hely Topics from 7 err act . friday, May 14, 1948 ,s of Arthur Carr ;;:'m bark to Terrace '.;pr a Inns absenre ,- south. South Africa Watched on Election. Eve By R. F. S. DEWDNEY JOHANNESBURG (AP)-South Africans feel the eyes of the The Quality Tea Mrs. Welch left Terrace on Tuesday's train, returning to Vancouver, after spending the past year with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Dudley Utile. Vic. Giraud travelled to Prince Rupert on business this week. Joe Schultzic drove to Prlnca Rupert on Wednesday accompanied by Ben Dodds. Father Racette was a Dassen- To Train Doctors From Many Lands World Health Organization Personnel to Study in Canada WINNIPEG T This year, Canada Is to undertake training World Health Organization student doctors from 35 countries, says Manitoba's . deputy minister of health, Dr. F. W. Jackson. , In an address here to the council of social agencies, he said air travel has made the world smaller and the spread of distance easier. The training of doctors was a problem everywhere because of the crowding of medical schools. "In these days when one can have breakfast in London, lunch in Iceland and dinner in Canada, disease and infection can travel around the world in no time. It Is our job to prevent ORANGE PEKOE world will be on them for the first time when they go to the polls for their general election May 26. It will be the world's first "atomic election," they say, and it work out like this: British and American strategists long have realized that Western Europe would be in a bad spot In any future war. Its concentrated industries and crowded cities could hardly expect to stand long against atomic attack. Britain is transferring her military bases from Egypt, the SB' ger to Prince Rupert on Tuesday's train. ' Mr. Williscroft and daughter, Kathleen, drove to Prince Rupert at the week-end. Olof Hanson was in town over the week-end. Nations health group were aimed primarily at malaria, tuberculosis, venereal disease and the promotion of maternal and child hygene. But any disease weak HAS BABY A YEAR FOR TEN YEARS Mrs. John Cole, 27, shown above with her 10 children, claims the distinction of being the youngest U.S. mother with the largest family. She has 10 children born in 10 years. The children, five boys and five girls, all single births, range in age from four weeks to 10 years. Mrs. Cole, the wife of an electrician, lives at Streator, 111., with her family in the basement of their home which is now under ening a nation's products e ab the spread from nation to na 114 tion and to help train person dren. 'It was taking steps to prevent the spread of lx disease to Asia. " ' , t Malaria was a deadly threat to many nations. Dr. Jackso.i said 100.000,000 persons wwe affected each year and. 1,000.003 died. W.H.O. now was only one of several organisations established for health purposes. He thought the leadership of the entire field eventually would be given- to It. inel for this work." ou w..e u i-aiesvui.- Dr Jackson reCently returned to Kenya Colony and U spend-, from Geneva meeUnKa of tne ility would become the responsibility of W H O. Dr. Jackson said tuberculosis trebled in Europe after the Second World War. Control methods have been introduced in all central European nations. W.H O had vaccinated 15,000,00'J chil ing ,iUu,uuu,Uuu w promote ag- wiIX) of aa tne nation, Can. SMITHERS DRAMA FESTIVAL SET FO.VMAY 27 SMITHERS May 27 Is the date set for the Bulkley Valley riculture In East Africa. In ada contributed the highest per capita sum toward world health. The functions of the United News of SMITHERS A worthwhile addition to the Drama Festival which is being sponsored by the Smithers Community Players. Rehearsals are in full swing with entrants from Glentanna, Telkwa and Smithers preparing to participate. It is extremely pleasing to see this form of community entertainment being revived after a lapse of several years and much credit is due business section of the town is the building being erected on Main Street by Archie Hicks, southern Rhodesia she is build-1 ing the biggest R.A.F. training! system outside the British Islej. j Broad military strategy from the Sudan to Cape Town ha3 been built up by Field Mashal Viscount Montgomery, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, in a recent visit. All this tends to support the view expressed by Gen. Sir Francis De Guingand, Lord Montgomery's wartime Chief of Staff, that it is time to plan British Commonwealth de-'enoe on the broadest basis Is the African continent. He and others see in the great absorptive capacity of Africa the only present answer to atomic bombing. As the only fully self-governing country south of Egypt and by far the biggest Industrial owner and manager of the Bulk- m j N : - - t """" "' """ """" A fen the organization sponsoring the festival. The show will be held in the Elks' Hall and it is hoped to have adjudicators present from the Department of Education. y i EARLY DENTISTS ley Valley Wholesale. The building will be twenty-six by forty feet, of