NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER L1HRAHY : Daily Delivery PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 114. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS II "State esilne Jews Proclaim) srac a Strikers Kidnap Workers SIX PLANE oo Farmlands Menaced Arab League Declares War As British Mandate Ends Overflowing of River MISHAPS TAKE SCORES OF LIVES ST. PAUL, CP) The Minnesota National Guard was called out today for duty at the strikebound packing plants at Newport and South St. Paul, scene ot strike violence. NEWPORT, Minnesota KB A mob estimated at 200 men forced LONDON, Six plane crashes : " -. a. ;C0UVER (CP) Floodwaters of the Bona-iver Thursday inundated thousands of acres ilands in the Cariboo district. The Cache rea 10 miles from Ashcroft, was hardest hit. In the last 24 hours have taken the lives of at least 20 people, and perhaps 55. their way Into the Cudahy and tiers were forced to seek higher ground yes- Lady Harrington Is probably United Nations Vote to Send Mediator to Holy Land As Major Violence Threatens TEL AVIV (CP) A solemn assembly of the Jewish National Council proclaimed the birth of the Jewish State of Israel today. The proclamation was broadcast over the newly-opened station "Voice of Israel" eight hours before the mandate was officially terminated because Sat- Company packing plant at mid the best known among the dead. moving household lurniture and livestock as night, heavily damaged the In terior, set free several thousand the swollen river swept over Its She is the daughter of Joseph P. Kennedy, former American Am dollars worth of hogs and car banks. ThniiBanrfB et oproe rt irnn bassador to London. liV.i?ww. lit tvxC She dl id near Privas In the lwll f antj pasture land were reported ICw r I . to be under 10 and 12 Inches of ft it &T water with the river at Its south of France with three others, Including Lord "Fitzwll- ?araa:..-.-..--;sss: ur(ay t,ne Jewish Sabbath. irTc I TRHPn TO Tne mandate ended at 3 pm liam, eighth earl of his line. Two ried away 30 plant workers as hostages. Early today, all but 11 or 12 of the missing men are accounted for. A number of men In the plant were hurt and several have been treated for cuts and bruises. The raiders worked system others were crew members. Only one person survived the Pacific Daylight Time. . The proclamation added "as from the termination of the mandate at midnight tonight. PREPARE FOR INVASION ancouver six mishaps In other .parts of the world, one of them an Am erican air force plane in the . UVKR w The report-ion of a large-scale highest level In history. At Ashcroft, the water and electric power plant Is menaced. The flood has sliced away part of the company's dam, and work crews are laboring to replace rock cribbing. In the rich Fraser Valley, flood guards are maintaining posts as the Fraser River and until the setting up of duly elected bodies In accordance with the constitution to be drawn up Near East. An airliner which was report atically and It is believed that the raid was planned carefully In advance. Some were Cudahy workers on strike. ,c ring in Vancouver Id Thursday night by sergeant David Mac- ed missing yesterday with 25 TEL AVIV, it The Haganah high command today broadcast an appeal to the Jewish population to be ready for the possiuiity of invasion and air raids against the newly proclaimed Jewish state. The appeal called for a par by the Constituent Assembly not ' later than October 1, 1948, the present National Council shall act as the provisional govern passengers and six crew members on a flight from Leopolds- the police morality gained nearly a foot In 24 hours. ville, Belgian Congo, to Brussels, PUBLICITY GAG ment of the State of Israel. d the report "highly d on account of was found wrecked today in the African colony. There has been The n,ewly named Premier Is tial blackout of Jewlr. cities and for trenches to be dug In rural settlements. David Ben Gorian. TO EMPHASIZE no report on casualties. 