WOMEN WORKING (Continued from page 2) Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, July 19, 1950 RE-ROOFING? 9 tTID'SITWlTT mm Bare Top Dresses "Done To Death" NEW YORK ffi West coas ,Lr, vou build or remodel, choose B.P. VpHALT SHINGLES the overwhelming i' . i- : hnmp-nwnpr? hi ii More i designer Howard Shpup finds irp Of aiStnmii 1 . a. bim and daughter,! O. B. Hlil of Chicago, enroute Marilyn, Victoria, arrived bv to Alaska railed at. t.h niiv has worked in close co-operation ' vath the women's organizations, j providing much lecture material. MATERIAL The report explains the part' women play in the earning and saving of dollars. It shows that women form a main artery of industry, productivity, export and, as a natural cycle, the economy of the nation. In reference to dollar exports,' women "wonderfully confused" about what to wear to a cocktail party. plane Monday to spend some News office mis mornina: and t l made by BUILDING PRODUCTS 7 A time with Mr. Sim here. i 1 Sa. ordered the mailing out of a ! Tweeds and bare-ton evenini IdlTED the largest manufacturer of asphalt number of todays' Issue of the .u ni.onoaa. B.P.' dresses often show up at the same party, and "both look ter-rible," said Mr. Shoup as he showed his fall collection here. rhnose vour roof with care, specify rJErn TIIKOITCII YOl'R LOCAL CONTRA CONTRACTOR Dr. F. P. McNamee, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, is reopening his practice in Kamloops. Suite C-10 Galloway Bldg., 220 Fourth Avenue, August 1st. , (170p) A chimney fire at the home of paper to friends In the United States, Canada and England. Roy Becker was brought home from Terrace by train last night with a broken leg and taken to " OR DIRECT FROM . His recommendation is a simple dress-and-jacket ensemblethe dress lowcut, If de Albert & McCalfery Limiled H. L. Pierce, 139 Market Place, called out the fire department Prince Rupert, B. C. P.O. Box 16U sired, for possible dancing later In a dark, rich fabric. Prince Rupert General Hospital for treatment. His condition is reported favorable. Mr. Becker and imports, Canada is mentioned on three pages of the four-page report. Page one. says: "The quantity of exports to Canada and the United States has been larger than a year ago, and is still increasing." The report was well received by the British press. Commented A. J. Cummlngs of the Liberal W U6 or in - Here's the' newest in men's Incidentally, Mr. Shoup predicted a swing back to the cov-ered-up look in evening dresses, even to long sleeves. The bare-top has been "done to death," he sad. was holidaying with his family at Lakclse and suffered the fracture In a simple fall on a rock. Mrs. Becker accompanied him to the city. " eisure wear , : . at 8:30 this morning Although the chimney was burning badly, no damage was caused. We have a wonderful assortment of earrings at present. Largest Tange runs from $1. to $3 but we have plenty of better earrings as well. Bulger's. H jNews Chronicle: "It makes far I more entertaining reading than Announcement Trades and Labor Council Labor Day sports, September 4. Dance at Civic Centre. j most of the stuff churned oui, by government departments. Miss Solveig Mork arrived by p'.ane Monday afternoon from her nurses' training duties at William Weliens. son of Mr soft, cool, knitted jersey, in a variety of masculine patterns and a full range of rich colors. Bazaar, October 4 UpW lj Catholic FT. . I and 5. South America Voyage Recalled and Mrs. Arthur Weliens, flew Ryal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, to Vancouver this week for a I to spend a vacation with her holiday. - , parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mork, - " Seventh Avenue East. Regular meeting of Women! RNETTS , Capt. Fred Kohse and his of the Moose Wednesday, July U.HJtafollif.KinrJ I Rebekah Bazaar, October 18. 