4 FrTnce Rupert Dony Kev3 Wednesday, July 19, 1950 Sport Shots News of Francois Lake TRAIN bCHEDUlE Standard Times For the East-Monday, Wednetday, Friday 8:00 p.m. Prom the East-Tuesday, Thuraflar, Saturday. 10:15 p.m. Champ Fined For Default III A cartoon in a London news-i .i paper summed up how English- i QIl!I6rS lOVft PR 15 mm Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Radley of Rayi Abbotsford are visiting; in the and it looked as if things would end up in a free for all. Next game is Thursday night with j Watson Island playing Com ner- cials. It will be seen then if SCRANTON, Pa. W Watson Island Robinson was fined $1,000 yes- district, also Mrs. Peterson. They terday by the Pennsylvania State " t0, se Kurss MacDa,d r the Hotel With the Watson Island out- fit. .enrtrtintr ht-jnrt npur nnlfrme men leii. aut-i a luwiy-ratea soccer team from the United States .knocked England's representatives out of the world tournament in Brazil. It showed a couple .of Cockneys in a London pub agreeing how lucky It is that "tl foreigners" haven't taken up darts, one of the favorite indoor sports hereabouts. r ."i Watson Island .f ii. v, .v... . I i W1IVF 13 lli 111 fcliC IOIIUI1UW1 'Athletic Commission- for failure j Hospital, jto keep a 15-round engagement against Jose Basora last night', Iren Harrison is keeping ' I for the Pennsylvania version of house at the Corner House for AB R H 4 0 3 jLevlgne, ss be out to trim the ha.'rdasheni in last night's senior league base (Eerquist, c, lb 4 .Telchman, 3b 4 the middleweight title. The her brother Johnny. Laura action was taken several hours j (Tcotsie) Henson visited her on ball game but Abel & Gdowes j mJ9 I Carolel, p, c 4 after Robinson signed a contract . Monday, on her way home from I to defend the world welterweight j Hai.elton where she has been In a similar, self-disparaging I 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 title against Charlie Fusari at ( on holiday. Jersey City. j Tucker, cf 4 Johnston, 2b 4 ! Enwrlght, rf , 3 : Warren, lb 2 I Robinson., p l Wagner, If 0 ILudvltrson, cf 2 65 took the contes'. 12 to 3. Hie clothiers st.irted right off in the first inning to score three runs on three hits and a couple of errors. In the second Inning the'y did not let up and came through with three more runs and .so had a fuiriy good lei-4 to work on. Abel & Odowes were ' NOTICE TO cnTH.'TOK Settled tenders will tir received tip to noon Aunust 1st, 1S50. by the underslKtied tat the construction 01 en aHHistunt Rmwr Headquarters's Building at Kltwunna. B.C. Plans and speclJicatUms may be obtained from the District Forester. Prince Rupert. Forest Rangers at Terrace and Smlthers or the undersigned upon a deposit ul 5 00 riluntl-oble upon return of pluns and specifications In good condition within 'ill rSrwon I f r AI fished .Within- spirit was trie comment by a Yorkshire councillor. Asked to give permission for a soccer match in Royston between the two women's teams. Cooke salt! he didn't see why not. "It's time we let the women have a go," he said. "The men don't seem to be doing much good." Mr. and Mrs. S. McCallum of Armstrong are visiting their son, Richard, on his farm. They came up by car. Jack McDougall caught a twenty-five pound char on Wednesday. . " Beverley Reed left for Vancouver by car with friends. Abel & Odowes AB R H j Nursery, Fined thirty days of the date of opening rilil .aWlwM! H m ,t giving Sharpe lots of support Sunberg, ss 3 2 and he was able to get out of Dahl. cf 4 3 Tnrter will not be cons dered un- ; a - i . " 2 2 0 2 1 J 0 Fred A. Parker of the boat Wameg was found guilty yesterday in 'magistrate's court of aiuicuiues vain some nice Pavlikls, If '.. 