8,400,000 POUNDS HALIBUT LANDED One of the first steps of the .n. Andrew Dutka, 26- xuck driver, was ar- newly constituted government was to revoke the British white CLEAN UP WEEK Pacific Coast halibut landings k.e lnursoay una for the first 12 days of the 1948 with contributing to delinquency. Sergeant season were b,4jo,ooo pounas, FIGHTER PLANES CRASH, PILOTS ALASKAN PROGRAM OUTLINED 2,000,000 pounds greater than for ir said that warrant? paper of 1939 which limited Jewish immigration Into Palestine. DAMASCUS, Syria O) The Arab League's general secre issued for the arrest the same period last year, the International Fisheries Commis A small, but well-proportioned building will be transported through downtown streets Saturday afternoon by an ardent band of Junior Chamber of Commerce members who will transform the shabby structure into a splendid thing with , a jl.ers on similar charges. ARE KILLED sion office announced here tariat proclaimed last night SEATTLE, P Assistant Interior Secretary William E that a state of war exists be ANCHORAGE, Two fighter tween the Arab countries and This is seen to bear out previous indications that this year's Area Two season will be even shorter than that of 1947, the it was reported that ' involved at least 10 Kirls ranging in ago io 16 years, with nine vn as operators. The aid to be operated in ng houses In the east c city among the Chi- Warne today outlined a nine-point program for Alaska's de garment of fresh paint. Loaded on a truck, the minor planes, diving from four miles up, exploded over Anchorage Thursday as residents watched. Palestine Jewry. Syria, In line with this, was BROUGHT FOOD TO HU-GRY JERUSALEM JifiWS Jubilant Haganah guards who escorted the convoy from the coast to Jerusalem, cheer and wave their weapons in the air on reaching the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem with the biggest food convoy to reach the city. One thousand tons of food was brought to the quarter in 240 trucks over the highway until recently was dominated by the Arabs. Reports said the Arabs were evacuating Jerusalem, fearing a Haganah coup like that at Haifa last week, when the Jewish forces captured the great port city. civic 'institution will undergo a velopment. He said tha tthe federal lnter-agency committee is and then fell In a shower of declared today to be Ln a state considering the possibility of Icents. opening the door to hand-picked European war refugees. of emergency. Parliament was scheduled to meet this afternoon, informants said, to impose martial law and appoint Premier Jamil Mardam Bey military governor'. ffirls were reported to I pullc of almost, dally Secretary Warne -lsn' stated that the "entire transportation wreckage Into the waters of Knik Arm. The planes exploded again in Hie' water and sent up plwnes of black smoke. The second explosions were heard through this city of 20,000. One body, Iloating in an oil slick, was recovered by a can and of being denied of daily earnings Qf . but were given cheap public painting job to remind Prince Rupert citizens that the week of May 17 to 22 is "Clean-Up-Paint-Up week In the city. , A loudspeaker will also din into Prince Rupert's collective ears. The publicity ide'a Is the brain child of Carson Wallace, Cleanup committee chairman and he has rounded up a group of other Jaycees who will don coverall and wield paint brushes pub system, by water, land and air, must be improved and City Industries to Hold 'Open House' Next Week shortest to date. F100DSC0VER MID-MANITOBA WINNIPEG, Oi Flood conditions grew worse today along a 20-mlle stretch in the middle section of Manitoba, east of Portage La Prairie, with three big breaks reported in a dam holding back the swollen Assini-boine River. 3 iom and board. gor denied this. "There organized racket," he He urged that federal agencies should study the desirability of a railroad link with the United nery tender. The other pilot's body was not found. don't know of a house LAKE SUCCESS Of The political committee of the special Palestine Assembly voted today to send a United Nations mediator to the Holy Land. The proposal for a peace commissioner was sponsored by the United States and France. Forrest Wood, a local pilot, said that the planes exploded licly. in the city." 3TIGATE States. QUEBEC FIREBUG HATED JEWS' at about 5,000 feet. He said it was difficult to tell whether they collided or ran Into trouble In But that is not all. The committee also has re The flooding, described as the Citizens to Be Welcomed to Inspect Plants Under Chamber of Commerce Sponsorship How much do you know about your hometown industries? Who makes what, where and how is it done? ' Answers to these questions will be made available to everyone in Prince Rupert next week when city business and industrial people hold "open house" for ceived the official blessing for Clean-Up-Palnt-Up and the city worst in the area this year, kept military, and other personnel EC FIRES QUEBEC, Fire-bug D'Assise council has agreed to employ busy attempting to stem the Menard confessed today to set- 9 Provincial Police their dive. The ships were part of a formation of four. They peeled off from the formation to make what Wood described as