. .ottAJfe'r35 1 PROVINCIAL LIS3A3Y, 113 VICTORIA, 3. C. ' - : NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER " vn,h'vii!!,,(l 0t Conado' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXIX, 102. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 2. 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS OIir.lES DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 M.P. Plumps For District 0 Fish Harvest At- This Starts Port (Halibut Ut reason Is Improvement Seen tj In Prinro Punorf Tnrlaw In Trsrlt DtUM cu in I iiiinv iwipwn ivuuy in iiauc uaiaiitc i halibut of the 1950 season following the opening May 1 jg operations, was landed at Prince Rupert today. Two Aers, having gathered up the catches of small boats out of Dundas and Stephens Islands camps, arrived jital of 63,000 pounds. The Rap I, Capt. Elmer Clausen, p pounds for Atlin Fisheries and the W. R. Lord, Capt. jjsievert, 31,000 pounds for Canadian Fish Si Cold Stores. C. Packers). Some, at least, of this fish will be Immediately in the fresh state for the southern and Markets. CALGARY , Toronto Marl-boros last night captured their first game in the Allan Cup final with a 6-5 victory PEMBROKE In an address on northwest British Columbia before the Pembroke, Ontario, Kl-wsmis Club yesterday. Edward T. Applewhaite, M.P. for Skeena, gave an Interesting outline of gold mining In British Columbia with particular reference to the Atlin district. Guest speaker of the club, Mr. Applewhaite also described the close co-operation and community Interest between, the people of his district and the territory of Alaska. Among places referred to were Ocean Falls with Its pulp mill, Burns Lake and Tweeds? muir Park, Terrace, Stewart, the port of Prince Rupert and "that Paradise on earth the Queen Charlotte Islands." After the meeting pamphlets siisti i over Calgary Stampeders, OTTAWA Oi-Oraham Towers, governor of the Bank of Canada, yesterday estimated a favorable balance In Canada's payments. Ledgers dropped $270,000,000 In 1949. The Governor of the Bank of Canada noted a decline in the overall surplus from $452,000,000 In 1948 to $180,000,000 in 1949 and attributed the drop to a bigger plunge Into the red in Canada's trade and other dealings with the United States. . Mr. Towers mado his analysis of Canada's 1949 international financial status as chairman of the Foreign Exchange Control Board. , ; . -j r Vlv.v - -I r Western Canada champions. Scott Mair banged home the winning counter, the game winning effort coming with only 14 seconds of play remaining. FISH BOAT SEIZED . Sanders - .... 1 4 Years ittMrtJMntiifliMUinT- - -' ' f M, y JBMP of Prince Rupert and Terrace were distributed. iary For Man Who 9m BiHcdalc DOUKHOBOR TERRORISM Thie aged woman .sitting on the rock Is bowed with grief as she watches the results of 50 years' work in Canada go up in smoke. Her house at Krestova B C was set on fire by members of the radical Sons of Froedem Doukhobors. She saved only the clothes she is wearing but will go along with other members of the fanatic branch of the Doukhobor Nationalists I Alexander Taylor was Seized in Canadian waters off the Queen Charlotte Islands where she is alleged to have been found by the fish-eris patrol cruiser Kitimaat, Capt. William Earashaw, the Ketchikan crabbing vessel Jackie Joe was brought into Trince Rupert yesterday. Pend-'."T advice following a report to Ottawa, the fisheries depart- Ammunition Blast Kills 32 religion. . ; - - (CP Photo) yesterday to four years Westminster peniten-uunty Court Judge W. for theft from an em- Pick Up Reds Would Assist Ass'd Boards The perenniaf question of financial assistance- to the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia so that organization may have funds adequate to tarry on normal functions with dignity and efficiency came up at last night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. It was agreed that the Associated Boards should be Invited to submit an estimate of the assistance It might require from the lndivdual boards and that the local Chamber should meet its quota by equitable assessment upon Its members. A proposal that the Chamber should raise Its quota by voluntary contribution from its members was voted down in favor of the straight assessment proposal. f went under the alias PATIALA, East Punjab . ---Thirty-two persons were report- Prospectus of Hew Charles Hays Hotel Shows Attractive Project nders when he admit-J9.000 from Canadian ment had no statement to ea Kluea ana w injured yester- Laying Off Shop Men fcrs at Butcdule in 1947. makc today concerning the in- , day m an explosion which wreck-cident. ed part of Pa tiala Fort's eastern s g the sentence, Judge Kd he was taking into The modern Chares M. Hays Hotel to be erected here soon is expected to cost $4.32,000, according to the prospectus issued by Charles M. HaM 'TAIPEI, Formosa ffl Chinese nationalists, In a Red hunt, arrested. 1,284 persons Sunday on the.' big Island of Formosa, authorities disclosed today. .' Reports from east coast centres' and Pescadores Islands off south western Formosa are expected to swell the number. Most were detained for entering Formosa illegally or lacking proper credentials. ' MONTREAL & Immediate on a letter from the itfe. He said the max- wall. Nearby shops in the heart of the town were destroyed. Other people were believed trapped under the debris. A high state offical said the explosion . was layoffs affecting about 500 shop t.ence for the offence Hotel Corporation. It V ill bp Kn built. n tn allnur foVorkers tn Western and Centra', itrs and that the record i rn i ,t.. , r , , , .Canada were announced today an initial 50 and an additional 50 bedrooms. All rooms Uy the Canadian Pacific Raii- Baseball Scores National League Brooklyn 2, St. Louis 3 Only games scheduled. American League Philadelphia, Boston, more than that as an Criminal. He could not caused by aft 4old ammunition idump'accidentally catching fire. (He states the union government Post- has ordered an Immediate in brreetive treatment at will have either private or connecting bath. I way. At last night's Prince Rupert r j Vice-president N. R. Crump Chamber of said in a statement: "Lower rail Commerce meeting, shares of no par value of wlfich W. A. Armstrong explained the three quarters have already trafJic and consequent slacken-prospectus of the proposed hotel, been issued. Financial arange- lnB ln demands ior equipment tild be of any benefit. poned. Only game scheduled king for himself before quiry. Yellowhead Gas Route Favored V Taylor said he fully :.e seriousness of his would like to mcn-avities sincf he com-r crime. Before being Red Reaches High Levels On motion of Dr. L. M. Greene,' ments are being handled by Mc-Imamlenance wl" cause mmor Ij the secretary was instructed to GUI Securities (B.C.) Ltd., who'reducUons ln staff of C.P.R. re- i write the Charles M. Haxi Hotel re offering JT50,000 class A Pir shops throughout the sys- I 'Corporation, expressing t h e"t k shares:"""'": '. ;.T,Tr 'jlm-',rtn'cipar uniffaf fectecT tAs I See t By ELMORE PHILPOTT At . the suggestion of J. D. Mc pd he was working In Rae, M L.A. for Prince Rupert, the Prince Rupert Chamber of will be the main shops in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Revenue from the hotel is ex-rpctod to be $287,000, while the Chamber's approval of the new hotel and hope that the corporation proceed with construction at an early date. nf trust with Cox & Co., Ont. His employer re theatre Is expected to produce WINNIPEO The Red River ( Commerce last nlghfr passed a flood crest rolled on toward . resolution ' to wire the federal in, he said, and en- $18,000 net revenue. Officers and Directors Winnipeg today as the provincial government immediately, press- ABOARD C.N.S. PRINCE RUPERT: A .at water voyage, long or short, is always a tonic relaxation for me. It is ten years since I made the trip -to Prince Rupert before. This time the journey itself has be n The building will include m with handling sub-ims of money. His em- WINNERS IN CRAFT CLUB lobbv. Dublic snace for functions, f Officers and directors of the o was in the restaurant dining room, cafeteria, beverage ; company are as follows: room, If licensed, and stores. ; President and Director Olier Plans show an ultra-modern j Besner, Vancouver. I Bobby Gordon, Prince Rupert, as relaxing as ever. The weather has been wonderful, ZJJL and there is more to see. usiness, had promised sltion after he had ms sentence no matter ladies" handbag set which was first prize In the raffle whicn building with complete faeili-1 vice-f resident ana Managing ties. In addition it is planned to Director George B. Mulligan, There Is time at Ocean Falls, duration. In addition ling company under was bonded would re- for instance, to visit the bride picture, as equals with others, and groom who live in an apart-, . it is a real thrill to see how ment looking out on majestic tne enlightuwd policies- of the mountains. superintendents of Indian Af- Ocean Falls intrigues me for fairs ln northern B.C. are net- p if the sentence were cabinet gathered to consider the ing for the all Canadian route situation. ! through Yellowhead Pass for the All along the rhy?r from the proposed pipe line from the International border at Minne- northern Alberta and Peace sota to this city of 300,000 It's River gas fields ,U) the Pacific the same story one of higher Coast. " flood level readings than expert- After , considerable discussion, enced In the serious 1948 floods. In which a few pf the members The inexorable rise of the Red, expressed the belief that they which sent modern records were not sufficiently Informed tumbling as It swirled through to take a decision on the matter, a dozen Manitoba centres, the motion following Mr. Mc-brought it lapping at the foot , Rae's suggestion, was passed, of hastily reinforced ramparts in j Mr. McRae strongly advocated St. Boniface and Winnipeg sub- ! the Yellowhead Pass route, al-urbs. Experts and city officials ! ready approved by the Legislat-feared the worst was yet to come ure, as tending to the develop. Desolation and evacuation