Wtinn Ttuprrt Dailp r3ctos rhu-sclay, March 3. 1949 BOARD APPROVES SCHOOL SKETCHES Fer ?"v1 , 5 P -i-i , - " ni . - Is Considered f,u- tnc Hist ihrm f;iv.rrub!v B..ard laemij, r7 ."' . ' unit of a ne w high hool here, j '- :,L,ted no "objection. ' 'hJ I ' l.Ulf JUNIOR CHAMBER PLANS TO GREET ' : Pi. it led by the Vancouver suki mat he plans.rtm tntt,nsmPit h hei.Wn NEWFOUNDLAND II to come to Prince Rupert for,, .,." 1S anH th nf fh- linn of architects. Sharp and iJ'iiiiier fn!ciiKiiins ntpp t . inuiiijjwii, oerwicK. fratt, were i r, ' i ' mnn month, ... a drive ror funds for the M, ..,, i,., ,. .i;ti-i . i Neufouiuhand r!itical Tiie revis-ed Claris Include the w..... u. s entry bTTTT W"- Post Office DppartEjMU. Ott,i Prtnc Rupert lui w i5,.IiSt7"onn 'ETpl 8,md" A7Pnl"' V Rop-rt. British Columbia. O A frCVTTs m MCUfA MfcMHr.lt fpcTJ OPADIAH PRESS H PERRY- Ma"Sln8 Director. - AUDIT BUREAU OP CIKCULATTON'S ".'-'3 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES , .-. t, curtly. Per W-k. Per Month 75c; Ppr Tpar .8.00. wC?glD By Mali. Per Month. 50c; Per Year, to M .m- C.C.F. Keeps Sales Tax AT THIS particular writing we are neither criticizing or defending British Columbia three I percent retail sales tax but we are noting that Prov- j incial Treasurer Fines of C.C.F. Saskatchewan tnld I viewed with favor by school Lo3id numbers last night and permission was granted for the architects to present the plans for iipprova! of the Department of Education. "I am glad to see that every- .innnation of one of two ori. 1 ferUd mT uU Canada " March 31 untU th inai.y - planned auditoriums. tZcot L t ' c..:,bimng the remaining one for Rupert Chamb Jf:IOr Ml Cancer 1, was in S-P""ce fymnaslum and with a special, auditorium t;slon yesterday and named Rev. Coerce ,:.-d moving the location closer ( Antrobus as chairman of the Newfoundland Mght meeting to the on March 9 at which New" present Booth High School a iocai campaipn with Mrs G. V. , Luiiiunif. The earlier drawlne wnw .. hi wtettnt Mr foundlander will be speaker and v.. ..a t-umuictc iuiieement . J ccuc..i, . j ..t .tJ . . . . Mtuated the new unit at n v;i.., d....ii ,ci s.s of i m. oft-, .... -W-.-W-- r:' em side of Hays Cove Circle.' over the meetinc in her caua- the cl,y " lnvld been viewed a"d aporov re com U " eatimated ,hat between: city as chairman of the local Chief speaker at the meeting r.ient made $3C,C0O and $100,000 in construe- branch, will go to Vancouver to: will be Lieut. M. J.'Stapleton of' ' ' , . !tio11 C0ts may be saved by tht attend a provincial meeting of the Royal Canadian Corps of ccompanying the plans was changes without sacrificing any ' the cancer organization March ' Signals, a former Newfound-' -h ,T h"1 " whlch.vUal requirwnenta ! 14. Present at yesterday's meet- lander who is now a Canadian' :Ma Uiat he wou!d uke 40 Pre-, When final approval Is eiwn . ins were Mrs. Rothweil. Mrs J. anri 9n w.nfiv. mh ,.f t the - plans to the ' Depart- ' i the plans, a bylaw to borrow uurrowv. lc t A. uuM-t, ticu auuwus, nmce Kuneix junior cnatntXT.' . Tr r V p mv,Ufy wm 06 arawn "P on the 'Airs- Barclay. Mrs. o. V. Decision to mark the entry of 1 " " uums oi maicatea cost3. ; Haniey, Airs. w. cnurcn, Mrs. J. Canada's ten'h orovince .ils to most B.C. fipRi. D. Fraser. Mrs. W. J. Richards. matte at an executive meeting In! and Mrs. G..A. Hunter. lhe Civic CenlTe last nigrit. ; his Legislature yesterday that there could be no changes of any of the taxes in that province unless there, was a curtailment of social services. The C. C.F., when it went mto power in Saskatchewan, found this sales tax on its hands and, after five years, still retains it. The tax in Saskatchewan, in principal aspects, very much resembles that in British Columbia including the tax on restaurant meals which Opposition Leader Harold Winch decries. The retail sales tax may not be very popular with any of us, nor the manner in which it was brought about, but it is to be doubted if th r r v - v u I r r.:. .L. . ..u a. i . . ENROLMENT Each member of the Junior I Chamber will be asked, by Pros- ident S. G. Furk to peer, Into the' background of acquaintances and smoke out former Newfoundlander tn hrincr onuli lnform.tioa and I trtiofa tcvcnwtiom. '"M TELEPHONE :$ School enrolment In Prince to lhe Malth 9 meetini? - VXi'Mi February over the previous .m . . ' nonth and attendance records in power would do much about it. Of course, it would immediately become more popular with a lot of our friends if the C.C.F. should get in there and decide it was impossible to abolish it. oxmna. as a years. indicating an aosence oi communicable diseases, accord- f""0.' . f"' "arbMr f ? f r - 4T1 " ,ng to principals' reports read at 7" 1 7". 'lu , 7 - nlihf. ft City f Slmllar P'ce t rhonl h,r iNO BONUSES FOR " KuperL 3 RURAL TEACHERS Total enrolment in the city's ;'our public schools was 1.176. as Better English By D. C. WILI.AMS ru-'ht from & hich lnfonwi"-Jus ruled tht; cannot be p4.; and be.sicts. 'i;, considering tion bonus p;a-; Board has sj-, ' in behalf t,' Part Evingiyr, t Simpson. Efforls of the School Board to have-"isolation" bonuses paid to three district rural school teachers by the Department of Education have failed. The Eoard received a letter la:,t Answers 3nly two of the four rural -omoared wi:h 1.163 in January, schools submitted reports. Port Edward showing an enrolment of ight and Port Simpson 14. City school enrolments, w-ith January figures in parenthesis: Booth Memorial Hith School: is wrong with this "The dog wants in 1. What sentence 2 th house. 2. What s the correct pro THE RED CROSS THE ANNUAL national campaign for the Red I Cross is now on and will be intensified in Prince Rupert as from March 15. Unanimous and generous support may lie, as usual, anticipated for it from the people of Prince Rupert as in Canada generally. The Canadian Red Cross is one of those great humanitarian agencies which provides assistance and care on a basis.of actual need. Those who have the courage to serve the people of Canada in this n ay deserve the backing of us all and particularly those with a deep feeling for the welfare of their iellow man. - ' The magnificent work of the Red Cross is known to every Canadian. No veteran of either world war needs to be reminded of the broad, humanitarian basis underlying all of the mam nvu : . nunciation of "neuter"? l EISENHOWER GOES BACK ON DUTY-Starting a tour of : active duty as an adviser in the U.S. defence department ex-Army Chief of Staff Dwight Eisenhower (right, confers "with Defence Secretary James V. Forrestal in Washington. Eisenhower took a leave of absence from his duties as president' of Columbia University so that he could devote full time to his new job. I. Sav. "The do? wants t,i ;441 t445 1 attendance percentage vnicn one of these words com;, into the houe." 2. Pro- I 83 FOUNDED Every c'.at is on a fjord. is misspelled? Exstasy. extern nounre the first syllable as in at poraneous, exquisite : tendance percentage 92. Conrad Street 222 ( 215) ' 4. What does the word "mor-at- bidness" mean? 5. What is a word beginning at- with inf that moans 'tn tendance percentage 94 lew, and not noo. 3. Ecstasy, 4. State of being abnormally im-preionuble, e: peeialiy by ideas of a gloomy nature. "To live alone footers morbidness." 5. Infatuate. See I t,lt WALlii ...... wv IliOiiC PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO jwith a foolish passion"? MJMHtl. ACT i Nut ire nf Application for Certlflcat i Jubilee No. 1. junnre Ho. t. Jubilee No. 3, Jubilee No. 4, Jubilee No 5, , Jnbiiee No. 6. Jubilee No. 7. Jubilee i No. 8 Mineral Claims, situate In the ' Kkeena Mining Division. Where located : North Ford of Khut?e River approximatelr 12 miles from Tidewater. " i REQUIRE! j King Edward 234 i278 : endance percentage 94. PAYS VISIT TO CARIBOO GOLD Twenty-Five Years Ago e,Vf ' , "VW,.1U "J- me owitiy. A Or lOps a a ressi" cessation of of hrsH1it;0- 71'; thecntlnfikml '; ; , ,wf V 7 hostilities eS me3n mean Lawful holders: j m. Mewurm e,ecia 0II1cers of the UESNEL On his eighty- , SS.,8?7? ' J G c.mbbeii No. Prince Rupert Pioneers' Assocl- ninth visit to Cariboo O H di 1 f J J the neetlr and rLlJrJr.: "ion are John Dybhavn, presl- Sollbakke is her? TrouZ I UlMie.-.-ed 101- aid i from the Red CrOS On "11 thP nnn PJ?rie ' L FLsher No 12261 dent; S- M- Newton- Hrst vice- 'he Cariboo Gold Quarz mine mc f uii- trai tMUM- traiy, , fl, the the demands demand., 1 t m in many many important imnortani fields fPW. of Red P i -ne., , second Pnt; Mrs. P W. Anderson. Dr. company with the presided S9977F. J. o. Camnhil kv, ni i, Vice-Dl-esiripnt- H t W. B Bnrnptt "LMfL-W' Da88ett- secretary-treasurer; P. " Sollbakke says that" trying to tilinK Of the OUtnost hosniral ewi . Fisher No. 12261 f. ' w- Anderson, historian; W. J. "nance a hard rock proposition a Dlacer camn has hm OflllsinH IP r in difficult job, but he is confident Johnstone and A. Vl hlCe Rlinr.-f'o T.. l "Car tO Tke iaite notice notice that that 1. I. W. W. H. H. Forrest Forrest Raymond, Kavmond. A A. J. J. nice 1 nupei t a Terrace, the continuing aid ?LVictZTili- B c -acting 83 Aent fOT fe to vet el th 521,1 " Hart l g w W' jc Jc riu erail j..,nn Slid flpMPnrlawft, f . : owners- Ff Miners' Ccr- dependents, the free nat ona blood 1 trnc above, intends, at iverson, execuu fusion sen-ice and tln t;. t., 1. ; fs! that the' corner has been ve members hereof. to ano'v in tK iinn t rorder few cprrifiratM f '. Opening of tenders for con- have" he declared, -'been beset bv everv trnnhlo a rr.-.u ; srients for the purpose of obtaining Structlon rurtion of nf a o new Canadian j fuXrlaS Tac- Nitio' Reamer for the Alaska .mine could have . at last we ; tion. under section 8s of the "vsin trade was rmst'nnnerf ..ntit .v. ,Bre emerging from seven lean bet- Z trunancteotsubeh c'eX. cpmflcates 10' &CC0Tcii t0 advi received LerarfSHand thinf now !o ; of improvemenu. here. J. H. Pillsbury. manner -ter than ever before-- uated this 28th rintr nf .u. i . . . 1948. . ' ""bw "i me cry aoeK, was expected W. H. FORREST, Agent. oacK irom Vancouver by that date. SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT The first of its kind in India, a new department of radio physics open- mivkk.il act Notice of AiiiHieation for f'rtirute of litroTrinpits Ruby No. 1, Rujy No. 2. Ru No 3 Ruby No. 4 Ruby No. 5. Rul.y No. e' and electronics lecironlcs will " be be The deep sea freighter Can- T 7 Cd St adian Scottish was dii tn Ln Cakutta Universi for Japan J with 1,000,000 feet oi lveci c-ross work for , , , ., crippled children. Yes. this is our work and we should give. LOSSES FROM GAINS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE not to feel a sense of regret that the only daily labor paper in Canada-the Uace Bay Gazette-has had to give up the struggle to maintain itself as a daily and will hereafter appear as a weekly. While we believe that labor's uews have had a generally sympathetic presentation in the press of Canada, the Glace Bay Gazette was the only daily official voice dedicated to labors e" G ?n) think that jt an be t,enid tht the be..t interests f of the whole people are served when every legitimate group in the community is free to Present its case, and to meet the corrective of aroused public opinion. It is particularly important m the case of organized labor. Only through the tree nnnnrfii i .... . . fo lJK- riuoy no. 7 Mineral Claims situate , i,, u ui the Skeena Mining Division. lumbe" loaded here. Daily Npws cra.irieo Ais aH Quick Result' . e treated : North ?ork of Khutze River approximately ' 12 miles Tki.i. r- . from Tidewater. , s, Thirty-Five Years Ago, 9o-7Wf' ,holde":-J- g. Campbell ' Th? steamer Vadso of Union Marjorie C L. Sm th n"" ", ' al'P 0, Ltd. Struck 3 WRATIIALlS PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarsine . ' QUICK SERVICE Armlnp ii(l jone c. L Fisher 12261 F. rOCk in NtSagO TGulf, Off Port- . oi ol the holders' free mm-1 'and Inlet and went to the bot- Number f-1? " fiyil i"""""E ,' "." x Dh A A ruriu IMU liimrZ;-?1. in 32 minutes. Passengers o i "tuny iwi . r, tarr- . - nte Smith- now Mrs- Marjorie ! and cre' took to the lifeboats Professional Supplies Prince Ri pert Florist 308 3rd Ave. 3ox 16 Tel. Til Flwers tr All Occasions Take 'p l bC brUght t0 notice that i, w H Forrest of Victoria. B.C.. acting as AgenT for PnnCe Rupert ln th Venture, the said owners. Free Miners' Cer-' ' - ' ldlXS fIn?Pel Oil CO. planned to hereof, to apply to the Minine Re! estab"sh a refinery across Bur- lj i I f ii 1 1 1 i ill iKrvm BUILDING LITTLE CAFE liiif Always the Best Place to Fat BUILDING BIG flcates of improve-;rard Inlet from Vancouver.. S- ment, Saofr'sr ,h Cost of the ect -s i And turther take $0,G00. The notice that ac-1 company pur- "Zl; of land from fore the Nuance of such ce?utcateS A!vo von Aivensieben, a Ger-ot improvements. . man financier i im tblS 28th day!of AuBust. . . I W. H. FORREST, Agent, j CUTTINfr flflSTfi i w me wnoie people REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED WHICHEVER IT IS YOU'LL GET SATISFACTION WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US -CONSTRUCTION IS OUR BUSINESS II . . n K;5 V'-i vANcoi ' wet that mount;n Jsts h comnelleda ""H ' X Here Heie is a warr.inc not fn,-lnl,n .,! i... . .: TiiPr!;lV. 1:30 P Sunday. 10 P " ' In early England coins some-1 always times were cut in halves or quarters to make change. '. Classified advertising ;in results. R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) '(KT W c.iniinV. 1! ' 0 y" i-nn SOtlH I Ml , i citizens. Steadily mountinsTJ';, ' IZ107 f 3,1 ..ot. a; ?e a"n unmixed ble; no- ti . . . ut."ee, ve an Ms gains a'aim W "'i2 fi"" ht too costlyforLS lrt?l1,TelMS f'"(1 homf,s voice. iJ the h of iuel itr1' 1 imprtmt assess 6nr demand, ? f '"i"8 we miht - s.s. Canuit!air-'!J: 25. 10 p.m. ...... iil!TB (Torn Betweew two ions u.tRi.nrTE 1 1 MITCHELL & CURRIE'LTD. Builders and Contrae.,.r TRY OUR Business Lunches CHINESE DISHES a Specialty An Extra Treat to Take Home Chow Meir Sweet and Sour C08 3rd Ave. W. PHONE 200 s.s coquitlam, 10 p.m. FRANK J 58 Prince Ku' PHONE 3C3 lilifiieiiilliiillilliiiilS Moving Pictures at Gyro Luncheon Third Avenue Ident Orme Stuart presided in I the absence of President Maur- I 1CP Rrvfloii. j i . PACIFIC the Royal Visit to the Union of'm and Jack McRae of Prince C ..... 1 a r T3 . . ouuui Ainca and ih mv.-. i i"u.toi. Solid, mefol Inscribed FISHERMEN'S DELIGHT In the time of Onn trtt O.GALLAf Stevedoring & Contracting j COMPANY LIMIT.:,) . 1 General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways j ' CrlnVlrn HEAD OFFICE j L. A. N. Potterton of the Harlem Globe Trotters basketball team in action at Prince Rupert made interesting ' entertainment for the Prince Rupert Oyro Club at luncheon yesterday. The films were projected by Don. Forward. Past Presi- IDENTIFICATION TAG 1 6 Your dog won bt lo.l for long if k. wear, a Dr. Bollard mtal idtnlifitnt.on ditc intcribetf with hit nam and addr. To 8t lhi solid, good looking dog lag, jut nd throa Dr. BoMord't lob.l. plut 5C (la cow mailing and handling) to Or. BoHard, 4659 Victoria Road, Vancouver. Frol.ct your pot ogoinar loot ond imur hit good haolth by boding him Dr. Bollard' Champion health foodt. Available u... , tseth, the English were required I wl.. y iaw to eat fish on 155 days of the year. DOCCAT FOODS jJTney beg for it You Saw it in The News.' 7'IUE rl SMITH & rhonf im T ma Illvi, It.K. t