frame construction, on solid concrete foundation and the exterior finished In stucco. A meeting is being held this week to discuss the possibilities of establishing a community summer camp for 'oys of the town, possibly at Babine Lake. The Rev. Clinton Johnston Is organizing the meeting and has been offered the services of some very able youth leader? for the project and that the only real difficulty to be solved is the obtaining of equipment to es 'ft, Dentistry is an ancient art, some Egyptian skulls having een found with artificial country in Africa, South Africa's position Is clear. But will South Africa play ball? That is the wooden or Lone teeth wired to the jaw. OP hour verandah floor, par- IN THK SUPREME COURT BRITISH COLUMBIA real Issue behind the screen o? local politics. The general election will answer that question. The election will be fought tablish a camp of any size. between two violently contrast-( , rnittire, or any outdoor an A I mate Plastic Hrmh ntini; beauty! A 1 mat ex t chip or crack and - liquids nor greac mar .min hnelincsi I IN PROVEN USE JN PROBATE 111 tllr Mai I it uf Ihr AUniljiNtrullmi Art" And In thr Mntlir of thr Estate of Alhv.l HJHm. lM'ul. iiitrstutf TAKE NOTICE thBt by Order of Wis Knnnr .1, trim W n C, . T i Mrs. L. M. Greene and Eleanor, returned to town bR OVER I YEARS cai judne'of the Supreme court of n Tuesday's westbound train Bnish Columbia. I wu on the 30th after spending a short holiday ing types. On the one hand Is Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts, 78-year-old internationalist and Prime Minister, staunch friend of Britain. On the other is Dr. Daniel Francoi Malan, Isolationist and no special friend of any country. is easily and quickly uy 01 npru. n u ivw. appoiniea Administrator of the Estate of Alfred k-J. It dries to a. beautiful in the south. I SMITHERS MAN rig finish that needs no i or polishing. A few HJelm. late of AUln. Bntish Columbia, who died on or about the 18th day of February, 1948. at Atlln, British Columbia. All perrons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay of cloth 01 mop restore h lustre. A 38 There is no question where It hardware, department one! ORDAINED IN HOME CHURCH Smuts and his United Party If f and Woltpopmr itore. SOME 16 TEETH An unusual youngster is David Patrick Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Davidson of Regina, Sask., who at 15 months of ape can show 16 teeth. He was eight weeks old when he bean cutting his first teeth and it was a month ago the last of the 16 were added. It's been two or three months since Pat stopped eating baby food now he concentrates on fruit, vegetables, potatoes and maybe a little bacon. You never save until you start SMITHERS An impressive ser ' would stand in another war. But with Malan's natlonists in con- it would be another matter. Itrol, When the Second World War started the predominantly na the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the aald estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 16th da; of June. 1848. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall hsve been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 1st day of May. 1948. ALFRED EDWARD RODDIS, Official Administrator, Atlin, BC. (1171 Jfost of us Iiavc a savings account; . . j vice was held in St. James' Church on Sunday morning, when Kenneth Maxwell Colli-son, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Collison, was ordained into the ministry of the Anglican Church by the Rt. Eev. tionalist cabinet submitted a motion to Parliament declaring South Africa neutral. Smuts managed to defeat it. by a narrow majority of 13 votes. Business and Professional PROMPT ACTION BY FIREMEN SAVES HOME James B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia. The Bishop was assisted in the ordination service by the Rev. Canon C. A. Hinchliffe, Rector of St. James and by the Rev TEST BUTTER MACHINES CANBERRA Q A German butter-making machine imported with other overseas machines PMTTHPRS Prnmni opfinn nf Viae Keen fminH GnltahlA for the But to make it really mean Ronietliing calls for planned " saving . . . an,, a strong mind. One way is ,o worL toward what yon want most: a new liomc, a car, an education for your rliililrcn, the extra security or opportunity that a "nest egg" j , provides . . . Savings can mean so many things . . .The important thing is to start . . . and to put aside so much a week every week. Kciiicnilicr, some are Lorn lucky ; smart people .save, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA PRINCE RUfERT BRANCH - - - D. W. G. STEWART, Manager : Leslie Hunt of Toronto. Canon Smilners Volunteer Fire Brigade I Australian dairying industry. E. V.-Bird Of Hazelton delivered ' ri Thief nick VToooia Rat nr. Tho mnrhlno eh urns and nours l P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ITE 5, SMITH BLOCK "55 P.O. Box 1401 the address. It was noted that ' FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed averted what day morning . . . . - 1 .: ! . 