3 .prfnrt Rupert Daft? Krtos ILtQ. Friday, May 14, 1948 in Sports IT PA YS ROLL YOUR OWN WTH f Classifieds: 2e per word per Insertion, minimum ehrite. 50c. Birth Notices: 60c; ards of Thanks, Iath Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage '" ' SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. r FOR SALE Sport Snapshot WHAT DOES PUG HAVE TO DO TO WIN TITLES! By ADAIR STEWART Canadian Press 8Uff Writer HALIFAX ? Besides knocking the block off the pug who holds the title, what does a boxer have to do to be awarded a championship? Alex (Halifax Herald Nicker-son says his "old-fashioned" sense of values in the fight game has been knocked into a cocked hat. After the Canadian Boxing Federation refused to recognize George (Rockabye) Ross as Canadian middleweight champion, although he had scored a decision over trUeholder Len Wadsworth at Glace Bay, N.S., May 1. Nick poured some vitriol into his column. "Maybe this corner has some old-fashioned ideas about title fights." says the scribe, but "it r i . Tobacco BRIGHT VIRGfNI ties of a ftw hundreds each. It is believed they make a none-stop flight from New Zealand to New Guinea or Northern Australia, as very few birds have been observed at intermediate Islands. Their route Is then via the Philippines, China and Japan to Siberia or Alaska. The birds complete their long flight north in May. In August and early September they "get on ior ine soutn again and reach New Zealand in October and November. REPORTS AT RECORD LONDON 0 Harold Wilson president of the board of trad announced recently that Britain's February exports, calculated on a daily basis, were cr rjid J E.. 3'M V. WILLIE 1. What is .,., ' 1 ' h r ;t7 i- what is the fra-.i - Winch one of tv i-s misspelled? Dt-va-e'e ment. devesut. 4. What dnos t-. jative" mean? !has always been our belief that a man wins his title in the ring and loses it in the ring . . . 'In Glace Bay George Ross outpointed Len Wadsworth of Hamilton over 12 rounds. Len Wadswort is considered in Quebec and Ontario to be the mid- FOR SALE Baby carriage, $25. 1400 6th Ave. East. 4 116 FOR SALE Oil Burner Unit (Miller) for furnace and one 225 gallon tank. Phone Red 846. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture. Used chairs 50c; house desk $2.50; kitchen set, five-piece $12; hassocks $1.50: hot plates $2; spring for double bed 95c; bath room basins from $2; jacks, 3-ton size $2; men's bicycle $12.50; bedroom suites; electric washing machine; Frigidaire; caulk boots; cooking utensils from 10c, etc. Come and look things over. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. FOR REXT FOR RENT Clean, single sleeping room. 224 5th West. U15i FOR RENT Two single rooms 812 2nd West. Red 976. (115) FOR RENT Tf o sleeping rooms. 650 7th Ave. East, on bus line. (115) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, furnished, over Mc- Cutcheon's Drug Store. Apply Mrs. Warner, Suite 2, Aldine Apts. (tf) FOR RENT 2 room dwelling, furnished. Close in. Apply 354 Biggar Place or Phone Green 378. (tf) FOR RENT 2 rooms, furnished. 336 9th Ave. West. (117) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD $45 each rZ!:: rofreT J? ST ILreet J T e.,m!f f ' WANTED WANTED FurnishPri twn-mom,the of Canada, L dleweight champion port Edwardi ApfMint. the fact that Roger despite minlstraUon to eatch poachers. Whynott of Mahone Bay (NB. The NaUl coast u bemg mid-outpointed him in 10 rounds two I ly Q cravfish and all years ago at Halifax and Pf te ; Qf rtieU.fiahf wtth whlch HOCKEY PLAYERS' PAY EXCEEDS AMATEUR LIMIT VANCOUVER ( Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey League players receive more money than the set salary limit, Al Leader, league president, estimates. League rules limit a player's pay to $100 a week for the 22-week season. Mr. Leader estimates that winners of the coast finals will receive approximately $2,825 each for the season. "I cannot prove it," said Mr. Leader in an interview, "but it is undesrtandable if the teams are to compete In player market with the high-priced leagues in the prairies and the East. Crayfish Poachers Problem In Durban Mar Use Mobile Squads ta ' Enforce Ban on Collecting Shell-fish DURBAN, South Africa, t Mobile squads of inspectors, with telephone and possibly wireless (links along the 128 miles of the coastal waiters were once teeming, by poachers. The poachers have been op- of erating without