Hitchmanova told or hunUies , need leaves' no room lor ' :i J who attend school turn ab;m1 ' natunil boyish pride that would nn.DR:n,k Aii.-tv.ii... "u 4 i3rfurc Hupnt Danp r5rUis UD. Saturday, February 14. 104S :.-. i. i v,rl a nt net "looklna like ' . r ,t.i.. ... . d LIFE in this Prince. Rupert by nunm: jisks inrougn wniiei, tv.ru i .i-u ing the shoes for a day. Andirl." that, while many of u.s house j jn Fiance and Czechoslovakia, shoes too small for our growing j the countries aided by the Uni r''"u yoliui; 1PaV"S U fthirt, ft- stue:!0Rn tarian Society, convalescent homes have been set up. Children, and torture victims of older years, are brought her,? to be given medical attention and the chance to forget. To help this project, it has families, or rubbers that do no; fit the latest sie. As always, the children surfer most. In conjunction with the nation-wide appeal behv; made just now for aid to the children of Europe, Dr. H.tchmanovj uama. uwtf ir ! Pounds, ana ,i: f tie is over,, J(i(,d" bl'UbV I.,' n,, LONDON 'S'-l,:'- Czeehwio, Bood a u,., -- u-year cal studies and n by the a ... n... . gave a word picture oi thes- been made possible for Canu-' ragged little youngsters as she'dians as individuals, or groups saw them this .summer and also 'to adopt a child for a three-showed 'slides of pictures she ' month period in which time i herself had taken. Staivation-'s they pay a total of $45. Of ! not pretty, on the fare of a course they may continue this 'child and particularly when we ' 1 oxter parenthood should they Rendezvous with SPRING For such a Uuht-hearted occasion you'll want something with dancing lines. What could be better than one of our beautifully styled, superbly created BALLERINA SUITS? Select your new Spring Ballerina here today. If your thoughts stray to coats you will be delighted with our flare back SHORTIES, TOPPERS and new BALLERINE FITTED ..tyles. t"rs will spend Ihrw One week ago. Dr. Lotta Hitch- this can revrr be so in Europe, manova spoke to several groups j The thousands who ewe their in our own city. She seemed U lives to the provisions given by have but the one wish to im- this organization have built it an press her listeners with the ur - everlasting memorial by making gency of Europe's destitution. , it an everyday word in the na-Her words, delicious in accent, lion's vocabulary. A'hen they were filled with a fervor that eat meat, tliiv say: "This is ! rose from a deep, natural sym- good t'NRA." remembering when pathy for her own people. They ! it came only through UNRA. Or, are her kin. Her country has speaking of shoes or clot lies thev suffered and still suffers. While say: "This UNRA wears well," many are dying, she pleads. thereby making it p versa til through the medium of the j word involving the iSfe-saving Unitarian Service Committee of j goodness of the past a:. a weav-Canada. for help. Every word j inp it into the hope oi the fu-was tinged with pity, yet full ture. of hope, for a surviving and , Thcsp pMp,e afe n()l wiUu)u; building generation. i hopp Tnoy paUently . rebuik, This seems typical of those1 their cities, digging bricks from who have seen, and know, what1 the debris one by cm-, carrying th war did to Europe. i them away by hand or by push Hid provin fcai.i. MACHINE GAUGES SPEED OF STARS VICTORIA f A machine to determine the speed of stars has been developed by Dr. R. M. Pe-trie. assistant director of the Dominion Astrophysical O b-servatory here. Known as a projection comparator, the instrument is claimed to be much more efficient than any previous device and is the only one of Its kind to be constructed and used in astronomical work here. Dr. Petrie designed the machine and it was built by S.S. Gir-li n g, observatory instrument maker. The original negative of 3 star is projected under high magnification onto a screen which is rul?d with a standard scale. The photographed starlight is compared directly with this standard, thus eliminating many laborious and time-consuming measurements. An accurate micrometer then makes direct measurements of the speed of approach or recession of the star upon the projected photograph. Displacements as small as one ten-thousandth of an inch are easily and accurately measured by this method. Ik- i Mr if 'are reminded that 15 percent wuh and many do alter they. !of a;i.food bought in Canada 1 receive a picture of their child! finds its way into a garbage and learn his case-history. pail. Everyone is not able to do MINE CI and m PV HOIST, ll AERIAL TR La.st fall when Greta Haver- quite this much, but any small land returned from Austria, contribution is welcomed. Used 'from the summer camps held clothiii and shoes may be fjr-for ' D P. children, she spoke warded to branch offices where ! again and again of "Children they are packed ior .shipment who do not know how to smile." to Europe. That night, in the Civic Cent''?.! In the words of the Commit. -they were pictured on the tee: "Thousands of childrej screen. They were a group hon?ed your help at once. To-had come to the Committee j morrow may be too late. Hun- Remember you can buy a complete ensemble on Sweet 16 s Personalized BUDGET PLAN. No Interest No Carrying Charges As executive director for the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada. Dr. Hitchmanova travels constantly to place the plight of the people of Europe before us who live in Canada. The Unitarian Service Commute was formed when UNRA became a thing of the past as far as America is concerned. Ac- cart and placing thim carefully into what will be u new and better building on a new and better-planned street. "When :'. is clone," they say. "we will have a better city than before;' They work bare-foot. Children are barefoot al.-;o, winter and summer because shoes are ut a premium if you own them, and bun hoping for food or dreds are dying every day- Centre. clothes. None of them were dreds whom you could completely covered, whatever saved." rags they had draped abmr , their bodies. One lad, aged 13.' . wore a woman's dress Such din- You saw It In the Daily News Dr. Hitchmanova, unobtainable if vou haven't Dr cording il I'LL MlDfc IT AWAV fop some; time OH. BOV WHEN I MCED IT - THt?Ez DOLLARS LEFT t OVER F.9CM MY SAL ACT ment was maae at city hall that ' the burial would not be held. l- 1 MBVC L.I 1 LE. " I f THIS WEE AND CITY VETOES MOCK FUNERAL IT'S ALL MINE Instead, the week will be in with the rumbling of SOFT ICE HOLDS UP BARBARA ANN DAVOS PLATZ. Switzerland 0 Competition for the world's women's figure skating championship was interrupted today because of soft ice with Canada's Barbara Ann Scott well cut in front. She led her nearest opponent. Jeanette Altweg of London, by ten points. Burns Lake Lurrber Yard Has Close Call BURNS LAKE A garage was destroyed, a truck inside was by CHIC YOUNG- Registered U 5 Parent Office WMAT DID VOU 1 JUST PUT IN THE : TPUNJK. OA DO ? '' rJ'V j mechanized army equipment' through the streets and the smoke and noise of a mock battle. As originally planned, the j burial was to start at midnight "with the ringing of church bell, blowing of whistles, noise and merry-making in general." i The "giant casket" containing the remains of the "Spirit of Gloom" was to bs carried clown the steps of city hall and mounted on a fire truck or ' other suitable vehicle." i i As many "mourners" as possible were hoped for by the committee as the procession moved to a giant funeral pyre where , the gloomy spirit was to be cre- i mated. FREDERICTON TP -Through - ' out the revelry of cenntennial week, the "Spirit of Gloom' will go marching on by decision of the good burghers of Feder- j icton. - ' An ambitious planning committee preparing for the city's centennial celebrations to be held July 2531 came up with the bright diea that the "Spirit' of Gloom" should be buried forever with fuss and fanfare to usher in the week of good cheer. But protests flowea into city hall, ministerial associations passed resolutions condemning the m-ve and called for all-out backing in an effort to have it eliminated from the program. Several days later an announce i r. tm- r-- ill l N',i. : badly damaged and the lumber yard of the Baine Lumber Co. here, containing 17,500.000 feet cf lumber, was threatened by . fire at the f irst of the week. . Citizens rallied and worked energetically in the fight again.