4 fielding by the haberdashers. Abel, c 4 In the fourth inning the Wat- Arney, D., rf 3 son Island ouifll brought in Rcb- Dunbar, lb 4 Other commentators, grimly seeking ways to wipe the grin off the face of the sporting world, said there were lessons to be Coast to coast, one of CnoYi finest London Dry Gins t I popular price. Inson, their star pitcher, who set 'Arney. T., 3b 2 Salt Lake ( Abel & Odowes down in ordir. 1 Hartwig, 2b learned from what happened in , Rio de Janeiro. Frank Coles of , Sharpe, p 4 men 111 uie 111 in inning vvai- less made out on the form supplied and sinned, and deposit of 10 per cent of the tender Is enclosid. Cheques of the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned when the contract Is awarded. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be submitted In the envelope marked, "lender for the construction of Asslf.ti.nt Ranger Headquarter s UulldliiK at KltwniiKU. i C, D. -OIICIIARD. Chief Forester and Dpputy Minister of Forests. July 5. 1060. Parliament Buildings, Victoria. AC. (170) i a charge of fishing for halibut ! in- an are in which fishing for i halibut is prohibited under the' North Pacific Fisheries Act. i He was fined '$100 and $3.50 costs and ordered to forfeit half his load of fish, which amounted " to 9fi0 pounds. SCHEDUL ' son Island were able t score one , . 1 Score by run on an error when Ludvigson ,nn,,rigs: , was safe at first and stole sec- Wati3n Island 000 C12 0 3 ond and third and was driven Abel & dwes 330 006 x 12 j the Dully Telegraph suggested i that the "foremost" lesson is that I I those who sent the English team j Jto South America hopelessly mis-1 HEMKTJIKNT ' MTIRNSHIP AM) IMMMRATIfltf INDIA Alt'AIKH . Wt.VM'H In by Berquist T. W. Brown was prosecutor, Leave Cow Boy Dally 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p m. judged the strain that was to, This ints advertisement aavcruseniu i is not itwv uuwiim-u published oi . . ... , ... ...... ... j. .v. Watson Inland threatened Advertise through Classified dMayHbytheCor-t eor aM . .or j be imposed upon the players, by the Government oi British ColumW .defence. - "1 Cittwnstup and immt- Coles said England's players again in the sixth. With nobody out they loaded, the bases but, Parker" was fishing in the ,gtto, otuwa. onw, " were "worn out physically" after nursery area north of Oralwra: jloS? wTS 5i an exhausting nine-month sea-'wJ some c"azy base runnl"E-Island commonly known as the'i UI noon on August la, 1950, for at home. "By the end of 1 y were 01 y a score two Classified a.s bring results. Try a Daily News Classified. -- PYLTONE for PILES Every day wr receive letters praising the new Pvltune Treatment. We expect; them because we know the success of PMnme from Brtttmi CWumlrta to Quebec, one bottle will show you the results we claim for Pyltmip. no matter your ne. nor how limg-standlng or never your affliction with piles.' "chicken patch." j Ki i. AnnctMiittrtn one-room "on.Lf: school hlr .-Tl with T r ahc dt attached t;hed nf - - the the season season none none of of the the nlavors players n,ns and 80 KnarPe . out or 'A 7:00 pm. 7:35 pm. Sunday Contir Service Storting Last Boat Lc: Salt Lakes 10:0 trouble. In the sixth Abel & CM-wes restoenoe; Magwugei inaian Keserv. was ngnUng fit," he wrote. Hasselton Indian Agency, B.C. Th 0, v,rau T..