Frince Ruperr Daiiy iNeWJ Monday, September 11, 1S30 j Rupert Beats Aiyansh out. but Cornwall came throuf'n with a lovely single and Dahl walked and Pavlikis struck out. Abel was hit by the pitcher and, end ine inning. In the bottom of the first inning. Abel and Odowes' first man up, Cornwall, came through with a hit and stole second and came comer, which was abortive and Just after P. Adams drove past 1 Half-time arrived with no senr 'i ing, the defence having the upper p i hand. : On the resumption n,,... Nayy Loses Ball Game Watson Island Downs IUI.C.S. Ontario Odowes showed too much power at the plate for the Commercials and started with an early lead in the same and ne-er looked back. They won 17 to 4. Letourneau started on the and Psed to u"J n (for. Baesball Abel-Odowes Move Ahead i Down Commercials 17-4 I In Baseball Play-off I in ine Pest three out of five: series in the city senior baseball ! .play-offs Abel & Ottows now lead; two games to one. Yesterday's'; game was played in ideal weath- er before a large crowd. Abel & rt-a OF TWB with the bases loaded, Lindsay hit a fly out to centre field which misjudged by the fielder and went for a home run. Next man up, Hartwig, flied out to end the inning with Abel and Odowes ahead 14-2. In the top of the sixth inning. Clccone came In to pitch for Abel and Odowes and Uarwylug, first man up for Commercials, got a hit followed by a walk to Morgan and D. Scherk hit safelv to load the bases. Sinclair next man up, was hit by the pitcher which lorced a run. McDonald then struck out. Simmondson s hit scored Morgan. With the bases loaded Shier flied out and Marshall grounded- out to end the inning. Abel wa. and uu UUUttXl Ortnwes scored two more runs in the sev- CIiLM . o "u ue more in we Aio VttH to (olrn lake th Ull game Next game in this series will be Tuesday night. BOX SCORE Commercials AB R H Shier ss 4 12 Marshall If 5 0 Windle. 2b, 3b 5 0 Hawryluk cf 3 1 Fromhart rf I -o Morgan c 4 1 Scherk D. 3b, p 3 0 1 Sinclair rf, cf 3 o 1 , McDonald lb 3 0 0 Letourneau p ..: 0 0 0 Simondson 2b 3 l 1 : Abel & Odowes Cornwall cf 5 3 Dahl ss 5 2 ! Pavlikl ,f 4 Abel c .. 4 Lindsay, p, rf 5 Hartwig 3b 5 8unberg 2b 4 Dunbar lb 4 Arney T. rf 3 Ciccone p 2 In an abbreviated game last evening- between the Navy from HM.O.S Ontario nnri Wat Is land, the latter outfit downed the sailors Dy the score or 8-3. The game went only three Innings and was called on actount of fog. Up until then it was a fairly good ball game. Tht Navy had a very good pitcher Hillier with them and, if he had received any kind of support from his teammates, it might have been different. Watson Island got five runs right in the first inning and three in the second with the Navy scoring their runs in the second and third innings. BOX SCORE H.M.C.S. Ontario AB R Hi Bayers ss 2 0 0 Guthrie 2b 2 0 Crawford lb 1 1 Tchire c 0 0 1 McKay lb 1 0 Bachvnskl cf 1 0 j Buelier rf 2 1 1 White If 1 0 j Hillier d 0 0 Watson Island Howard 2b 2 1 0 Barr lb 3 1 I; Carolie p .". 1 2 1 Robinson ss 3 1 1 1 Moore c 3 11 'Marshall cf 12 0 Hawryluk rf 0 10 Telehman 3b 10 1 Tucker If 10 1 Ontario 012 Watson Island 5308 Rs A F. rolHupll nf thp Tn H'on CjVlnnl at Vnrl we eeK-c..a on tne steamer (MEMiOB 1 wa m . wig n . uom wen.,,,. SIDNEY d OPTOMrf Complet vuJ OFFICE Mezzanint Geo. Cook't Telephor MARGARET OPTOMEl Room STONE Br. PHOSI BLUE P.O. BOX GORDON D. OIL BURNER a New wick or pot supplied All t and stoves teni conditional toad feet satlstactlo serrlcf 733 5th Wert This advertisement Is not publisher or displtyed by the iyuor 'ooniroi jjoarj of British Commercials 100 012 000 4!Aberm Aioerni maau made the me round rouna trin trip at ai Ahei xt ohowb. 