jprfrtre ttupett Dafty rectos ttfc Saturday, April 10, 1948 Classified Advertising - - - - given such a "boo-lng" as only servicemen can muster. Then the cry: "We want more we want more,"' took its place, And Chavchavadze played. He played far Into the night, until he wag enveloped In exhaustion LIFE 11 'n this Prince Rupert by BWDEE JINKS FUNERAL NOTICE FOR SALE There are a few persons so not be the response as of the and his fingers numb. When he great that, when they have first, he said: Til play if there finally stopped, he rode about VM:-- stepped to the top rung of the are but 20 people who to the hall, carried' on the broad h day, April aiSTiS 10, io! 1948, ii.'JMJlT Mars FOR SALE 7,000 feet 2x8 fir flooring, 4,000 feet corrugated galvanized roofing, doors, windows and timbers. Apply R, C. Mutch. ttf) ladder to stay there, they nna near me." 'shoulders of his appreciative no occasion to cloak themselves Chavchavadze is like that, audience. in a popular garb excused ready to drop garlands of music j Though he has no children, largely as being "temperament- wherever anyone Is reaching for Chavchavadze is fond of them ai ana belonging to artists, them. and firmly believes they should Ono of these is George Chav- tne he be allowed to During war Deore and develop naturally j chavadze who recently charmed hls wife (the love,y French whether playing or studying nr,. . I I III J Ann, age 78 years, beloved mother of Mr. William Cummlng and Miss Frances Cummlng of 687 5th Ave. East.. Services will be conducted by Rt. Rev. 3. B. Gibson at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 12. Remains will be forwarded by 8.S. Princess Adelaide to Vancouver, B. C. for Interment In Forest Lawn Cemetery. No flowers by request. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. city auoiences oy nis exquisite Ellzabetn de Breleuil) left Eng- music. powers with the piano-and by ,and t0 aeross the i wis nu;n ph,lh aa a 7 .,W .r iuicy uicy ehunki enunKi or of winen wi.neri cooked cooftea to to Mi. TT li 1 a r w i m . i r a or z being, above all himself. ' Atlantic, hoping to avoid Nazi natural, most happy one, until After the first concert, I went 8ubmarin, hp r,t.lirnPf, tn tt h0h ,hmnti, hv, v, FOR SALE Used Kitchen Ranges for wood and coal. Kitchen Chairs, Electric Sewing Machine, Electric Ironer, China Cabinet, Electric and Battery Radios, 5-piece Bedroom Suite, Frigidaire, New Kitchen Ranges best quality. Other useful articles at real saving pri6es. Come and look them over. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 32. (tf) flavor perfection with wholeiom vitamin-rich ban. And oil In on tin, tool Pile th plate high the family will really oo for this flavorsome dish! room a fr.r enmn pt.inr a inn Di--i,iM, in ioio tt K MEAT Of CANADA FOil SAMS a haunting thing to hear some- , Sallsbury. Hardly were hb tnat Ume he and hig one thing as beautiful as Chavchav- snoeg off bcfore the hotel man. ther flnd Uved aazes And to see so ; playing. ager was at tne door tQ n,m nt prlnee and prlncegs gifted who has played a man a fUm ,n g ,ocal theatre had Alexande r'Chavachavadze lit before Albert Hall, so a packed broken dQwn Wo(J,d he , f()r ance.strai Georgian estate willing to please this northern the "boys," who were still there? ! at St. Petersburg, now Lenln- - audience that he returned , . e would. He walked on t to grad. again and again, showing his faUaue. vPt RittiiKr down before tne staee and looked lnto tne ' with the news that they, as FOR SALE 1 chicken incubator, like new, and two broad axe $20. Green 108. 85 P.rfi.r.HM,1 ii, ill K..i.,.. I...- MARKETS- DOLL EXHIBITS Ununnuu Will Mllll IllU LUI : loci Ion which she matte at Vic ' " tinf.i nrl fnnn t V, J.. J 1 i - 1 1! U toria, several of the nieces of the piano to make the evening uu..u,cU u arucry, were o oe .,...