- Contractors shall tender In com- "ucu a, inoicau. plete accordance with the relevant they ' started a continental -u"u,,",uu tour came back witn slx run''' four - .),' ?P,, ,f,un' n'l'e fails to give result sou expect! cvawlngs. specifications, and tender- . Binst . '". ,naS- hits One Une 01 of these tnese hits nlls' a a home! nome H. which T . Is ' T U becaU! thu nw vr 'rouble at Its amir-. Portugal, Belgium, Italy always Internal. POtmie 'toltett lg dumeiits supptted by the De- ( a liquid ortUWl goes directly and Piiim: tireen 391 id partment of Citizenship and Imml- and Holland "a prime mistake uu "y "uilw.'B "n iwn on, muimy w inr innqr cause oi piles of any Klrra. As yotir dnigglst for Pjltorn gration. on the of worii tpit ., iinisnea ine scoring, iiie game on lne ev- eve OI a a worlQ ruD CUP ine drawings, specifications and , exhibited' wtni omy , oevi hminas innings and ana waa wa3 other document will be at the fouowinu Domts from Juiv 8.! u tji,h. u n.. ,..,, called on account of darkness. I I tt 00 SlrSdrewVm w. withoutl Columbia, post ottice Building, Van- opinion, England lost flpst to the i MacjJonala wn0 nas apparently coSve.U.5f- B......-.. Hazel- ' United United States States and and then then to to Soain Spain ' deserted tne team l Pay to Commercials, 1 l I ton, B.C. (because her olavers trv to steer .'J' clear of roueh stuff Our men , mere was come excitement at i ut mwtiis ana ajjcciiicttiiuus me uu-, " : tainabie at the above offices upon are too gentlemanly. It's al; tne end game when Mac- ToTlZZXlX bpi ambassadors anft Donald went to the manager cf t m u able to Mie Receiver General of Can- pURKa SaniDS, but m a Street ai,auii isianu lor reipase aaa. This deposit win berefunded flgnt you dont pJay B Ti0lin-- but was unable 'to obtain sanis m- I Wassifled Advertising to payable in ad.ncei Piea refrain from telephoning. Classlfl word per insertion, mini-mum charge 50fi. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks. Death Ni eral Notices, MarHag and Engnfrement Anhouncements $200 ' SPFCtAL DISPLAY, DOUBLB PRICE WE PAINT FOR SALE apeclflcatlons In good condition to 50U use it a8 a ClUb." ; , either. . , 1. Indian Commissioner for British . , . Columbia, Post Office Building, Van- PeSkett also called for U team couver, bc. (manager who would' be given' a Indian Superintendent, Hazel- . . .t ' ton, B.C. within one month from the supreme control over organiza-; date oh which tenders closed. , tion and discipline. The presen' siS brrbmTon'The ot selectors should be ! - i .... ll- cAVnnncrl ft A tUn 4U nl.rnvi tn I REPAIRS and DECORATE r FUNERAL NOTICE PEROVIC1I ' "in the "cHv. Monday. Julv 17. 19.'0. Guro Georee Perovlch, aee 67 years, of Comox Ave. Canon- Basil S. Prockter will pond net. r. FOR SALE -New and used fur- WATCH Repair or nil tire, etc. Camera, violins, dent service Ot larve slue romnutw... anrhor. Jeweller. Satisfacti new cribs, unuainted chests teed of drawers, coliee tables, new - - l ifcxterlor qr Interir; . SPRAV or BRUSH Wallpaper Hangr.g B usiness Kroressiona curw and saucers. Scores of.QlL I ices at Gienvllle Court Chapel i I at 2:30 D.m Thursday, Julv 20.! BURNER BP- uiiici ii.rniB tur saip at rrason- Dhlu rfii,t.a U r tP,.....il I Stove Service it K Konson. Black M Furniture. nwiu Ml 11..3. AJ s . interment to follow in ralrvlewi Cemetery B.C. Undertakers lni panled by a certified cheque on a Qne man whose job woul(J be tQ. chartered bank In Canada, payable to the order of The Honourable the instil more dSVil and less Minister oi Citizenship and Imml- science." ' ' gration, equal to ten per cent (10) ot the amount of the tender, or ,,,.. . , , . . . ' Bearer Bonds of the Dominion oty William Campbell arrived by, (tf), tnarue or nrrnniipmcrita wri the late;t paim BURNING METIiJDS REAL ES1.4 flowers bv reauest. FOR SALS-Reasonaoie. Com- ,'. . . , - , 1 Wnation Radio Phonovranh. WANTED A ,A 14 foot rowboat.) Uke new. Plavs 12 records. Phone Blue 333. (173PM 1438 E. (ith Ave. (170u SPENCe and MATUIK Canada or ot the Canadian National train from Pacific last night Wltll ZTLVXlt a broken leg. His condition in teea as to principal and interest by Prince Rupert General Hospital Phone Blue 215 233 11th SI I HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavin Beauty Culture In all fta branches 204 4t.h Street Phone 655 accoc.:tants ) FOR 8ALB "White" electric I sewing machine. Phone 10. j GEORGE RORIE & CO I Public Accountants and Audl-l tors. Income Tax Returns compled. O. L. RORIE, A.A.E. J S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. the Dominion of Canada or of favorable. j reportecl as PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. InTomr " - certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. 