the slightest re- gard for breeding seasons, when . dtTWWm i: k I I SAW ASSAILANTS Louis Johnston, 14, of Detroit, Mich, who was playing 100 feet from the home of Walter Reuther, head of the United Auto Workers, when the union chief was struck by a shotgun blast fired through a kitchen window by an unknown assailant. The youth said that after he heard the gun-shot, he ran to the rear of the Reuther home and saw the gunman dash out a back gate and leap into an automobile I and speed away. $28,000,000 more than in Jan- back t( the formative uary. ine January iigure was i "lc- vim a post-war record and 28 per cent above the 1938 Jevel. COMPLETE IIAHM0NY Trie efficient operation of ENGAGEMENT NOTICE ' Mr: and Mrs. L. A. Bryan of "Bridgeford, Sask., announce the engagement of their second daughter, Marjorie Elena Bryan, to Robert Charles McNab, younger son of Mr. Charles McNab of Prince Rupert. The wedding to take place on May 20 at First United Church. lt FOR SALE FOR SALE Limited amount of 2x4, 2x8, 2x6 sniplap; flooring: plaster board; windows with casings and bricks. To be seen at 2171 Seal Cove Circle. 115 FOR SAL E De Forest mantle radio, player connection. Blue 825 after 6 p.m. U16 .FOR SALE 1947 Plymouth special deluxe. 8000 miles. heater, defroster, etc. Al shape. Bill Morris, Box 81, Smithers, B.C. (116i FOR SALE Modern electric rangette, thermostat oven. Best offer. 1424 8th East. (116) FOR SALE Furnished 4-room wartime house. 1326 Pigott Ave. 116i FOR SALE Pleasure craft, 20' four h.p. Easthope. Can be seen at Yacht Club. Phone Blue 148 after 6 p.m. (116) FOR SALE One coal and wood burner cook stove, and two-burner oil cook stove. Apply ,1228 Park Ave. Blue 773. (118i FOR SALE Rupert Roller Rink. Inquire at the rink between 7 and 11 p.m. . (118) FOR SALE Wartime House, large 4 on Overlook Street, view. Armstrong Agencies. (118) FOR SALE One Deagan jcjlyphone, 3Va octaves, price $75; one set orchestra belli, 3'i octaves, price $30; one melody saxophone, silver, Conn, $50. All in first class shape. Apply Percy E. Sparkes - Telkwa, B.C. (118 FOR SALE House. Snap. Atlin Avenue. Hot air furnace. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) FOR SALE Best hotel service in the interior at Telkwa Hotel, 244 miles east of Prince Rupert. Just half way to Prince George. Apply Telkwa Hotel, Telkwa, B.C. (127) FOR SALE 1 ','2 ton truck good condition $850.00. Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan. Newly painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE Partly demolished house and lot, cheap for cash. Phone Black 854. ' (tf) FOR SALE Wine baby carriage, i like new. Also bassinet. 1013 7th Ave. East. (115) "FOR SALE Two lots, 6 rooms and bath, with cabin at rear. 839 9th Ave. West. (116) your car, too, depends upon complete harmony.. Our experts are well qualified to see that your car performs in just this way for you. Make a date with us soon. 5- What is a word with ze that means active interest'? AMSWE?.s 1. i navp lid! nee in his abiiit;' nuuiiLr aoi-us, 0 as It as m so. 3. rv,:aa i"B. or lending to pt pia.Mir. lhese exuen I Advertise m trie !)- 1 s . Pbont Grm line . . . in Glace Bay. He Baseball Scores National League New York 5, St. Louis 0. Brooklyn 9, Cincinnati 3. Boston 2, Chicago 0. Philadelphia 1, Pittsburgh 5. American League All games postponed, rain. Automatic Devices To Time Olympics MONTREAL ff Latest automatic devices to ensure accurate recording of finishes as well as timing of runners will be used at the Olympic Games in London this summer. Representatives here of the offical timers said only two men are requiredone to fire the starting gun and the other to see that the finish-line equipment is functioning properly. An electric wire connects the pisUil with the apparatus at the finish. A photo-electric cell, with light source attached, set up an invisible beam which each runner breaks. The equipment records the exact time and the indisputable order of finish. the snell.flsn should be given an opportunity to multiply. I Although 128 honorary tnspec-, tors are helping the Ntal parks game and fish preservation board to preserve the foreshores of Natal, unscrupulous poaching is increasing every week. So great was the menace sea poachers that recently the Natgl provincial admlrustration gazetted new regulations, prohi biting the collecting of all shell- jfish, except crayfish and oyster