west believe, and react and live rived from -John Locke's essays. l 111 as we do, why the Russians b- ( written to justify, the victorious VQJ 110111611 Prince Rupert Daily Hews These and other facts are , contained in a first report on women prepared by the Eco- DRESS fP As Wednesday. July 19, 1950 neve, ana react, ana uve eo cause, or ine tngnsn upset differently?" ' ' 1 1688. . ; Are Working iPHA i The author believes we can. THERE WILL BE LITTLE For Summ ioice i THE AUTHOR reasons, with possible argument wim mis nau j of the author's epneral DrODOsi- i By MIRIEL NARRAWAY id ore , r.onue liilormatioii uuu oi tne treasury. Mrs. L. S. Horlon of the Eco-' nomic Information Unit told the ! Canadian Press the report ha1 been Issued in response to an increasing demand by women's j organizations throughout the there is a deeuer chasm' which ! ton. '.The other half seems to, eVitUidependent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnw Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by a Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, 5 British Columbia B Member of Canadian Press Audit. Rnrptm nr rirmiiannn. Th Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (J) One of every three paid workers in Britain A FEW OF THE GOOD V A me more ' debateable. The oDDosin? DhllosoDhlcal MITI divides the world today ; than mere power politics. ' , . "The west" is more than a name, he shows. There is one from that;18 a woman. concept poles apart nf the wixtt is the flprman. The same Men's .Fine DKESS sff goes for factory Canadian Dally Newspaper Association s From workers. In the case of agri- O.4. HUNTER, Managing Editor. part of the world In which the j which the Russians took over. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director workers, the woman- Perhaps I should more precise- cultural nglc Ch 0RI I Men's Pure Wool CAB.J a SUBSCRIPTION RATES By ELMORE PHILPOTT EAGLE VS BEAK EVERYBODY knows world in which the thinking of all the people derives from cer-We in the west got our re- ly say "which took over Russia")-, This German concept derives - B tamer, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, Tjc; rer Yeai $8.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c; Per Year 45.00. auirh. Latest styl, feet fit, Reg. t4!)5( Now J country. j WANTED I'ACTSi j ' More and more women were 1 clamoring for facts and figures on export, productivity, employment, building and all economic factors with direct bearing on home life. Created to explain economic problems In clear and understandable language, the Unit (Continued on page 3) that One of the greatest ious. moral and. philosophical Inpns from a rommon watr- Jphone Men's UAIIARDINE sJ to-man ratio is 7 to I. Nine of every 10 single, , and one of every five married, women do paid work. Of these, nine out of 20 are unskilled workers,- four are ski!'.-ed, two or three do routine clerical work and four fill higher clerical, technical or professional positions. power struggles of all heci. It was made- up of Httie Pr 5 fee Or Slaves Men's SPORT Shirts,, from Hegels dialectical materialism. It carries on through Fichte, Mark and ' Nietzsche. It justifies and glorifies the totalitarian idea that the state is more Important than the human beings it is supposed to serve. - THE WEAKNESS IN THIS new book seems to me In .assuming without examination Ui ; proposition that German 'totalitarian philosophy permanently times is .going on right, now and that the heavyweights in the rival blocs are the United State? on one hand and the Soviet Union on from ; DRKSS and Work Si large selec;:on. overnments of free nations operate under self-Democracy implies responsibilities on the in- From r. j the other. rivers joining together ' ancient Greek beliefs, the Biblical teachings and western European history, y The English, American '. and French revolution were all various expressions of the same general proposition ' that human beings have certain NATURAL rights; that thejuell-being of the person, the individual, is the highest good. - ' "We hold these truths tct b.' self evident . . ." wrote Jeffer- sen But everything that he Boys' GARARI)Ie si Well tailored. Pi(.a