DIRECTORY REGuTS mm Service in all chiirchea at II a.m. and 7:30 p.m.: Sunday School at 11:15 evcepl fthoivn. LO 2 Prinrc ttupcrt Dailp rectos Ltd. Saturday, April 10, 1948 An lndppendent daily newspftwr devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert ftnct all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Aut.hnriTcd B9 Second C'lnss Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa! Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News , 3rd Avenue. Pilnce Riixrt, British Columbia. CI. A. HIINTKFL MnnaplnR Editor. II. G. PERKY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION oiuinav. An.n .. avc.i.ican CATiir.nmi. lt.h Ave. W. at Dunsimilr St. Hnlv Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil a. Prockter. B.A., BD (Blue 73H) K'U 11. Speaker: Mil r of the Church up to the present day. There were too many, and -most of them left no record of their witness. Rather let us! think of what Jesus Himself suffered at the hands of a jeering, unbelieving mob. Remember that the cross was a punishment V. JL SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Tear. 7 00; By Mail, Per Month, 40n; Per Year, 4.00. 1 kh "ii.iiu.VlllPD i Topic: FIRST BAPTIST Bth Ave. K. at. Young 8t Minister: Rev Pred Antrobua (Oreen 812) MR ST I'RI SHVTCBIAN ' 4th Avenue East (Oreen 983; SATURDAY SERMON IWITK!) 1 Ai" .... - "c man vho IIHST 1 MTi:ll 638 8th Ave. West Minister: R. A. Wilson. M A. (Green 613) RAVEh - . there unfolds the glorious pag- meted out to criminals whose eant of the martyrs, beginning crime was considered particu-wittv the martyrs of the early larly disgraceful. The super-church and leading" up to our scription over His head, '"Jesus contemporary - martyr, forsthe of Nazareth, King of the Jews" faith. We see them being was another token of ridicule burned at the stake, bleeding and contempt, and to fill His unde- the 'sngs of wild beas'.s cup of agony to the brim, we or languishing In horrible read that the passers-by "railed prison. All this Is glorious on Him," and that even the two CHRISTIAN PRIDE By REV. A. M. McCOLL, First Presbyterian Church 'For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." Romans 1:16 When we open the hymnal of any Christian u, cupper folio, Wed., 8 p.m.-Pnv., Thurs.,3:30p,m.Mi.v. VI IX COSI'I J. T RliR AI'I.K 221 flth Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Oreen 6201 SI.VATIO ARMY Preiser Street. CO.: Capt. Earl Jarrett Directory Class 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 3:00 p.m. (Black 269) Peoples. WE PREACH Till LML'lltnt,... Church we find it full of poetry and music glorifving t truth, but it is the exception , thieves who were crucified with Christ and His gospel. A hundred titles "All huiJ aer, tha? the le- "ly T m''r vlled m'' , . Christian in thousand died. Railed ... mocked ... reviled T) r t . i .i n e nv. a the Tower of Jesus name. In the Cross of Christ a spectaculaf aeath in theLwnat shall we say? shall we J glory, "Blessed assurance,' all proclaim the Gospel I early church. Only one Christ-'be ashamed of the Gospel of Of Christ to. be a source of immense pride to the'ian in a million is likely to die Christ or shall we be proud of ! Christian ' a spectacular aeatn ior nis m ST. PAIL'S I I TIII H 5th Ave. at McBrhJe St. Pastor: 5. Holland ( 010) ST. PKTKR'M AMil.H'AN Seal Cove. Archdeacon E. Hodson Sunday School 11 :00 a m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. I Blue 827) For Spring It is all the more surprising 'solid enough, whether it is,faitn today. therefore, that the Apostle really liveable and dcfendable I Tnere is anoth" martyrdom A"NewLo( aui snouia write to his converts will try to camouflage It by,1"""' uw"c'- " i in the Imperial Citv of Home: mn-noiv tniui,1CT o,h omu ! throughout the ages when- from the CO.MMI'MTV KI NKAV SCHOOL Kast End Hall, 2:30 p.m. BIG B0d "I am not ashamed of the Gos- like the rest of the crowd. How- ,cver a Christian men w onng fellow-man to Christ and was of Christ." pel ever, no matter how hard h! with rluicule-the The statement Implies that tries to melt into the land-met 1 venture to that tne Gospel, far from always scape of the commonplace and say number ' wltnossei,. mar- being a source of Pride, can be- the ungodly, he will never feel tn?se Nations That Forgot God mrtlDK GOETH BEFORE A FALL, and a I-haughty spirit before destruction." That Scripture was never more tragically fulfilled than in the case of modern Germany. The devastation of German cities and the utter hopelessness of the German people today present a picture of dreadful contrast