prince Kupm Dailp J3cto0 JLtD. Friday, May 14, 1948 rw i ' t f " rVti SERIAL FILM OF S; AFRICA JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (f) Millions of children in Britain and other countries will TWILIGHT FOR DOBBIN - JVetc; Montreal Parking -Laws Threaten Horse-Drawn Cabs four days. He used to make $io on a fine day. John Mortlmer,oa cabbie since 1887 when Montrealers travelled to teas and dinner parties in carriages, plans a protest mectln o fthe 40 or 45 cabbies. But he has considerable fnith that the ladles living in secluded eiegance in Victorian homes at the foot of Mount Royal will recall the link with the past and city hall. TODAY TO SATURDAY JAMES CROMWELL AND HIS BRIDE Washington hewlyweds are James H. R. Cromwell, ex-husband of heiress Doris Duke and former U.S. minister to Canada, and his bride, the former Maxine MacFedridge, Birmingham, Ala. - A REX HARRISON VZB ' " MAUREEN O'HARn ASftPli Reminiscences By w.J. c Reflections SCOOP! FRIDAY AND SATURDi? XCLLSIVE NEWSREEL IICTIRFS fit- t, i TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS vs. DETROIT RED WINGS ago. He gave a speech in the Capitol Theatre during a Sunday mid-day. There was not the slightest excitement, nor was the house crowded. Nothing was thrown at Tim, nor was there an Interruption. He gave a straightaway talk about this, that and something else and then Prince i.upert and Tim felt it was time for lunch. THEY'RE HERE AGAIN The Popular CONNOR "THERMO" WaJ STAINLESS MOMX METAL TI B THERMO-INSILATU) AUTOMATIC PRESSURE WKIM.KR FOUR-YEAR GUARANTEE SEE THEM AT Without aovemsins what they are doing, people can be found in town who are buying because they huv a hunch they see something ahead, and do not mind waiting a while. The same tnlnS was done about 35 years ago, and boy, oh boy, didn't they wait. But then, things move quicker today. Some folks have all :he luck or so they say. A lady in Tennessee, attacked by . sleeping sickness in 1936 has just awakened and is walking about, looking young and feeling fine She never heard of the New Deal, the second war, the atomic bomb or Adolph Hitler. Perhaps after all, she really is deuced fortunate. Back in the thirties, and even since then, the decision to build a new apartment house or start RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC PHONE 6U 313 THIRD AVENUE WEST BOX young oun8 fellows ; 'on't kn. ' . , an(1 then len T9 plenty." taejli 'n the stand and Tlr Cicero theR N taking Pn When v. timet,naMfc ' "-ailing. Classift 1( A,:v, ECONOMY my phone or call ai Phone 311 Yes Ma'am! KAIEN CO OP LET US SOLVE YOUR ROOFING PROBLEK a brewery in Prince Rupert FOR RENT Flat, Rand Block, would have meant a scare head I Apply Max Heilbroner, Jewel-in the newspaper and a lot of I ler. (tf) chit chat at the lunch counter. r " E Acme cook stove But suppose someone had come MINERAL ROOFING SHINGLES TAR PAPERS SPECIAL SHEATHiSl STARTED AT 18 ' Enrico Caruso did not start1 his singing training until he was I 18 years old. "affST V. I SY1 - The Flower pf Your Eye SUMMER FROCKS Sizes 1, 2, 3 $1.75 to $1.05 Sizes 4-7 $1.50 to $ 1.9:5 Sizes 8-14 .. $1.80 Rupert Peoples Store i Finish Your Attic WithWallboard It will-make a pleasant room of your attic. Easily Installed. Insulates against heat, cold, sound. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SEE1 It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home . SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Box 196 Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coqultlam Saturday, 9 a.m., Calata STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS May 14 and 2811 p.m. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS May 10 and 3011 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aent Third Ave. Phona 568 JOHN H. BULGER at OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue BUILDING PAPERS ROOFING PAPERS ROOF CEMENT WATERPROOF CIS JUST PHONE WE DELIVER i HAWAII BUILDS FISHING FLEET Islanders' Sampans Sweeping Near-Recoi'd Catches in Seas Once Dominated by Japanese By KEN LIKES HONOLULU Hawaii, which once wrested much of its living from the sea, hopes to build on the ruins of Japan's sampan fleet a fishing industry spanning the Pacific. Wartime restrictions temporarily scuttled Hawaii's doughty little fishing fleets. Japan's defeat closed rich fishing grounds to Nippon. Within less than three years since the war ended, Hawaii's sampans manned by Nisei have swept back for near-record catches. High prices tripled the value of the 1947 catch over the best pre-war year. But this United States fishing outpost has barely touched on the fringes of the watery front ier of the Pacific. The big catches and big money lie westward in grounds vacated by Japan. Across millions of square miles of the Pacific, fish now run