zippers. Spec. .. f,. i Betlbu Don't Know uoys' and CHrls' BN This About Advertising conquered Russia. .It seems to me that, Russia, of all nations on earth, has toots to her own thinking that much pre-date Leuin, Marx. , It eems to me .that the -Russia There are many levels on which one, might consider this struggle'. "The Eagle and the Bear," is a fine new book by Pennington Hail. It is published by Ives Washburn, New York. It is called "a primer in political philosophy." It shows how the eastern and western blocs clash on the basis of philosophy. I SHOES at Reduced P Boys' UNDERWEAR. T, bottoms Gar wrote, and almost everything that Tom Paine wrote or, Patrick Henry declaimed was In which beat Germany ut Stalingrad, for Instance, had little if anything to do with dialectical Russia which stood, as it had "Can we, in any way, compre- k fact re-written or otherwise de-hend more fully why we of the tain common inheritances. i materialism. ;'It was the -eternal jiuil In the days of Napoleon. My hunch Is that In' the long run' Russia will play a part In tje state as against the rights of the individual. In ijithoritarian states the individual has no inviolable ughts and the power of the state is unlimited. Democracy, the system of the free, may in some Tgays seem more difficult than autocracy, the system rf authoritarianism, Democracy imposes responsibilities of the individual if it is to operate with success. Sometimes fliose responsibilities are not assumed but 'the priv-iges of freedom are abused. In the autocracy, there are few, if any, indi-tidual responsibilities as to decision. It is. a case of feme supreme and relentless control doing the thinking and the subject falling in line, j Days such as these are the time for individual ' fesponsibility. The testing may become more severe in short order. War or peace, individuals fray soon again be called upon to exercise their Responsibilities. If they measure up, our free way pf , living will endure and civilization will live on. tThe. most of people are coming to realize what the Jast. chapter may be if totalitarianism prevails. c i t it CU moat deltciaut foxm .Y. - history which is more in line with the. ideas of Leo Tolstoy's j War and Peace than with Marx's i WHAT'S All manifesto. . .,', Yet.for all that I agree heart- rid OHO , ily with the great Canadian who f! loaned me. this book that It is "one of the clearest, aiost direct examinations'.' of the present world situation. It is a simple devia automatically supplies burner with fuel oil i, tank located convener, ground level. 1 n iffimiiiHir TiTTum I Skeena Member Quiz No. 9 What does it cost to ad-vertise a gallon of gasoline? la it It a gallon? 5? 7? Answer: It cost lees than 15 a gallon to ad vertise the most famous brands of gasoline. That's only half the . story. Advertising lowers your cost two ways: Cuts the Belling costs. And ly helping make mast production possible, lower the production costs, too. So- advertising saves ' you many times the cost of that 15 per gallon. Eliminates Barrel SiJ fax tyau 'Daily eact Vita-Weat is whole wheat in its most delicious form ' '; . . all the wheat, including the wheat germ. ?jijpt thin wafers that are 100 wheat. Join the millions No Fire Uatards! No-Oil Smell! Call all over the worlj who have the Vita-Weat habitj GORDON D. ROK Visifing ATLIN E. T. Applewhaire, j ' M.P. for Skeena, is spending the week in this camp visiting his constituents In town and on the i creeks. He arrived by air . on Saturday . after having visited I the Acadia Valley In Saskatch- i f'LITTLE EVA" BOOTH i i For Free EsllmaU 733 5th Ave. W. BU ii H t mm mm i ewan, Calgary,- Edmonton and i Xk l Whitehorse on' tle way here. X Mr: Applewhalte plans to leave i here . Saturday via Whitehorse I arid Prince '. George for Topley and Bablne and Is due back in Prince, Rupert abaut August 1. Mrs. Applewhalte Is accompanying her husband on his visit here. - . '.". -f , T"- . ssssrm'' fy m( 11 " . Published By This New:. paper To Help Foster A Better "'l l'ndersta.JingT of Advertisiu Function in our Society. o I p-VANGELINE BOOTH, slight and often sickly L- little girl, born of a large family and accustomed o hardship and