are ! ment and supply of the whole widespread. ! province. The distance would be two years. He said ho ned that position after there I learn that when folks ting resuits, year by year more say they are going "downtown" and more indian Affairs schools they mean Vancouver which is are being closed and the Indian served a term at Bur- was held Saturday night in connection with the annual Hobby Show by the Civic Centre Craft Club. Mrs. J. Klnslor was the winner of the second prize brief case and Mrs. Ed. Lindeth took the third prize wallet. The afghan raffle was won by Heather Wahl. Winners in the leathercraft ticket selling contest was Mai'i-lvn Farmer who received a build a theatre block with stores Toronto. in conjunction with the hotel. I Secretary-Treasurer and Di-Artlsts' sketches show adequate, I rector James T. Harvey, Prince comfortably furnished bed- Rupert. streamlined corridors rooms, DirectorTnomas D. Green, and a spacious, well appointed New york DavJd - Mulll?an dining room. New York The prospectus boosts Prlncs solicitor - Russell, Dumoulin Rupert and Its area telling ot & CompanVi Vancouver, the uses of the port as the Head offces are lmo Cred t quickest means of shipping from Foncler Building, Vancouver, the mid-western United State3 Bc; ilnb n ,rl tho foIM. itentlary Farm for of- a few hundred mile south. amitted in 1941. "Every- PRINCE RUPERT has changed on my sentence," he decidedly for the better since 1 was there before. The war was to what happens after ;e." B asked by the Judce a blessing to one city in one respect. For Rupert fell heir to The prospectus contains strik- waIlpt. with '2 enclosed Verna ties already developed. It also A become of the money as line a Civic Centre building youngsters are being fitted into the regular provincial -system. The federal department ' pays the province an agreed fee for this service and it is -working cut to great advantage of r.ll concerned. WHAT IS THERE about a sea voyage that helps to break, down the standofflshness of us queer humans? You have a hard job to get Canadians to sing together on goes into detail about prospects in Pictures 01 a verv attractive Fossum and Sonja Jensen, for for the area. - ; -building of five storeys facing selling the most afghan tickets, as there is In all Canada cer (iien, 41-year-old Taylor about the same as a soutnern route and cost of tunneling would be half. It was the only route ACCIDENT-FREE invested $0,200 in two ThP cornoration is camtalizr-d on Second Avenue and inviting i received wallets. tainly as fine as Nelson's ana therefore far ahead of any other city of similar size maybe of " haul fresh vegetables' ( United States to Mon-:,c had no sooner conn any size. The place is a beehive of by 1,000,000 shares of class A Interiors including spacious din-common stock with 'a par value ing room and bedrooms, roomy of $1.00, of which 5,010 shares lobby and store fronts. There have been issued. In addition are also main floor and room are 1,000,000 class B common floor plans. pess, he contlnupii whon which Prince Rupert and record has been chalked up by y central British Columbia could employees of the paint and var- nish plant here of Canadian be assured of a gas supply. The Industries Limited. They have cost was estimated at about $100,-completed their 12th conseca- 000,000, of which $35,000,000 would tive year without a single lost- be for materials and the balance time accident. largely for labor. fareo against American fs brought down. It forc- Prince George Boys Burned PRINCE GEORGE Joe New-meyer and Johnny Warner, local "Ut of business at II hoH l said. pained the change of happy activity. There are two eyms, a large and small hall, hobby and handicraft rooms, and the library. It Is certainly no coincidence that Rupert has no "hoodlum" problem and no Juvenile delinquency to speak-about. THE LEGION has just taken over the wartime Navy Officers' Club. It has as glorious an outlook as any building I have seen 111 nrst tried to en. Important Communication boys, arc suffering from burns "ic army he had been land at least outside church, or without benefit of alcoholic tongue , looseners. But on the first or second day out you will find them gathering around the ship's piano, shy at first, then more and more vocal. Northbound we had a regular spark plug who knew : how t'. explode repressed humans. She was a middle aged, phrmpish. lady, with a soft face and a really beautiful voice. She sang "Jerusalem" herself Nwn because of his eves. peel his name to try Pw T.W.Brown told the Employment High Among Veterans S. R. Yates, Department of Veterans Affairs rehabilitation officer, told the News this morn-Ins that the employment picture among district veterans was rosy. Mr. Yates said he had visited the local Unemployment Insurance office and had been told there was no unemployment sny Where, including Switzer fat the nism's r,...,i land or our own Rockies; Riddled by Vandals' Bullets Bullet holes in an overhead telephone line running across Digby Island from the Marine station to a radio shack farther inland were discovered shortly after April 27 by the city telephone department crew. : Superintendent of Telephones Jack Edwards re end shock but their condition is satisfactory. The burns wea sustained when they dropped a match into a near-empty gasoline drum while at play yesterday. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. V. Joiiuston Co Ltd ) Vancouver Bayone ... 03 Bralorne" ' 8.40 B. R. Con 03 Ttm rrmKtriipf Inn rtf a nnrp raylor was a menace to m iat any curtail -ntence would be an in-10 anv pmni,o- ,i,.. THE WEATHER j Synopsis Cloudy unsettled weather persists over southern British Columbia this morning in the wake ot yesterday's weather system. Some clearing has taketi place during the last twelve hours over the northern half cf the province and light frost was reported in these regions overnight. However clearing skies are not expected to reach tha southern coast until tomorrow and the southern interior until tomorow night. Forecast North Coast Region Variable cloudiness today and tonight and sunny tomorrow. A few showers this nioinin;. Little change in temperature. Light winds. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy and Sandspit 40 and 52, riinea Rupert 40 and 57. fke him back. cellulose plant just outside " ''f "l , , , sineing Jesus Loves Me and t, i t u 6 Prince Rupert should prove a1 J ..... . great advantage for there has . even, h-ardoned B?ld. nners bar-been too little diversification1 njL T f " ?v. TABLE mate, both north m there. Too much of the district's tttbound including a prosperity has been dependent' nn fKhirm 1 flne uple from San Diego, M among tradesmen and that in unskilled labor veterans were 0YMENT AT vealed today that at 7:30 p.m. April 27 the ship to shore Uae went dead.' Operators here con tions. The line, runs underwater from here to Digby and then .05 VS B. R. X. tE GEORGE and Mrs. Theodore MacCauley. There is, a new worry in the overland across the Island. tacted Mr. Edwards immediately piven preference. Older veterans receiving War Veterans' Allowance had helped clear the labor market, he said. - Mr. MacCauley was one of the nnrinsr the last week in fishing industry itself. " For syn E GEORGE Althou':h ..u.!t..4. , j very first pioneer aviators ln March, the telephone superin ""employment figures Cariboo Quartz 1 26 Congress 26 VJ Hedley Mascot .30V2 Paeifc Eastern 05 Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border 03 tendent stated, 100 feet of lead At u,HrlCt at nresont His office while here is the Canadian Legion Hall. Leaving here tomorrow, will proceed to the Interior than they have been at hi lur manv vpar ivQ I Ul c'aimants Hst.PH .hi. -'employment. r ., PLAN NEW HOSPITAL and the line was tested by him at approximately 8 p.m. Mr. Edwards said he found no response in the line. Next morning Arr.fv Signals checked the line to no avail. On Friday afternoon the city telephone crew went to work and finally discovered the damage caused by vandalism. They are still repairing the cable which was riddled by bullets. This line carries not only telephone connections with Prince Rupert and Digby Island lut also the important fisher men's ship to shore coinmunica- Fe Water than ever. ai Privateer -12' Reeves McDonald .: 2.51 Reno 03 Sheep Creek 1.15 SUbak Premier 37 ' Taku River U'A Vananda 16'2 LOCAL TIDES other fish liver oils are taking j America. more and more of the market. One of the jobs was at Tor-Competition from Japan Is ai-lonto Exhibition In 1915. At the ready a reality and a real climax of the grandstand per-fmture threat. , formance he dropped "bombs" IN THE PAST few years our on an Imitation of the Germaii own native Indians have taken, 'cruiser "Emden." . an ever larger part in the hali- The actual sinking was done but fishing which they former- j by a bomb attached to the bot-ly ignored some say, even dis-, torn of ths vessel and exploded dained. 'by an attendant. Thus the ves- ' " This Is just one of many sel always sank even when proofs that the Indians of Can- j MacCauley missed by nearly a ada are more and more fitting quarter r;'s with his phoney themselves into the Canadian bomi1 Pot was cut off the Island line. It was chipped into small chunks, j ready for use when discoverec".. City police said they would investigate the mysterious cutting! but, to date, have revealed nothing. ' Mir. Edwards is very concerned about the two instances and warns that police will deal sternly with vandals. He sees no reason for a chunk of lead-being stolen or j bullet holes found In a cable. 'he department de- GLADSTONE, Man. .0" Tenders have been called for Gladstone's new 16-bed hospital. The increase in number (Standard Time) Wednesday, May 3, 1950 i The one-storev bulldinu will be 1 K?clal t in- r 10 tne lac rure Peoolo Dr i High 1:36 14:29 Low 8:13 2d : 14 23.5 tect ho Ieet long with a full-length Oils 1 20.6 feet corridor dividing kitchens and Anglo Canadian 5.15 0.2 feet, offices at the front from wards' A. P. Con 33 5.5 feet, ! at the bark of the building. i 'Atlantic 192 ?sant with , uc,;u';s