r A'M Prince Rupert Daily Hews Saturday, September 2. 1050 HOW CAN I ? ? i Services m t Q. How can I make creamei 1 1 mTZ&m& mr- m DIRECTORY I bee ULl3 it i v f5jv:?.:'. . An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnc . Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director - SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; per Teai, gy $8.00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year S5.00. tj&SF Sri-Ttm In all rhurrhr at II a. m. mill 7:30 p.m.; suiiiiny School ut I'!: 15 except n shown. '.cucumbers? A. Peel fresh, crisp cucumbers cut lengthwise in quarters, then boll slowly for 12 minutes In .salt i water. Drain and add cream jtauce and paprika It will be a nice change in vegetables. , Q. How can I remove perspiration stains from washable clothes? i A. Merely by soaking them In strong salt water before ANGLICAN CATHEItKAL 4th Ave. W at Duusmulr 6t. Holy Communion 8:30 a m Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Canon asll 8. Prockter, 3.A., B.p. Rector: (Blue 7S3) 'immMH 7u Mm Help the Army Advertise throurh CiJ FIRST BXHTIST -5th Ave. S. at Yomig 8t MtLister: Rev. Fred Antrobua (Oreen B1S Q. How can I prevent the By ELMORE PHILPOTT NATIONALISM PASSING HERE AT CAMP El-phinstone, in the 1050 session of the Public Affairs Institute, my own job has been easy. I am supposed to be the co-or-dinator of the various 'fading of colored handkerchiefs? A. They will not fade If they JOHN H KIKST PRF.SHYTTRIAN 4th Avenue East are are soaked soaked In In cold cold water water coal coataln- l Mm ing a mt,e sult before thy ?y are BULGE I. i vm-'- Iff "VHl I V "T-K&r 1 ,SZyy. iwasnea. FIRST fXITUn 636 6th Ave. West Rev. L. O. Sieber (Green 813) OPTOMETRIST i talks and discussions. John Bulger li Third Ancnut But so good are the imported speakers, and so lively are the group discussions, that I can more or less coast along. My particular aim, this year, is to help clarify the difference between what is called patriotism and what is called nation- VWfiSp R;LrrJ FILL flOSPF.1, TABFRNACLE 202 6lh Ave. West Pastor: C. Fawcett Services 11 a m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 12.15. (Green 331) SALVATION ARMY Fraaer Stiaet CO.: Capt. W. Poulton Directory Class 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 3:00 p m. (Black 269i ST. PAI L'S M'THKR AN 6th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: S. Bolland (Black 610 IN the columns of the Daily News today there I appears the simple announcement by the local Chairman of the Salvation 'Army Red Shield Appeal that the annual canvass for the funds to support the Dominion wide social work of the Army is now on in Prince Rupert. The amount askd for is modest in proportion to the amount of work done. The Salvation Army workers are not highly paid and they practise great economies in every field of activity, otherwise it "would be impossible for them to operate such a wide field of social operations on the annual Dominion wide budget of slightly over one million dollars. We are prone to forget at times that the dollars which go to Church and to such organizations as the Red Cross and The Salvation Army are as much shrunken in value in the market as are the ones we spend ourselves. Therefore, to maintain even last year's quota of work for Canadians in need, it is necessary, that this minimum, objective be met. The Daily News heartily commends The Red , Shield Appeal, Let us make sure that The Salvation Army can work for us another year and pay the DOES YOUR ism. ' ; Bv and large, I think patriot- HOUSE SUFF from CHILLS? ST. PLTLR'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Knclsort Sunday School 11:00 a m. ; Evening Prayer ai p.m. . (Blue iTl) ism is a natural .inevitable and, therefore, good thing. I It is natural for a person to! love his own country just .as it is natural for a person to be affectionate to his own kith and kin. It is also true, I think, that "that man's the best cosmopolite who loves his native country best." At least no man can be a good humanitarian, a true loyalist to the human race as A whole, unless his larger loyalties are solidly based on love of what is near and what he knows. Cct Right Dmn t Foot of the Trou i DOES YOUR PIGGY-BANK RATTLE? Did you save an much as you anticipated during the past year? llow much have you mivetl in the past ten yearn T If your savings plun is bocKinij down you need a ayxtruiatio method ooiuc thinif along the hues of a Sun Life Kndmvmrnt Policy. Start saving this sure way Uxluy, SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA RL'Ul'LAR BAPTIST 629 6th Ave. S. Blue 803 lutor: Rev. Leonard, A. Thorpe PHONE 884 1 Salvation Army Campaign To First Presbyter laif Church and Hove TH0 . NATIONALISM, as we have: I come to know it, seems to me a 1 I very different thing. It Is a sort jof perverted patriotism. It is a : system which tries to exalt one's Sheet Me ) ::' .... ! Start in City Next Tuesday Robert E. Montador, chairman of the 1950 Rel Shield Appeal, states that .Tuesday, September 5 is the starting date for the canvass of Prince Rupert business establishments and homes on behalf of the work of The Salvation Army. The objective for Prince Rupert area is $3200, IOIIN T. FOWLE 142 5th Ave. Easi Residence Phone Black 549 Ltd. 