THIS AND THAT 6 iptimt Rupm Vaiin r3ctoi to. Saturday, April 10, 1918 SUNDAY MIDNIU MONDAY AND l TUESDAY Waterfront Whiffs Train Schedule ft the f.xsl Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 pm. Frvm the East Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday 10:45 pm. Trolling Fleet Getting Into Action Predictions About Halibut Season kx m ACTIVITIES IN OUTDOOR A.O.T.S. Group Discuss Projects at Second Meeting Despite that excellent work being done by the service clubs of the city and by the Civic Centre to provide recreational facilities for the youth of Prince Rupert, outdoor activities are still rather limited, according to Crawford Moore who spoke during a project discussion at the second dinner meeting of the A.O.T.S. group held last night in the United Church hall. Mr. Moore spoke particularly : 5 It Don't Mean a Thing S If it ain't got that Swing S The trolling season will soon be going in full force. Literally hundreds of fishermen are doing final jobs on their boats and gear and the next three weeks will see an increasing number of them put for the Dundas group and Stephens Island for what they hope will be a profitable season. ; So far, there has not been jP-k jT -COLUMBIA Pltium; 71 Dick Evelyn I s about swimming and skating, suggesting the A.O.T.S. group might consider making the Salt Lakes more suitable for those POWELL KEYES "Some men work with their muscles, some men work with their brains, but I've come to the inescapable conclusion that . you belong to neither category." who enjoy swimming in the summer and skating during the cold spells of winter. The meeting felt that Mr. Moore's suggestion and those made by several others at the meeting should be tabled until the group receives its charter. much activity, Less than at dozen trailers have to date obtained clearances for fishing but the readiness of the fleet is indicated by the fact that, so far, more than 100 have obtained trolling licenses. To date, 114 have obtained trolling licenses, but this, of course, does not mean that thpy intend to use them right away. The majority have taken them out In advance of the season In order to avoid the last minute that annually comes around May 1. Boats which so far have cleared for the trolling grounds are the Beryl, Marilyn, Naiad, Partner, Trump, Edward Llpsctt and Pacific Troller. The Edward Lipsett, Capt. Fossum, was the earliest to take out a license. It has made a couple of trips since late In March. Announcement, by the Canadian government Ftiday that the embargo on shiping spring salmon to the United States is to be lifted probably will result ft Reminiscences By w.i. and Reflections Ing these opinions say that last year the American fleet did not enter Into the picture because of difficulties between owners and crews and that the absence of some 200 Seattle boats on the grounds made a difference in the time required to catch the 24,500,000-pound quota. The shorter season predicted for this year will see a vast flood of halibut thrown on the market, possibly within a month, and this will be a markedly depressing effect. However, it is expected that the first catches, which will be shipped directly to the market fresh, will command good prices. I In placing Olof Hanson on the International Pacific Salmon Commission, Minister of Fisheries Hon. J. A. MacKinnon has given the Job to a man whose background is solidly established in the Industry. Mr, Hanson has had Interests in the fishing business for many years and no doubt, will serve the commission well out of his wide experience. Mr. Hanson replaces the late Alvah L. Hager, president of the Canadian Fishing Company, who found in his service on the commission a hobby as well as a duty. Mr. Hager took a keen personal interest in promoting the preservation of the' Pacific salmon industry. His replacement by Mr. Hanson would seem to be a happy choice. Ml Z for Fashion-wise 2 m Thrify Shoppers ! Wallace's ! coming in. Cadets always have had that snappy walk and swanky look-brushed, shaven polished pillbox well down on slue of head with narrow strap around chin and swagger slick. In fact, everything all set! There has never been a .bond of melting affection between Vancouver and this lowly column but one must admit that at least the great city has a justifiable "beef." That being the case, it is' entitled to the distinguished sympathy and support of the north. Vancouver has no civic cerrtre and laments such a bitter fact. We'll be tense and truthful. It's ad.... shame. Uttf), "BODY