97ft 5in One Coal Wins Game Aiyansh and Prince Rupert football teams met in fine weather before a fair a tendance of spectators Saturday evening ana fnnce Rupert won with a !one goal. It was a good game to watch, particularly in the outfield. The defence had the measure of the forwards, theie being lour fine full backs on view. The forwards on both sides missed opportuni ties which should have been taken advantage of. TEAMS Aiyansh C. 'Nisvok. R Alak1 snd Morgan: R. Davis. 8. Eli and R. Robinson; P. Tait, J. Davis. P. Adams, J. Adams and R. Percival. Prince Runert Willan.i At F.hv Bater Hornel P. Wilson D. Go- me. omiin, ureer, r'oid, Murray. Aiyansh pressed on the open- ins of the game but Welleni cleared. Smith forced a eorner for Rupert and Murray placed nicely but Ui3 defence cleared. A foul against SUby looked dangerous but J. Adams headed past. Aiyansh continued to press ;but a good opportunity was rnU- sed when F. Tait was caught in an offside position. Play swung !to the other end for a brief saell Then a breakaway by Aiyansh re- suited in R. Percival shooting past Aiyansh forced a cornel which was cleared by Eby. Murray took up the running and forced a corner but Pat Wilson shot past. Smith was nearly through but was penalized for dangerous play. Murray, who was well plied with the ball bv Gree and Ford crossed nicely but Bax ter'S effort nilKSprt nnrmwlv P Adams had a run for Aiyansh .,, A Alyansh presscd but p . Talt wa JWIIIII 1 LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. displtrd by Ifat Liquor Control Boua a pressed, Smith nearly soorin when NLsyok fumbled. J. DavU and P. Tait both shot over when well placed. Smith farced a corner which was well placed bv Baxter, but the defence cleared A nice try by Smith yielded a corner and Murray had a chance but overeagerness spoiled hi. fort. Baxter crossed perfectly and ' Business jPro HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all 1U branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 St 2-5 Evenings, Mon. St Frt. T:30 Phone Blue 442 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. RORIE & LAIRD Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE, A.A.E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 if --3 TV Daily Delivery Service . PHONE 81 Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Plea refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, ?.c pei word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Pun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE vainusuii, liBvius uome norm to again oiiside. The same player take charge of native children! had a nice run but was robbed returning to his school after, by Willens at the expense of a having spent the summer vaca- corner. Murray forced a corner 'ultant kick hit the tion at their nomes In this area . post and went past Aiyansh at- and on .v. the Queen Charlotte Is- jta(.ke(1 and s Ea snot past whe., lands. Iwell placed. R. Percival forced a FoJ is??:55 HANDYMAN Domuw HOME SERVICE and lZ " ' fi j CONTRACTORS H0P HC' OH T tTti tjj S W 4""'" and Repairs nf all R" 774 ! 