6t. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 28. 8onja Bazaar, October 27. Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and 3. partner, Fred Nelson, who .took' 19, at 8:15 p.m. (It) Made Records But Lost Toes Mr. and Mrs. Hummell arrived In Prince Rupert by train last Legion Auxllnry Fall Bazaar I night and sailed this afternoon the Arrawanna from Vancouver to Chile at the first of the war, have been fishing areas 2 and 3 during the season. They have been turning - in good catches, too. Although veiled, in wartime November 8. I on the Prince Rupert for Ketch N0ON D R t 1 GIN tuse Burnett's is in I HA DRY (unsweet- d) Gin, you can add 1 . ,r leave out sweet- It ikan. ; . PARIS P Five French J "k,10; FrjeCi?8lne"' ed from the Himalayas with censorship, there was consider-1 MH.VuW.il!v IIP Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 18. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 18. (1521 I O D E. fall oazaar Noember Columbia Cellulose, Watson Is j - 1 I TJ h - claims to a record in mastering Anapurna Peak, 26,496 high. But glacial cold almost got land, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from a brief business trip to Vancouver. . ... , . IT'S able talk about the movement of the ship at the time but delivery completed. Since then the ship has been used as a tender in the harbor at Santiago. : I'. " 1 23 them. Maurice Herzog, expen- tion leader, lost all his toes and all his fingers up to the first Joints. Louis Lachenal lost all - I Dominic Elio, former well iki, ind suit every t tidual taste. I .iiehost- ff ( Although now they are no EASES BREATHING... I known local. business man, who KAIEI1 COOP:: HARDWARE - for ' Canning Machines VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlara his toes. Others were battered , , r tnergi th still left here two years ago and has 1 (Burnett's, t J&$ Ov good friends and Fred Nelson, f climbing Anapurna Peak in the Everest group. ALICE ARM, STEWART AND who is working on Fred Kohse's boat, are in Ketchikan together on a strictly pleasure voyage. since been living in Kamloops, arrived in the city by plane yesterday alternoon ior a brief visit. He came here . from Port Alice, where he visited with an uncle, PORT SIMPSON IIVE3 WAY BURPEE Will take four HOTEL ARRIVALS .Automatic fcan Sealer. and will proceed on Friday sizes of cans. (PRince Rupert) . v. .onnlTur machine sold.. Women Of Moose ' Publicity Meet j After a business meeting on ' night's train to Jasper to spend a week before returning to Kamloops. Since Mr. Elio left the city he made a trip to Italy. One half dozen cans wun ca. o Mir. and Mrs. George Mc- WRITE Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FO NORT1I QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, July 7 and 21 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN v, CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, July 14 and 28 10 p.m. FRAHK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Adams. Terrace: Alex Arvid IN.'. WE DELIVER DROP IN 251 - 3RD AVE. I PHONE IN 179 BOX 1127 Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. J. McKay, Vancouver; Mrs. E. Hawke, Jasper; Mr. and Mrs. Walsh, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford, Prince George; W. G. Monday night, the publicity com-mittee of the Women of the ' Moose at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Q. Robinson with nine members present, enjoyed a session of cards. First prize was won bv- Mrs! P. TYvnrnik nnrl Home Canner Cans k V xwJ "f'?"IS!'l."T! Third Avenue Phone 568 Eyford, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Elles, Lazelle, Cal.; Mrs. E. Checkley, Prtnee -George. Enamelled or '.Plain. In RELIEF rOM HAY FEVER no ASTHMA