'mi CHECK YOUR RE1 Office: U ' own country at the expense of ; one or more other, countries. I It is the warped kind of creed 'which teaches young people j that, there is one set of law and : : standards to be applied within one set of moral and ethical one's own country but that there ' Is an entirely different set of standards and values to. be ap- ! plied to relationships between one's own fellow citizens, and I quite another set to be applied1 ' to others. - I - jof which some $700 has already been subscribed by the citizens FINE PRINTING it of Terrace, Alice Arm, Stewart, (August Was Wet Fourth Ave. East bills it incurs in doing that work. .Incidentally, contributions may be left at the Daily News Office if it is more convenient. LET'S SETTLE IT NOW that the other strikes are over, Prince Rupert can get along without straight freighter transportation to and from Vancouver for a time without too much hardship and inconvenience. Yet it is to be hoped that there will be an early end to the work stoppage involving the lines which were in a position to carry the burden of coastal freight traffic in and out of this port ,in addition to what the passenger vessels can handle. This complaint of the longshoremen against the Frank Waterhouse line is nothing new. It is well known they have been restless about' it for a long time. No question of wages is involved. It is simply that the longshoremen feel they are being made a convenience of and object to it. We hope that the action of the longshoremen will not recoil against their own best interests and 1 ' that some sort of a settlement will soon be reached between the company and the stevedores. This is a ' and Premier. .The balance of ;the objective is to be raLsed lni REGAL PRINTER Minister: Rev. E. A, Wright, D.D. l LU- dui umui ueit j Organists: Mrs. E, J. Smith and Prince Rupert. j G. R. S. Blackaby will be the ; treasurer of this year's appeal'; and donations may be sent dir- ectly to .him at the Bank of PHONE 24 222 Second ' THE ESSENTIAL difference - --' John Currie - , . '.that I see between patriotism ' AuSust th!s Vear warmer and nationalism is that we must Mornm worship 11 o'clock: ,than last ycar' accordinS to always have patriotism if we 'statistics received from the Dom- I Evenins Service 7 30 JlT a ealthy. vitalXy ..Remlber the Sabbatn Day 'inion government wealher .la- Montreal. I . . i . i nn qt i onv ic mnn I ner voar c But nationalism is a passing to keep it holy We extend a cordial Invitation n?ean temperature was 55.5, white 1 phase in human history. It has this year It was 57.1 Maximum to visitors to worship with us. A committee or Business men will be calling on their associates In the business section. Captain Poulton is arranging a house-to-house canvass by other voluntary workers. In a city of 10,000 people this objective, Mr. Montador thinks, should not be too much of a financial strain on any pocket. "Some cannot give, others will Clearance Sale already outlived its usefulness, i The time has passed when I humanity can be divided up into 1 60 or 70 entities called "nations" I which have law and order with-' ing their own domains, but no Jaw between them except the J law of tooth and claw the law i of the jungle. of 77.8 degrees August M wa slightly less than last year's 79 August 29. This year's low 45.2 on the last day ol tne montli compares wiLh la.st year's 44 on the eighth. Precipitation in August this year was 7.35 inches of rain to SH0B not, but the majority can and want to do so; and the measur poor time to be having any further tie-up in the freight transportation service to Prince Rupert by siship. iiE IN HUNTING 1 THE GREAT WORLD struggle that has eone on ever since ing stick for their giving should be this simple one the value of The Salvation Army to my fellow Canadians who need the services of this organization," he says. make a total for the year 52.4 inches. Thess figures compare with last year's 3.90 and 52 respectively. . Tne 83.5 hours of sunshine this year in August was slightly less than two-thirds of last year's 133.2 hours aithqugh there has, FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 6th Ave. West EVANGELIST MEETINGS ; with Evangelist Grace Rathjen Sun. 11:00 WorshiD 12:10 S.S. & Bible Class 7:30 Evangelistic Lues., Wed., Thurs. and Fridav at -7:45 Everyone is Welcome at ' Prince Rupert's Evangelistic Centre" Pastor C. Fawcett; continues at Irowiiwoods ' 1914, in one form or another, I seems to me one which will de-' cide which power, or group of s powers, is going to write the ! fundamental laws of the com ing age of supra-nationalism that is, law ABOVE the level of j A SUGGESTION as the hunting season opens: Be certain in al things. Better lose the bag, than try to explain. A man packing out a deer may not be wThat you think it is. Don't be in a hurry. Be still and wait! the local law of the nations. been more sunshine during the year. This year total hours of iiunshine are 714.4. At the end oi August last yeur tnere had been enly 161.5. Maximum efficiai wind velocity . recorded was 20 miles per hour from the southeast on August 25, although velocities were hibher in spots in the city Will it be a Red print, written ! by World Communism? i Will it be a western democratic j blueprint? Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hunter and Norman Moorehouse will be leaving at the first of the week for a month's motor holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. PRINCE RUPF.ft) DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILU&Ktf AND ENQLNSERJ5 Obviously it might be one or! ! other If the present struggle is! SCRIPTIRE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "Thou shalt remember how thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and how the Lord thy God hath redeemed thee.' Deut, 24: 18. continued into world war four. oOo I DO NOT BELIEVE we shall get a tfue basis for harmonious proper. Maximum barometric pressure for the month was 30.41 jand the minimum 'was 29.7 in-i ches. world law until all the great First United Church 036 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. . Rev. Lawrence G. Sieber . ANNOUNCEMENT "Ar We are not taking any cleaning or pressing at present We shall attend to efficient service on Tailoring, Alterations and Repairing New Fa! Samples have just arrived. Order now for better choice LING THE TAILOR Box 286 220 -6th St. Phone 6 Vancouver Has Fine Weather Iron and Brau Ouuqk Electric aiiu Acetylene Welding sections of the human family are ready, willing, able to sit down together and write the first Charter for what Tennyson called "the parliament of hian, the federation of the world." How near or far, in point of time, that day may be I do not care to guess. Here at this year's canrn we SEPTEMBER 3, 1950 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon: Impressions of Places Children's Story: In the Mist Sermon: God and Our Work. BPECLALlb l'S UN AAWM1U and MTNINQ MACHINERY VANCOUVER Vancouver has had its best .summer in five ycarj and September started off yesterday with unusual heat. In three months of June, July, and August thre were only sixteen days of rain. have not argued about red-hot' current issues. One 'would never know, from the peaceful atmos-iphere here, that Canada's first! Truman Does Not See World War Yesterday temperature of 83 was recorded. Kamloops.had it 83. general railway strike was on; nor that there is war in Korea.' There is a marked difference WASHINGTON, D.C. Presi- between the SPIRIT here now .Better English 1. What is wrong with this i L n STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR Vancouver AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE Prince Rupert, B. C. isentence? "My salary has been There ln 1950 from what there was say dent H. S. Truman expossed the in. 1942, or even in 1945. There belief yesterday that the was more contention, more ar-1 ,. . t J gument in the air then, I felt-war 'ould not extend into a or rather feel now. general world war. Not that we minimize the The Communist offensive had gravity of the world situation. . now reached its peak and the job e!fe learnlnS the difference 'was t0 drive lt back :rwn isjnoii Taised." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "longevity"? 3. Which one of these words more thrilling than uctwecu ttigumnii mm uiscus Speaking of Russia, the Presi-iis misspelled ! Hideous, courage- love ly DIAMOND. sion. dent charged the Soviet with lous, contageous, temporaneous. preaching peace and practising 4. What does the word "skep armed aggression. tical" mean? B.C. CONTINGENT TO SPECIAL FORCE 5. What word beginning with ser means "slavery ? FEATHERED GUARD Answers VANCOUVER First dispatch' WESTCLIFKE, KENT, England A REMINDER!' 1. Say, "has been Increased." 2. Pronounce lon-Jev-l-ti, o' as SEE THESE jL SPARKLING mJ a BEAUTIES TODAY A$Li Sanson's jewff in "on," e as in "let," both l's as in "it" accent second syllable. of recruits for the new Canadian When motorist Bill Teff Special Army Force was made Pfks his automobile, he leaves lls Pet white cockatoo beh nd to , . , io0f last .i,. for t night the East following frlgnten off Grangers. the recent raiiway strike. A con- -4 Ungent of 113 men left by Can-1 There are 20,000,000 books in Bdian Pacific Railway for Camp , Canada's public libraries and Borden, Petaawa and Shilo leach book Is loaned on the and not lone-eev-i-ti. 3. Contag Pay your bills In full TODAY so that your Credit will be good TOMORROW! CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT lous. 4. Pertairftng to one who doubts or disbelieves. "His skepti cal mind would not accept it. camps. average of three times a year. 5. Servitude. tHrmfirtrlw'iwWHWTWW'1'