poverty as one of the costs of ivangelical "fervor of her great father, General JVilliam Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, Conquered many early handicaps arid lived to become one of the world's greatest "spiritual leaders. i)istinguished as orator, author, hymn writer and evangelist, she was the only woman to command he International Salvation Army of nearly four million persons. She was one of the world's greatest benefactors. '-, . .; Once, an interviewer asked General Booth xvliat, in view of many honors and commendations, id been her really one great moment in an active If you are on t diet . . '.joa have likely been advised to et whole wheat. You'll like whole wheat in this delicious form. Make , Vita-Weat youf daily bread. " ; FOR PLANNING J "H. ' ! for. building! r FOR REPAIRING 'Sv V MS HKAf I LIMITED Ml I Builders & tontrsfte yfYj 'J' ; p , princeTupe , nd Intermedial jj ' IVi i Aw-' j!!! (ife, Thursday life. She said it had occurred at a Leper Colony in (poethenkuruz, Southern India. Children there had een taught to sing one of the many - hymns she Jtvrote for The Army. A group of little leper girls, dressed in white, stood at the altar of the chapel, "aces and hands badly scarred, and sang the hymn. When they came to the words "With all my heart, 1 idrJ my part," they put their tiny scarred hands over 'their hearts. "That was it," she said, "that was Imy moment." i Another interviewer, probing into her work and the tenets of her faith, was told this: I "To begin with, we study the Bible. If you aje king for leadership find someone who has made - Ttf Bible the governing law of his life. I am no ienemy of all that appears in the press and over the Electrical "Hands" make work light Pftdio. I do not live, I do not want to live in an .anchorite's cell. In The Army we study the Bible; jwe do not forget our spiritual vitamins. -; "Our second rule is prayer. Not a mere going-ithrough-the-motions of piety. Prayer is a kind of Ipartriership. It means that you are never playing a ilone hand. You are always doing things with the ihelp of someone else an all-powerful ' Someone pse !" at V: , ' ' THE NEW ). POPUUR PRICE ;'' ; f ACTORY O'Cennw Oriv - TORONTO n- !( , . : . l y WEDNESDAY M")N ( m A ' For Reserva V . Wrlte i f i '' VI cn'Y0ffiS. J' rill Al JJs PRINCE f iff REGUIAR-TYPB TOASTER - - - ' A SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY Electricity i the handiest -worker! It doe everything better, more cleanly, more quickly. An automatic toaster, for instance, gives von toast just the way each member of, the family likes- it . . . and does it while you - . art busy with omething else. V And an automatic iron, thermostatically controlled, makes ironing a pleasure. .1 '' The more electrical "hands" you have to do your work, the more hours of leisure for you. ' If you have a birthday or anniversary coming, ' why. not tactfully suggest something from this list: ' For he that will love life, and see good days, let him VTPf rain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak t no guile: let him eschew evil, and do good, j I Peter 3: 10, 11. ENGINES & EQI'IP III I AUTOMATIC IROKS , We Btm-lk ami have W I HEGULAR.TYPI IRONS Ciimmlnii Klriln lilRfwin. J NlmniM nB i-'iirlnet. Klrvllil. ,Unri ulia"' f COFFFE MAKFRS j Flexible Flexible fuel fuel lines. lines. B , -I 1 Tl.tllln rciltliir Uul Pule UwlVffli. hwlveli. BOLLYWOOD cafe ill. hrlst Jnrks and rwj ' ltra and Iron B.w K'""j i rrnm ma mr - ' m miciii uiykdc gm is --.......-. - ,.,m Ladies Canvas Casuals ALL COLORS AND STYLES Special ........1.95 AT MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY VACUUM CIEANERS j j L ;T; '':r:: i PlHtnn KiiiK. Fine ami llpe rlttln. Hubbltnl Hx Mrnrliit-. Jaw ClMK hra ft ani'hor livad. . , filwl anil BrM Shafimt Bolta. Niitu, 8tuH '"' i OPEN FROM S:S6 PJM to S:U A.M. , We epeclallui In ChiaeM Dtshes iibiii.... uij. intlra A 1 Amlior tturdy MM"1"! CnOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Hat Mild titecl. t war and yiiilpownt, too "1 rot Outside Orders PHONI 1st ous to mention. BYTOWN MACHINE WOP jj , . . DAILY NEWS CLASSIF IED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULT '