jL?rincc nupcrt Dai'lp r3rtn0 UD. Saturday, February 14, 1943 War Assets Bulletin to wT's BULK LOT SALES Rubied to orinr sale or withiirnuci ...... wMm tM.n'olters Hip following new and u.sed Tt --fiic;!! lots: LOT 1 All of the following in this lot are marine f , DIRECTORY setilce In nil rliurclien nl II n.m. mill l::w ii.iii.: Mimlny m-IiihiI nl e--H lwm. P.. kn Independent daily newspap--.1 devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnre Rupert and all communities eompria. ig northern and central British Columbia. , Authorized as Stcond Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. WNTEH. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, nor week. 15c; Per Month, 65c; Per Year. 7 00- ' EirA. .-Wov i.trtE By Mail, Per Month, 4lc; Per Year, Ji 00 J- Ql J : liai list niciuiii-s. Junction Boxes, various sizes Receptacles Kela.5 Switch boxes, various sizes and voI'sbp Switches: door type, key type, pUsn tv? watertight and dimmer, etc 4il l N HTMI IIKM. 4ti Ave. W Bt DuiiRimilr HI Holy Communion H a in-Hindu y School 2:00 p.m. Rector: BaMl M Prockter. B V, H D iBlue 7S.ll LOT Partial list includes: we recognize that any good inj Youth Leadership Fans i ... i . SATURDAY SERMON i ikst mi' iiM 6th Ave. E. ut Young St. Minister: Hr Fred Antrobus (Cineu 812 ) Laming Kixt us 1 KeflecUir. Junction boxes, various sizes Extension Lumps Sockets Spot Lights Hulbs, Mada, various sizes Trl-liuht Lamps, fid" high Heaters, various , Electric Ll-m,nt CHRISTIAN LOVE .Yviwnes. v;m I IK-T I'HOHVTI HON 4th Avenue East (Green 9M) LOT 3 us is the gift of God. Love is courteous "doth not behave itself unseemly." Stands for good manners everywhere. Love thinketh no evil, is good-tempered, guileless and sincere, produces a happy character that is open and above board as we call it. St. Paul eives us further a IN CANADA some 105,000 boys I and girls will next week make an -annual observance as Boy Scout-Girl Guide Week. These boys and girls are all proud members of two movements which are training P.utial list includes: i mvr i M i i n 6;itf tilll Ave Went Minister: It. A. Wilson. MA (Clreu 6181 Love beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Ven. Edward Hodson, St. Peter's Church It has been said that St. Paul in this Thirteenth chapter of his epistle to the Corinthians has drawn Plugs Uniphows Head ii Jireajji Sf Multi-Phone Conden.sers Control Boxi-s Accoustic Booths mter-eoinmuiiication sets Telephone Sets, Buzzers etc. Switchboards. 10 line Annunciators Bells to (iont'S I'l l I, OnMM. TMUKNMI.K 221 6th Ave. We-a HaMuri Paul A Burlier lUrren t2H for us a portrait of the character of his Master, Jesus , glimpse of the power of Chris young people in self-reliance with a respect for others regardless of racial or religious tian iovs. ! (Prist. It has been called "the greatest passage in all lit-erature." ' " . He says - "ovc beareth all1 tilings as how many mothers with wayward husbands and children can testify. Love never loses hope not even of the most the will to live lor omcrs, yea, he may even go further and reach the highest peak and be- d0(M.acir(i il LOT 4 lot are marine Guilds ii Bells Hu.ers. ratiiirs Lamps Marme Tf-lcpii,,,,,, Equlpnu ru Accousur IJ,tiS Amninciators Haiinm LouipincR phones. amp;i)(.a siic.iki'is ftc come willing to die for others Ali of Ihe following in this Ivtial list includes: Hand Sets Ueii Boards, various l umber of indicators loudspeakers Relas, various types Motors IX; Si KW Motor Alternator Navigation Gear, Radio direction finders, antenna loop, etc. In it St. Paul compares and analyzes what he calls the "more excellent way" of Christian love with the more showy gifts that the Corinthian Church seems to prefer gifts of tongues, faith and hope will vanish but love abidelh forever. sm tnov akmv Frawr Street CO.: dipt Earl .Jurreit Directory Class a M) p m Sunday School 3 on p in (Black 269) vr. i-i i.'s i.i i in n 5th Ave. at MiBrlile SV Pastor: folliinl I Uluch 91 ST. 11 'I I U S 1M.I II W rtral Cov Archdeacon E. Hudson Sunday s-hool 1 1 .no a m. Evening Prayer 7 :i pin 111 ue 87 1 COMMI NTI V SI MY S( MOUI, KjiM. KikI Hail. J :i() p m. beliefs. There can be no doubt as to the value of the two I movements in the life of every community, as they i play a vital part in the moulding of the citizens of ! the -future. It can well be said that Canadian scouts and guides are training to serve Canada and that this "apprenticeship" to real democracy gives them an inspiration which should be to the good of na- , tional