i P?.CVI:.'3IAL . 113 I VICTOfctA 2L W irn I I onr.iEs DRUGS Da7y Delivery Phone 81 ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada' AAn fr.:. d.:i: d-. "Pv;-r. d...& .l - ir . il - f . wi . . vni . v. . iuhihiuii : vs nupen, ins ict ib ins viicgi ngnnwr vwiv vul.. aaaIa, NO. 200 . PRTNf :R rtipppt n n ciTtinniv o,. , ..v., .awox, otriuvuim z, iau rxuujs rive; uewtb 11GQI MM Enemy's Supreme Drive Turned Back ' J "'it)1' " Huge Air Assault Most of Lost -Ground Regained hy Allies TOKYO (CP) United. Nations defenders today Rolarians Hear Mr.-Mrs. Mitchell S3 Rotarlans, at their weekly stemmed a 50,000-man march of the North Korean offensive against the west wall. They threw it back where it had made the deepest penetration and ex luncheon Thursday, heard Mr. m. t ; -"-i e ? and Mrs. Alex Mitchell give an I ' " i . I ' ploded attacks of their own elsewhere around the interesting narrative account of the recent trip of local Job's perimeter. Daughters to the Supreme ses sions at Loni Beach, California. itrike Uver . 1 ? " Hundreds of planes poured where the drill team retained its bombs and rockets among the Conscription Is Extended Strasbourg, France '& t Prsmier Pleven announced today that military service in France wlU be increared from on yea: to cirjhteen month. He sa.d the ep was necessary to enable France to fulfil her obligations In Western Europe's defence. He eaid also that France would give favorable consnueiat.on tj permitting western Germany to have ner larger police force. ' BELGIUM TO t'RUSSELLS 0) Bleguim announced today that the period of military service for Belgium draftees would be extended from one ti two years. international honors.' Mrs. Mitcneii spone briefly onrushing Communists during their two-day drive aimed at capturing Pusan and Taegu. if.-" Coast Ships Move Again and the details of the trip were recounted by Mr. Mitchell who told of many thrilling experien ces and interesting incidents along the. way. President A. Bruce Brown was . .i In the chair and, m addition to Terms of New Contract With Seamen Announced Red divisions thrust hard with tanks and "suicide" units at the United States troops guarding Haman whifch lost some ground ik and then regained It. Allies, generally, have re-occupied all former positions heid when the enemy launched his offensive. They shattered remnants of two North Korean divisions which were driven back XT WEEK H.M.C.S. Ontario, commanded by a fair attendance of members, guests were two visiting Rotarlans, W. W. Trotter of Prince VANCOUVER Dick Deak-y of Pullen, is expected in port next Saturday, Septem- lor the four day visit Includes a baseball game September 10, soccer September 11 and Softball on September 13. No other plans have yet been made for recption of the ship and crew. . Last August the ship, under commond of Capt. Pullen, was in port. ' xg to word received t" City Clerk H. D. Thain the Seafarers' International Union announced last night that George and H. Wyatt of St. VT.Orr, so'jrts officer. Plans are to anchor in the the seamen's strike against Can John's, Newfoundland, and E. E. Stevens and Douglas tin tie u alniiKside. The sports program outlined across the Nam River. adian Pacific, Canadian Nation Next week's Rotary speaker .DING Old Country All Set For al and Union Steamships was over. Pickets had been called off and the men instructed to return to work. The men receive a pay in will be Ex-Mayor Nora Arnold, who will tell of her recent trip Ships Back Next Week :: bootball to England, and a week from ncrease Over 1949 Near Billion For Defence Labor Holiday this evening there will be crease of 4c per hour, 4c to 7c increase on overtime and a 40- special gathering of the club at Big School Program i hour week next June or Sep uie Canadian Legion banquet I hall to receive a visit from the Co-operation of Weather Man All That is Needed English League, First Div. , Arsenal 3, Sheffield Wednes day 0 Aston Villa 1. Liverpool 1 tember. The terms of the settle- All Lines Resuming Services After Settlement of Strike Tie-up ment ' are similar to that on i International president, Arthur Lagueux of Quebec. wnicn tne railway strike was l permits issued in August amounted to np'np the year's total to $2,752. This settled. They will receive any Huge New Budget Tlared Before Special Session of Parliament OTTAWA The rovernment served notice yesterday that it Ending of the Seafarers' International Union itrtke will see further concessions the railway men get. - To Fight passenger vessels of the three operatinz lines servinz Prince A new contract was signed last Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council President H. S." Harrison and his committee prayed against the Weather Man today for a fine Labor Day and were hopeful that a stortrf forecast for this area during the week-end might be over by Monday. A fine program of events commencing with the children's Rupert back -on--theif-runs ff wi!1.f Parliament at th? cur, ith $77,113 worth of permits issued in ear's figure to date is an increase over the firs eight months of 1040. It does i account '.he three quarter million school 4-algbL.id-boats-star-ted prepar-M torn tlie end of this week, OTTAWA 0Prime Minister ations to sail at once. The Canadian Pacific Steamships sent the Princess Joan to Victoria at midnight and the 200,000 to meet, Canada's growing defence program this year. This will be in addition to the $245, St. Laurent said today in the 000,000 defence budget already Burnley 3, Middlesbrough 1 Charlton Athletic 1, Tottenham Hotspur 1 Chelsea 1, Huddesrfield Town . - 1 ""jffverton 0, West Bromwieh -Al- blon 3 Manchester United I, Blackpool 0 Portsmouth 0, Newcastle United 0 Stoke City 4, Derby County 1 Sunderland 0, Fulham 1 Wolverhampton 7, Bolton 1 Scottish League Div. A Raith Rovers 2, Celtic 2 Third Lanark 3. East Fife 3 Hibernian 4, Falkirk 0 St. Mirren 3, Dundee 1 Airdrieonlans 1, Hearts 3 ParUck Thistle 2, Motherwell 3 Aberdeen 6, Morton 1 Clyde 1, Rangers 5 Princess Elizabeth left Victoria for- Vancouver. The Princess Ejaine made her Nanaimo sailing at 6 a.m. Union Steamships got five sports in the morning has been arranged with the soap box derby early in the afternoon on Sixth Avenue West a highlight event. approved. A'so the puvernment will ask Parliament to boost its power to undertake long-term defence commitments from $144,000,030 as approved last session to $553, 000,000. House of Commons that measures to fight inflation, in Canada would be announced during the current special session. He did ot elaborate but made It clear that they would not entaU a general system of controls on wages and prices which are normally in the field of provincial jurisdiction. Running a day late. Union sttanier Coquitlam is leaving Vancouver tonight and will be here Monday afternoon enrojte to Alice Arm and Stewart, sail-' ing Wednesday afternoon southbound. The Camosun will be here on schedule next Frldr enroute to Queen Charlotte Inlands. C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise will be here Monday morning enroute to Alaska and will be back next Saturday afternoon southbound. The sailing of the Princess Norah from Vancouver September 9 has been cancelled. This puts C.P.R. boats on a ten-day fall service to Alaska. C.N. S3 Prince Rupnrt will be boats away today including the Catala to Ocean Falls and the Coquitlam to Prince Rupert tonight. Canadian National Steamships will have the Prince Rupert out to Prince Rupert Monday night. permits were repairs to buiM-s'.h Avenue We t by himself $103. "trom, new ?m- Ninth cast, her- tt now dwelling, fast, Greer and H it el repairs. Wit, Greer an-1 of National De-repairs. Sixth Bridden, $13,- !Jnd;itinn repairs, Charles Brown, dwelling, Bacon Street between Hays Cove and EiRhth Avenue, self, $2003 L. D. Bishop, repairs, 1013 Seventh Avenue east, self, $.;0. Presbyterian Church, re.shin?-ling and light repairs, Fourth Avenue cast, Eby & Sons. $1500. C. Fox, repiirs, 447 Eleventh Avenue east, Greer & Bridden, $400. R. Scherk, foundation repairs, 2218 Seal Cove Circle, Orcer & Bridden, $500. W. F. Stone, rc-slding, 722 Fifth Avenue west, Greer & Bridden, $300. Westholmc Rooms," repairs, Second Avenue west, Greer Si Bridden, $400. C. L. Youngman left on yesterday's plane for Vancouver where he Is to undergo medical treatment at Shaugnessy Military Hospital. Of the 7,C00,0C0 fur pelts taken in Canada in a year, about 90 are wild furs. ' The Shrine Band will be In attendance and that staunch old laborite, Mayor George Rudder-ham, will be on hand to formally open the sport. With H. S.. Harrison, Trades and Labor Council president a3 chairman, the committees for the day are: Finance Committee: R. Gardiner, J. Ewart, H. Franks and H. Harrison. Sports Committee: H. E. Blair, chairman; B. Barker, J. Kurd-Eiel, J. Colussi, Mrs. Anton, Mrs. O. Newton, Mrs. T. Penney, Mrs. J. Dickens, Mrs. Van Pykstra. Dance Committee: August Wallin, chairman; K. Laird, T. Bateman, A. Jones. Announcer: J. Ewart. " LOCAL TIDES Sunday, September 3, 1950 High 5:25 15.5 feet 17:24 17.6 ieet Low , 11:00 9.0 feet NO PAPER MONDAY Monday, beintj Labor Day a id a public holiday, the Daily News will not be published. The next regular edition will be Tuesday afternoon. here next Wednesday from Vancouver, resuming the weekly service from Vancouver through Prince Rupert to Ketchikan. '-ue west, Greer 10. !d(litinn, 1018 Am-lf. $900. Helicopter ri;. 621 Second font and concrete Takes esls una School Olf Charlottes Lost i. foundation work, self, sioo. WM basement. Aviud east, self, -ndiksen, cement Carl C. Agar, president of Okanagan Air Service, owner of the helicopter that was flying over the city tins morning, ar B.C. WIDE OPEN The school of tuna, which has f i " J " - v 1 I yielded over a half million rived in the city by plane irom Vancouver yesterday. He was pounds to Prince Rupert fishermen has been lost. Last reports rrnductins test fllRhts over the city this morning tollowing an were that a was irom ten to 20 miles south and west of Tasu. GENERAL PEARKES SEES FORCE OF RUSSIANS LANDING PRINCE RUPERT OTTAWA Canada is wide open to Russian attack. Major-General George R. Pcarkes V.C., Progressive-Conservative member for Nanaimo, declared in the House of Commons yesterday. overhaul which the machine has been undergoing during the wventh Avenue foundation Vlllc Court, self, 'U. concrete foun-xth Avenue west, 4 SaraRc and cc-fn( 1333 Elehth past ten dav.f at Seal Cove, l ne Storms Thursday forced fishermen to keep to shelter, and the school has nov oecn located since heliconter has been In service In Northern British Columbia during the past summer carry-in" out topographical and pho- tographlcal survey work for the provincial government. Hie helicopter left this after-u.;n for the .ntrrior to continue ts work nortli of Terrace and :mithers. yIC CENTRE then. THE W LATHER Synonsis Another day of fine warm weather Is in store fer most of British Columbia and indications arr that over the soul hern interioi this fine weather will last through Sunday. The more western parts of the province however, will come under the influence of a disturbance which Is slowly approaching the coast from the Pacific. As a result cloudy skies and lower MM BASEBALL SCORES TODAY American New York 9. Washington 2 Boston 10, Philadelphia 3 National Brooklyn 2, New York 0 Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 0 The entirely defenceless Pac-Coast is in imminent danger. dispatch of the destroyers Athabaskan, Sioux and Cayuga to K?rea had left the British Columbia coast with the cruiser Ontario and three jet planes. There was nothing to prevent the Russian navy crossing the Pacific and landing a force of troops at Prince Rupert before any substantial strength could be mustered. Defences are completely inadequate .said Major-Oeneral Pearkes, who charged that the government had failed in its duty to Inform the public of the seriousness of the 'situation. Ralph Campney, Liberal. Vancouver - Centre, did not ttirk t.h" situation was as serious as pictured by General Pearkes. Dw l5P.m. temperatures are to be expected In these latter regions. Rain will be quite fsenernl over the north coast by tonight and some precipitation is also expected in the northern tntcrlnr and over the 1 SPECIAL NOTICE l;MON ' STEAMSHIPS LTD. S- 'land King" i0ilves Pl.,nw Rup(n-t tt CnTU,,y' S(-P'lT 5th dements and Shannon Bay ( Juskatla) rr,"Kht Service Only 'm" leaves p,.; . . SEES DANGER General Pearkes cites Prince Rupert as being wide open to Russian landing. south coast by late tomorrow. ; Forecast North Coast. Region Mostly cloudy today. Intermittent rain overnight and tomorrow, becoming cloudy with scattered showers lute in afternoon. Little change in temperature. Winds light becoming southeasterly (20 by evening and westerly (201 tomorrow afternoon. Lows tonieht and highs to.norrow at Port Hardy. Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 50 and 60. ayDnr. "ue Kupert for Vancouver and . Ports as nor ,k-j.... ... - "WfMliv t- ""-"cume uoute No. 1. , "4y, Septemhnr r.,u i r.... CHALLENGE FOOTBALL Aiyonsh vs. Prince Rupert SATURDAY 7 P.M. Inste f . . " i'-"1- uu "f Tuesdav. Rr.nlm,W k.k IN MOTION AGAIN Canadian Pacific Railway engine No. 2469 pulls out of Toronto's John St. roundhouse lejs than two hours after the nine- day Canadian railway strike ended Wednesday. The first locomotive in Canada to move after the walk-out, she was supplied with steam, from a central heating plant. (CP Photo) -hplu!es ' r.. .. llM"ned on all routes after this date