Ptincc Uupctt Dailp JSctois IU0. Friday, May 14, 1948 IIIAfin HUK.BKAUTIFUL i if 1 Local News Items . . . LIWUUO - " INTERIOR EFFECTS FUNERAL NOTICE DIOCESAN BOARD CONCLUDES ITS ANNUAL MEET Mrs. F. N. Good is sailing to Labourers and Truck Drivers CARLSON In the city, Wednes night on a trip to Massett on Union meeting Sunday, i.w, The thirty-sixth annual meeting of the Caledonia Diocesan Board closed today with a lun Br Carpenters' Hall. H5 Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Arney sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Miss Margaret Slinn is sailing day, May 12, 1948, John Olaf, age 48 yers, beloved husband of Mrs. Eliza Pearl Carlson, of 224 9th Ave. East. Rev, E. Soi-land will conduct services at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, May 15, at Grenville Court Chapel, interment to follow at Fairview Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. (It) the Coquitlam. Mrs. L. Colussi sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. -Norman MacLeod of Vancouver, who has recently taken a position on the Prince George Citizen, arrived In the city on cheon gathering on the mission L. Striated Fir, 3 per q. ft. m r craft Beaded, A" " " lo2c , Plv, Plain, H" " " - 10c f W, " " - 20c f H", " - 25c t Birch, !i" & 316" 20c , panelling, number 1 " 20c number 2 " " igc ! complete stock of new mouldings for use with I plywood panels f FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET SHOWING MODERN ? PLYWOOD INTERIORS 1BERT AND McCAFFERY LTD. lumber PHONE 116 Building Supplies launch "Northern Cross." Saturday on the Catala on a Delightful weather greeted holiday trip to Vancouver. the delegates in Prince Rupert Constable and Mrs. H. D last night's train from the in and meetings were ell attend-1 ed at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Miss Barbara Smith, R.N., gave an interesting sketch of the his Johnstone sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to terior town to spend a few days visiting his brothers, Rod and Modern Etiquette By ROBERT. A LEE Vancouver. Alex here. Q. When going to attend an evening affair and a woman Is tory and functioning of Public Health Nursing at the luncheon hour. Rev. C.'Lomas delivered a travelogue of a trip on a Hooded river In Africa and a trek In doubt whether to wear a JOHN GILCHRIST PASSES AWAY decollete evening dress or a SUP fc&y long-sleeved frock, what should Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eyber are sailing on the Catala tomorrow on a brief holiday trip to Vancouver. The Annual Meeting of the C.N.R. Lawn Bowling Club will be held in the Canadian Legion Rooms, Monday, May 17, at 8 through jungle territory to a she do? former mission station in the British Cameroons. A. The safer decision is to wear SIETSON'S Summer STYLE the long-sleeved frock j 10 COMBAT PREY EELS g Marilyn Lamborn Jjla press Staff Writer jNTO, 9' Justice for the i-:ike sea lamprey would p the two-foot fish par-.. i the frying pan and A veteran of two world wars died unexpectedly at his home in the city late Thursday. He was John Gilchrist, 52-year-old Miss Queenie Calvert, one of the Bishop's Messengers from Q. Is It proper to praise servant when deserved? p.m. All members are urgenuy requested to attend and to bring DRESSED in t he '.een-ae. afternoon dress she designed and which won a Canada-wide contest, Nina Youngman, one of the two British Columbia artists to win honors, Is shown as she was presented with the dress and a bouquet of beau-Miul flowers ft one of the local stores recently. A. Yes, by all means. Nothing Canadian Fish and Cold Storage worker and former city em the Peace River, told of her work among the women and children at Taylor, and the Bishop of Caledonia spoke of the needs of Is more effective for efficiency and harmony than words of commendation and praise. ployee. Born in Scotland, Mr. Gilchrist came to Canada 20 years ago. a new member with him. Official opening of green May 24. (115) Mr. Justice and Mrs. A. M. Manson are sailing Saturday to return t 0 Vancouver after having spent the week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Nicholls. Mr. Justice Manson was here in connection with the Spring As St. Paul's Hostel, Dawson, Y.T. for which W.A. members throughout the whole diocese had been sewing during the past winter. He had been a resident of Prince Rupert for the last six years. Deadly 'nat fficlals of jario department of lakes gins would like to do to i g. suspect the bloodsuck- Advertise In tne Daily News'. CITY INDUSTRIES (Continued rrom Page V. During the First World war Mrs Jarvis McLeod rendered he served in France with the pleasing solos at the open meet Principal A. M. Hurst of Booth jiler ol ureal, italics wi-rf-ducing the annual fish; ing. Van (amp's Veu England Style Sea forth Highlanders, being wounded. He enlisted again during the Second World War sizes held" earlier this week. Memorial High School has in Reports were received from formed the committee that stu officers and branches and the I I !flTO3fttii III Mrs. J. A. Findlay, who has BEANS and served as a Sergeant-Major been in the city for the last two president, Mrs. J. B. Gibson, spoke of the need of every member becoming an active Chris in charge of recruiting in the Prince Rupert area. weeks is sailing on the Coquit jncl tneir suspicious ic j, by North Channel net-, v -o say lampreys leave IRiit dead or unmarket- 1 ifore the eel-like lam-jji.js Petromyzon Marinus, Unity H.ol and Eat" mal-. dent -groups will, visit various plants, and other school groups may do the same Here Is a list of industries which has been ' contacted by Stetson's new Royal DeLuxe Hats in Light Beige and Silver Grey. Smart colors and correct styling for your summer vacation or business wear. lam tonight to return to her h, o Mucorr Mrs Finrllav Following his discharge, he bHr tatting baant with tian in her own community. I UK I daliciout pork on4 moloucs. by War Assets has recently completed the!'1" pv The following officers were Corporation, the City, and the elected for the ensuing year: the committee and which will welcome visitors: ward,Canadian Fish and Cold 6U)rage iary. Club's new children's Co. Canadian Fish and Cold Stor A MEAL IN A MINUTE I at the hospital. Hon. Vice-President, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. President, Mrs. 'J. B. Gibson. First Vice-President, Mrs. B. S, You can now have your milk jyvwuwwwwywtW-; and cream delivered right to EVRY INCH A QUEEN Dowager Queen Mary is shown 0 a delicacy on Cana-gi-nus, the department jto do a lot of research 4 view to curtailing hi ;i activity to lake trout fior species of Great .-h. jumbcr of pounds of lake imght in Lake Huron, Bay and the North if. fell from 3,797,075 in 1 362,106 in 1945. Officials your door. If your house is a Prockter. Second Vice-President, Mrs. E. He was found (Jlad by his wife who returned from downtown Thursday afternoon. Previously, he hac". complained of a pain in his shoulder, but believed It to be nothing serious. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, both In the city. long distance from the road we age Co.; Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co.; Lindsay Motors Ltd.; Imperial Oil Co.; British-American Oil Co.; Standard Oil Co.; Finning Tractor Co.; North Star Bottling Works; Atlin Fisheries. Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage; Standard Machine Shop: Dibb Printing Co; Burns and Hodson. will take It part way. Phone your order now 657, Valentin NYLONSl Dairy. 114 as she arrived at St. Paul's Cathedral in London for the special thanksgiving service commemorating the 25th wedding anniversary of her son, King George VI, and his consort. Queen Elizabeth. The royal couple was married 25 years on April 26. I Corresponding Secretary, MVs. A. L. Holtby. Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. J. Nelson. Treasurer, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. Helen Henderson. Girls' Secretary, Mrs. Flood. Mrs. Educational Secretary HISTORICAL TAPESTRY The Bayeux Tapestry, famous tnow how much of this has been caused by iff.jrey.s, but they've been William. McLean. Co. Swift - Canadian Co.; Daily n i linen roll 20 inches wide ana News; Thorn Sheet Metal; Prince I'D find out for the last Mrs. "Living Message" Editor, Mrs. G. D. Mead. "Living Message" Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. F. E. Anfield. Rupert Fishermen's Co-opera 231 feet long, depicting in colored woollen thread the invas-nt fndcinfi hv William the 0 Juniors' Secretary, Mrs. L. w- stionnaire sent out .to tive; Edward Lipsett Ltd.; Mai. Potterton. r. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY is divided into 72 ison 1 mill iaim, ra"J a Prayer Partner Secretary, Mrs. Conqueror Little Helpers' Secretary, Mrs try Farm. I? I compartments. Likes fishermen present-fc.ient alarming evidence (a h the government on ntal operations to dc- B. West, Terrace. C. J. Currie. Q. How can I save time when nprpssiirv tn lard nr butter a Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions the abundance of sea , i .. , j " ('WW1'" t. tneir me nistory auu, A If waxed paper ,s cut lnto ONE PAIR oi control. Ismiares and keut in a conveni r 4 they now know is almost ent ace for thJs purpose u wnl ft hv ihat. thpv must' WITH EVERY $10 OR MOREj I PURCHASE MADE AT ! J save mucn time 3M out. They are certain) Ucpreys originated In Lake , and soread into Lake LONDON, Broken remains V through the Wellandof a man's skull, believed to be Ilia about 1921. Now they 1200,000 years old, were auction- IU,'DUTIf t'WT Cfd t V a- U 1. 