rrtuvr :AL ' 1 PROVINCIAL LI33A2I, 8k VICTORIA, B. C. onriES -DRUGS Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' cabs Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81. ' VOL. XXXVIII, No. 52. PRINCE RUPERT; B. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS ,;i.S IN III NGAKY-U.S. DISPUTE - '', A aska Mm Secy ire rom SNOW COLLAPSES 1 ' . .. OLD ESSINGTON SCHOOL BUILDING Commanding General Admits Forces There Might Not Hold SF.ATTLF, (CV) The commanding general of Huge Snowslide Buries Man, . Bulldozer, Halts Rail Traffic ; Lower Skeena River, snowslides claimed their, first casualty this morning when one of the biggest of the winter roared down a mountainside near Kwinitsa, burying a workman and a bulldozer and covering 700 feet of track with a burden of snow that may hold up rail traffic for many hours if not da vs. Nature helped simplify one of the problems confronting the School Board in the matter of t - providing adequate school ac- com modauon at the dwindling I ihi; Vnlted states Arrny in Alaska said yesterday that Skeena ,...b w. .u.v . , , - fn vnvwna tvnnns in rnp iet- Essington but the problem it- The Injured man, Abe Quinn iself still remains. Ivv SIK LT.-COL. KOPSCAK l ility of a break between the U.S. and Hungary F . , , i- ...nt..i I .....I it.- ritory does not constitute full security in the tar North. Major-General Stanley I. Scott said that, m the event of an attack; the Army would put up a fight. l UH oipiumuui; vumuck luuuwiug wie minus- LESS TAX AND GOV'T LOTTERY The village has two classrooms, both under the school board, one on the Indian re LnlLiucd unabated. Following the demand that 40, Prince George, was buried when the slide came down on him while he was operating a bulldozer to clear away the embankment of snow lining the, right-of-way three miles west of but the resiuts womu uujjkuu uister be recalled, Washington circles speculat serve and one on school pro es country would retaliate by declaring the OTTAWA it, The covei'll- .tor, Andrew SiK (left), no longer welcome. At BREACH OF SECRECY Peter Kopscak, U.S. military attache, whose re- HARRY ARCHIBALD KwiniUsa, one of the worst parts lnent WHS urged in );hc House ot of the lower Skeena snow-belt, commons yesterday to slash the , st has bren suggested following ia recent lncid- upon the nature of the attack." Earlier in the week United States military strategists in Japan had said that it was possible Russia, "with one paralyzing blow," might obtain control of Alaska,. leaving Canada's far north unprotected. t ,-uriLy authorities. A special train brought Quinn personal income tax and raise here tills afternoon for hos- lSome necessary funds through perty, but the latter is inadequate and the Board is seeking another building. It had considered repairing an even older classroom building used by the children as a playshed. That vague possibility was eliminated recently when the weight ,of winter's snow col- pltal treatment. Extent of his . national lotteries. Charge Against George Drew Made by Prime Minister St. Laurent Injuries was not known immed- I The request was made by Alaska Boosting Its Tax Imposts 1 r lately pending hospitalization Maurice Gingncs, Independent, OTTAWA &! Prime Minister and examination. Despite pain sherbrookc, who said he believ-! JUNEAU -Alaska will have a lapsed the roof. The board was.L. St. Laurent yesterday inferen of face and head lacerations, he cd the time had come for the advised of the catastrophe last , tially accused George Drew, Pro- ten-mill general property tax as Cold War Foreseen night. , j gressive-Conscrvative leader, of I Sh IHHIS pi Local Member Favors Barter VANCOUVER, t Barter trade by exchange has many supporters in British Columbia. They seek markets in, the United Kingdom