a "routine dive." the garbage truck at a specified .'estigated a series of date next week to enable house ting fire to. 18 Jewish homes in the Val Morin district. EDUCATION CULTURAL BULWARK ning fires at Val Morln dam breaks which nave iiooaea thousands of acres of farm land and are threatening to inundate thousands more. holders to clear away excess Police Captain J. A. Quen- David, about 60 miles rubbish from about their homes. of ' their fellow the edification nevllle quoted Menard as saying "We know that people are .iuiiu eai, mat utratiujr- i he did not like Jews and "they point of production. The Board of Trade move aimer homes and dam- citizens. For next week, May 16 to 22 is British Columbia Industries' are all Communists.". otel and nine cottages. MACHINE AGE working hard to beautify their homes, but there are still a lot of places that a little effort could ment, which sponsors the week, Menard will appear in court VANCOUVE R (fi Canada's Governor-General, Viscount Alexander, delivering a convoca THE WEATHER Synopsis The dull showery weather that has been general over southern and central B.C. for the last 36 hours or so Is beginning to show signs of improvement this morn is confident that after it is over, the people of Prince Rupert and other cties will have a better estimated at $175,000. REDDITCH, Eng. j With broke out within a new machinery Invented by its es. Firemen who fought staff, a needle manufacturing said interiors of the firm here has raised its output at St. Jerome Monday on an Open House Week, sponsored Dy arson charge. the Prince Rupert Chamber of He also confessed that he Commerce and the Board of transform into something attractive," Mr. Wallace said. "We are inclined to get used to un- tion address at the University of British Colunibia Thursday, said Idea of their industrial might, Trade movement In British Col f'd cottages were soaked from 9,000,000 a week in 1938 to umbia. planned to set more fires. He was carrying 675 matches at the time of his arrest. "my days of active soldiering are behind me forever, I hope, but we are going through difficult tidyness If we look at it long enough., We should try and loot at our city through a tourist's eyes." The firefighters be- 30,000,000 a week. Ninety per-blazes were the work cent of current production Is ing. Clearing skies are expected along the coast this evening and What is it, and why is it done? Well, the idea is to Inform the times. My sword is now in my tomorrow while the weather in pndiarlst. earmarked for export. people of tills city and province about their industries, and the scabbard . . . but it is not rusty." He told University men and the interior will follow much the same pattern as it did yesterday. public is being invited to in about the versatility of their factories and how Industry and its employees serve the public welfare. Business people contacted by the committee emphasized that they are eager Jo have visitors enter their plants during the week and that they will be shown around instructively and courteously, Mr. Ritchie said. (Continued on Page 3) women that education Is a bul Prince Rupert, Queen Char spect workshops and plants be wark against undemocratic for COMES AWAKE AFTER TWELVE YEARS ASLEEP TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. cause that is the best way they eign ideologies. lottes and North Coast-Overcast with widely scattered showers today and tonight. Cloudy PRAIRIE FLOODS THREATEN FARMS WINNIPEG CP) Peak waters of the Assinlboine River continued today to threaten thousands of acres in the heart of southern Manitoba, with floods battering The Governor - General received an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Chancellor Vancouver Saturday. Winds southerly 15 m. p.h. today and light Saturday. e 8.60 can be informed. It is an opportunity to "eyewitness" industry at work. In Prince Rupert, the Idea has met with an enthusiastic response froi.i more than a score of Industrial operators who will E. B. Hamber. tun 04 X n7 Little change In temperatures. Low tonight and high Saturday: Port Hardy 43 and 56, Victoria 42 and 55, Prince Rupert 43 and 57. Quartz .. 1.50 KEEPING IN PRACTICE CERES, Cape Province, South mile-long dyke on the south. WHITE PINE, Tenn. Mrs. Clara Reynolds, after having been asleep for twelve years has finally come to her senses, looking a great deal younger, and feeling well though amazed. She never heard of the New Deal, the Second Great War, the M niv, side of the river, six miles east Africa Jannle van der Merwe, Wihksne .04 of Portage la Prairie. POWER SHUTOFF HITS SOUTHERN KOREA PLANTS SEOUL, Korea, Russian- Mascot 50 02 a footballer, was sunning himself when a pigion alighted beside him. A hawk plummetted Oreille ' 3.95 Bevcourt 33 Bobjo 12 Buffalo Can 09 Vi Con. Smelters 111.25 Conwest 1-13 Donalda 1,5 Eldona !