unity, loyalty to their homes, schools and j other institutions. I The l!oy Scouts and Girl Guides Associations ' contribute to the nation a unifying action, bringing theit members into a progressive and integrated program of spiritual, moral, mental and physical development. They break down barriers of class, creed and race, they are non-political and non-denominational. In Prince Rupert, as in other communities, lead-crship is badly needed, and those LOT And last of all he says "love endureth all things." The greatest example of this is Christ on the Cross. Sometimes we are led astray by what we call our teu-son, which we pit auainst the mysterious ways of Providence. We need not. Reason cries: "If God were good. His heart would break to see the sin and miserv of men." Well. God's heart did break. When the soldier pierced His side with a sword as He lay Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life" . j ' Love is not lust. It Is opposed 'to it, for lust is self-indulgence, ! love is self-sacrifice. Lust is the desire to get, love to give. Lust j seeks its own pleasure, love the pleasure of others. Lust is an : instrument of the body, love is a flame in the soul. Lust is the impulse of an animal, Uive is the i pa.-.ion of a Clod." All of the niitU-rial ill this lot is direct currun I': rtial li.it Includi-s: Motor St.iru-r.-. 115 Volt Motor S:. ' Motor Alternators Fans, various, sj Electric Motors Healers, varinus tv '.''.JO Volt M't r Sofires To.icr : (0 r.tL . 4 K. I 'l What is this Christian love of which Paul makes so much '! First of all he says it is not mere sentiment, not a mere emotion. It is self-bestowal, a giving of one's self. -Beginning with desire, it is gradually purified and refined. Watching its development in the human soul We notice that it commences with the will to live that seems to be the "V'V " ;.. i fc.t- upon the cross, there came out Love is opjxised to hatred for l)()Ul bl()(Kj and water, God's LOT fi All oi this material is nlternatinii current lvrtial li.t includes: tienerator Units, various Spare parts (ur Et lyjx- ..lomis ami 0c Rut irv Ciiiivcrlers Control n-;i rr hatred is destructive, love is constructive. T his analysis or love St. Paul says that love Is patient. heait did break. Reason says "born in sin as we are, and heirs of weakness, it is God who should bear the responsibility LOT 7 love suffereth long." It bears anci tne punishment. Well, with calmness whatever trials id. The church points us dominant purpose of he newborn babe who strives as he grows to bend all things to his own will. Eventually he learns that ho cannot always have his own way and he acquires the will to live with others, and. later on approaching manhood, develop-. men and women who have the interest of youth at heart are asked to remember that a little service in this direction would greatly aid those few who are trying so hard to foster good citizenship among i'.irtial list includes: Spare parts for Circuit lireaKer.s Fusts Swilchbourd Frames A: Spares Voli iti-lrs life brings to us. ; that lone figure on the centr; Air Circuit Bream: vuriou., .-,,, . Supply Boxes Relay Units Ammeter-, Pn ''!! (Vi.ir'i- A riatient character is one cross on Calvary and says .i a ut 0, rui at! t y ' t 9 I ri( .? iriii I.OT K that endures hardness, meets "surely He hath borne our griefs life's difficulties with fortitude, and carried our sorrow's." Rea-has learned to "Rest in the Lord son cries: "Show us who or what and wait patiently for Him." ,God is and we will be satisfied." Love is kind, says St. Paul, And Jesus Himself answers First I'resbylerian Church Fourth Avenue Last Rev. Allan M. M'-Coll. Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith. Organist Ihe ollowina ate radio parts, equipment. I':.i U.il liit I i n IihU-j the voting. SOMETHING TO FOLLOW UP THERE SHOULD be no further delay as far as has an instinctive desire to "Have I been so long; time witn make the best of everyone, is you, and yet have you; not Mornir.u Worship. 11 am an inborn disposition of good- known me? He that hath seen Song, Junior Choir: CANADIAN ARMY NURSING SISTERS ( dntinue to Form Integral Part of Canada's Forces Supprtivrs Antenna Rods & Av-i ;r.t..i Conden.