for products of land and sea in return for British manufactured goods, Harry Archibald, C.C.F. Member of Parliament for the riding of Skeena, said this in pro- posing such a system in the "That's one . building we can breach of secrecy In his Hongi was conscious and bright. A government to find new sources stretcher and ambulance were of revenue because the people used to move him from station were bcoming demoralized unto hospital. He had been buried der the present tax burden, ( under, ten feet of snow. : top considering," said a board, Kong letter but the Progressive-1 rrn lives well as an Income tax. The new law leyles a ten mllltax on all real and personal property with in the1 territory except that used for educational, . religious or charitable purposes. member. ' i Conservative leader denied this However, the problem of find- and insisted he stands by "every ing proper school space in a , word" of his critical document. Details re-ic : which has The Injured man probably owes his life to prompt action o: 1 Sweden Rejects community that is gradually in the third tussle of the lead- Inference Drawn From Non-Slop Flight Around World Being Permitted WASHINGTON D. C, 5 Dip "Scotty" McLean, track watch losing, its population still con- ers in as many days over the man near Kwinitsa, who dug j him out after the slide, 30 feet. fronts the board. It is reluctant isSue in the House of Commons, to spend any large amount for Mr. Drew was rebuffed for the Soviet Protest of eleven Esfci-!tl Inlet, dc-il at mospherlc awaited today rlifprlng news Inlei 's resident P. Moody. FEBUARY LOG SCALE LOWER lomats today assigned the non- deep, buried him and his mu J chine. ' I I The snowslide, 700 feet long1. a school mat may not dc re- seCond straight day in an offer stop around-the-world flight of quired after the next few years. UQ table tne io,000-word letter ne an American bomber a signifi- But the collapse of the de-j wrote to Prime Minister Mackcn-j cant and highly dramatic place crepit building which adjoined 'Zie King seven years ago in 'in the ground strategy of the , Charges Easy to Answer lie-cause Facts Are on Her Side, Says Stockholm t'0 miles nor Hi House of Commons. He asked the federal government to think in terms of general overall trade policy which would be along the lines of barter. . FOUR PERSONS the prtsent school did bring a ' criticism of the circumstances cold war. The important fact in STOCKHOLM (f Sweden will blessing of sorts. It allowed the surrounding the Hong Kong ex-1 the terms of international pol- and 30 feet deep was described! as one of the biggest to cover ( the Canadian National Railways tracks on the lower Skeena subdivision this winter. It was the second to come clown in less than 12 hours. Earlier, a small reject outright the Russian note board to wipe off $4,000 m in-. pPtnuon. itics was that the United States Sawlog production In the Prince Rupert forestry district In February was 8,042.593 board feet, a drop of more than 1,500,000 board feet under the January output and more than 4,000,000 less than February, 1948. Figures compiled from month Department ol Btate had. naa . item roast o ivy. Dr. Moody ire were no said that sc-E-kimo:-. aifect-.( wit improv- J--v Air.Kowc alleging that Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian nations have i been DersecutcU in Sweden, it surance which has Dcen carried on the structure for years. - 'It, Is a pity," sighed one TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. XA&.) the opportunity to block the flight but did not do so. About, tvo-and-a-half years DEAD 111 FIRE slide covered tne uacKS, near ,,, ... fif,iatlv announced last Vancouver Member, "th at it hadn't burned."1 .--'- - " As it Is, the board may be faced with the cost of having it torn down to eliminate hazard to the children. Exstey, ; hftniri5 t,he, passenger niRht .XK iliwstaft--.evt train which leit here for the east protest was drlivrred on Mon-at 8 o'clock last night. - J ay it a.;kcd lor the release of This afternoon, the eastbound . all Estonian, Erik Suurvaeli, who !by diplomats. The changer! nt-j fit tide now rnlghf.be taken as a j measure of the extent which relations between Russia 'find ths ' STILLWATER, f -Four persons, including a blind man and his two children, perished early today in a fire that destroyed nn isolated farm house near here. The victims vere Robert Bayonne .. Bralorne .. B. R. Con M 8.G5 .03 .10 'I r-.ii. a nil nied-I '!w dit-easc-I 'Ifiday , marie - hp of the I eiimnnmit'.ut ions !' ami Winnipeg I of what ly reports of District Forester M. V. Oormlry show that total sawing scale for the. first two months of 1949 waa , 17,645,385 board feet, as compared , with 25,229,059 for the corresponding period last year. pole and piling production last month was 113,435 lineal feet, a slight Increase over Jan- B. R. X. an a charge of espionage. I Sweden gave a point-by-point for the rotary plow to clear' the line of a 100 foot slide. Hi miles east of there. It was expected1 McNeill. 80; CJcorgianna SkcUii. two: her brother, Millard. J-and Calvin Wadsworth. 55. a farm hand. . NEW SCHOOL AT BELLA COOLA Minus arc, rc- rejection Of the Russian charges, declaring the protest was easy to. answer since all the. facts were in Sweden's favor. No Baltic national had been prevented from leaving who desired to. had gone downhill. jwest CANADA FOLLOWS UNITED STATES, SAYS ARCHIBALD OTTAWA m H. G. Archibald, dfmmlhi'un-j R"road tic Production, Cariboo Quartz 1-30 Congress "- 04ft Hedley Mascot .42 Pend Oreille 5.25 Piopeer 3-35 Premier Border 03 Privateer 19 Reeves McDonald 2.85 Reno , 08 that 'It would bc-ablc to prorcod late today. This morniirs's slide, which came down at 10 o'clock, three miles west of Kwinitsa, probably will take until late tomorrow at the earliest to clear. There will be no train movements between whirl, it ii however, took a real jump, -n,oi TIGHTEN ON RED HAMS iil.lit to poliu-I lii.seloscd how '"it have been piue. having been cut In February as against a negligable output In January. s Cordwood production totalled 221 cords last month, about half Sheep Creek 1-35 Construction of a school to cost $118,000 at Hagensborg in the Bella Coola Valley will begin as soon as weather conditions permit. Plans show a one-storey frame building. There will be four class rooms, lunch room and kitchen. Exterior finish will be stucco with flat tar and gra- t I Premier 36V4 C.C.F.-Skeena, charged the gov- Silbak Western Lumber Kept Output Up OTTAWA it: Western production of sawn lumber bolstcr- Taku River 30 rrinec Ruicrt and Terrace until It la cleared up. Tonight's westbound train may be turned back at Terrace. It Soviet Amateur Kadions Not So Talkative As They Used to Be PERISH has been running on time out, of ; C(j the output for the rest of eminent Tuesday with consulting Wall Street before taking action. Canada was heading for a depression because it was following the lead of the United States in its, fiscal and monetary policy. i Russian radio vel roof. A covered play area WINNIPEG that produced in January. Last month's sawlog scale by varieties was as follows: Cedar 225,498. Kprucr 5,083,595. Hemlock 711,997. Balsam 232,334. Jackpine 1,259,109. FIRE Jasper. Fear that another series of major slides would conic down will be provided with a 40 by 6D foot auditorium. There will be fluorescent lighting. "hams" are not as talkative as they used to be, L. E. (Len) Cuff, one of the vast brigade of amateur radio operators in Canada, Mieh. - , Twelve i "l)0t tl'll In li -nn. Canada in 1913, the Dominion, Bureau of Statistics lepoiled yesterday. Increases of output in British Columbia and Alberta counter-balanced declines in other provinces a.) the all-Canada output totalled 5,32G,000,000 board feet. has hung over railway operation for the last week since the line was cleared from an earlier Vanarda -31 Salmon Gold l'i Spud Valley -08 Oils-Anglo Canadian ... 