- ! ..... i mi ihin ri m vi ri w iti u i un Tnu mm nar i nn unm npr .20 ; i TO BE FEATURE compassion for these boys away children to Rumania. Prince FOR SALE OK REN'i Walk-in Refrigerator, 18 ft. by 34 ft.. In four compartments. Red 441. (tf) which have taken prizes at ex more complete for his listen-hiblUon? in Montreal. She wll. "rs- AtrnW.iiA 'tin ... -.,.;(,...., fin T thnimht nniomntiu- miionnntlu! .1 lv0 mhome, but, what to play Alexander refused to leave. He .18 CHENILLE ' BKDSPRE.VRH 4.9S EACH AT wholesale Price, Beautiful Chenille Spreads In double" or single bed slstes: In all Pastel colors, fast dye, $4.09 each. Chenille Spreads full 90x100. with contrasting basket design in centre,' $7.98 each. Also Habitant Hand Hooked Rugs, tightly made, 18x3ft Three for $4.00. These articles are worth much more. Sent C.O.D. pi in postage. Money Immediately refunded if not satisfied. :j pint . them? What would OF HOBBY SHOW m'.i,'., tu,... i-..ij :"Whn if flvpr shnll T n?!lin 1 r they felt safe, he said, for though he I was a great land owner, he was , -- - , - D lliuntllt1! I'MCU. I 111oV Vionn nn,,thlnn m,U no lunnli. iie. Mrs. Greenwood ako will bring i"'"' "J""s - Dressed dolls are likely to FOR SALE Scrap wood, random lengths. 1 cord, $6.00; 3 cords, $16.00. Phone Green 977. (80) .58 i ful?" That was Monday before m tns quiet, unaftected way, mucn iovea oy tne townspeople, anyone could know that on he sat down. First, he played They bade him goodbye, and artoned, doz. . 55 prove one of the most popular cralts done by her daughte; exhibits of the hobhv and ... .. ,',' Good Fridav another local audi- Schubert s "Serenade" and other never saw him again. Revolu- show which will be held at the i i.,t.'..i ,". 'encc would hear Chavchavadze of his compositions. Then tioni.sts who took over the area, dcz. lb lb Liszt; then Chopin. at first did not molest him, but He stopped, ana "nis audience later he was killed. ' went wild with applause. He chavchavadze was. entrusted Centre here from April 28 agin. - .40 flv'c. bag hand woven s(.al.ves atv 42 to May 1. Small girls all over jbeUSi hammerecl fuap(,r bowl. j There was no danger of dis. oi the city are busy selecting the V,,w(. f j i., appointment in a second hear FOR 8ALE--S:;nplex Engine l'j to 31 H P. air cooled; 30 to 185 H P. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. U) Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal ' Que. , - ' h ling. 1" 3j most attractive clothing Poh" dies, runners, gesso work can ing. To most people, it was tha took his place again, when sud- to a friend and taken to Eng-satisfying last taste of some- denly, into the hush of that one and where he oompleted his xl, smoked, lb. Kippers, lb 2i sible for their 'babies dlesticks and ice box flowers MPthnris or maHno tw time thhlg extremely good. Without second before his fingers reach- musicai education under Miss Prominent amonn this bevv of miniature papier marhn and oI objects will be explained by E SUPRBML COURT OF niTuu rni.uMBIA Kiiuwing tiiut wiicii lie aa ni "" iw-ja, v.. ... jwaoei ltnuor, louiiuer ui tiic proached about this second "Swing it, George!" - Letchevitsky School in London, concert and told there might Instantly, the offender was He started his musical stud FOR SALE 6-Spool Ketchikan Gurdies. $40.00. Good shape Apply Room 8, Westholme - Rooms. i (85) Mrs. ureenwooa. t i Latest list of child exhibitors. in probate j plastic pulchritude will be sev "'"i',"A'"","l""'"""n iral variations of tne New Look ROOM AND BOARD ROOMANDlBOARb$43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street (tfi . , U- ies early, and believes all child- THIS AND THAT ,i ! Amonrt the w'J3 variety of ex-1 Dressed dolls-Phyllis Nystedt, Ma , n.r """"'",' "''' "'jhibiU will be a fine collection oi Dorothy Taylor. Mardell Solland. pottery entered by Mrs. Edward SnJa Selvig, Donna Becker. hotice thnt by Order of , Greenwood of Terrace Mrs Sonja Hansen, Luis Good, Susan FOR SALE White enamel oil range, also oil heater.' Phone ren should 3 years Is a good age, he. thinks. I "But, bring music to your child," he advises. "Ii there is WORK H ANTED Rlua 019 offer S r m I Judae W O. Fulton, utcul KildaL Carol Klklns, Pat Wide, FOR SALE Here's a Good Buy. MIDDLES-aged woman will look after children evening. ' ' Phonr Gresn 588. , ' (tfv l.wn HMiiumv t(T ai' Redpath, Patricia Morv;- ie: feriiricnie ir Title No. 'linw-i to son, Dorothy Weick. Sharon i.t THeni-,,,,. c.-i), hi.m u o,.e WiniamSi shirra Halliday. Shar- (l, nf Klslrlil Lot Hirer llilintreil , . ,, r, and KUiy-mi (Mil), vimiir of 011 Skinner, Merilyn Farmer, ivrrni. i:ip ! !. Judy Felsenthal, Carol Berg. Used Underwood Typewriter In first class condition. Room 3 Stone Building. Phone Red 593, tf) WANTED. ihf Supreme Court of Brl-1 . on thf Bth any D IMS appointed Atlmln-il ihi? btuie of Thomas Rm. Imp of Terrace. Brl-ho dud on or Hhout toy oi N'lvcmliw. 