1 111 I iTIfji X OA VHU a kWA'AVMViWtWW.W; faring for the first time led for $1,000. 3 Announcements All advertisement n this column will be charged lor a lull month at 25 cenU a word Si 1 WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Knlarein? QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies . . . TO A Hi'.rn waters of Lake Sup- W ri By n l a row of dangerous look-Mf h inside its sucking the bluish-colored 1am-irps tiie side of the fish, S. O. N. Independence Day Celebration. Program, refresh-mpnts. dance. Music by Mike TOMORROW s,i -s way through the scales Colussi. Monday, May 17, B:au, IBANK Upholstering FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK AND AUTO CUSHIONS RECOVERED Ask for PLASTAIIIDE available NOW! Out-of town orders given special attention LOVIN'S (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited I . V V .., : Bank of Montreal tains the blood. Tons of t caughte alive with large Id'ii'S in their bodies, but it ifccult to determine how Ji actually die from sea !' attacks Jtits say the only feasible W of control is trapping in Rrounds usually a of elcar, rapid water with bottom. Favorite spawn-Wand is the Little Thessa-Uv r, some 50 miles east of '$'e. Marie, Ont. They can ju 'ss why lampreys do not 10 any extent in neigh-H streams with similar OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED FROM MAY 11 TO MAY 17 INCLUSIVE Phone 775 327 3rdAve. 1817 tfatiada'd iut eJt&Ci)cd Scut:... working with tAMum ivuv wm of itrt sine KE S.O.N. Hall. - Booth P.T.A. May 19. Job's Daughters Tea, May 20, Mrs. Alex Mitchell's, 232 4th Ave. West. St. Andrew's Anglican tea at the home of Mrs. W. S. Kergln, 324 4th Ave. West, May 27. , C.N.R.A. Dance, May 28, Oddfellows' Hall. Dancing 9:30 to 1:30. Admission 50c. Queen Mary Chapter, Crib-bage and Bridge Drive, Civic Centre, Friday May 28, 1948. Eastern Star Tea, June 3, at Mrs. Wm. Watts' home, 435 4lh West. Junior Auxiliary UniLed Church 1 1 ............ y V'-'rsitlcs to the Little SPECIAL - -- 59c Dacca All Slur Records Ui m. 'WmaLioii gathered In ex-W'tal operations shows the Tpn. June 10. 01 PrnshvLerian Tea, home -vs 'M'awn between May I line and run shortly after .Mrs. T. A. McMccktn, 5U lauow , 1"' This coincides with St June 17. FOR YOUR Holiday Week-end Gay Surryner Cottons in free flowing lines will add to the Holiday Harmony. For truly informal wear you may select Tailored Slacks and a Sport Blouse or an eye-gladdening Sweater. And to top your holiday wardrobe vou can choose a (3 Ami ;V.V.V.I.V.V.V.1.'.V.V.; JFOR 5 5"Chicken in the Rough's TO TAKE HOME J LOWEST PRICED RECORDS IN CANADA " ' By BING CROSBV INK SPOTS MILLS BROTHERS GUY LOMBAKO ORCH. ANDREWS SISTERS CARMEN CAVALLARO DICK HAYMES and many others. awning period for suckers, r victim of the lampreys, .ten of 10 tons of suckers ' cent bore the deep scar JJ lamprey's teeth. As the of lampreys Increased Js. the number of suckers Mid. uls suggest that any ex-'ls aimed at control of J'S should be extended to THE BETTER THE WATCH The more skillful repairing you need. A dollar watch is built after the fashion of a wheelbarrow- anybody can understand It and its different. But you take an expensive timepiece No one but an experienced man can deal with it safely. It's wise to leave all disordered timepieces with us. None ol them are beyond our ability to repair and do it properly. wise not to allow the matter One thing. morc-lfs to be put off. SCall the ? A CIVIC CENTHE i J DINING ROOM i $ PHONE 231 S.W.,.Wa,."WVvsv',v,v" OUTSTANDING VALUE Sport Coat from a variety of . styles. ' Sec our TAKTAN STOUT TOlTEItS at $10.93 Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES viuano, a potential sup-They also foci that cre some practical use Wrasites, their numbeis be reduced shortly. Al-j Sported to be an estab-S European delicacy and ry I is said to have eating t00 many, de-officials won't stick T" "'cks too far in pro-P llu-iii "delicious 011 rye years ago fresh 1am- WELL DONE, MISS YOUNGMAN Sweet Sixteen congratulates Miss Nina Youngman on the fine job she has done and the great talent she has displayed In being recognized as a talented young designer by sonic of the leading stylists in Canada. Hollywood Cate PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING NEW PHONE BLUE 593 a t., , ,,i ..; Special Dinner Etery Sunday, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY :, ,be caned. The edibility "Ported satisfactory, but Remember Sweet 16's personalized Budget Plan. No Interest No Carrying Charges. ; Aliments were sug- CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders Phone 133 CHOP SUEY A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BEING RESULTS n the Dally News!