415 Atlantic 68 Calmont 38 C. & E 4.45 Central Leduc - 108 Home Oil 10-50 Mercury ...... -12 Okalta .- I-36 Pacific Pete ..... 1 ' 2.20 Princess -30 Royal Canadian -09 ilf'-'lli today in a a iiome in the 'Ite'Aond, 12 miles number of avalanches. ' Melting snow on the bald jtiounlain tops makes slides almost inevitable "LIAR" SAYS ARCHIBALD OTTAWA "If you are calling me a Communist you are a damn liar" shouted H. G. Archi tin- coniiiHinHy's (Inmi'tnient said BUTTER PRICE IS WEAKENING Competition of Margarine la Having Its Kfferl SASKATCHEWAN TAXES REMAIN REGINA Provincial Treasurer Fines told the Legislature 1 yesterday, in -presenting his budget, that a surplus of $9,720 was being estimated with ex n that sector. Since the line was cleared al says. There is nine cioudi mat Russian hams are now more close mouthed" than they were before the war. ' Other "hams" of Winnipeg's 400 or so hold the same view, said Cuff. "It seems to us," he said, "that Russian hams have a more difficult time to get their voice licences." Another ham believes the Russians are closely monitored. . most a week ago, railway anu public works crews have been " flames struck. T "''-' di'ad. Two . Toronto bald (CCF-Skeena) during the striving to clear the rail line anu highway of the terrific, embank UADAIi NfcTVVORK IN NORTH IS PLANNED WASHINGTON A plan ' to wrap the United States and Alaska In a radar network against any sudden emergency has made another advance in Congress. And a similar screen OTTAWA, if' The lnran lnarsHiine. snarrlng for a spot Athona .U Aumaque -22 Beattle .... -53 Bevcourt 25 ft Bobjo -12 Buffalo Canadian .loft height of an argument In the House of Commons not long ago. Mr. Archibald was addressing his remarks to Solon Low, Social Credit leader, who charged that penditures at. $49,101,230 and receipts at $49,110,950. Mr. Fine3 said that no changes in taxes were possible this year ments which have been built up by snowplows. it was while on tills operation that the man was Injured tills morning. in Mom's pantry, has taken snipe at Old Lady Butler am' appears to be hitting where It AD In hurts most-in her prices Quinn was employed by U. J- SEVEN DEAD IN HALIFAX BLAZE unless it would be at the expense of social services. Skagiund of Trince cGorge why the tactics of the C.C.F. and the Communists are similar. The trouble began after Claire In Edmonton yesterday the retail price of sccond-itrad butter dropped five cents across the Arctic frontier is in the minds of Canadian and American officials. This came to light as Premier St. Laurent met with President Truman owns the bulldozer. A .'ii-rret war-r.V Klirvi'V nf nound and both wholesaler? " - Canada- - HALIFAX uum i i Seven persons ,hh m th. h,,i. , hpiatKd marked the legality of a thing i' Church Fights and retailers blamed the dnn here for the first time. . lias men flls- Consol. Smelters 103.50 ' Conwest - 1-34 . Donalda -54 Eldona -58 East Sullivan - 2.81 , Giant Yellowjcnlfe 530 . God's Lake -41 Hardrock ".: '- -15 Harricana 07 Heva 09 ft Hosco -l : 29 on niiiri'iirlne eoinuetllloil JO 0. Mag- on the justice of its depended scramble for safety and three He mentioned Newfound-1 ' cause. others were injured here early laud, saying the new province. today when flames flashed Eastern Canada.. h.....U' nt,rmt flro WUUlU auvjw jv, v. ''Kiimai,.,, j,y Wr Una the. line hrd in 400 days ''""''K'Uoii. men "st Would hi. till - CANADA'S AID SECOND LARGEST ' Second Majr Supplier to followed an explosion. For lis Life YORK, Eng., "In many countries," declared Most Rev. Cyril Garbutt, Archbishop ol York, in a pastoral letter, "the Church is fighting for its very life against the "atheism which rejects oil faith in God and scorns the Christian Church Christianity is being attacked TURKISH ARMS FACTORY RAZED Jacknife - .04 lll;n I,.'