1B47. Hi r BnUh Columbiu All WtMil to the said estlite red in pay the amount ol .iiakuiH-.s to mo turthwlth Ni hamiK i-hilma hkkIiikI not music in a home, can you expect children to be Interested, or like - It?" And furthermore, it is bad strategy to take a son out of a ball game and force him to play piano. Instead, there should be a ptoiaant place for both." And as complete diversion, he suggests fishing. In his own wis: 'Alter conceit audiences. wjiKKEAs wHisinctory proor or 3Cw"g owin an(j " emorotutry embroiderv loss of the above Certificate .ol Title tued in the name of Thomas w Donna- Hudson, Jim Anderson, FOR SALE Double bed complete with spring and spring mattress, also chiffonier, wal i liofw hu been filed In thia office. Meiilvn Farmer. Shirra Halli- wutif urf refHlired 1,1 to U heri'by that I shall., iiin"llco K't'en ' . r.ii Elnel SnaW' c-u. r,,,.,,,., D("ina M(J"er i,.Ut.r led on!t expiration of one mont h from nut finish. $76.00 English WANTED Old copper, brass, aluminum, 'tin, zinc, babbit, lead and old storage batteries. Northern Eenterprizes next to Enterprise. Grocery, 144 3rd.' West, one block from McBrlde. Phone 343. ,' '. (91) - MACHlNfc'KY FOR SALE ' ii me nniM-Tly verlf i ill- univ ut 1.1 it? iirH tiiiii ni.iiPii jjiitAitui umt t. ib isih day ol Muy. 194H fff Pram $15.00. Phone Red 603. (86 will be nereca. i,ue a rrovisionai i . ruucaie ; Cai vlllBS and models Donny .dun distriOulion aurh "I Title in lieu ol said lost ceru.i- ,. atoc(, p.-hnrH iiuvirv, ni in wtt-iiii. tt u...k i .K..n tiAAn rp.te. iinleRa In the meantime, vulid I find fishing very relaxing. There are no critic? among, the fish, they simply open their mouths and swallow anything FOR SALE Tendws will be re i objection he mnde to me in wrllln Forward, Eddie Euissick, Russel Pierce, Allan Evans, Dodney I give them." it Prinrr Rupert, B.C. thU i DATED ft the Land Kexlxtry 01-I April A I 104H ! flee. Prince Rupert. BC. this Kith M)H FRASFtt TORBKS, I day of March. 1W4B. A D Adminlstrutor. ANDHKW THOMPSON. Prince upcrt, BO. 1 Deputy Begl'trar of Titles. 3 nprS TO SAW better lumber more economically use tha modern and up-to-dato type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by" National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf ( Freedom. I Other entries are: Mrs. M. Morris, leather belt and flower; Miss Eleanor Mox-j ley, quilted cushions; Pat Mit-Ichell, doll house; Garnet Hull, lash trays made from local ;she)ls: A. Desautcls, clay figures; ; GOOD IaTiNG! tomato Business and Professional METAL WORK ceived by the undersigned for the purchase ol the followlns described properties, together with improvements and effects, etc., located theron, up to noon of Monday, May 3rd. Lot 1355, Queen Charlotte District containing 42.7 acres N.E. li Lot 2374, Queen Charlotte District Terms: Strictly cash Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GORDON, P. FORBES, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Karl Morris Severson, deceased. Court House, Prince Rupert, B. C. (881 F. L HUGHES Mrs. George Christie, crocnetea place mat set; Einar Fossheim, burnt scenery, shell craft; Mrs F. M. Hicks, floral basket; Mrs. T. W. Collins, hooked rug; Bron- DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Mitternity Wear a Specialty PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau Si Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) Chiropractor 3 BESNER BLOCK Be smartly dressed with hidden The budget balances nicely dear, Expenses just equal Ison Bussey, pencil sketch; David 854 Phnne Blue 442 what we made and borrowed tnis momn. Hay. plastic cigarette boxes; Roald Feness, stamps. expansion features PHONE BLACK 687 . 84 FOR RE.V1 FOR RENT 4-room suite. Apply Steele Block. (85) FOR RENT Room and Board GEORGE L. RORIE ASTORIA'S HT DELIVERY MESSENGER Prompt Service - Freight Express you saw ir in tne Duftv News! A The Popular FOR SALE One Beaver wood lathe, 34 60-cycle electric motor, one set lathe chisels, calipers, etc. Phone Red 658. (86) for young working girl. Close to town. Very reasonable; Phone Red 323. (85) Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. 3iue 269 - 3 22 Sixth Ki. Besner Block Phone 337 r 5. s.s. ht Calls Green 882 til K-ilSrS PMiv xMyp In f$ PRINPF. P0RGE McWHlNNEY FOR SALE Six horse power Vivian Gas Engine, clutch, shaft, propellor. A-l condition. $150. Apply 226 5th Ave. West or Phone Black 949 evenings. , (85) FOR RENT Store on Second Avenue West near Third Street. Apply, H. G. Helger son Ltd., 216 6th Street. (85i FOR RENT Nice, clean, warm furnished suite. 