-12 Elder : 40 Giant Yellowknife 4.50 God's Lake Hard Rock -l7 Harricana 8 Heva ' 12 Hosco 31 Jacknife 05 Jolie't Quebec 33 Lake Rowan OOVj Lapaska 05 l.ll.t.le Loner Lac 88 atomic bomb or Adolf Hitler. When she started to doze, back in 1936, most of this was still in FORMER LABOR MINISTER DIES TORONTO, tt Hon. Peter Heenan, 73,' Irish-born locomotive engi neer who rose to become federal Minister of Labor, welcome visitors graciously next week. "It really is gratifying to see how gladly these men welcome the idea of letting visitors into their plants," said A. Don Ritchie, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce "Open House" committee. "They all feel that because now is their busiest time of year, it is the best time . 2.85 Border 03'a down and was about to seize the pigion when van der Merwe kicked the hawk and killed it. If the struggle to hold back the water fails, the river will roll southeast toward Oakville and Newton, flooding miles of farmlands. The area Is faced with danger of further flooding sixty-five miles west of Winnipeg. . :r 22 f McDonald ........ L75 the future. Her age Is 52. She lapsed into sleeping sick occupied north Korea cut off electrical power to the United States zone in the south In a dispute that was intensified by 08 Vi died at his home here Wednes ness, and given regular nourishment and attention, she lived on F Gold ..' 15 day after a long illness. Creek ; the American-sponsored victory and on, through the years, slumbering all tha time. Bridge River for people to get an understanding of their- work and produc in the south Korean Independent elections. American authorities were FATSO'S FURNACE SOLD STOCKHOLM 0' A blast furnace from the Hermann Goering 1.08 .40 .4or .38 Vi ..03 .05 PWa ... She was able to walk about, she likes to be out-of-doors. I I.vnx 081 Baseball Scores Western International Yakima 7, Victoria 5. Others postponed, rain. Pacific Coast League San Diego 3, Portland 0. San Francisco 5, Hollywood 4. Los Angeles 6, Oakland 5. Sacramento - Seattle, tion." Working on the committee readv. however and wheels her step In springy and alert and 'stern are me when she awoke. Her com- wim mi. nnunt- "t-v""- turned as usual m occupation Fish Sales Canadian Olympia, 13,000, 15.50, 14 and 9, Storage. Reward, 12,000, Co-op.' Stream, 7,000, Co-op. Borgund, 14,000, Co-o. Connie Jean, 19,000, Co-op. Capella, 22,000, Co-op. Goni, 23,000, Co-op. Aniaig. Iron Works in Llnz, Austria, has been purphased by Sweden for an estimated $2,250,000-. It will be shipped to Lulea, northern .03 nlexion is that of a pretty girl, ; Ocrrard, manager ot tne t-ana- installations and industries. Premier 38 Doctors are stumpea. Mrs. dian Fish and Cold blorage co. j Two former navy power barges and , A. P. Crawley, Junior came to the aid of auxiliary Chamber of Commerce presi- 'army units In m-ovldine needed Sweden. - a dent. electricity. BEAHTY AIDS AND MORALE LONDON ffi In a recent re WARN MOTORISTS OF TRAINS MELBOURNE, Australia (CP) A Madsen Red Lake 2.55 McKenale Red Lake 43 V4 McLeod Cockshult 103 Moncta 30 244 Negus 5" 00 Noranda Louvicourt 65 Pickle Crow 210 Regcourt jj San Antonio 3.85 Shcrrit Gordon Senator Rouyn 44 Steep Rock - 21 Sturgeon River 1' Miller 27 Silver - .18 .50 6.25 3.00 8.80 ills A continued shutdown of from the north, which fur port the prison commissioners of the United Kingdom stated Keen-minded business men who know that "Open House Week" will give British Columbia Industries a chance to dls- Reynolds says she could nqt remember much of anything, through the twelve years. EXHAUSTED VISITOR GRAVESEND, Eng. P A bittern, a bird rarely seen in England but a frequenter of European moors, was found exhausted here. nishes more than half the sup that the morale of 'women prls ply of power in south Korea, Toronto new device to warn motorists of closing gates at railway crossings has been invented here An electric breaker In the signal house flashes a stop signal when the gateman lowers the gates. LOCAL TIDES Saturday, May 15, 1948 High . 5:44 . 18.2 feet 19:17 17.2 feet Low 12:38 4.8 feet oners improved since they were play their manufactures and would force rationing upon Kor- allowed to wear lipstick and cos their working processes to their ean- factories and residences, .08', 154 .71 metics consuming friends right at the 'United States officials warned.