Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, August 29, 1950 ii Communications Still Delayed TODAY .TO WEDNESDAyTu . " -'..4- W- ..1 Hichsrd Conte VViHian, , A dispatcher's wire was re- Susan HivBarU "HOUSE OF STRANGERS' itcrea between Prince Rupert as a ' t" Vc ' , 4 ana smither.. this nion lesult of personal effor way cificials sin:e the hie wind Only One Show Each Evening at 7: 1 5 p.m. x : r a 2Mj rti jiiw iv..v , spy?. You Don't Have To Be A Fortune Teller To Know! Mom Gets All My Clothes At BOYS STORE No Matinee ess and rainstorm at the week-end which brought large numbers ol bis; trei's dowii over the line." Superintendent C. A. Corner was able today to communicate with his' chief dispatcher at Smithers and thereby keep in touch with the rest of the line as the railway strike continues. Lone communicat on with the central interior was reestablished by deviovs routes this morning. Co-operaMon of amateur radio operators Fred Mac-donald and W. W. WrathaU wa enabling emergency messages to get through to Terrace while rii,, RUPERT MENS & - Thc Pirty ne, , The party had Ii0 Vancouver via Butw and yesterday Wert, Charlotte Islands t hpr QniL .. 0!of Hanson On Interior Flight Aboard a fisheries departmental patrol plane, Olof Han- a - Rupert's Big Store For Boys htu iur & Watts is now In Smithers "-""W vld 'cleaning up his business affairs Prince George, Smithers and ! for SmiLhpn -n.. i there after a motor trip which other interior points were being tiok him as far East as the Marl- reached by way of Vancouver , times. Last we"tk he attended the tut Vancouver calls arc subject j annual convention of the Associ- , to six hours delay because of the ated Boards of Trade of Central I heavy traffic. i HrilLsh Columbia at Prine f Importance of Housing City Council Hears rrnposak ' Of Health I'nit Chief of the International Salmon iukej and ,tra": Commission, and A J. Whitmore, lor, heading south b' chief supervisor of fLsherles for crlboo and bark l. ver BiitUh Coiuiiibld, were in the gu irv. city yesterday heading for cen- Prln Kpert ?oilf' tral interior salmon spawning here for the trip into' I George. Mr. and Mrs. Watts and ( -family are taxing up future resi- i Try a Daiiv News Classified dence in North Vancouver. "Housing and health go hand FINK PRINTING J in hand," Dr. D. MrC. Jilack, director of the public health unit, told the rily council last niplit when speakin;; to a pro-: posed bylaw t ) anriid the build- I ing bylaw so that rooming hoiuic; would roMe urirf direct'.1 REGAL PRINTE ill under control 0f the medical health oficer. PI ION K 21 rasmJ said llnro lnd been ' 1! i . Or tries at a considerable amount of altora-1;ioa,Jn buildings in Prince Rupert recently. A large number of people were forced to be housed in inadequate buildings. "The time has come," he continued, "when definite instructions have to be laid down for the property pwner, builder and tenant." He said the suggested bylaw was that used in Victoria. In addition the definitions and regulations have included responsibilities of owners and tenants. Some owners were saddled with tenants who had no respect for the owner's rights and who were able to stay en just because they paid their rent. This, he felt, was 'unfair. By the same toknn. STRIKE-BOUND Hundreds of railway cars Tuesday were left idle In the Canadian Pacific , yards at Winnipeg when Canada s two railway unions went out on strike. Some 124,000 non-operating employees walked off the job when wages-hours negotiations broke down In Montreal. These are the main marshalling yards the biggest in the British Empire. (CP Photo) B'"'V1 i i the Pioneer Drugcf 4 fc i i ii . W PRESCRIPTION Ml Better English What City Council Did THE HONEYMOON'S OVER Donald Dorey and his bride had a linger honeymoon than they expected when 124,000 non-operatirig Canadian railway employees walked off the job. ' The Biantford, Ont, couple talks with a Canadian National Railways policeman about getting a refund on their return fare from Kalitax. ' (CP Photo) Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 First reading was given a bylaw to amend the street traffic and parking bylaw . The new bylaw provides that parking wSU be prohibited from the intc"- health, serial assistance, police' and licensing committee, council i granted thc following trade' licences: Perry Karri-.s5 cafe; R. yr.rrrr.-jn and J. Collins junk he continued, there had to be ! some protection for the tenant. That was why those stipulations had been put in the suggested bylaw. ' Dr. Black said housing could be divided broadly into sanitary and Insanitary houses. The (former were those which provided adequate facilities to main- 'tain healthful and sanitary 'conditio.,. Tin others were those known as slums. He then mentioned some of the factors Powell tax' SC001 secti?n of Seventh and E'Rhth i drn'rr-; n. Avenues East to the 'ntorsec-1 operator, tion of Sixth Avenue Tost p.nd i 7r 73 1 !5 La 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Apples are very healthy." ( 2. What Is thc correct pronunciation of "area"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Acquiesce, arqua- arcqu:ttal, acqutslon. . What dors th.T word "ar-dcnV mean? 5. What word beginning with in nivalis "necessary"? Answers 1. Say "healthful." "Healthy" means possessing health, as the bay Is healthy." 