1142 Pork Ave. Call aft,er five. Green 224. (91) 7 RUPERT ANTING AND JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 PER HANGING Sails For P O. Box 1426 l1D St. Phone Green 39 FOR SALE 31-ft. trolling boat "Eider." Apply Knox Hotel, Room 18. ' (86) FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. . (.88) 'HKN FRICKSON ;AN0 TECHNICIAN PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 1361 Overlook Street FOR SALE 1941 Ford Deluxe. Good mechanical condition. Can be seen at Levine Apartments after 6 p.m. (85) VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. . For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT NQ AND REPAIRS SALESMEN WANTED ' HERE'S a natural New patented tool, multiplies man's strength 31 times. Needed by autoists farmers, lumberman, builders, ' garagemen, trans 55 411 West 7th Ave. SUPER inn THOM SHEET METAL FOR SALE 2i h.p. 4 cycle air-cooled "L a w s o n" outboard motor with 14 ft. skiff. Telephone Red (!09. (88) DECORATORS 'IMG :; LTD. 253 East First Avenue ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 701 East 8lh Avenue ports, puhllc works. Immediate deliveries. Attractive sales proposition. Palcoseel Co. Ltd. Cornwall, Ont. F"r information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offl"e PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. M 952 or Black 245 FOR SALE 28 foot cabin cruiser "Rudon" fully equipped, at Yacht Club. Phone 422. (88) 'chins ! "" KlTfcM B M OlMIW I Bill Thornton 1 P. J.CHENEY FOR SALE 4-roomed modern bungalow, furnished. Apply 215 9th Ave. West (88) DENTIST SALESMEN, WANTED FYRE FOE flame proofs cloth-. ing, fabrics, upholstery. New, guaranteed. Reduces fire hazards, saves lives, property. Attractive sales proposition. Fyr foe Division, Palcoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall, Ont. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavjig Beauty Culture in all Its branches FTE 5, SMTTir m n- FOR SALE Single bed com lot P.O. Box 1401 plete with box spring-filled mattress. Phone Green 78. (85) 204 4th Street Phone 655 LOS1 H & ELK TNS LTD. wr ! IE jj fete tt I FOR SALE Rogers Majestic Radio. Large mantel 5-tube set and Healing' in good condition. Phone inoers HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Green 620. (85) 114 LOST On Eleventh Ave., 14 Karat gold diamond engagement ring. Finder please- re- ' turn to Daily News. Reward. (90) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES P O. Box. 274 OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled RIaUresses New Management FOR SALE Trucking business. Phone Blue 810. (89) TUE SVKES Z" LOOR PLAN THE. 5VKES I T FLOOR PL&W OHN M0STAT) FOR Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners -Truck. Phone Blue (89) PINTER AND FOR SALE Brand new Enterprise pot burner oil range. Phone Red 251. . (85) lilNET MAKER P"0NE red 752 CIVIL SERVICE i EXAMINATIONS f PREP ARB NOW for Spring examinations. Write M. C. C. Civil Service School, 301 En-derton Bldg., Winipeg, Manitoba, n PHONES: Green .486 Red 894 FOR SALEOne 80 Bass Honar closet space and bath on the second floor. The first floor plan provides an unusually large living room with a modern, alcove dining room and a conveniently located, efficiency-kitchen. The SYKES, only 21 feet x 24 feet and containing approximately 12,000 cubic feet, will stand graciously either on a small lot or on a - spacious grassy knoll approached by a tree shaded lane. THE SYKES Is built of warm red brick with its dignified entrance, Its solid shutters, and its flush board gable painted white, it is an authentic reproduction or southern Colonial architecture. Its well proportioned lines produce an illusion of greater size. The SYKES has been efficiently designed to provide economical living for the family of four to' six 'people. Its clever planning has Included three generous ftedrooms, ample the Ptsherl- " n --- muunry Proprietor, TOM PERUT rnoNU 71 Accordian. Also- one "Kay" Auditorium Spanish Qult&r. Both with case and. In first class condition. Apply The Salvation Army, Fraser Street or Phone Black 269. (89) Itlr. . ' Ql'ALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bos 774 Second Ave YOU CAN RUN Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Inst'Uta. care M.C.C. Schools, Wlnnlpef, Man. y I "HI I BLUB 9M