Inhala the toothing harbal vapors oi Ktlloai's Athma-Relief Breathing become more free and natural. Bring! elTective relief even to chronic Atthma and Hay Fever eufleren. Over 60 year in um. . Available in cigarette form, if J- Ak your neareet dealer. NOSTHIOr a IVWAM CO. ltt., TOSONTO St). ISM SK I assorted sizes. Conven rtsement it not published or dn ah 4K ::i f second prize by Mrs. Frank Part I j lette. ' Delicious refreshments j I were served by the hostess. Those j present were Mrs. Frank Par-lette. Mrs. H. Harrison, Mrs A. ' Hamilton, Mrs. P. DvorneK. Mrs. ( H. Graham Mrs. O. Tweed Mrs Thomas Glenn, Mrs. O. Robinson. ; and Miss Sylvia Johnson 1 d by the liquor Control iently packed. Twenty four to a Carton. THOMPSON , I HARDWARE CO. LTD. by th Government of Wumbio. and : ifi 11 'Fl "Milt I CInr.ri.Tl Clearance of if' I, PRTR A I T S AIR PASSENGERS j Dcvclop-d and Printed PRIDE. ROMPT SERVICE ' Plumbing & Heoting Prompt and Efficient Servio lip ! To Vancouver (yesterday) Mr M. McCormlck, R. Burd, P. iNIM.ER'S STI IHO 'h Street Box 645 Green 389 pr.ice " ' ' . , 'l . J KIDDIES' DRESSES. Ren. $2.00. L Berube, Mrs.- M. Spring. - i - Rupert THAT'S US . . . We're proud of the lovely. : i TOTEM POLES and ' ; FIGURINES . that we now have in stock Princo Rupert Florists j tjf ,'i SEE OCR BARGAIN BASE3IENT ; ' 1 !.Now t Flowers for All Orcastotw boo 3rd Ave. Box 618 Tel. 777 SEE THEM TODAY! nake Skin Sandals f m - mm rr n WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full " f.fhrsiry of Color Reels: Developing, Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone From Vancouver (yesterday) -A. Loftus, C. H. Klotz, E. J. Hansen, H. Stephen, W. Gallant., I,. T. Williams. Mr. Howell, A. Campbell, Mr. Ambridge, J. Martin, C. Douglas. W. Watson, Mr. and Mr. L, Horning, Mr. Surko: ' - 1 . To Vancouver (today) J. C. Haddow, D. Paul. C. W. Rlake-burn, Mr. Fowlle.'Mr. Montour, J. Robertson, Mrs. M. Pedersen, C. Retd; Mv. and Mis. L. Horn-in?. Mr. and Mrs, J. Ellcr, A. B. Knight. - mm pi ed ond Green i I nii.n i huh I BOULTER & WELTER (Formerly B & W Transfer) Sand, Gravel and Cement .. . Phono Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue f)Hail ! HailJhe Gariis ite txj ' f Jfal I lways Prompt and Courteour " We're Here to Serve YOU oy Ml L Y Commodore Cafe SHOE LTD. UK FORE DNl Hospitality nnd Good Food"! k Phono 17 for Send-Out Ordersl charlie Roberts 557 Box 63S rva1 ird Ave. David Chow, 1 5 Iff I JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue HORRY SUPPLIES NOVELTIES TOYS Penguin Hobby Shop 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phones: BLUE 446. GREEN ZZ2 t mi UK i.C VE ELECTRICALLY. . UjCV 5 Gu '"cy Electric Ronge 236.30 Coffer Deluxo Electric Range, Light $277.95 Metric Rongettes J8f,7.00 o rmes for Eltric Ranactte. with Oven lt F ci -574.00 .. ...... . it Lrug yol VocMum Cleaners. Hand Part Kll"l .i r,- . r . :.-.- I ' Unless yeut pit 1$ most xeponol, h dosn't sing -but ho DOES respond to flood car and intelligent feeding with the devoted tbmpanionshio and high-spirits that only a perfectly healthy animal can show. Keep your pet in tcpnotch condition by feeding him a health-giving variety of Dr. Ballard's foods ensuring a scientifically balanced diet, blended according to veterinarian-developed pet food formulas. Sahd brasf dog lag,., engraved with your dog's name and address for ANY THREE DR. BALLARD'S labels. me rioneer uruyyisu PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 'ypo, with attachments .... Genera! Electric Floor Polisher Gcncral Electric Table Ironer 85.00 $59,50 $75,00 nor fllnl and Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 NOW AT ORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. F'NCE RUPERT STEWART. B. C arln " Moiling h-frecrHMii en th portoga. PHONE 210