STITX REAL SICSIC (Continued from rage 1) PtHuc tliiprtt Datlp Herns ktO. Saturday, April 10, l'J48 Coal! oal! young artist was a popular gesture. "Shepherd's Dance" from German's ''Henry VIII Dances," with its swinging rhythm, and Schubert's "Marche Militaire," (an encore) rounded out the A fN Saxophone B. Sprinkle. Trumpeis G. Brown and O. Eyolfson. and J. Addison. Trombone C. F. McCarthy and J.. A. Addison. Horn W. D. McAra. Euphonium N. Pavlikis. . Percussion R. Woods. Ings were Ivanovici's rolling "Danube Waves" waltz and Chopin's "Polonaise Militaire," which was a happy climax giving the orchestra full scope for its sweep and power. The overture to "The Caliph of Bagdad" (Boieldieu) was the encore response. The personnel of the orches ,tf arearriviiiff regularly. We can again the famous McLeod River Sootless Lump, stoker. Egg coal is expected this week. nrst hail or the program in a happy manner. The repertoire entered into a more technically exacting inter tra taking -part in last night's weaving of the instruments in the opening group of the second I PHONE YOUR ORDER NOW CLEARANCE W AND McCAFFERY LTD. half with Brahm's "Hungarian Dance No. 5 in F. Sharp Minor," Ch-eig's haunting "Solveig's Song PHONE 118 gllLDEKS' SlTPLIES from "Peer Oynt," and Brahms' famous and always acceptable concert was as follows: Piano Mrs. Gilker I First Violins A. C. Cameron ; (Concert Master), Mrs. Charles Anderson, V. Tattersall. G. Var-feldt, Miss Olga Zabudney, Mrs. hforvald Rodseth. Second Violins F. Conrad, Mrs. E. J. Smith, H. A. Ferguson, Mrs.' James Greer, J. L. Lee, J. H. Ferguson. i Clarinets F. M. Gulland, W. A ItKAli SAVING ON "Lullaby." v -'AW... : ... . , .. : w . . '!.. ' . ............ ... .... '& Miss Grace L. Merrill, Prince Rupert's latest vocal find and rim ri -n. i in .- .aa..,.,., v V . 1. . JmMMMu&Sii ncemenU . fhifl column CATHOLIC CARD PARTY an entirely delightful one, was Raincoats ON STEWART RUN Union Steamship Co.'s pioneer coastal liner Cardena due here tomorrow evening on Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Stewart run. for full month in sweet and dexterous voici Seventeen tables were In Dlav as she sang, to the accompaniment of Mrs. J. C. Gilker, H. E. Beck, T. A. Johnstone. Routine organization matters ,,,rrt Oddfellow's at the fortnightly card party Lane Wilson's "Carmena," Eva I Local News items. were dealt with at a meeting of i nw ...i.u.ii,iabiuil oCnOOl i ripll Arnua'fi COTTON GABARDINE with check lining UfB. Price $15.00 To Clear "Villanelle" and the executive of the Princp Ru-I.. Hurfnrrl . ... Marshall; "T Upi.r I ,an Spring Sale, April LADIES: READ THIS! Unwanti-d hair rfmnvwl InKimillv from face. arms, legs with Flash Hair Remover. Actually destroys thf , Hall Thursday evening under i sponsorship of the Catholic Women's IPaPHP Thfl offnl. ....... Libera1. Association this ' pert naii jner Me." the last mentioned wnn wan nesiueni J. u. mcrtac fnr an encore. Bouauets were entire hair above and below the skin $9.95 uic Ball. aui"s under general convenorshlp of 111 the Chair. A meetine of th? .j surface. Harmless leaves the skin Cash for old .old. Bulger's, j Truck Drivers' and Labourers' Unlon Meeting. Sunday, 2:30, r.vm wih. .,.. ..... , w 1 J 'Mrs. e. Telseth. new C w t. Association is to be held SOOU'. wh inr anrt arrnmrmnisr. (it) Friday, April "- president. i. for f,.u the - w v. carpenters nan. Prizes best beards. So. to appoint delegates to attend i To bring tne prograrn t0 con-the national convention In Ot-clusion on a high note and with soft and smooth. You can t lose. Money promptly refunded -if hair grows back after third application with no questions asked. Price 12 OO postpaid. (COD.'s Postage extrai KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 7) Box 22. Station B. Montreal, Que. MERCERISED GAUARDINE with self lining Keg Price $2200 To Clear Brethren invited, men's Dance, Oddr In charge of the refreshments was Mrs. F. St. Amour, assisted by Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mrs. J. Mc-Arthur, Mrs. Cloutier and Flor lawa in August wnen a new leaci . a taste for more( the nnaj 0er. Friday. April 18. William Ward, paint dealer of Anchorage, Alaska, who has been on a trip to Seattle and California, has been spending a few days since the middle of the er mi oe namea in succession uood music, reiren- Minister Mackenzie ,imtm&mmfm&wwmto.. . - I h l to Prime King. ence Cloutier. Mrs. J. McAKhur men, throw your razors away. (85) James Park, after spending a couple of days in the city on business, left by last evening's train on his return to Smlthers. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Luncheon Meeting, Civic Centre, Udics Aid Tea and week In the city and will leave was cashier. Prize winners were: Saturday, Apr. 17. ifllrlTtllTllO t Margaret McLeod y H I 1 1 EJJdrf7T I OPTOMETRIST f njJZZZrfZ!ffliit 1 IN NEW OFFICES tomorrow by the Princess Norah in continuation of his voyage to MERCERISED POPLIN with self lining Keg. Price $20.00 To Clear Bridge ladies, Mrs. Petersen, April 21- men, A. Ostashower. the westcri Alaska city. the Muose tea at ' L. G. Eckroyd, Montreal, of the field service department of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, in the course of a tour of this district to visit chambers of commerce and boards of trade, is arriving in the city on this 12:15 Monday. All members o! Mrs. C. Mclntyre, XsSSitilt .., .. wn $19.95 please attend. (it) WhlsU ladles, Mrs. Van Wall-egham, men, Mr. Pcnland. Crlbbage ladies. Mrs. O. K. Olson, men, J. Garon. Eut on April 22. Miss M. Jcnsei., R. N., of the Prince Rupert General Hospital nursing staff returned to the city Minstrel Show, eve- nu'lish this week after a brief trip to evening's train from Smithers 22 and 23. Chil- JnnH nil Kp Virp until Mfinrlav m win' ' S " 1 i .. .-.! a ll Victoria where she attended tne ice April 24. Steamship Movements For Vancouver Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. V ATERI 'R( M ) I-' RAINCOATS Uuhlrt'rizi'd irt.'g. Price $20.00 To Clear HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY night when he will entrain for Prince George and the Cariboo I Edinburgh Chap-re Tea, Civic Centre, annual meeting of the Register ed Nurses' Association of British Columbia. i a i i a mm i i Mil w r- y-a-.w a i Tuesday ss. Coquitlam, 1:30 MERCHANTS ilu you know district. Mr. Eckroyd will meet the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon gathering on Monrfay. v, Catholic School 9. urch Spring Sale, that the Daily News is the most effective medium of advertising Q. How can I remove coffee stains from silk or woolen fabrics? A. Rub gently with pure glycerine. Place a pad of absorbent cotton beneath the goods p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 1:15 p.m. Friday ss. Catala, 12 midnight. April 5 and 15 ss. Princess forah, p.m. April 27 ss. Princess Louise, i.m. Ten Onlv KIMJERTII RAINCOATS Tartan lined, zipper front Reg. Price $18.50 To Clear W33 J 593 J' ! I Classified Advertising Pays! smsmoxiMiim'' j Day Tea, Salvation n Prince Rupert? No one misses your message if it's advertised in the News. . It's the really efficient way of puttini; it over. if. t Girl's Home, May1'" vola spreading, men rinse in wpid water, lay a cloth on . i the wrong side over the damD .pert District Music From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. P. J. McCormick, resident of Prince Rupert for thirty-seven : raters are in effeci Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, Festival, Civic Cen-and 6, afternoons ;s. I :Dsxnimsi(y IFor Sale THIS WEEK ONLY .m. portion and press with a cool I Iron until dry. Try not to wet any more of the goods than necessary. What Is an appetizer for the canary? , A. Place a little green in the years, who retired a year or so ago from the service of the Can J 1 1 SHOP F.ARLV s spring sale, May 6. Day Tea, Home Cook- adian National Railways, left on I X (" A ! I LuS established furniture j, last evening's train for Wapala. Jf Cr. W I store business on Third Ave. ; i bdics. May 8, Sons Saskatchewan, where he will Hall iI.O.D.E.) 5th cage every day. Or, plant a Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 0 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. April 11 ss. Princess Norah a.m. April 22 ss. Princess Louise, I .m. jFor Alice Arm, Stewart, ' Port Simpson 2 pm. small garden for the bird and k Nurses' Ass'n Tea, put the cage over It. fne. Wed., May 12. , ' Q. How can I make use of worn bath