-ers Switches Trunsforn-r Loops Radio ll'inii:i ft Modification K.: Cods Junction Bi.xi'S Mieroohoi,... Echo Sounding Parts At Components Sockets Phijjs Coids Transmitters Itcceivt rs Power Suiiply Units Radio, l:or models l)yn.iuiotors V lives. Kn"li-h will. Christian kindness is re- me hath seen the rattier, uoci lated to Ut" Divine. Like God. a is everything that Jesus Christ Christian is kind to the evil and has revealed to us in His unthankful. It shows itself in ter of Love, Mercy, Justice and courtesy, hospitality, in a c!e- Compassion, sire to oblige and make others - " - Just For Today ' Sermon : "F'aith and F'earlessness " Sabbutn Srhool. 12:15 Evening Service, I 'M p m. Anthem. Senior Choir: Thev That Wnit Upon the Lord " Sermon : -Why Did Christ Not Call the Tv?lve Legions'1" LOT 9 Tl: foilowinR are radio parts, components, ft;:,: feel at home. , Then love is'unseifish 7sek- 1 Partial list includes: OTTAWA Nursing sisters will continue to form an integral part of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps in Canada's peace-time army. They are stationed from Montreal to Vancouver and Irom the United States border- to White Horse. The total comprises 76 matrons ?th not her own." This is the spirit that is opposed to the spirit of today of which we hear so much which is couched in such words as "I want to live my Fum-s Ciilld'-Il.OT Colls Cable dr. i iexibii- Sr. Keys Headphones Hand Tools Control Boards Resistors Receivers Relays Motors Compass Oil Carbon Brushes Switches Hvdrnme'c-rs PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS ni- life" or "I only want my nnA nnftinrt ciotorc linHfr th O'A n LOT 10 'ihe follow im; is M.irine Lishtinn Equipni' pi j direction of Major Dorothy M. Ballantyne. AR.R.C. The service had Its beginning P.;' tial list includes.: our ff Lump Holders Penuauis Shades Pluys Nav:ta'i' Switches IampT.:'- Push buttons Retel;:s Dcsk Lights LmerB"r,-. Fuse Boxes . It f Rev. A. M. McColl will preach at both services. On Sunday. Feb. 22. Rev J A Munro, BA, M.C.. tlie superintendent of Wes'.ern Missions :o' the PresbyUrian Church in Canada, will pr-ach a! both M?rvicrs in Prince Rupert Pre.; byteriun Church. We expe-t out-church will be filled at both i services. Feb. 22. to hear Uv messages of this outstanding official of the Presbyterian Church Iron and Brass Castings Blectric and Ace-tlen Welding Sockets rights" etc. forgetting that "no man liveth with himself." "Ye are not your own, ye are bought with a price." And love is generous. "Love envieth not" has a wholehearted recognition of tho j.ood in other people. Love is humble "is not puffed up." This is the ba.-is of all other virtues. By it we see ourselves as we really are in God's sight. if I I Vince Rupert is concerned in requesting Ottawa to make representations to Washington with a view to having the Jones Act amended so that shipping through this port to Alaska may be facilitated by making it possible for Canadian ships to -carry American-originated cargo arriving here by railway from the United States on to destinations in Alaska. In answer to Maj.-Gen. G. K. Pearkes, M.P. for Nanaimo, whose solicitousness for and friendly interest in Prince Rupert is to-be appreciated, the Minister of External Affairs, Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent, went so far as to suggest that the advisability of the Canadian government making such representations to Washington would be carefully reviewed if request for these representations were made from Prince Rupert and such other quarters as are interested. No request, however, had yet been made, Mr." St. Laurent intimated. So far there has been a hesitancy on the grounds of propriety in the matter of making any suggestions in regard to the Jones- Act. In view of the suggestion of the minister there would now appear-to be no justification for such hesitancy it would seem that we should be at once making up for lost time.. We have talked a lone time about how the Jones Act was hurtinp- the port of Prince Rupert in de-velonment of shinning1 with Alaska. Now we have been invited to make our voice heard in the matter so t'vtt tin federal government mav take it up on our behalf. The next move is plainly tip to us. Sicnrium-' I amps 0;j LOT II 1 t AY. of the following are Marine Fit tin rot U14 Pitrliul list includes: SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL ana v I NINO MACHINERY in the ' days 01 tne wortnwesi Rebellion. Sisters went to South Africa with the First Contingent. Two thousand were accepted during the 'First Great War. Thousands served in the Second Great War. They were in ek'ven foreign counlreis and on hospital ships at .sea. Army nursing sisters have received 150 awards and lDt mentions in despatches. Fuses Caoies Clamps and Straps it 0, Deck Tubes -wir Plutts Charm r.J)1" Resistance ft-Coils i .ucrs Drv Bat term Lm-kers. St.i'-. Push Buttons Washers Switches ' riirpiM ion Panel i 0 on REGULAR BAPTIST hi LOT 12 I ) (I i MMi.vr I- 5th and VcBrulo Ail of the following are Marine Fitting Phone M'l 1 O D E. Hull tial list includes: Km ut Wooden Reels Brackets v.a'e: flu Fuse Hoards connecu Control Hoards Bdls Glands Pushes Finos Switches Sockets Lamps Junction Br fa! Ik tl 1 Al 4 BuXf Sunday, I'eliruary 15, 1918 "He that Believeth in Me, Hath Everlasting life"- Jno. 6:47 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. (lospel Service. 