2. Pronounce a-re-a,first as In "day," e as In "me," final a unstressed, accent first syllabic. 3. Aquatic. 4. Eager; zealous; vehement. He was an ardent st udent of the Bible." on Hays Cove Avenue. Tlf exi.i;,-lng bylaw restrict'? parking on Seventh Avenue East to tiici northerly side and requires that parking lights must be lit. up that went toward making slum conditions. August 2D, 1910 S. J. Hun?erford, president and chairman of the board of diroUors Canadian National Railways, and party paid a routine visit to Prince Rupert in course of an inspection of the company's western lines. SOON!! Got All Your Supplies At Another bylaw to reppn! the electric wiring bylaw passed first reading. This step makes it possible to put the bylaw i'p for final adoption when a government inspector is appointed for the city. Council was Informed appointment would be made the first of the month. In the meantime the city bylaw remain.-; tn effect. Alex Turnbull. insncctor of 1 schools, and Mrs. Turnbull re turned to the city following a vacation spent in Vancouver and Victoria. 5. Indispensable': j Try a Dally News Classified i In summing up, he said a that was badly housed shbwed an increases in incidence of disease, infant mortality and juoral leniency. As a demonstration cf the last point he mentioned, that many cases in child guidance clinic showed children tl knowledgeable age had been Jorctd ilv;g.i no lauit of parents'-or children to share the "fame sleeping ro'jm with their parents. Copier, of the proposed bylaw, preserved by the Prince Rupert hoard of health, were distributed to aldermen for their consideration, lipfore the next meeting, when the-bylaw will be pre- rented.. I Halibut landing during the On recommendation of the' week amounted to 802,000 pounds bringing the total for the year " "Mil -I" A'h- t IT' -llMnnu H" -il I Everybody's Talking About This Great Razor Barf It is on Wednesdays that the! to date up to 13,711,019 pounds Canadian National steamship I for Canadian boats. The total Prince Rupert arrives here but, 01 landings in American boats because of the railway strike! 'to aate to 7,&12,0OO. High price there was none last week, nor Ior Canadian landings during will there be any tomorrow. As the. week was 11.8c and 8c. for next week, no one can say I NEWSPAPER DELIVERY General Manager A. F. Mcrcier not only helps publish Le Solell, Quebec dally newspaper, but delivers some of the editions. An emergency plan was set up to carry the news to the big. area the paper covers despite the strike of 124.000 non-epcrating Canadian railway employees. Now, employees' cars and company trucks cover the 2,500 miles daily. Mr. Mercier is loading his car for a run west of Quebec into Portneuf ar, present, ihe Prince Rupert is A Prince Rupert Florists at Vancouver with much of the ' ' ' J Flowers for Ad Occasions I County. (CP Photo) passenger trailia 63ing oy air. COMPUTE WITH 10 GILLETTE HUE HADES IN DISPENSER! y too 3rd Ave. Box G16 Tel. 777 i ; " - ' August 29, 1925 H. W. Birch, secretary, Prince Rurrt General Hospital, was elected second vlce-aresldcnt of ! BIG $2.00 VALUE XtfSi For Only S'vH j B C. Hospitals Association at! the annual convention held in Nanaimo. JJERE'S the greatest bargain in shaving history! It's the new Gillette Rocket Razor and the amazing Gillette Blade Dispenser, now packed in a permanent Styrene travel case. This razor changes blades instantly, shaves like a dream. For tops in shaving ease and convenience, buy a Gillette Rocket Razor Set-only $1.29. G.oss & High Gloss V fW- 4 L M many beautiful tints V f ;AU Tbr interior decorating, .pf - f Vi V v ?V if , X The steamer Canadian Voy-arur, 4,475 gross, brought 600 lnns pea coal to the drydock. She will remain a few days for cuaniiijj and painting. Prince Rupert alone had about uvenly-nine million pounds of halibut rhipped through the port urin:r thc past year, states the 9 Instant Binds) Changing t) Real Shaving Comfort 9 Doublo-Idgo Iconomy Fin.'Mifial Po.'t, which also re-)rr.', to the city aa the Billlngs- ,e of the west coast. Th? Fir)an'i:d Post also states that the contract for the erection of a grain elevator at Prince Rupert has been let. i wiiyo. l yy iX 1 ' BLONDIE By CHIC -Where's There's Life, There's Hope. G WHO CAN THAT BE, MELLOM(?. . Ifl "H PI J Tri dV ( RINGING OUI? PHONE BUMSTEAO?) Im I H hS SJILI??A Ml i , Zhis i and 5 only Ir'ZJ t W IK 'JisconUnued Camples of lines -T f -- m 9 m" eb'-'Uily priced up to $20.00 mrjm-- mlr0- f ! 1 .jer:?air. At only J" XJ h f' i .95 . n f vv" V i: FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. BOARDING PARTY Crew of H.M.C.S. Cayuga, Canadian destroyer on United Nations service in Korean waters, watch feliow crewmen climb ng aboard a South Korean trawler on routine inspection. Papers of the Korean vessel were found in order and it was allowed to proceed. All vessels encountered have to be checked carefully. This is a Royal Canadian Navy photo. " ' " "" ' , s . (CP Photo) Phone 357 Charlie Roberts r.O Box ' 613