towels? Cut them Into square washcloths. Then crochet around the edges In any pastel shade. cert by John Joseph insured by Job's Civic Centre, May f m. The price d the stuck and (I'llimmjimMirS Yy lAAALLLAjf ffisVl business is very reasonable. i'J'X :'- $0 S a Covviing... Y . A ... of licouly W:v y , , '' IN THIS COWL-COLLARED . ,V jt I'll- v Tr r' wt)OL V'5 ' ; visit with brothers and sisters and possibly take up future residence. For your Furniture Requirements Buy at Elio'.s. The entire stock is Greatly Itoduced fur Quick Selling. Dinette Suites, Ranges, Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers, Beds, Beautyrest Mattresses, Battleship Linoleum, Congolcunis, Luggage, Baby Carriages, and many other goods to numerous to mention. Elio Furniture Store, Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert. (tf) s Anglican tea at : Mrs. W. S. Kergln, ' West, May 27. Advertise in the Uaily News! Classified Advertising Pays! Star Tea, June 3. Sunday ss. Cardena, mid-ilght. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Coquitlam, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prlnoe Rupert, 0 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. J FOR want i:m TO KNOW... j t ihHV i? WORN OVER YOUR BEST MJJ "Chicken in the Rough' J From North Queen Iharlolle Islands IO TAKE HOME Call the CIVIC CENTRK D1MNC KOOM PHONE 231 April 18 ss. Coquitlam, a.m. w a Mother need insurance? Wind and (aih.r v: i ..rr 't ij must uhuimm unci i i j: Sbl f BVTMtollow , j In a I.AI.I.IiKlNA SUIT , S - f sssr i you will IVel like walkinjr . j hand in hand with Spring. Xj, ) i '' I y Sy-t Use Sweet Id's personaliml BUDGET PLAN hf For AH ' to purchase your Shortio Coat, Ballerina Suit f ' 7 t or Complete Ensemble. fyT tHHiTB 9 No inLorest No Carrying Charges For North Queen Charlotte Islands April 16 and 30 ss. Coquit-am, midnight. From South Queen Charlotte Islands April 16 and 30 ss. Coquil-am, a.m. For South Queen Charlottes Islands April 18 ss. Coquitlam, mid "nrt (mlu v. If t muiher dies ben there re no (und ' .i 'lk " 'ViV nou"'lk','P''. ih home may be broken up rhildren put oul (or idoplion or nil to relative. " iser i. - Vi, mother need life innuranre." ""' in npp,,inlmenl lo talk lliinci over ith Mmual Life of Canada repretentalive today. PRINCESS LINE night. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, N'VKS: to VANCOUVER and way pork Every Monday 10 p.m. to ALASKA Kctchikon, Wianell, Juneau, and Skiqway April 11 and tl NSfphlon, District Aient. Vancouver, B.C. $010 IT WMJHAll-Willi Of.tlPl ' l4- 111 UIP'' 8 p.m. April 5 and 15 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. April 27 ss. Princess Louise, p.m. or Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert nldnight. April 1 and 11 ss. Princess Jorah, a.m. '"timer, Ueprese ntative, Prince Rupert, B. C. I,il,kn (E.T. Kenney Ltd) Representative, Terrace. B.C. IMliHIMIWIjl to ALERT BAY and Vancouver April 15 and 27 . i Marshall-Wells Paint Products Handled In : 1 Prince Rupert Hy r n ni ii j jk n t j i HLADQUARTLIKS I-OIl OFFICE SUPPLIES ECaiemi (Co-op PRINTING COMPANY THIRD AVENUE Qrmcs Dru3s PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS) AND ENULNSKKS Typewriters (Portables ami Standard) Staplers Uox Piles ' Ledgers Ulank Ioks Favorite Files File Folders C'ai lMm l'aper FOR YOUR OFFICE REQUIREMENTS SEE EN CO-OP Upholstering FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK AM) AUTO CUSHIONS RECOVERED Ask for PLASTA1IIDE available NOW! Out-of town orders given special attention LOVI N'S (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 ""Vthing For Your Garden ,(1kn - UAUDENITE LIME PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STOKE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 I'M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M., 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. '. , ,, . Emergency bicycle delivery Daily car delivery service Jrom , p m u p m from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. and Sunday PHONE 81 Iron and Brass Oa.sT.ings Electric and Acetylene Welding kpiK MEAL ;DEN rn UAKDEN TUt'Lo GARDEN HOSE w ;ED NO MORE 2-H-D SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY IHS "us' rnone We Deliver Box 1121 851 3rd. Ave.