.ill in in 1 1 ' "L ' . 1 t Boats were In shelter yesterday because of heavy gales but Wed- nesday the fish were spotted ten Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, September 2, 1950 Waterfront to shelter most of the time, the , local vessel Miss Jean, Capt. Paul Johansen, was in part yes-terday with 35,000 pounds of black cod and incidental hali- but. Not satisfied with prices here, Capt. Johansen was figur-! ing on continuing to Vancouver with his catch. The Miss Jean ; could have taken more fish but Canada's papulation increased : most rapidly at the time of the American Revolution, the Irish' famine, the building of the Canadian railways and the opening of the Canadian west. w 4v miles south and west of Tasu. Among boats unloading; here this week were: Fredelia 20,100 to Co-op; Tramp 10,000 to Co-op; Devlna 4 000 to Storage. MatKfAZIK BACK Dominion lighthouse tender Alexander MaoKenyie, Capt. Norman McKay, returned to port Wednesday niuht oftor t DIFFERENT jUrKitKM i ur KEROSENE SPENDABLE SOURCE OF HEAT : MAKES IT FREEZE!! ied Areas Use in Non-Elcctrif persistent stormy weather finally forced her to head to port with what she had. The catch was taken off Cape Omaney, Alaska, where the crew reported an unusual abundance of cod. Other local vessels which have been fishing in that area include the Kaien, Capt. Ole Steg-avig, and Gony, Capt, A. Fort Worth Woman Tells Home Town Taper of Search for Flier Husband Near Here-Tuna Still Running ten day trip that took her as far Long-tire south as Egg Island. Capt. McKay is well pleased with his new boat but hs not yet had a chance to test her out in really heavy weather. The MacKen-zie's territory covers from Egg Island to Stewart and the Queen The Fort Worth Star-Telegram says that Mrs. Neal A. Straley is "uncertain but feeling better" following a recent search out of Prince Rupert of the Ea$y-to-wcu HoMtfor No Noise No Wear area on the west coast of Princess Royal Island where C.B.C. Board Is Meeting i nharlnttp Tdanrft t n k.- her husband is believed to have been lost last February are about 115 lights in the area. fV, -.,ci, r.t n tt"u.i OfnU A vrv,,, T wVhIp on.Some are nt watched and re Ladies slips il Deep Lac Trim. Straight Cut. Sizes 32-33 $2.98 Ladies Mouses Two New Styles. Four Colors. : Sizes ,2-20 -; - - - S2.38 The UNEVEHSAl ! 3RD AVE. AT 6TII STREET j VANCOUVER CBC's board of in nic u a jii ui a uiiacu liwics m mj w w I Quire ervicing only once a year, i governors, headed by A. David d Capacity 6.0 cu. ft. .v, 1.1.7 sq. ft. us way irom Aiasra 10 ' watcned lights serviced 7- wU1 remaln m Fort Worth or re-' are " Worth. Mrs. Straley made a 24- v'X f everv one or twf months, those son Dunton, chairman of the board, will hold its regular an- .50 cu. ft. day searcn with Capt. ueorge "- ; ., home " " lnl south of Lawyer Island receiv jod Capacity Fritz on his fishing vessel Laura lu,n lu "cl Lil. She refused to tay whether She said she planned to visit the wives of other missing air-husband she was convinced now that her n. "And I want to talk to uie was dead, as reported by the Air Force, or Whether she other crewmen.' Trays SEE THEM TODAY AT ing attention every two months, i September 19 and 20. according to an announcement made by Tv,mir,i ii un j AlbeZ r,fllB5 USn " I Kenneth CaPle- B- regional " CaPl- F- Davidson, m ' ,A- representative for the CBC This eTiontr rT " ViU be the Iirst l " inspection n pe trip. tnat the bQard has fflet Jn Van Intends to continue the search.! Meeting her at the airport Says the Fort Worth paper r. Wnnam Enuelke and Bros. n v u 11 t, couver. Public sessions will Tie interview with Mrs. Straley hpr dansrhter. Marv Engelke, of Waterhouse freighter Island j' theTanc0uver Hotel on it Lake Worth, and Mrs. Gailen Prince was in port yesterday the morni f September 2Q Golen. whose husband was sta- with a cargo from the south. She! - "People have the idea that 1 was searching for 'something'," she said upon airival at Mea-cham Field from the West BROADWAY CAFE tioned at Carswell Air Base until j was unloaded by the ship's crew V oraerea overseas rctcm-ijr. t "" owiiiwsi; ui um I by local longshoremen. I Best Food 0 j Coast. I "What I was searching for was i peace and contentment in my own mind. I feel better now." Mrs. Straley made the search with Mack F. Phillips of Garber, Okla., whose son, Capt. William ' M. Phillips, also was reported ' dead after the crash. Staff Ser-' geant Straley and Captain Phillips were among five crewmen WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolor and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 320 - 3rd Ave. W. Nearly half a million pounds; Althoueh sevral boats have1 of albacore have been landed in been caught in the gales raging i Prince Rupert this year accord-, for the st nlne days there has ing. to reports this afternoon. i been litUe damage rep0rted. No Sixty thousand pounds were i maj0r damage caused by storms landed yesterday. Fifteen boats was known yesterday. i were in last week-end. ( Catches have been running , After a twelve-day trip during light some days with 30 to 93 which she got only about five For the Young 'Lady or . Lad going Into High School. GEORGE COOK JEWELLER rinest Cocking Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a m For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 fish to the boat wnne oiner uays days' fishing owing to rough i & ilost in the crash. Twelve were the ine runs runs have uaic , , been heavier. ' weather wcauicc which wnicn kept Kept her ner runnins running rescued in the Queen Charlotte Island group off the coast of I British Columbia. riiiiin 1 ' ' : " I I tp 5WEAT SCOTT WWZT m - , T ITS too Small, for me ) Cki AH SIwBT f i---I'VE BECOME PAT f ;00D CAFE Mrs. Straley hugged two women friends who met her at the plane. "It's sure good to be back," she said happily. , The search was made In a 40-foot trawler skippered by Capt. P-T0-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY George Fritz of Prince Ruit, British Columbia. ,OM":39 PM to 3:30 AM alize in Chinese Dishes v. . i cvm )S l.ttt "And I'd like to get this straight," Mrs. Straley said. "The trip was made only by Captain Fritz, Mr. Phillips and myself. There were no Indians. The only Indian I saw was a half-mile UEY-CHOWMEJN away. de Ordm PHONE 133 Mrs. Straley said she returned to Prince Rupert Aug. 1 and fK'"Vl I I ( vou uys can eecoME r AND DIET RDRf I I ) fc-" ' V FA1T " WANT J .jf. ' f " - I ME-PLENTY OP ,V X."vr"4 51o C BUT THEPE'S GOING 5S" OEssZ - 'MAf?0 VJORX AND J XVl" lM-Tti S ( TO BE NO MlPOLE-AGE C? gel AA stopped in San Francisco and Long Beach befcre returning to i Fort Worth. In Lons; Beach sue I visited Sergeant Straley's fam FOOL TIME AT ily. "They were happy that I had made the trip." She is not certain whether she si's Dept. Store For the Boys' and Girls' School Clothing, it will Pay You to See Our Large Selection. We Guarantee Quality at no Extra Cost ' w School Supplies Visit Our Downstairs Store PACT CCCiritkiT rrnwixr We know that when you order printed !r.aUor. y()u wanl delivery as soon as pos-That is why we've arranged for rapid printing anci rapid delivery on all orders. Call us! j RRANDRAM-HEN PERSON ' , """ I " ( OH, THIS IS is3T Z-l T - ) II ( T CAN! Fg EL THE POUNDS ) 1 ' ; ' r XVNONOefJFUL)1- C 0'; ' Vf&Un f DPOPRNG OFF-I'LL, T ) yXM ', I BEFOPE'i ONE SLICE OF DTOAST: V' lU ?V,tUTTLE NOTHING DOING-An I J 1 l-t DINNER r-NO MOPE NAPS FOR sm $ IaNO BACK TO VWORK I GOj SfR ! V ITS I ? ' lf Vf-sLV ME--SLEEP STORES M J'&j1 I XrNS Jl I 1 1 LOOK AT THE ) r . . WAIT--LET ME j I ( YOU MUSTVE HAD "S. CiSppS!4i vE ) I. A l V rr' I TUX MAMA 'SV;tV ?,(JRV MY TUXEDO 1LJ MINE ON FJV MISTAKTE ) TlL? LS rV l.i r T" 3rd Street k Prince Rupert - STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES Ypiture Fashions FOR THIS WEEK thesis of Drawers UNPAINTED P 30" x 17" x 32" . High $15.00 wer e,s 30 m 'x 17" x 38" Hiah In one roat 1 ANOlOlHINKOf fc' 1 frWW LOOK. HOW W O gSSSLS J 1 Mr$6D 19.00 ,,7 x32" High $30.00 0U Mn. rGloso Have the Above Chests Finished . covers kalsomine, .wallpaper . . . gives you a satiny washable surface. Dries in a couple of hours. McBride St. JPhone 311 -utquer l-or $2 Extra per Piece -'vcBride Phpne Blue 720 VC 9 '10 rotiVri. C-prT Klny Ffrturw SynJicttt, Int WotlJ right . (