to that of the pompous magnificence and swaggering assurance of Nazi Germany. But that pride and arrogance did not begin with Hitler; he merely revived them in their crudest form. They began with Bismark and rose to their height with the uniting of the German states in an Empire after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. The sweeping victory over France went to the Prussian's head and he strutted before the world as a mighty conqueror. We recall the pride that went before the fall of the Kaiser. We are well acquainted with the picture of its revival under Hitler, and we know how great was the fall thereof by the published photographs of bomb-shattered German cities and the degration of the people. To complete the picture we have only to think of the abject poverty and misery to, which the haughty world rulers have been reduced. The survivors of the Nazi party are utterly disillusioned. All groups politicians and scholars, engineers and doctors are hungry, threadbare and poorly housed, with the result that they think disconnectedly, with the margins of their mind. But we would be no better than they if we were to gloat over their humiliation and talk of "who won the war?;' We have "beheld Satan as lightning fall i t orn heaven." Well might the nations stand in awe in the presence of so terrible a judgment. "The Lord is known by the judgment which He execu-teth; the wicked shall be snared in the work of his own hands. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God." tyrs, in the face of ridicule, is PIONEER WOMAN OF CITY PASSES . come a source of shame. For secure and at peace with hlm-we all have a tendency to be self. The challenge will keep ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, gnawing at his soul, accusing to cover up our identity as him of treachery, daring him a thousand times as large as the number of physical martyrs, and that their company Is Just as glorious. There may be a certain satisfaction in spectacular martyrdom. At least you know Uiat you are writing a chapter in the history of the faith. But to speak up boldly in a storm When death came at the Christians, to keep silent when to be "different". Prince Rupert General Hospital we should be witnessing In word Now we ask once again; why at 4 o'clock this morning to Mrs. 'tind in action. i,e ashamed of the Gospel. Mary Ann Cumming, 667 Fifth j yfe all nave overwhelming when we profess to admire it Avenue East, a highly esteemed deslre t0 be uke everyone else so heartily, when wc claim that pioneer woman of Prince Rupert around us. We instinctively dis- It is God's greatest gift to man. First PresU.vt!i:ijiri Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allnn M. McColl, Miniiter Mrs. J. E. Smith, Organist of mockins alee and to proclaim was removed, ane naa oeen in trust people of a different color. ! L L In Russia the answer might th inii nnrinr t.ho neltinir of I APRIL 11 failing health for some years a different background, a dif- i simple simple. A Christian in Rus- rvnlr lonornnt remarks that Morning Worship 11:00 a.m ierent reueion. Because they 5ia at terrible disadvantage, seem, to give no immediate sat- Junior Choir two weeks ago that her removal ! arouse unreasonable annrehen because his religion is not re- faction whatever. The only bermon: bamneiai Love, spectable. As a n at!er of fact, satisfaction of the nameless "AH that she had." it is considered a deplorable spiritual martyrs Is the echo of Sunday School 12:15 p.m. weakness. By practising it too Christ's words to him: "Blessed Evening Service 7:30 p.m. boldlv he mluhtj even endaneer are ye wrien men sriall revile Senior Choir to hospital was. necessary. Her sion ln US- Thls apprehension passing cama as a merciful re- we rationalize into social release to suffering. jection. Now, as a result of The late Mrs. Cumming was this attitude, we ourselves stren-born seventy-six years ago in uously avoid being "different" his life. Thus he has a wood vml nnft persecute vou. and Sermon: V'Tne Christian for fear of becoming socially reason t0 ni(te it to himself shall ray all manner of evil Revelation." We ftheld His glory." Newburn - on - Tyne, Durham, England. With her husband and two young children, she came to America in 1909 and the Stranoply enouih, however, against you, falsely, for my sake unacceptable, even as we do not accept those who differ been o. ir.i-p and be exceedingly glad, Come and worship with us and the Church ha3 always SEE PACE SI welcome. from us. Fear of strongest when oppressed or for great is your reward in rejection molds us