until 1949 The collection of crayfish and oysters Is permitted between March and October by persons holding proper licences. These regulations, however, have , not curbed the poaching, and one measure being considered by the administration is 'to grant powers of arrest to the honorary inspectors. At . present, In spectors are handicapped by not ! being able to arrest poachers. A few months ago, an honorary fishing Inspector was assaulted and nearly killed while questioning a poacher on the South Coast. One of the reasons for the wholesale collection of mussels, is that natives who cannot buy bread are collecting this nutritious food as a substitute. SEEING THINGS SYDNEY, Australia f A resident here caught a 7',2-foot diamond snake (harmless) and went to a booth to telephone the zoo. Another customer, red-nosed and weaving unsteadily, approached the booth, looked in, shook his head, looked again and ran. Watch the Classified Ads! .. lf f-fc (i rail of the Treaxures of All Time. tJMISEXV TO .J 0 j 0 Tl Cigarette MILD. SWEET, N.Z. Birds Migrate To Far-Off Siberia Bar-Tailed Godwits Start Annual Flight to Breeding 'Grounds AUCKLAND, N.Z., 0 An airborne Invasion of Russia is now being prepared in New Zealand, but it is unlikely to have any political repercussions. It has been going on every year for centuries. The invaders are bar-tailed godwits which now are gathering along the tidal harbors ol northern New Zealand prepara tory to their annual migratioi to breeding grounds in the Si- berian tundra or in Alaska. Late in March and during April the godwits gather each day and the beaches are e.'ive with their musical twittering cries. Toward sunset the flocks grow restless and rising from the beach In a long line they form a broad semi-circle and head off north into t he growing darkness on their hazardous flight to the the side of tn world Each flock at the start of the journey comprises many thousands, but they arrive at their destination in many small par- SCIEGB For dean, comfortable, good-looking shaves use MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low price 4 for lOfi 12 for 25 710 hgtamljMUVJT ty9 . (6aHM DH-J RUPERT MARINE REM1 (J. CXAISF.N & SOS) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTE BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AM) FISHING EQIITO TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY ' FOR QI ICK SALES OR CHARTEBS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 GREER & BR1DDEH BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR round decision from him at Waterloo, Ont. "The cry of the self-appointed Canadian Boxing Federation, emanating from Montreal, was that no bout could be considered a championship affair unless it .was scheduled for 12 rounds. The claim of Whynott and later, Zaduk to the Canadian middle weight crown held by the ancient, spindly-legged Len Wadsworth, was considered to have little merit. "But Nova Scotia promoters in Halifax and Glace Bay fig ured they had stopped up the ESuto beTore7he7 ar"rln ed ,for the Wadsworth-Ross affair. i. 1 L 1 C 111 a i-iUUUU HUH. VJ V. Bay against George Ross, May 1. "He considered his title was on I1,lu "B11 a contract for a i championship fight and it was his belief that he was defending the Canadian middleweight crown when he stepped through the ropes at the Forum against George Ross, before the greatest gate in the history of Cape Breton boxing. 'When the fight was over, Wadsworth thought he had lost the title. 'I couldn't have lost to a better guy,' he said. "Then the Canadian Boxine Federation declared the fhrht didn't count because the Cape Breton Association was not affiliated with the C.B.F. "The decision of the Canadian Boxing Federation Is not calculated to win friends and influence people." NOVEL FUMIGATION WINCHESTER, Eng. 0 Contending he set fire to a settee and a bed "only to smoke out his wife from the house where she was employed as a housekeeper," an ex-army captain was placed on probation. STARTED WITH GREEKS Entomology, the study of insects, began with Aristotle who classified them into groups. His classifications were used for 2,000 years. Finest Selection of CRUISERS PLAIDS-KERSEYS-- AND ALL SORTS OF CHECKED OUTDOOR SHIRTS. ACME CLOTHING STORE - WE SELL. ALL TYPES OF STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR U20t Repairs Construction - Alteratu Floor Sanding a Specialty suite VOUne counle. nn rhil- dren, no pets. Have own linen. Box 342 Daily News. tf METAL WORK PLACE YOUR ORDERS now for summer installation of a Faw-cett Air-Condi tioning Furnace. THOM SHEET METAL LTD., 253 East First Avenue. Phone Black 884. itfi it PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET M E T A L I work. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. BC. (tf) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE n tli Matter of the "Administration Alt" and In the Matter of the Estate of Albert Samuel leu-h!imfM .. t...u i..- i All parties having claims against the saia estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to i me on or before the 15th day of i June 1948, after which claims filed : may be paid without reference to ! any claims of which I then had no knowledge. j All parties indebted to the estate j are required to pay the amount of I their Indebtedness to me forthwith. GORDON F. FORBES. . Official Administrator. , Prince Rupert, B C. ! IN THE SUPREME COURT OF I BRITISH COLUMBIA j IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Kstate of (;ra McMillan, otherwise known ax (,rie Alice McMillan, Deceased, Inteotate. ' TAKE NOTICE that by order or Hit. 1 Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local . Judge of the Supreme Court of Bri- ! tlsn Columbia. I was on the 5th day of May, A D. 1948, appointed Administrator of the Estate of Grace McMillan, otherwise known as Grace Alice MacMillan, late of Stewart. British Columbia, who died on or about the 23rd day of March, 1948. at the city of Prince Rupert, British Columbia. All persons indebtd to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me prou'erlv veri fied on or before the 15th day of June, 14S. failing which distrlbu- jtlon will be made having regard only , to such claims of which I shall have .been notified. I DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. P.O. Box DEVELOPING - W-l ENLARGING SITERPAX PMSS KOOACHROME and W FILMS Chandler & O 1 Fourth St. PRINCE RUPERT.8 run. OAJ-rr .tmpiy sou-pound . a Kanim-1 Ieshamps, l)e ea-d, ln- ""Isteel drums. Apply Dally News. , "tj"';- K .... 1 TAKE NOTICE m that bv order or His III) Honour Judee W. O. Pulton, made the 3rd day of May. A D. 1948. I was ap- XJK a ALE AS good as new, pointed Administrator of the Estate Sc.OttAttwater outboard motor ' Albert Samuel Deschamps. other- . Phone Blue 441 after 6 p.m. ''0 M Samuel P'- Phone RED 561 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaniiifr and pressing and steam pressinj while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street LUMBER ARCH OF TRIUMPH largest triumphal arch in the world. It trat begun bv Aupub-on in IHOS In rommemorol him riclonVs. It it 160 fert high and nearly lilt feet long. It headi the beautiful boulevard known an the Champa Elyseei. A thing of eye -ambling ttutely beauty, it it the pride of mil France. nnw'irm'A. M.1 r, text PLYWOOD SASH Available at Great beauty, great art in any sphere are thin? to treasure. Thus it is that for appreciative individuals, Harwood'a is acknowledged a classis of mellow, d'mlinc-tive merit . . a gracious and welcome guest in any gathering of particular people. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. 110. PHONES 651 COAL - LIMBER PAIN" i. Supp'.f5 (117) FOR SALE Beatty washer and man's C.C.M. bicycle; both In good condition. 1020 Alfred ... St. Phone Blue 360. (114) FOR SALE Small 4 on 8th East. Furnished, lot cleared and house In Al shape. Full price $2200. Apply Robt. E. Monta- dor Ltd., Room 7, Stone Block, or Phone 11. (in) v FOR SALE Electric stove, two burners, oven; radio, Victor, battery, all-wave; tent, 6x8 ft., 2-ft. wall, 8-oz.; piano accor-' dlan, 120 bass. Phone Blue ' 367. (114) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Young Chartered Accountant, preferably not over 38 years of age, required by A. P. Gardner & Co, 1005 Slock Exchange Building, Vancouver, B. C. ' Apply in writing, stating experience, age and qualifications. Applications will be treated as confidential. (118) 4. Onti Complete Line of Bulldim SERVICE . IN AUTOMOTIVE FOR THE BEST See Your GENERAL MOTORS 7artvcca& iLanaaia w DEALER Bulck G-MC' Shop I DVE Pontlao Oldsmobile MACHINE WORK A SF: Terrace Machine TERRACE, B.C this 5th aay of May, 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C. (12a This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia