Local News Items.;. Kriiue ilupcrt Snails J3eto Thursday, March 3, 1949 K: New Northern ' i Film is Showing NEW .YORK The new travel film produced by. the Canadian Lnsion and Finish Lumber NEWDOCTORIN PRINCE RUPERT Dr. W. D. Sliarpe F.R.C.S. Was in District with Crib and Whist, Legion Rooms, vood and Wallboard - Ladies' Slipper Sale - 99c. Fashion Footwear. (53) Canadian Legion W. A. meet-ing. 8 p.m., Club Rooms, Thursday night. (52 J, and Door K.CAF During War National Railways and entitled "The Trail of , '98" begins at Skagway, and cids on a tour to the Yukon over the famous route followed by the sourdoughs durin glhe gold rush. There arc many interesting contrasts between relics of the stampede Friday, 8 p.m. 53) Henry Helin is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Meeting of Job's - Daughters Friday, March 4, at 8 p.m. Initiation, Silver March, cake walk and bingo. '53) Veteran of three-and-a-half years' service in the Royal Canadian Air Force including a stay at Aliford Bay on the Queen Charlotte Islands and for the past three years practising as a surgeon with the national Gilbert Campbell is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Don't forget your dollar for the Ski Tow this Sunday Prince ,ent, Plaster, Brick & McCAFFERY LTD. r ything for the Builder" PHONE 116 and scenes of the modern north- land. " 't-nn1"'11 MIIJAW. nun. , i 1 'feJ--'; Jj r j health service in various parts of Britain, Dr. W. D. Sharpe arrived in Prince Rupert this week to be associated for the Legion , 45 Meets Thursday 8 p.m. (52) Women of Moose n Monthly Meet The regular monthly meeting totalling I Vancouver, arrived from the of the Women of the Moose was "upv.ii, OKI UUD. (54; H. G. Perry is arriving In the city from Prince George on tomorrow's train for one of his periodical business visits here in connection with the' Daily News. Wear ever waterless cooking utensils For demonstration or service write Hec. Gould, Distributor, Box 1723. United Fishermen and Allied fi of Feb-' south on thp Prino n,iti,.t time being at least with Dr. C. H. Hankinson. Dr. Sharpe hails from Sarnia, Ontario, and is a graduate of University of Western Ontario (London) medical school, having taken his Fellowship of the jiiiut. " i ....v., ivu)jt.l b 'January were ; yesterday and proceeded by the Fred Conrad is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Special While They Last-Corduroy Raincoats with hood and belt, Regular Value $29.50, To Clear $9.95. Annette Maiisell Dress Salon, 525 3rd Ave. (52) Lent by the evening train to Hazclton to held last night in the Moose Temple. Senior Regent Mrs. Thomas Glenn was in the chair. Following the regular business session the lucky box drawing of $5 was won by Mrs. F. Grim- its monthly visit old friends there. Arthur Beaudin of Terrace Is formerly of sailing on the. Prince Runert. Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. During his stay in Britain with the national health ble. Coffee and doughnuts were served by Mesdames William residing in 1 for Vancouver. service he was located at vari Allan Morgan is sailing to Workers' Union Special Meeting cus points such as Farnborough, night on the Prince Rupert on Bussey, Frank Gomez, William a trip to Vancouver. Terry and Thomas Glenn. in Kent, London and Lanca shire. Two pair for the price of one) Mrs . Sharpe will be arriving in Halifax April 19 from the Ladies' Shoe Sale Fashion L Announcements Thurs. March. 3, 7:30 p.m., to consider resolutions to the convention and election of delegates. . (52) S. B. Roberts, chief engineer or the Celanese Corporation of America, arrived in the city by air Wednesday afternoon from Footwear. (53) All advert ueapai a rota coluiuo Old Country. will be charged for loll month at as cnU a wurd School Board last night de General Meeting of Construction and General Union, Local 1427, will be Duchcss of Edinburgh Chap elded to enter into an agree ter, I.O.D.E.; Tea and Home held in the Carpenters' Hall, ment with McRac Bros. Ltd. for the cleaning and maintaining Cooking, March 10, home of New York to , inspect progress of construction on the Columbia Cellulose Co, plant at Watson Island. It is Mr. Roberts' I0VTRF.AL,- March ."SrilTimc now to jet your ready fur that, stronger Spring ronyhki ,.'!! Ue having . (ioon! I.ct it Mime drwerfuRy hfi,ii;l) Tmici-flypil curtains! There's no doubt .Mi it faded curtains respond like magic to r Curtain Ptarh or Curtain i-ctu.! . . . w why vA. f your winter-drab curtains the Tintes li.it Treatment "? You 11 be thrilled with thwr urni'i. r'' look . . and how wonderfully they ws! Vi", fur a home and wardrobe that, will look of more than two score of type Mrs. Jens Munthe, 431 4th Avenue West. Fraser St., Thursday March 3, at 8:00 p m. sharp. (52) J. G. Garrett, who has been writers owned by the Board and with the Burroughs Adding See the Shiffer-Hillman collection of British woollens for Spring and Summer clothes to your measure first visit since last August. 17 Mar. Catholic School, 2:30 provincial government assessor Machine Co. for routine atten- to 5:30. St. Patrick's Tea William Grant ' of Smithcrs, jk (or All-fabric TIN TEX TINTS AND DYES tion to an adding machine at who has been In the south for Homecooking and Apron Sale. Card Party 8 p.m. Booth Memorial High School tit. or variety store i uniy i.k s package I M foy" Woy for you to hav beautifully amootli, Cost of the former will be $1 the past three months visiting with his daughters, Mrs. James King Edward School Tea and per machine for attention twice Sale, Friday, March 18. Donaldson In Seattle and Mrs a year while the adding mach STOP! LOOK! READ! Get . Binr-r now naru-worKcu ' your -, iun't let anyone tell you that. I rar and trouble to make chap-j'ei All you do , . after every D. C. Stinson in Vancouver, ar here for several years, is sail- j ing tonight on the Prince Ru-' pert for the south to take up similar duties at Vernon. Mrs. Garrett and daughter are at present in Vancouver. Mr. Garrett has been replaced here by J. G. Steenbergtn, formerly assistant provincial assssor at New Westminster. , inc will be serviced for $13.50 ypur tickets now, i i ma i e a rived on the Prince Rupert yes a year. ,,K h on JEKGKNS LOTION amount only. St. Patrick's terday morning and proceeded j to the interior by the evening Dance. Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce. Civic train. , n have -that " hnly-of-lci.iirc " look. Keep a ,(; handy in bolh kitrhrn and bathroom and h ,r-(t-f it! lis wirh an eayy habit . . . and ao won- Mike your March "Beauty Resolution " aml i.rnii lovely the Jergena way! Centre Auditorium, Friday, Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE SICK BENEFIT FUND L March 18. 9:30 to 1:30. Music by, the Dukes. Ii lit? Oranro xiiiiimjJiHJiinmii "unziz K oe tea! , John Donaldson, A. V. Hill, O. Hanson and S. Sckkmo, who have been in the city since the beginning of the week as delegates to the annual meeting of Rebekah Fashion Show, Mar, f" You Cm CoatWef Y.urie'f Lwcicy jf f -7 u your knife haa never JJW onre slipped when 23, Oddfellows Hall. Q. Will you please tell me whether it is good form to have "Miss" before one's name on V,'5,, rea'ler. V - fhe had I (I many Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall DANCE of the Construction and General Labourers' Union, Local 1427, Civic Centre Auditorium, Friday, March 4, from 8:30 p.m. lj 1 am. Quiz contest, door prizes and spot idances. Admission $1 per ptyson. Get your tickets early. , (53) ALL Attention! . u the Prince Rupert Fishermen's March 24. you re preparing a meal. "Kitchcn-cuta are common occur KMEKS calling cards? il't" !' I'M' II' T irvnd Inld in this area. Save yourself time and money by purchasing a FORD TRACTOR and IMPLEMENTS. A. This is not only correct for ir ab'Hi t lh" an unmarried woman, but the Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra concert in support of Prince Rupert Film Council, March 25. (70) Co-operative, left today by air to return to their homes in the south. T. H. Sorcnson and Douglas iBentley are sailing tonight by omission of the title "Miss" Is a We invite you to drop us a social error. line and we will be pleased unproved NW.lt MAT il rnl il. and xm c-f biivinz 'V f! tvour of in n ally -e jt r tir-ratM! . C illp till) Q. Would it be correct for 14 TAKE FIRST AID EXAMINATION to forward you complete , Women of the Moose spring tea, April 7. at Mrs. J. P. Mol- the Prince Rupert on their re- matv to remove his coat while specifications and prices. turn to Vancouver after attend- eating in a public place, where ler's, 124 Fourth Avenue East. both men and women are din REMEMBER! A FORD Orange Spring Sale, April 13, Fourteen candidates took oral and practical examinations i rences . . . that's why it'a mich good idea to be mro your medi cine cnliinct in wcll-eo,uirped with DAI. MAS 1 irwt Aid Irea-ing?l iSmi.ly apply a ftalmas Drewing to your cut. . . . and in a matter of weoifll.s you ran continue with your nifil-gettingye. even wa-h the vcRi tables. . .' for DfOma )rer-iiiK are water-proof. Mads of a paper-thin mibtanre that'l a -limbic (niot)lh -run't fray stielrhc all way and blends with your ikin eolourtng i . . Dalmaa l)rr f-iri(;.- are the atiKwer to many a rut and arratrhl They're anti-:eptin (iN! . . . k.p cotfl clean an.l genn-frce! No wonder lal-ni;i i? a household " buyword " in thou -aorta of Canadian homes! jl-itj Vilmtcvcr TRACTOR will be a great 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Ing the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative here this week. Mr. Sornson is general manager of Queen Mary LODE. Tea, I industrial first aid at the Fire Hall last night completing an ing, and it is unusually warm. A. No. i say, "I shall be happy to ac cept your invitatidn"?- -it ln flavour ViJU .i t 1 are Iff f llrhrij. . help when its time to plow this -spring, so don't delay April 18. . contacting- us.- - Co-operative will hold its ".'examination sertes'whlch "began J the Fishernfrri's 'with written tests Tuesday , Federation which Presbyterian Spring Sale, Q. Is it correct to write or I ti t.ike this I u m many . '; . -illl-lt to Tetl'lct Leaf .-t-Sog'iudiic.is Vancouver A. No. Say, "I am happy to in night. Examining officer was ; annual meeting April 21. ' Anglican Spring Sale, Satur I accept your invitation.' Dr. W. S. sKergin. Results of shortly. day April 23. the examinations win do an- Legion, Auxiliary Spring Sale, nounccd later. Those taking! the examination j were: John ' April 27. The United Church Spring McLean, J.) S. Franjks, J. C. Ew-art, D. K. Llewellj-n. J. S. Fur- f Wr to ,tI, pmid whole wheat nourishment to your iKitmlv'' diet. ltV done m Minply bv serving KEI.-jli.tit.S AI,UVHi:.T for breakfast Vummm! I.h ello-.-i's All-Wheat ii Canada's I'lnjice whole wheat B uteland toa.-teI to jx-ifeetiun transformed into I? "i-a .niii.-liv, rodv-to-eal, Hakes! Serve them sen- Sale, May 5. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. ness, , ueurge KorvicK, ueorgv; Redhead, to.', Christ chsen; EA T. S. Moore, K. Jl. Slater, W. Roth- j"wMv, toiuied with fruit. Mtgiir and milk . . '. and ' Peter's Bazaar. May 12. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mis. wcllt Llo.td Franklin, i Norman L:irt Hatch ihoe j.eepvlifmta nt breaVcfa,".- ake up! t j;ff.v! Yr., the " All-WlM-nt" way i. wonder-H wy In star! the 'Jy .. .. .,r.v it non 1,Y-j'jrxo5gt !""h'.-rfoMeit wliole' wiiciii flake' niacte in Lon-break fa.4 enjoyme.it! McGlashait.'J. Mlcheluk L. W. Kergin. I i . Extension Speaker HOTEL ARRIVALS for thoi V '. 0 Good! Good.' GooJ! eeonoinieal, nirnl le.-s meal.i of youra there there irn irn t t a e V tH(ier dish than L5V; -iJ' Jill N Z ( OOK KU -V-'l SrACHKTTl! I rA find it'tt an excel Simple (o install Excelknl reception Can be hooked up to any radio A Radio in Every Room for Only $.85 ' T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORT'S EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT W ' IM ll HV "'ti'l'rful way, i- to -rvu to the fa,,,. -!') of r"r;'i Chocolate, m "ar r A l w j v n.r r -m rr w -a yew Ij5A? XULmJAU IZ M "liT ': Prnre Rupert R. Riifdal, "Vancouver; K. Ilin-ton, Vancouver; G. O. Naylor, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Osser, Porcher Island; J. Cook.;Vancou-ver; R. Allci, Cumberland; S. Roberts, New York; G.: Martin, city. T. Woods. Smithccs. W. H. Trotter. Princ; George; P. Harris, Prince Gr-orge; R. Brallcy. Edition ton; Mr. and Mrs. Doxlll and family, pelia Coola; F. J. Lavcrty, Vancouver; Mr., and Mrs. McQovtiv Pcntlcton; Mrs. A. Tompkins, Miller Bay; J. lent idea to keep a "ctock " of H'-inr. Spngbetti in my panti-y . . . for quirk meab sudden guett.! meatlesa meala . . . there x nothing like it! Made from Semolina flour and eooked 1 perfect tcudcrnor. this ereamy ipiiKhetti is drenched in a epic wucc of "Aristocrat" tomatoes. Ytw, Heinr SpHRhetti in hearty wholcotyne "brimming over'' with ta.-ln appeal! So for your budget's wake and your family 'a pic Mtro . . . .serve Hcim Cooked ". Imtlery-" nd Caramel ;i3 ! w favor. 1 VsynILt Tapi-ll!' of chance family' mial-i .''wliliriL's 'lings olT.-r NOW AVAILABLE BOOKS TO LEND For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. "ing milk H diet am) Spaghetti ioon! pWeni! Color, when vou treat, r Vl:- ..,,U il.-.i:: ui, N s-i i" ijni. Ki t' Howes, Vancouver. LUXURY CITY In the.' seventh century, the city of Alexandria Is said . to have had 4,000 palaces. I,-, wi IS SPILE CAKE Time: 1 hour ana 1 . - ' ' ' 1 tupn. salt '.i t.".nn. nuhneg st a i isnn. cinnamon "Road to Survival" Upton Sinclair's 7 'Lanny Budd" Novels CANADIAN READING "Hilltop Talcs' by Dan McCowan "Who Has Seen the Wind" by W. O. Mitchell "Red River Shadows" by Olive Knox RATES 4c per day Minimum charge, 10c By the month. $1.00 PETKU PAN GIFT SHOPPE LENDING LiORARY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY fetcr Syrup 2 copa sifted all-purpoEe flour f ; 1 spn. baking rocIh fn cm- . ' lsPn' baking nowricr it 1, Ji' mil!l,r' t-'ro'An Brand Svruo, boiline water, ir S ,','s', m saiicepan. Place over moderate heat- and miniitr,. Cool. Add sifted Amir, baktnr? toda and f"'X V H.r(HiKl,y anf) 1urrl ,nt greased Joaf an a I i H'.df-,- ' FOR S1ALE TlM-iving Hair-dresslng business at Biuns Lake; B.qi Fully cqutpped shop for ioumeidlrtte cash . sale. Apply Mrs. SI. H. Holmes, Decker Ltika B.q.' (6r" inn 6 (330 r). F.) for 1 hour, (This cake is ow ""t require iuinR.) - FOR PUO?JPT DELIVERY AT LOWER COST WE CARRY A REPRESENTATIVE WAREHOUSE STOCK Representing: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Canadian WrsUnghuiise Co. Ltd. (lamp division). Gencrpl Dry Itatteries of Canada Ltd. Dusthanc Company of B.C. G. II. Wood & Co. Ltd. , Denby Brothers & Co. Ltd. , Imperial Wiping Rag Co. Ltd. and others PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL hf li .Ivili your valualilew in vrmr hi.tvie? An evrninff Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 FOR (SALE Pool Table, 4'x8 . Good, condition, includes cues, ball racks, counter etc. First $12500 takes this bargain. Apply 119 8th Ave. East or Boxr1485 city. 57( : "n -v"u go to the theatre or vl-tt friends may he ""' "I'l'orlunily thieves are Waiting for! An v,,,".'"1- tl'is-could be the mrvt expensive o!: vom' : ')ut 'ur a very fw' dollarj ft year r!? B,Vl' 'tur- precious poste.iona thn prolec-lV'. ' XnUlu Dt povl Box at the BANK OF tit V lis n, finiple matter to arrange thu ;V"'r !1" ire-.(, Ii of M branch. And you'll have tho BEAUTY in the HOME jji ir 1 ''"nies from a. Ken of eeeurily. So why not Phone 632 P.O. Box 772 712 Second !ve. Opposite Health Unit ANNE'S U"nL Hut, wuicii tv ill give jovi peace of mind Home-Made Candy and Fresh Roasted Nuts Give that picture of Johnny or Mary added distinction with a FRAME. If you want to add a touch of life to a wall, select one of our FRAMED PH Tl RES or if you like to do vottr own framing just ;hoosc a PK Tl'RE. Also available: Picture Wire and Hangers All stock at reasonable prices. T E D WHITE BUFF Chandler & Cowgill TORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 21G 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. GOLD YOUR FOR AI fill ATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1919: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER GREEN BAPTONE 1"C ONli-coAT VVONDLK TAIN IVOIIY COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made mm CftlCKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL BED 7t5 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM g SUll, flat r- . ,al I luHtsli over kalstuittiue, wall taper, J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY 518 Trince Rupert, B.C. VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Box 18 3rd Ave. W. Phone Bed 400 Hardware Co. Ltd. t