'Prayer- Praise - Testimony i Speaker:: Topic: (J. It. S. I'.hickaby "COME Al IVI !" Hearty Gospel Sin(;iiiR. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday. 3:30 p.m. Mission Band. 7:00 p.m. Junior Young Peoples Nl: i-Ki:wn Tin: oiii-timi: kiik.iov Receptacles 1''V'sl:i, 1 T,.n-b Fuse Boxes SU-nallni'' LOT 13 ' Pat tial list includes: Flexible Tubinn Fuses 'Cheese Manufacturer Removes Odor from Limburger." Headline. Does that leave anything? TAKE CARE Fuse B: Relay Keys Claim's Safety I Fuses j unci ion Boxes 8iRnal;:-im Lantern-Cilands PIurs Tape LiiKifiiiK Tools Wire Strippers Ebonite Rods Keceptacles OF TOMORROW f VE CAN (JIVE YOl' A BATHROOM LIKE THIS AT A REASONABLE PRICE. ESTIMATES FREE Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating PHONE 108 BY THE WISDOM OF TODAY LOT 14 C3r) Sixth Avenue West Minister: R. A. Wilson, M A. 11,1,11115 woiairv ACCOUSIH Transit11''' Potent iometcrs Partial list includes: Extension Cords Nnfux Panel fubs Wind Chargers Insulators Switches Safety Fuse Panels NippK-s . i Florescent ua- . Starter Paiw13 FEB. 15 BOYS' and GIRLS' Sl'ND. Y .11 a.m. Children's Service Led by the Sunday School staff. Parents and children are specially invited. 12:15 Senior Sunday School Only (No session for primary children i. 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: The Cross and the New Society." The PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION ONE WLI.K SALE commencing Monday, February 16th A few lines of clothing, bedding and dress shoes, offered at prices you will find interesting. MEN'S SLITS from $25.00 MEN'S TOPCOATS from 15.00 MEN'S DRESS PANTS from 4.50 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS from 1.75 MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATERS from 3.50 MEN'S DRESS SHOES, black and brown .... from, pair 4.50 MEN'S RAIN COATS, dress and semi-dress from 8.50 A lew pairs All Wool, Special Australia full size blankets, superfine quality, soft, warm and durable, in white, pink and blue. Note the special sale price, pair $27.50 EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES, boxed, now at $2.25 REVERSIBLE BED THROWS, fine all wool quality, bound tnds of pure silk ribbon S8.50 Visit this Sale during the week at Dry Goods Department ATTENTION SoUienoK Lamp Eitlinpi" Distribution Boxes Air Circuit Breaker Cabinet FISHERMEN! of the Ml"'!"1'' The above are partial lists only Visit our lot available. I OCATION : Warehouse No. 3G, dC Sea island. Vanrouu-r b, Interested parties are requested to Sales Manager, War Assets Corpora'";"-Bidg., Sea Island, Vancouver, B.C.. i" a v Cosmetic Counter of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative, Waterfront. merchandise. , , ,r.ri 1 Offers tu purchase are lo ue au ( pon-M . Install, a Marine Muffler On Your Boat Engine and Avoid Harmful BACK PRESSI RE We make mufflers to suit your engine. F'ACE CREAMS HAND LOTIONS NAIL POLISH POWDERS PERFUME COMBS P.ranch Sales manaiter, ar Itox 42, Vancouver, IU'. lV TEKMS AND COMH Ol-iis to purchase merchandise are m lollowinu conditions: i,,1' on The Corporation shall Have the riK or all otters In whole or In part. . Ibi If any otter U ure-cpid. mile wi" " m ' biiols without wurrmity of any hind al ' ..... ..., , i.i. i ihe (illuT WAVE SET . ( HARM KURL HAIR CURLERS, BOBBY PINS HAIR NETS of Canada TRY Rex Cafie FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mcin Cm.NESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY uiiu will i- i 'of the Corixiriit.lon. mm mm OPEN A.M. TO 2 A.M. nil On nrrrptancr of offer purchase price IMircliuser will be tuirtnl to tahc "'" rtpfit (or remove from the premise at Mk ' time limit set by the Corporation. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. Black 884 TOM McKEOWN Box 1280 , -PRINCE RUPERT SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Watch for further announcements. TlC 518 Third West P.O. Box 1118 RED 400 WAR ASSETS CORP