nprsetMitpd. Whether the on- heaven. For so nersecuted they 1 EATON Spring and Sui l"ir. I HiiHfM I 1lllTh into accepting the prejudices presjilon iS non-violent as in the prophets which were before ! or the "crowd" to which we pre.sent-diiv Russia or riolont you." This is how the Gospel feel we must belong. We pride as ln Hitler Germany, the 0f Christ, from being a soun?' ourselves on being "a regular christian Faith always emera- of shame, becomes a source of j fellow-just one of the gang." es strengthened by Its ordeal, pride to the Christian. Godll-1 AN ANCIENT, DEBATE THEY WERE DEBATING Communism thous- (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrobus . .nine: Km. Green 812 Catalogue A IMpfttl ShJ family lived for three years in 1 Galveston, Texas. Then, after j returning for a year to England, they came to Prince Rupert in 1913 and made their home here ever since except for a period of about a year in 1921 when Mr. Cumming was transferred to New York as representative of the Canadian Fish & Cold StorT age Co. After Mr. Cumming's death in New York, Mrs. Cum-,ming and her two children re troiA Cow of en and laith have been a SUNDAY, APRIL 11 '""'iin block to the ungodly' 11 a.m. Morning Worsnip for ages. j Service. Two incidents stand 6ut In our 13:15 p.m. Sunday School. . VJ, EATON A ine msi uung we warn is 10 True the weak fall by the wav-be different. sidei but the strong gain added ) Now it so happens that as strength and feats of witness-Christians we are , diffAent, ing for 'martyrdom" means I like it or not. We cannot, be "witnessing" are a?complish-Christians and be like the rest ed for Jesus' sake. minds, Ephesus and Athens. In To supplement the regular j both cities Paul underwent in- lesson, the talk -movia film , ft of the world, for any one who 'T,, ,,,. country, however, describable torment because the "Journey Into Faith" will be has ever been truly confronted Christianity w resnectable so people would not take him seri-i shown. turned to this city to mak3 their permanent home. is is wnn me uospei oi mu Cn tnoi it hn hemnip ousiy. but mocked him. taunted 7:30 n.m -Evening Service. In addition to her son, Will- I bound to be different for a riif ficult to talk about it. A him, pilloried him with their Topic: lam, and daughter, Frances, de- lifetime. Not necessarily in wjtnessing Christian ln our "smartness." He conquered be- "Jesus, Preaching at Nasareth." Qeased is survived by one sister, his conduct though! There he mi(jst is not threatened with cause he was not ashamed of At close of service, the film Mrs. Maria Hill in Northumber- may be as callous or ruthless physical violence. The great the Gospel of Christ. , "Journey Into Faith" will be land, England. as any godless man. 3ut in threat is directed to his moral j w cannot here trace the shown again. We just missed I On Monday evening there will ! hi? heart he will never be able C0Urage. It lies In the indiffer-, story of the spiritual martyrs getting this for Easter, be a service at St. Andrew's to destroy the challenge of ence cyniCisnli ridicule of his I " " " ' Anglican Cathedral after which unnsi. Line ir or not. he win au(jience. the remains will be placed have a gauge by which to We (.&om realize how much 'aboard the steamer Princess measure all his deeds and all we aread being ridiculous. As Adelaide and, accompanied by his thoughts. In Jesus' own mucn as we iike to tease and 'the son and daughter, taken to words: "He will be in the world )be teased, when people .smlk Vancouver where interment will, up to his eas but not of the anj shrug their shoulders at MEMO TO ADV i: IM ISKUS I ands of years ago and the essence of the whole 1 thing even here in Prince Rupert today is much the same as it was on the Mediterranean shores, away, away back. Plato endeavoured to put over ideal commonwealths. Aristotle, who could see realism, opposed the idea, saying self-interest was more dependable than interst in the common good as an incntive to work. He was certain a man would work with more diligence to care for his own family than he would for people whom he did not know. Aristo, old boy, you had something, there! HOW ABOUT THIS DUST? HERE in our Third Avenue sanctum we DOWN have closed our window and, now we have got the dust out 0 our nose and eyes, we are going to write about dust. ' Surely we have been enduring it long enough and are entitled to wonder when our worthy public works department up there at the City Hall is going to do something. They may be assured that public indignation, not only of the poor folk who are forced to do business or live on Third Avenue but also of the good citizen who traverse the main drag, is rising as high as the billows of dust which nigh choke us every time the slightest breeze wafts its zephrs these fine days. Yes, we think it is high time that something was done about this dust. It is not only blinding, choking and nauseating but it is downright unhealthy, and we hope that the powers that be, for the sake of our health and ouromfort and our good name as well, will find some way of ameliorating these dust-storms that daily blow. 