1 I V hV il l ROOFS CHIMNEYS III!! VjrxisTrTN OIL burners I MATTSC in on Dahls rinsing two-base hit. Pavlikis next man up, was sife on an error with Dahl scoring. Abel grounded out and Lilldsav was safe nn n fielder's choice with Pavlikis out at home plate. Lindsay advanced to sec ond on a balk ball and Hartwte flied out to end the inning with Abel and Odowes ahead 2-1. In the top of the second Com-mercials went - down one. two three on three strike outs. In then- end Sunberg, first man up for Abel and Odowes struck out and Dunbar flied out and with two men out- Ahpl nnri Dilmvps then re-ally went to town with Arney coming inrougn wan a nit followed wiwwvu by uy vuiunait Cornwall's hit tilt and ttMU Dahl's second two-base hit nor- msr Arnev and Cornwall n. Pavli- ruv:i- . .... kls raa safe - on an error and Abel if hit to centre field which the! home run out of it. Lindsay, next up, came through with a hit arid Hartwig made wit-h a fine three-base hit to score Lindsay. Sunberg poled out a two-base hit. Commercials then put D. Scherk to pitch In place of Letourneau. Dunbar grounded out to end the innins with Abel and Odowes In the lead 9-1. There was no further scoring until the top of the fifth when Commercials got a run on three hits and an error. In the bottom of the fifth Dunbar, first man up tor Abel and Odowes, made with two-Dagger ana Arney strucK WANTED Reliable woman to care for child. rU Hrrtit imi pn.imxtv 1 A nn. uv ugiib iiuu.icw ui rw. iu jjc i Y' - ,tf? I wAvrir wrvi gently require furnished ac-' rnnamrwlat inn Phnna r.roon i ' 395 after 6. (217p i t WANTED-To rent. 3 or 4-roomi h?Uv.S?J f apartment, unfur-: nkhed. Phone B.lue 317 after 6. (217p , , WANTED Sweeper for 3 hours i a day at King Edward school. AOD1V to Hchool Board Office. Besner Block. (213c) ; WANTED German Shepherd or I police dog. male. Particulars, Box 1204. Station B. Prince j Rupert. (214D) I WANTED Furnished house or! apartment. Phone Black 245. i (213c) WANTED For cash, 30:06 rifle, j pood condition. Box 788, Daily: News. (216p) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scraD iron. fpel. brass, cooper, lead. etc. Honest srradins. Promut payment made. At!as Iron k Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. F-i.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) WANTED Scrap cast, brass copper, batteries ond radi a tors Phone ;43. Call fi29 i;,r west. (tf) WANTED TO BUY 12' bv 20' psrace in eood condition Box ax. Dailv News. (213d) WANTED Small house. Box 760 Daily News (217p) REAL ESTATl FOR SALE Lots 16 and 17, Block 2. Section 7. Waterfront view. Phone ReH 7ifi 9i7n . . , FOR SALE Furnished house. Phone Red 232. (215p) LESS THAN $1000 DOWN. $750! down and balance like rent eives vou a four-room furnish- ' ed house on 7th E. Immediate possession: 2 lots, basement. : Also 3-room furnished cottage, I $1500 full price: easv terms, i Call 342 or Green 297 (eves.) I and we will arrange inspection ! at vour convenience. Arm-: strong Agencies. (212c) ' REAL ESTATE WANTED Have buyers reauiring 2 and 3 bedroom houses in good locations. List vour property with a broker for widest coverage and Quickest action. Free appraisal, no obligation. See Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342- (213c) JJESK!?" aoout sm yards south of old ""id. write Mr. s. Kohut. New Dodson' Hotel. 25 East Hastings St.. Vancouver. B.C. (tf) Y?A: Eight-roomed cultivated lots. inConLal street- $5,000 $3,000 cash, balance like rent. fhone Blue 245. (219n)' As owner 1 leaving '?f!this two-bedroom house at 436 Sherbrooke Ave., on two lots with part basement. Either furnished or unfurnished at 2r,Lr,?sonable term! of only $1000 down and the balance an rent i Verv good home with cement basement eontainine revenue suite, on two view lots and ?ood warden. Must be seen to be appreciated. Reasonably: wiicu. nuuiv a b noDert k. Monta'dor Ltd. (214c) - . VK SALE4-room house, new-i lv decorated. 1831 7th ast. mound for Commercials and Jack Lindsay for Abel & Odowes. In the first Inning Commercial's first man up. Shier, came through witii , nil rr-unse iiil. iviai &iia.ii next up. flied out with Shier scoring after the catch. WincUe flied out and Hawryluk was safe r,n an error. Morgan ,next up, was safe on a fielder's choice with Hawryluk out on second to OVER FOUR YEARS OLD . a or uy the government Columbia a FOR SALE OR TRADE DEALERS IN ALL TYPES of ' used enuiument - -.v. mill mlrtO I used wire roue: pipe and fit-' unss: cnain. steel Plate and shapes. Atlas Iron & Metfls Ltd.. 25 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf ) . FTRNACE REPAIRS 1 Warm air heating contractors. We install air conditioning and pravitv systems, coal or oil. We also overhaul and remodel. Installations at prices von ran afford. Rupert Sheet Metal Phone 96. (215p) FOR SALE FOR SALE 1948 Pontiac 4-door sedan, like new. AddIv V. R. Barber or Dhnne Red 278. Call after 6. 230 6th Ave. East. (212d) FOR SALE 1949 Mercurv panel. leather seats, radio, heater, under 9.000 miles. 334 8th West. (213p) FOR SALE Canoe. Apply 1850 Atlin Ave. or phone Black 288. . (212c) FOR SALE-Willys Sedan in Al rendition. Bargain at $450.00. Phone Black 148. (212c) FOR SALE Oil heater .coffee tnble. radio. All in pood condition. Phone Blue 922. (215p) FOR RALE F'oor model radio with record attachment. Reasonable. Phone Blue 729. (tf) NATIONAIX-? KNOWN N A M e Line-belt Sixeder Shovels;. , Cranes: Draelines: Adam'! RIark Too Road Maintenance s EooiDment: Cwen Clamshell j T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson 3uoket Lenders for Stockolle i arid Snow Removal: Rice Port- able Centnfueal PumDs: Na-, tionai uraeiine Scrarers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C (tf FOR SALE New beds comnlete. Sleeping cots. Unpainted chests of drawers. Scores ot other articles, verv reasonably priced. B.C. Furniture Co. (tf) FOR SALE Complete line of furniture includine O.E. refrigerator and washine machine. All in perfect condition. Phone Green 277 (tf) HI-POWEKED Snortlnsr Rifles SalesToLtd.. eenaul 326 Oueen ft, Ottawa. Ont. (tf ji fOr SALE Laree console Mar- rnmhinat.irm votii tuuiuiuawuii raaio Wltn records, large size frigidaire. tsotn line new. Suite 1. Belmont Hotel. (213d) FOR SALE Bed lounee. lfkei and Goblin cleaner. 957 Havs Cove Ave. Black 941. (213p) FOR SALE Buffet and table, Phone Red 471. (tf) FOR SALE 194fi Chevrolet Se-i dan. Excellent condition. New motor, new tires. $1200. Can be i seen at Long Motors. Owner, Solomon Good. 214p)J FOR SALE Must sell, new house trailer, furnished and lnsulat-i ed. Owner is leaving for East. Aoolv 11th Ave. East, lust past1 Frederick St.. evenings. (214p) i SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced stenographer, avail- able Sept. 25. Box 789, Daily11 News. (tf) rl?lW i F OJUrfS1- " w I ! zr II DJ nvn ict Xntlce of Intention to apply to Lrav Lund In the Atlin Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situate I on the Atlin Townslte Lake shore trontivge between High and Low water mark, and fronting on Lake Street near the foot of Rank Street and laying beneath the present Wharf Structure. Take notice that I. Harper Reed Prospector, of Atttn. B.C.. occupation Propectinjt. Intend to aonlv for a !ease of the following described iMiua. ommencmR st rosi No l. ?h?, ZZLrT" Southerly 50 ft. Easterly 100 ft. all more or less to commencement Point. Commencing at a port planted at Easterly Corner, near croasing o: La&e Street and Rank Btreet North- i ery 50 It Westerly 100 ft. thener : Southerly 50 fiet; thence Easterly; eei w point oi eommentemen. i or less. Use of area to be for Lake Boat Shelter Dock. August 1st, ibso. (220) ENGINES & EOCIPMKNT ! We stock and have for tale-. UtltlflHf MtfM'ffK Hlmplei 4iHK KnKtnrk. Flevlhle .tte-44 rhntiM iMn( fuel Han, Troililtx Pule rwltrU. .lllnl.t 4ilrks aim raTH Hnuw ami Ir-.ii Ib.w HiMh-ri. " rtxlun Kllin llpe atirt lip, Mttiii(it Itakbltral Hot Krartng. law f'l-il'lM- ,t- t.r,, M,ln. Iiraiti. Mrl aiil lu- MiMfllin ItolU, .Nut.. stud. ma ,Mp Ki-rfwa. Halibut Kldr Hllrr SUerK iunly Mgi;rrheala fiat Mild Hteel, Various article 'ut'mariiw hardware and F4itlrnt, tuu tiutnrr-oua to uienlluu. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd , for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 68 SATIN GLO 1 Calvert oZuM?, the Pioneer Drugj PRESCRIPTION S ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. C. Michaloff wish to announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Marie Len-ore, to Mr. Forbes Hampton Lee, ' only son of Mr. and Mrs. James1 L. Lee. The marriage will tike place Sept. 20th in the Presbyterian Manse. dtp) PERSONAL BUN CARRIER wanted for Rec-, tion 2. Auulv Hus Terminal. Phone 640. 530 and Green Itl. Ui) LADIES & CHILDREN'S tailor- ' inJf alterations and rep-airs. ; 309 2nd Ave. West. (213p '"" " " j BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS I PLUMBINU and Heatlne - i Hheet Me'al work I'.ir anc ! Gravel Roofinn. Call 629 6tr. West. Piiunt oi3. LtlourneuL and Sons tf . , MODERN Painting and De?or-atine Su,-nce and r Phone Black 215. evenings or -noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. ufj COMPLETE builder;, suonlies service. Island City Hn,li-' nz Supplies. Blue 820. (18nn FOR eltetrtcai contract work lame or small, call Grant & Newton. Black 8a 1 18m) " fun Kr i FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms 116 8th Ave. West. Red 59'J. ; (2Hp FOR RENT For short period by month, all found, furnished suite, adults only; must have references. Phone Green 570. (213c) FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, ground floor. Private entrance .A Phone Red 495. (213c) FOR RENT Large housekeeping room. 539 6th Ave. West. i (213p) FOR RENT Room" and" board : or room for rent. Phone Black! i 6"- (tf) FOR RENT-Red -Room to share, 471. (tf) 1 LOST i ! LOST Bunch of keys in leather ease between Poulson and , Eiehth East Reward w n : Griffith, 1515 Eighth East.' 212 , LOST - On Friday afternoon,! child's red coat sweater, vicin-'j ity of 3rd Ave. and 6th St. t Finder please phone Black 945. ' Reward. (213c) LOST Cigarette lighter with en-1 Kiavcu name ana Question mark. Contact Star's Confec- tlonerV- (212p) ACCOC.TTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. In'omf Tax specialist. S. G. Furk Stone Bulldiner. Red 593. (20m) REPAIRS WATCH Reoarrs prompt efl-cient sen-Ice. George Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction guaranteed. OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove Service & Repairs. G. D I Ronson. Black 503 (tf) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Taxi business. '49 Pontiac. fully eauiDoed. Highway plates included. Price reasonable. Ap-Sly Seal Cove Taxi. 464. (214p CALVERT DISTIUEKS (CANADA) Tkit adTCrtuemeol k Dot publiibed or on your next CHARTER FLIGHT Gloss & High Gloss CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES available for O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography O Private Charter O Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For ' RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. Gothic Bra In many beautiful tint? for interior decorating. . QUICK DRvING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. MITH and mum Plumbing & Heating Prompt and Efficient Service Al ,I &4 rn iff Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on all Flights DOM'S DEPARTMENT SP