1 The Department reserves the right j to refect any or all tenders and the' i ax sneciniist. h. o Furk Stone Building. Red 593 (20m) FOR SALE Seven r including lour b comuletelv redeo " centlv. Will sell furnished or i Owner leaving ci Ave. West. Also 1 11. Block 3. Sccti are two corner )o; unobstructed view corner of Aunew falii Ave. W. over; Hull. Phone 51!4. FOR SALE Wiitorl . Besner Block Phone 387 i lowest tender will not necessarily be i nixr WAITED i accepted. LAVAL FORTIER, WANTED Taxi driver. (172D) Ft)R SALE Easthope Marine Engine. 4 h.D. Excellent running shaue. Can be seen at Fire Hall. d(W) FOR SALE 1946 "Diamond T. truck. 2's ton flat deck, long wheel base. For further particulars consult R. L. Rav. 620 Fraser St. (171ot FOR SALE Light colored Coleman Oil Heater. Phone Green 737 after 5. . (171p) Apply tf) l 112 Taxi. Deputy Minister. Department of clu.i'iioiup : and Immigration, (198) I July 13,1960. COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 TKLP WANTED Bovs or irlrU Reliable bovs or girls deslriha to handle Dallv News routes .should leave their name4 at the office Dallv News. (tf) WANTED ert v on Lakel.e Lnai about 3(10 vards hotel. Write Mr. 1 New Dodson Hot f Hastlims St.. Van 1 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 19:30-12:30 Si 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 GORDON D. RONSON OIL BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all FOR SALE Piano, chesterfield dinlntr room suites, etc WANTEDTo rent. 3 or 4 room Htlllf suite, Mrs, j. r,. uouaie Black 106. (167) iiuuae ur suite DV AUKUSl 10, ureent. Mrs. J. Dalziel. Por uh,eriruLanCa"trv6 c? ,AtI' FOR SALE - General Electric n. a i"u uua a. Truni n WH'npr uiin niimn (in- a ...xit Ruoert. .1170) cenerator. $15: S2(in ' violin hoW or ?HW: Mantle clock. $15: boat. WANTED Furnished """ FOR YOUR ROCK CONCRETE WORK j , CALL BLUE 39 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modem Equipment All Work Guaranteed rooms for m I H d ! 1 e aunrf l ""iutuii riiuco couple, no' children. BofU Sack' f94recor(ls- f' ' Daily News. t (lflftp) ----b"4:'-i.L (167k' FOR SALE Oni Charlotte's beautv modern 8 roomed llieuliiv-e. Fiiriiisli' i a auarter acres t : 1 mile from wha: Office. $4,000. $li terms arranued. Munro. Queen B.CL FOR SALE Laree f' Sixth Avenue EaM nished. Good disu Eround. Prince Ki Co. Phone iK7 ' Phone P. 11. Linzt" WANTED TO RENTES drli' NA1?PNAL? KNO.VvN NAMES ' service I - 733 5th West Black 503 3 olue ' . "O'P'1 Hod Graders: Litt eford Rrn., iiH'Ji.n I .. ' .:.,fill1lll llltllMVM'l I WANTED Scran cast, nii' conner. batteries and brai brans, (ti) ators. Phone 643. Call 621 I I III ! wesr,. FOR SALE IV, lots MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C." adioining Currie Snleniliii loeiilioli A. P.GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. WANTED Room and board in refined home for man with conservative habits. Phone 84!. (tf) site. Price $ni0. rl 7 iw l J Realty Co. Phone t4 rd FOR SALE 6 BlacK Too Road Maintenance Euulimient: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Granules; T L . Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Korklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stocknlle and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Fumos; National Draellne Scraoers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National LVKarY Sheens and Conveyors full information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C. (tf HI-POWERED '"sowTmTlwies--Write for latest catalog Dealers ' enaulries invited. Scope ?,a elCoALtd-' 320 ueen St., Ottawa. Ont. uf , FtR RKNT house, will consul" BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS COMPLETE builders supplies fast service. Island City Building SuDolles. Blur? 820. (18m) car as cart uavnl 1322 Piaitott Ave. 'Calvert 7 FOR SALE HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS HOUSE West. PLUMBING and Heatlnir -Sheet Metal work. Tar and Gravel Roofine. Call H39 BLh QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. PfID B1TI! E CAIVERT DISTItLERS (CANADA) UMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. West. Phone 543. Letourneau V,...,Dn t.ITM fllUl and sons. (tf) near Conrad fat"l Tki. wiYCftiMmeX k aot ubiisbca or aisolayed by the Liquor Control Board m ff m dmrnmaaH af Bntiifa Columbi. $3,000 cash, oaiun Phone Blue24A (FOR eltctrleal contract work laree or small, call Grant & Building and Repairs ot all kinds ROOFS' CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS FOR SALE Beau I" FOR RENT - Lukelse Lake w.?i'iofr rent- lauire Ed. Whalen. Terrace. (109) f'OR RENT siernTi rOTni. Very comfortable. Sinele or double-ut). 1436 E. 6th Ave . , (170d SUMMER Section 2. Uranai" two or four lots. Printing Co. Robert E. Montadi" pleased to aniwu t U,. ,rA Kaon nmni PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1670 Newton, Black uU 18m) FOR buildinar and contracting it's Northwest Construction Limited. Phone 5fi3. (18m) MARINE and Ken eral sheet metal work. Thorn Sheet Metal Works. Black 884. qBm) LOST SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST.' Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 am. to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. Cook's Jeweller Telephone 212 offer for sale the ' Hnnu at S4ft 4111 at 92 a y;a"" m This tvne of hmH I I KM I oilered tor pu"'" eveent ional lots i CANNING MID PRESERVING HEEDS Canning Machines, Cans, Glass Jars and Fittings, Pressure t Cookers and Preserv- cent view this or MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ' Room 10 STONE BUILDING LOST Sunday afternoon on hUhwav near east end Khvex River Bridise, one Clemm reel with 300 vards Monofllement line. Finder notify Sniltl. Box 1459. Prince Rupert. Reward. UtJ7p) ures: Complete u ing. white oak fl' stone foundation BOWLING ' ; HOURS t P.M. t 12 P.M. Now is the Time to Practice Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys matic hot water M with tubs, aui"" nn uieil) sine. I1 LOST Would the DartV who F9?,AENTTwo modern of-rltl rent ?ver Broadway Ra,rfVfSLean! o. heated. Prince P Realty Co- 608 Third r AeLWesti (165) RT-BedroornTbreakf ast optional. 2104 Atlin Ave t WOMEN'S WORLD More than 30 per cent or all women working in Canadian factories are employed in the textile, industry. y both livingroom ai four bedrooms ; closet space, l'1; home designed 1 i ...... in hie 1 7 - ml -1 5 took the wronar coat . in error from Lesion 27 Club on Saturday night ulease return it to Secry-Mar. Reward. U2 LOSTBlack leather wallet in . theatre Friday nluht. Finder PHONE BLUE 593 P.Ov BOX 1184 To Insure publication of display or classified advertising. xpy for tame must be In the office of the Dally News b 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirement? o the mechanical department make this rule nectuary. - I IT living is . nta nfMinnnCV. Lll rbone sii ing Kettles. McBride St. nm nvnii.'lbie. F"r or Inspection set pie&m pnone- twue uo. ward. (168p) Montador Liu.