unmolested by net or line. In blue Hawaiian waters today the No. 1 contender for big business ranks is aku. In less romantic language of a main-lander it's tuna. So far, one medium-size cannery in the islands has taken care of all the export trade in tuna. Hawaii landings before the war didn't begin to compare with what California boats took 'from along the coasts of Mexico, Central and South America. "But we have caught practically all our tuna within 40 miles of the islands," reports Vernon Brock, director of the territorial division of fish and game. HUGE CATCHES In 1937, the Japanese probably took a third again as many tuna from Pacific fishing CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) FRIDAY PJiL 4:00 Ed McCuray srngs 4:15 Stock Quotations 4:30 Music, by Goodman 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 String Stylings 5:30 Music by Sammy Kaye 5:45 Community Calendar 6:00 Beat the Champs 6:30 Three Suns and a Starlet 6:45 Plantation House. Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 These English 8:00 Prairie Schooner 8:30 Dreamtime . 9:00 Prairie Showcase 9:30 Symphony for Strings 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Speaking As a Listenei 10:30 Ial Richards Orch. 11:00 Fish Arrivals' 11:05 Weather and Sign Off SATURDAY AJA. 7:30 Musical crioct 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News Commentary 9:15 Records at Random 9:30 Land of Supposing 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Band Stand 10:15 World Cnurch News ' 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 On the Teen Beat 11:30 Weather Fortcast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded 11:45 Pewonal Album I'M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 Recorded Interlude 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 Orchestras of the Nation 1 :00 Memo From Lake Success 1:30 First Piano Quartet 2:00 Ballet Club 3:00 Piano Classics 3:15-CBC News 3:25 Recorded Interlude 3:30 NBC Symphony Orch. I.ANII KK(l8i H ACT Be: Ortlflrate of Title No. 878-1 to Lois rouTtm-n (111, Ktftwi (1.1) and rilvtMMi (In), Bloik Two (:!). VIM.AtiK OF HTKVVART, Map (MW. WHEREAS satisfactory Droof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name of Cecil H. Flta-herbert has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall. the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 14th day of April, 1848, A.D. ANDREW THOMP80N. Deputy Registrar or Titles. (US! - -r t - i soon see a tropical adventure serial film which will be made in Southern Rhodesia with the help of South Africans. The first adventure film of its kind, it will show a number of beauty spots and places of interest in Southern Rhodesia including Victoria Falls. Made by the J. Arthur Rank Organization, the film, to be called "Snakeskin Belt," will feature South African actors and actresses. KIDS RAISE CAIN SOUTHEND, England ,f Theatre managers here have declared war on teen-agers between 14 and 20 who spend their evenings running down the aisles, playing leap frog and shouting in movie houses. The rowdies also smuggle in gas-filled balloons and send them up into the balconies. grounds as did the United States Brock says. A smgle year's catch for the Japanese may have totalled some '460,000,000 pounds. The Pacific tuna grounds "may well interest any Asiatic nation, including Russia," Brock adds, "and unless we exploit it actively ,or allow other nations to enter this fishery, we can be placed in the position of pre venting the use of a major food. resource." It is not a auestion of the presence or absence of resources. The fish undoubtedly art-there. Lack of know-how limits us now. For instance, what are the movements of tuna schools? What are the best ways to catch the fish?" Explorers and researchers have fitted together a few pieces of the underwater puzzle. It looks as if more sleuths may go t owork on the big job. A company subsidized by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation has sent two boats on ar, extended Pacific survey. Congress has passed but not yet appropriated money for a $1,500,000 research program. The navy announced recently that mainland and Hawaiian companies are negotiating for cannery sites in the trust territory the former Japanese mandates including the Carolines, Marshalls and Marianas. Like the ancient Polynesians. islanders are, turning seriously , toward fishing. They are look- ing toward an industry which may rival the island's sugar cane and pineapple business and make a big splash in the world's food production. Hotel. . A . I smvais Prince Rupert J. K. Carson, city; J. A. Por-terfield, Vancouver; George Harris, Naas River; Miss F. Cye-swiskl, San Francisco;Mr. and Mrs. A. Cyeswiski, Olympia, Washington; G. O. Fife, Sand-spit; Mr. and Mrs. C. Glggey, Terrace; J. Bovlll, Smlthers; Frank Blount, Cumshewa; R. Martin, Sandspit; Mr. and. Mrs. W. Bovill, Smlthers; John Jac-obson, Ladner; W. Husband, Ladner; K. Baker, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, Dodge Cove; R. D. Booth, Kelowna; Mrs. E. Brooks, Terrace; K. Ong-stad, Vancouver; George Anderson, Terrace; G. W. Anderson, Massett; Mr. and Mrs. R. Tra-quair, Burns Lake. COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER BERVICR The Popular JV S.S. 1 T W1 PRINCE Vo ft I J VI J RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE FORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 PJW. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT F"r Information call or write City or Depot TW-jret Offlw PRINCE RCPERT, B.C. I By JOHN TRACY Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL 0 The horse-drawn carriages, as much a part of Montreal as Mount Royal are threatened with extinction by new parking laws and veteran cabbies are hoping "those fine ladies uptown" will save them For years cabbies have had their stand alongside Durninion Square near the hotels where they picked up fares at $1.25 an hour and took them for a two-hour ride through Mount Royal where aulas are banned. Now because parked horses and buggies have certain disadvantages when under your hotel window traffic authorities have given the cabbies a new stand around the corner cn Dorchester Street, out of sight of the hotels and, as far as the cabbies are concerned, out of mind of the tourists. As a result, says Hormidas Laverdure, a hack-driver for 50 years, he hasn't had a fare in WANTS TO SEE GONE WITH THE WIND COMING SAVOY M1S i LsLs Carl Zarelli, Prop. ) Phone 37 P.O. Bos 514 FRASER STREET -Prince Rupert rnrtnnnnfiwnn I "TZfrk ' ,1 OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 Moving, Packing- Crating-, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 61 YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS -AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 Phone 179 Box 1137 251 3rd H (7 ( tngi ngine Tune-Up RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE alone and remarked: "Snv "Say, they're going to spend twenty- five million dollars a few miles UP tlle railway line" j . Tim Buck himself was in Prince Rupert not so many years AIR PASSENGERS Outbound To Vancouver c. T. Lee, W. Frascr. Inbound From Vancouver: Dr. J. P. Cade, J. A. Porterfield. Mrs. Anderson and infant.. From Sandspit: F. Blount,. G. G. Fife, R. Martin, W. Forell. FOLLOWED "WORD OF GOD" HULL, Eng., (ft A small boy admonished by his mother for crossing a busy street on his way home from Sunday School told her: "God told me to cross." The lad was waiting at the curb when a voice (from a police car loudspeaker) said: "All right sonny, you can cross now.'' Now that your driving is no longer confined to town become important . To ensure maximum efficiency and trouble-free ftJ cai operation have your car tuned up the LINDSAY modern scientific equipment and trained personnel. LINDSAY MOTORS HI. A great and fertile country, this happy land of Canada, particularly the Kaien Island part of it. That stern and flinty square of stone on Second Avenue, near Fifth Street, is blossoming out. Along the base are rows of tiny, bright flowers. The rocky face, where a handful of earth has managed to stick, also has flowers. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY wu" Jut ourner ar)a blower. appiy ay Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE Fawrpti nil range, good condition, $225 cash.ll Phone Red 779 (115, rOR RENT Bedrooms with or without breakfast. 2104 Atlin Ave. (tf) SORE FEET THIS WAY lj in Minard a Liniment Rimcrously. and feci the relief steal over the achini muscles and joints. For all muscle and joint pains, aches and stiffness, sprained ankles, twisted limbs Minard's bar been famous for over 60 years. Good for dandruff and skin disorders, too Get a JsotUe, today; keep it handy. Ilj MIARD'S LINIMENT if London Pumps. Gas or electric. 3000 to 100,000 L'SGPII. Immediate dc- livery. Rubber-tired Wheelbarrows and Concrete Carts with Tiniken bearings. , . or Phono to QUALITY Finest Jib Best gardening equipment, enrich ing fertilizers, msec- g ticldes! We have 'em all to assure you of a fine productive garden. For your gardening supplies DO MORE ... and DO IT EASIER with RITCHIE Contractors Equipment -Pyrex DoubleBoib ARE NOW AVAILABLE 1. London Concrete Mixers. All sizes in stock. 3. London Power Hoists. A!l sizes. Electric or gas-driven. Also hand hoists. Write Wire The first shipment to arrive in several ycats PYREX m mi uiAjJiay.. We also have a complete lino of otnor .... -J1....1,. .. in stocK PI PURVES E. RITCHIE & SON LTD. 608 Hornby, Vancouver MA. 4557 PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS-CIRC1