AND SOUL" of t'ourscl When the A.O.T.S. has the official recognition of the parent body, committees will be appointed to look into the various requirements of the community. As an example of what the A.O.T.S. groups are doing in and around Vancouver, George Mc-Whlnney, president of the local group, mentioned the "Search for Talent" that was recently completed in Vancouver, where $1,200 in scholarships was given to the winners in various divisions of the competition. G A. Johnson, chairman of the A.O.T.S. committee sponsoring Group 4 Scouts, gave a brief report on his meetings with Ken Jorden, district scout commissioner and with members of the Prince Rupert Scout Association's executive. Herb Young' of the refreshment and entertainment committee reported that arrangements had been made with the Senior Women's Auxiliary of the United Church to do the cater It was as easy to find out in Prlce increases for British a couple of Interesting . things' Columbia springs, since the Am-abowt Syd Hamblin, last eve- erican market usually has a ning, as it was to fall off a lot;, j slight advantage over the Cana-Hc's driven nis car tens of thous- dian market, ands of miles in Prince Rupert Renunciation of the embargo, A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" without motoring awav from however, is confined solely to is reported to be particularly Knk.itla Inlet, when li ncavy- modernizaiiiMi piuar.ur I Iniec. The police boat P.M. L. 15 :s - now equipped with a 05 watt' I iryri. l ADU radiophone In place of the old' IX1'-L. Mrl dot-and-dash receiver and send-l Prime Kuptrt er that graced its radio room' R. R. Murphy, Vancu for so many years. The instal- W. Crane, Vnnciiuver; lation is in keeping with the Calhoun, Bukrialc. Wearing of the "pill-box" will be sec no more at Canada's Royal Military College. Glamor is gradually going out! Perhaps a slowing down of all the traditional dash, smartness and spring salmon and does not ap town, and in more than 38 years he hasn't smoked a cigarette ply to sockeye, coho, pinks or here. What's that? Allergic to any other canning variety. It Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Floor Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpels Phone 775 327 3rdAve. color! More cold, scholarly ef- a well seasoned briar Dice? Not is also understood that the springs must be exported in the ficiency in the science of killing, what you'd notice. "round," just as they came out of the sea. The move should town guests were O. W. Crane of Moore, Mrs G Christie, Mrs. J Vancouver and G. M. Holtby of R- Elfert, Mrs. G. A. Johnson, Fish ing- for the dinner meetings. A ejincn.. New Westminster. hearty vote of thanks was ac Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. A. E. Martin have .some advantage for the Herring are spawning In great Canadian trollcrs. i numbers in several areas of th;- The trolling season on the north coast. Indications of north coast will not really be spawning by the migratory popu-gin. however, until the company latlon have been seen in many fishing camps are towed to their places, Including Willis Bay, Evenings Mrs. E. E. Hynd-iman, Mrs. M. Saunders, Mrs. A. McFarlane, Miss Muriel Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fraser. A. LEATHER COURSE OPEN FOR MEN corded the ladies. f On the motion of Martin Stuart, Rev. R. A. Wilson was elected to the ofice of honorary president of the A.O.T.S. group. There were twenty-five men present at the meeting. Out-of- E. Marton, David Hay, Bruce sheltered bays on the myrald of SSgt. G. A. John- ' Tako ailvanl;w of mir iiiixleni ll.i'li'i JU'pair Drpurlnu-nl. Krmure GochI liweplion this ntji.-vim-. Havi- your 'nilio repaired now at RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Free I'iek-up anil Delivery McCallum, 'son. The leathercraf t courses, which are to be held in the, offshore islands along the mai'.i-land and Queen Charlotte Islands coasts. The fishing companies and the Co-op all have their camps in readiness to go to the usual spots and the movement should begin about April 15. Civic Centre here for two weeks. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. A. Budinich, R. R. Murphy, F Weir, J. L. McEwan. DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING SUPERPAN PRESS KODACHROME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. o L J m iinvf AW V Vlv J From Vancouver G. W. Drop In and See THE NEW Crane, Mr. Benson, Mis Benson, W. Antilla, Miss Michcll. There are predictions this year that the price of halibut may not be as high as last year and that the Area Two season may be shorter. Those express- Clitssiiito Advertising Pays! beginning April 12 by Miss Jean Travis of the University of B.C. extension department, will be open to men as well as women with the idea of developing a men's handicraft fcroup that eventually will branch out to include wood work and metal work. Miss Travis is expected to arrive in the city Sunday night and will hold her first class for women Monday afternoon. The first men's class will be held Monday night. Classes for both groups will be held from Monday to Friday for two weeks. With the background of training received during the spring course, a men's hobby grpup will FIhstawt LINDSAY MOTORS IIP SECOND AVENUE AND FIRST SIHIH Service Department Now Open for Business FLAT-RATE LABOR QUOTATIONS SUPPLIED ON RMMl.ST PHONE 866 1948 WALLPAPERS ffljggjfl Now On Display' mm ' C' Sn It TAKE CARE BY THE AVj3, MPIIPW WISDOM ff$ ;ESm OFTODAY I XM be added to the adult activities at the Civic Centre next season. Organization work is to be done P0UER" for Auto, Truck Tractor, Buses, Marine and Diesel Engines Also Marine, Home and Farm Lighting Batteries by Bruce McCallum and It Is expected that a boys' hobby group will develop simultaneously. To date, about 20 have paid the 52 enrolment fee for the classes. Large supplies of lea 53 ther are on hand. The plan is Two Mailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquillam Friday. 12 midnight, Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS April 16 and 30 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS April 18 FRANK S. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aent Third Ave. Phone 668 ft Bride Street Phone 311 f" I to begin with small objects such as change purses and key cases. YOUR BESl then progress to larger objects such as wallets, book ends, belts, EATING PLA(J I I l,L ( KSE MtH I im r I Aoic Available! i , J II a.m. to P A 1110 B.C. rrtKluct. Sold by healers Everywhere BC. DISTRIBUTORS: McLennan, McFeely & Prior Ltd. Vancouver and Prince Rupert Hnad Office and Factory: COYLE BATTERIES LIMITED BANQUET HALL IT LUNCHEONS, DINNE AND TARTUS CHINESE "ISM brief cases or ladles' purses. Those who have enrolled so far are: Afternoons Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Mrs. W. Cniickshank, Mrs. D. K. Wilson, Mrs. F. M. Oulland. Mrs. J. T. Harvey, Mrs. E. T. S. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Matter of tlir "Administration ACT" And In thf Matter or the KsUtte of Curl (Karl) Murrls Sevemon de traced TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Pulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 6th day of April. A D. 1848. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Carl (Karl) Morris Severson. lat of Queen Char VANCOUVER, B.C. Place your order NOW for the New Electric, GLASTEEL Water Heater It's Glass-Lined It's Economical It's Automatic-It's Dependable. Saanich Plumbing and Heating Cor. 4th and McBrlde-Blue 840 B R 0 ADWA CAFE LOOK FOR TBK NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL TOM McKEOWN UNIT SUPERVISOR No. 6 Smith Block " IB Hid Ave. W. 'That Spring Feeling' When you plan your Spic and Span Campaign see us fur Cleaning Supplies, s MYSTIC FOAM SOIL-OFF LIQUID VENEER POLISH SCRATCH COVER POLISH GLASS CLEANER WAXES BRUSHES AND MOPS SCKVK t. . " FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEAU ,...kl Now is the time to get at that shaky step, leaky roof or sagging: fence. Repair or construction we have the materials to do the lob. Complete line of Building Material supplies. ' Mitchell & Curric Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors lotte City. British Columbia, who died on or about the 19th day of ; December. 1047. at Queen Charlotte City. British Columbia. All persons i indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and I all persons having claims against the KHid estate are required to file them I with me properly verified on or be-j fore the 15th day of May. 1048. fall-I Ing which distribution will be made j having regard only to such claims of I which I shall have been notified DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 1 7th day of April. A D. 1948. I OORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator, , i ----- Prince upert, B.C. I . . () Chevrolet Bii'k n..n... nlilsmotiile (J.M.C ' Hollywood Cate rUINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 ! " Terrace Machine Shop I W TERRACE, B.C.