groups. rtHfli as Shearing's quintet. The young Briton, in the United BtaWs since 1947, has rapHiy established himself as a 1rr technician ready to take hu rlft?e with Art Tatum. Teddv yv'ilson and Mel Powell, for she .t tim' Standings to date Lyons !4 4 14 woraon si Anderson 14 4 14 Ruwrt Rudin 19 6 12 Scuby's 12 6 1 ' ' gavoy u 7 ul Brownwoods ZZZZ. 11 1 11 Plungers n 7 H i Varety ' n 7 Rosa Lee's 11 7 loj Annettes . " 10 8 Big- Sisters .'. 9 9 9 Commercials 8 10 8i Lucky Strikes 8 10 8! Noble & Wick- r 10 8 Stars 7 11 7 Seal Cove 7 11 " 7 Toilers 7 11 7 Wallace Pharmacy .... 6 12 a Bhpk Cats 6 12 6 Pinheads 5 13 5 Uniteers 4 14 4 Boosters 5 13 5 Adverti.se ju the Ohi.j News! C' E' Carlson' rh P" ., jr Mr. Desautels, were Won by P. Downing. A eide of bacon was divided between Mrs. W. McLean and P. Downing. j Refreshments were wijoyed during an Intermission In the dancing. Mrs. A. Bussanlch was in charge of the serving. SerVl-" teurs were Mrs. N. Webb, Mrs. H. M. Harper, M.s. R. Johnson, Mrs. I. Thompson, Mrs. L. Col- ussi, Mrs. S. Eallinger and Mrs. W. McLean. the ensemble is restrained and integrated throughout. "Conception" is a Shearing riff original on the upbeat, wiih the Hyams-Shearing unison work outstand ing. Bop may gain some converts with this one. ANNOUNCEMENT Sidney Gonkkf Optometrist Graduate of 1m Angeles College of Optometry is pleosed to announce that he has opened permanent ojfuvs in Prince Riqwrt for die practice of Optometry in Rooms 23 and 21, Besner Block dexterity. Shearing may yet. top TWINS' Mother Says Jr. rw n- . ... 1 IHIIlil Ml tB mi ui B:!(i (ulumbi u Viiiy Ne DOD PlP-TO-DATE TORONTO NOV, 15 to 23 FARE .nd ONE. HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP TICKETS ON SALE from ftaUvns tn British Columbia NOV. 7 to 14 incl. RETURNING 1 Lv, Toronto until Nov. 24 KlMptn ami Pwtor Car Privilti at uanal mica. Full information from any Atmt. Clark, Miss E. Walker, R. McCalm. From Vartcoovjr (Monday) W. Of. McKenste, F. O. Hubert, . 8. Murray. W. Kuzik, Mrs. W. Knzik. L. B. Stacey, E. 8. Waflnpter. From San6splt 'Moth! ay t T. Rossland, H. Holt. To Vancouver (Monday) I McGregor, K. Cherry, D. Holtby, To Sandspit (Monday) A. B. McPhail, C. L. Pettipiece. From Vancouver (Saturday) Mrs. ' E. Richards and child Mr. and Mrs. B. Shrvundson, Dr !w ntrvhlln w rtoln rr J D. Galbratth, Mrs. W. B. Haines, Miss R. Farrell, E. Suttls, J. A Danish 1J5 From Sandspit (Saturday) I. Jefferies SAFES PROVEN QUALITY MODERN Strong welded Meal angle framei. one-ptece steel body sheet: tater-locking door Oangeiki time-4ealae sntelations inierier extoplable to your needs. Bonk quality cos btnaflon lock eitb nearly tri hundred tstouaans tombisierltons; aH ttaes features give you Ik utmost is coe v so is nee. strength, protection. Avoid lost through fire and thtll Ask about sizes, prices, terms ol payment. Taylor Sales are ataae Cauada since I8ii. j 6r J.TAYLOR umitld TORONTO SAFE WORKS I4t f rosrt Street Cast . Toronto VANCOUVER BRANCH SALES AND SERVICE 81 West Cordova St. Vataconver, B. C. NEOLITE Still Good over 2tof Goodrear Tire ft Robber Co. of Cinidt Ltd. and TASTY "(jfi FLAVOR glyplr FRESH DAILY AT Phone 643 or Phone 791 At Goodyear't re)ue. Mm. S. M. Marrf, 139 Boyton Rd.j Toronto, made the "Twin-Test". Bill (left) hid NEOLITB sulci; Boh ware ihoea with leather soles. . Tobin, secretary of laboT for the trnited States, blamed, the steel companies for the strike which was paralyzing the industry of the country. Steel company executivps. Tobin Raid, hud no moral basis for opposition to company paid pensions. Wwdcors had as much right to s'uchpen-sions as did the executives-who received them, he deciaiel,..", f tnisaws Prescribed when Vnttvtrj Evenings by Appointment Telephone 21?, and Business CATHERINE LAURIE . PUBLIC. ,r STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667-Days Oreen 412 Evgs. K. J. & B. CO. PAINTINO OF ALL KINDS Remodeling Rooms ,, Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATION B BYTOWN MACHINE j WORKS Agents lor SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sale Service and Parts Boat owners and users Of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and Ulfr over equipment problems. DR. GARNET E,-IL MONTGOMERY DENTIST ".' Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box .1218 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 ' 972 10th East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Managers-Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 519 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels , and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL" Box 774 Second Ave 9 The rwo actire Mutt youngsters romped and played together sll day long; Like other normal boys, they gave their shoes plenty of punishmerM until Bob's cacbcr-soled shoes had hole in theiru But not Bill 's! His NEOLITE-soled shoes still had plenty of Wear left to. them after the test! Yes, it's t proven fact NEOLITE soles lar outwear the toughest leather. Start catting family new shoe and repair bills with NEOLITE soles Htfht nowi They're waterproof, healthful, gloriously comfo. tablet Jeans and shirts or sweaters. Iby Chairman of Committees were: Gerry Prockter Programme; Judy Nllson, Decoration; Pvay Hunter, refreshments Edith Johnson, records, and Arnold Olson, Master of Ceremonies. About 16 teachers ol the HlKh School were invited to attend by the Sthoul Council. them all. But beyond that. Shearing has a creative imagination that enables him to weave a meljJlc pattern out of bop's tangied chords. His shading often sug gests me inuuenctr 01 Ut bussy Sheailng has gathered a pliable group atiund liiin, including Marjie Hyams 011 vibes; Chuck I Wayw, guiiir; Diuizil Best,' mums; and John Levy bass. Miss Hyams and Shearing par ticularly team well. The work of the Shearing combo, which gained recognition with on album for Discovery last wim- nwr, reaciM-g lull llower in u iifw M G.M. release, a coupling oi East of the Sun" and 'Concep tion." Shearing's solo on the former rates with the best jazz .piano choruses of any era; the work ol iTTSDURCf, Paints Look Better Mssev A S vour Pitftburah ii a.lM ami- tfwlflwt 4 IN PRINCE RUPERT AT THE Island City Builders Supplies Sl5 Mcltride Street Blue 820 NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEALLABEl JEST HOT DOGS IN TOWN "It M3y Rain A Lot in Rupert, But You'll Find No Drips Here" SNACK BAR OPEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAlu! Just off Third Avenue , CAFE CAFE IN THE CITY NM :M P.M to I-.39 A.M. pwize In Chinese Dishes a (mm Complete Vl-lial Analysis Office Hours: Daily From 9 a.m. to 5 pjn. Pro fessional MATTSON'S UPHOLSTKRINQ Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 62 330 Second Avenue ' Prince Rupert, B.C. U B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONfi GREEN 186 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS! 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 ' STONE BUIDINQ PHONK BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE L RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phon. 387 DR. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repaln of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 Worn Out leather outwear eaMer T.M. The "side Orders PHONK 1IJ Without this NAMl ft's net the ome v'; aaaaBBBMeaaeeaass"asee,cgsiBWSTepw.w i lwJ5ariI' 1. e'aaTe ORMES DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS HOUPS-WEEK DAYS. A.M. TO P.M, ::DY3 AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 P M. CAKES and COOKIES 1 fM. TO 9 P.M. BAKED Silvery service EmergebfiJ bicycle delivery RUPERT BAKERY LTD. I am m t1n t,U 6 . from 1 m. till 9 vm. P m- and Sunday wwwm""""M 619 3rd Ave. AT YOUR SERVICE CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D C, Ph.C 21-S2 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIUS 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and S to S p m. f.vsnings Monday an Friday. 7:S0 p.m. for those unable to come durlnfc the day. RECEPTIONIST in attendance afternoons. SaaaaeMaaafii wvyvwvyfVrvwwvw- iti Commodore Cafe "Better Thw Ever" Best Food and Service In Clt Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. ; ' ' ' . FOR Janitors' Supplies See PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 'n Pi Our specialty high speed service at rock bottom prices. Just lean out and tell us what yon need, we'll do the rest in less time than it takes to tell about it. Drive up TODAY "12 2nd Ave. Phone 632 Bob Parker's ePTBANE-CO. OF B.C. M! JOHNSON WAX CO. ihVV00l) AND CO. UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Second and McBride 318 lh St.. Phone Orders Vti