-t the flames. Damage amounted to about $1500. V BUT I THIMK IT WILL ) BE PEEFECTLV l THEATT?C f i MX V y Classified Aavert:mg Pays! IF I WANT TO SAVE UP HI?E IN TrlS CWACK TO IM TWF CLOSFT WAI L MV THAT MOr-lEY .FO!3 MVSELF O ( miiii r : m Examinations for thr position of Assistant Forest RanirCT will h. ,i,i J LITTLE MOAPO WILL BE I'VE GOT TO BE SHAPPEU- SAFE rVOM EVEPVTHtMG TWEPE APE 50 MANV BUT THE ATOM BOMB rK r. PEOPLE RUMMAGING AROUND THIS HOUSE SAL I I 4 ' at the following centres at the dates and times indicated: Saturday. March Bth, 9 am Smi-tbers. Montlny, March 8th. 9:00 am Burns Lake. Application forms and full particulars may be obtained from the District Forester at Prince Rupert or the Forest Ranger Office at examination centres. Completed applications should be forwarded to reach the District Forester by March 2, or failing this must be presented to the examiners at the time of the examination. These examinations are being conducted to establish eligible lists for I4fl fire season employment. Prom such lists appointments to positions now vacant will be made according to candidates' standings in the ex- 1 aminartons. Candidates must be citizens of one of t.h nutions of the British Coni-tnonwcalth, and must have resided in British Columbia for one year unless discharged from His Majesty's forces within the preceding 12 months. Candidates should be 21 .years of age. but some exceptions miiy be made depending on the candidate's standing in the examination, and men between the ages of 18 and 21 years are not excluded from taking the ex-mlnntlon. No examination fee is charged. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 1st of March 1048 the undersigned Canadian Legion No. 85 Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a veterans' club license In respect of the premises situated at NW Corner 4th and Columbia St., Stewart, B. C, 1st floor, upon lands described as Lot No. 13 Hr. 14 and lvfi ' , (be true 2W--) - ' .illlll mi t NO OTHER THING YOU CAN POSSIBLY 00 WILL EVER PROVE SO COSTLY . . AS TO ALLOW YOUR REGULAR CUSTOMERS TO FORGET YOU! EOSilUICEiy-el o-ycrr; lighter, -I SPEND IT FOCSOME VfS4R ' SBX LUKU(?y I'VE ALWAYS YfT" vTf , '$ 1',, T 4 WANTED BUT naiXvHjjtL'i WJMZ- NEVER FELT J- Block 15. section -, map 1007, Prince ; Rupert Land Registration District ' In the Province of British Columbia, 1 to entitle each member on the prcm- I lses reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the prem- j lses. and entitling the club to purchase liquor from a vendor and sell by the glass the liquor so purchased ! to Its members and guests, for con-Biimption on the club premises in j accordance with the provisions of the "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" j and the regulations promulgated thereunder. DATED this 12th day of January, I 1948. R. H. SHARP, 1 Secretary, I Canadian Legion B S.L. 1 Branch No. 85 (38 f A CXDl IHL F-OUTV UIU&TV Tl.J " WW I DON1 FT lZZ- irW, HOW LUCKY TO RUN DOOR MAT -t- V maTTPo V KNOWI WYEimSE in M, ' , vf into vou, dagwood; l wfj yk quici',give me ,,, f ol "tia7!rTH,?Ee pollaps- -vCArS Ail T THEV HAVE A J V "u.vv X,OUBLE PIITY J im. i m .--.i I mil I i r .tit r m u ii m. HEW ROYAL HOTEL "YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER" ill l SXr!! A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 VERYBODY ELSE DOES! (CALL WW Watch the Clussined Ads!