1 I the butter in a continuous process. Two other similar machines are being tested. Mr. uonison was urimmru in ulc otherwise might have been a pi & ELK'INS LTD. cnurcn wmcn ne nau aitenaen ser Jous fil.e since early childhood and also) A cnester'fieid in the home of that he is a grandson of the Dr L M Greene caught fire af- late Archdeacon W. H. Collison, ter apparently smouldering for of the Naas pioneer missionary a number of nours Smoke River and Queen Charlotte Is- awakened tne Doctor fho turn- 'anQ,s- jed in the alarm at six a.m. and Mr. Collison is leaving for En-itllf, fir( wns mi)u,v t lumbing and Heating Engineers PAKISTAN ROYAL SALUTE KARACHI. Pakistan, O' First members of the Royal Family to enter Pakistan since the Dominion was created, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester receiver: If 174 P.O. Box. 274 JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner a royal salute from a Royal Pak No structural damage was ISow Available! dako almost immediately and will take over the work of the church at that point. done to the house but the waH"lstn Alr Force Buard wnlle 0,1 IX F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor Sixth Street Red 808 and f oor in the vicinitv of the."11". lu wcjiun $1-22 BESNER BLOCK THE SUPREME COURT OP Ormes Drugs IN 1 chesterfield were charred, and considerable damage was caused by smoke. DRUGS Eox 894 Phone Rhn 442 BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE NOTICE in he Mailer of the lnte if Curl Andrew Norluniier. licensed, I I-0RGE L. RORIE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 1361 Overlook Street Intestate j TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His J Accountant, Auditor, etc. DROVE FOR RHODES UMTALI, Southern Rhodesia O) A negro, William Manuel Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of Bri-1 F Tax Returns Compiled, tith Columbia. 1 was on tne un aaj STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOOK TO 2 P.M., 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. of May. A D 1948. appointed Admin Mner Block Phone 387 who once drove Cecil Rhode's The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified nd transient advertising Is payable In advance at the olfice at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise In this manner In the Dally News are ask id to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified istrator of the Estate ot carl Andrew Norlandcr. deceased, late of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, who died on or about the 31st day of January. 1K4S. at the City of Prince Rupert, GEORGE McWHINNEY private carriage, died recently after being run over by a wagon. Mr. Manuel's age was uncertain but shortly before he died he HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wav$ig Beauty Culture In all its branches British Columbia. All persons Indebt Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 pn. and Sunday Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. PAINTING AND . 5APER HANGING P.O. Box 1428 LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL 504 4th Street Phone 655 paeon St. Phone Green 394 ed to the said estate are required to told frjend he was between 80 pay the amount of their Indebted- , . nesa to me forthwith and all persons and 90. He left a Widow and j having claims apainst the said nine Children. estate are required to file them with ) me properly verified on or before the . 15th day of June. 1948. failing which ORIGIN OF MUSEUM ditribution will be made having re-1 ... . . . . The British Museum origmat-gard distribution win be made having re-j only to such claims of which I ed witR a grant of 20,000 voted PHONE 81 By Chic Young Curvature of the Spineless. jEPHEN ERICKSON I PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNINQ AND REPAIRS . jtk 1!5 411 West. 7th Ave. 8LONDIE DATED t mn Hupen, o.u, hv nnrllnmenf. In 1 155 for the HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS 10th day nf May. 1948 I " ", " GORDON rRASER roRBEa. purcnase oi a rare collection oi official Administrator oks and works of art belong- Prlnce Rupert, BC. (125) !lng to Sir Hans Sloan. Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Tram Schedule the East '"day, Wednesday, Friday 8 Dm 1 FLY I .uiiiiraiiiiMiIi " .ippipii .liippjil I .'ipiillljli f J A UKELV ( . 1v. ASHAMED m ( STOPV-.S ) VfVvnu-AT ( NOU MUST THINK . V3U HAVE TO BE 4 V. SOUPAGF-- 7 I BORN ( MARWeO A LONG TlMH A ) 'JfpfiA ACtTnG LIKE 2, VESTEPDAV-- TOOOA COMPLETE fl'D '" ii 1 jTTi! .. '.if. ii. in '.'-j J1 Terse- Fj p IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting Fishing Sightseeing PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 the Fast fuesday, Thursday, Saturday- iu a p rr.. TT"ig the Fisheries Industry SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. QUALITY FEPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Second Ave. Box 774 jWells (P.R.) Ltd. MaS, Labelling, Weighing Prince Rupert PHONES E. T. Kenncy, Ltd. 35 Terrace: -W. H. Martin, 23 Red Top Cabs 349 -i P-l'E 7Rft BLl'E 980