'Or had we better just pray tor raim iftHecate Straits" and a few blocks fur ther west? be made. j world," because the rernem- what we take seriously, when . brance of the Gospel will make j they will not listen with even Mrs. K. McCaig leturns to his compromise painfully ur.- j a minimum of respect and For the information of our advertisers, ABC. auditors make a complete, annual audit of our circulation ' iButedale on the Catala this comlorlaDle- 'courtesy to our cherished con- afternoon following an Easter 1 The 0SPel ' Christ is like victlons, when they make holiday visit here with her son- a fortress. The proud Christ-1 downright fun of our most in-law and daughter, Mr. artd ians wiu gladly expose It to all sacred beliefs, that Is a dilfer-! Mrs. Duncan McRae. attacks, knowing that no ent story. oiocKDuster or cynicism or evil we like to think of the can ever shatter It. The shame-'spread of the Christian Faith faced Christians doubting ln terms of the heroic and the whether Its foundations are spectacular. Before our eyes Modern Etiquette By ROBERT A LEE Audited Distribution for your Ariivrlisinp; O. What is a courteous wnu 1 ' for a business man to dispose j WAR SURPLUS in nrrler that our advertisers mi have this information and thus ' A. One good way is to instruct his secretary to interrupt the conversation, at a prearranged signal, on the pretense that someone in another office wishes to consult him. i Q. Is it proper for a girl to ac advertising copy and attractive GOOD layouts are, of course, essential tcthe success of your advertising But from the standpoint of final results the answer depends upon the distribution of your advertising. . able to invest in advertising Daily News on the basis of M' verified facts, we are member on-Audit Bureau of Cin-ulai iivs. The Bureau Is a national. co-op live association of publishers ad Fashion News cept expensive gifts from a young man who has been calling on her for some time? A. She should never accept an expensive gift unless engaged. Q. What is considered "the first rule of etiquette"? A. Never to do anything that is unpleasant to others. Users and advertising WW year one of the trained auditor ana -i u.. .i.- d...iiii makes pioyea oy uu: . . ThB records. of our circulation When you buy newspaper advertis-Iiig you are paying loP an opportunity to talk to people about your merchandise and service. What you get for your money, therefore, depends upon how many peoplo thefle, are In your audience, where they are, how this audience was obtained, and many "other facts that Indicate the value of the circulation as a market for what iyou'have to sell. Ited Information is 1VSU,U" .,! A.B.C. reports covering each publication. You avoid lB , I'M You will be proud to wear this new style coat with its new distinctive appearance. Note the face-framing collar and soft bow. speculation ii " ! A.B.C. newspaper. FOR ASTHMA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian and American Goods All War Surplus goods in the Prince Rupert area has been moved to Ocean Dock Warehouse, one block from Railway Station, and being sold there for only a fraction of the original factory cost. . DEHYDRATED VEGETABLES DOUBLE DECK BEDS MATTRESSES SINGLE BEDS KITCHEN TABLES FEATHER PILLOWS ELECTRIC AND MARINE CABLE SOIL AND DRAIN PIPE PLUMBING AND FITTINGS - COOK HOUSE SUPPLIES POTS, PANS & COOKING UTENSILS STEVEDORING EQUIPMENT ARMY AND NAVY DEPT. STORES VANCOUVER EDMONTON REGINA AND HAY FEVER niiK.vrinusv I. Id. .iiii'iHivrr. HO. Prince R apart Daily New Quality Merchandise Is a lasting pleasure, long remembered after price Is forgotten. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 TeL 777 Flowers For All Occasions ADM nlaiinns.AskW This newspaper is a member of the Audit Hureau of Cm arts and copy of our latest A.Ti.C. report giving auditwl circulation f: COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICB ANNETTE mansell WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING f advrrlii A.ll.C Audit Bureau of Circulations Fatts as a measure