. that ,,f ii, CORDOVA PACKING and. Mr. Low said that, on such a basis as Mr, Gillis' argument, Canada should also bring India and China into confederation Joliet Quebec -38 Lake Rowan .. 08 "biiwuy. xin; route LIVING INDEX DUE TOMORROW OTTAWA, ( Canadians will learn tomorrow whether price trends are pointing up or down. Tomorrow the Dominion Bureau of Statistics will issue its monthly report on the official cost of living index, covering th period from January 3 to Feb-( ruary 1. The report, statisticians feel, will show whether the living cost barometer actually is on the way down, as recent report would indicate, or whether it is holding stable. Europe Under Marshall Plan PLANT IS SOLD ISTANBUL. Turkey, &$ ""' so railed Rocky n''1'. It WOlllrl r.,,li- Lanaska - V4 Twenty workmen were kllM the because the people ' of these CORDOVA Purchase of ulM)ri'p lulu. and 50 Injured in an explosion Kobe, Gilbert Packing Co., salmon and countries are suffering. as It has not been for centur- "liuiks uiii.ii rVn.L-ofi nn nmis factory 'Thcv mluht be better citi " the Alas- clam packers, by the Whiz Fish WASHINGTON, ',(! Canada supplied almost $700,000,000 of European relief during the first 10 months of Marshall Plan economic co-operation administration, it, was said here near here yesterday. i zens than you," 'exclaimed Mr. Archibald. 'Some more of my Communist Packers Co. of Seattle wes recently announced. The plant will be enlarged and unproved. Rescue teams today were sun searching the debris of a fh at Sutluce, on the east bank ot the Golden Horn, which was reported to be making shells for Egypt at the time of the HOCKEY SCORES PUBLIC BUILDING FOR OCEAN FALLS A public building Is soon to be erected at Ocean Falls. It will provide quarters for the Little Long Lac .: 70 Lynx .12'4 Madsen Red Lake 2.67 McKenzle Red Lake .... -37 McLeod Cockshutt .95 Moneta 1 .- Negus - 2 !S Noranda . 54.75- Louvlcourt -27 Pickle Crow 2.05 Regcourt 85 San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rou'yn 41. Sherritt Gordon 2.29 Steep Rock ...... 1.44 Sturgeon River .. 18 Silver Miller 42 friends," said Mr. Low. "If yoli are calling me a Communist you are a damned liar," called Mr. Archibald. "Amen," said Wm, Irvine (CCF-Carlboo). "Mr. Sneaker." stated Mr. OLD BASKETBALL TIMERS National League . New York 2, Chicago. 5 Boston 1, Detroit 1 Montreal 2, Toronto 0 Pacific Coast .XETBALL b 6:30 P-m. SV!WNW00D8 SATURDAY 7:45 PJW. The Canadian contribution ; was more than IS per cent of total E.R.A.- authorizations. An official said that Canada was the second major provider of ' Marshall Plan goods'. ; MECHANIZED MINING . " Machinery was used in 1948 to cut 75 per cent of all Britain'3 coal output. ,. LOCAL TIDES Low, "It would be beneath my district forestry 'cteparuneiu, offices, police station and court Ladies Old" Timers vs. Dom's Men- Old Timers vs. All Sfars Friday, March 4, 1949 ' San Francisco 7. San Diego 2 dignity to pay attention to my 3:45 New ..Westminster 5, Vancou-' friend because those are exacJ- i High All reserved seats mw5 be picked up by Frldav r.. p.m. only Rush Seats available 50c 20.0 feet, house. Tne aesiBuei the provincial arch-5.7 18 0 feetiWhittaker, feet! itect. Bids will shortly be 6.6 feet called for. ly the tactics the uommunisis; use." ver 4 Los Angeles 6, Fresno 3 16:04 10:07 22:03 !22LONTE8T Low